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I`m just back (yesterday) from a 2 month visit to Thailand, to a dairy farming area near Pak Chong. My 3rd visit in 9 months...... due to a funeral.

Of course all the talk among the locals were events in BKK with everything unfolding on television.

I do not know all the history of what happened leading up to what we all saw but it made me very very sad.

I do not speak Thai but enough was translated by my gf and it made me think of Scotland and what has happened here over the last 60-odd years, with what was a protest group.....the Scottish National Party. It made me think of the progress of that party and the way it was achieved, so different from what is happening in Thailand. No fighting, no killing, just dialogue and persistance. Now the Scottish National Party are the ruling party in a devolved Scotland, in the UK.

Things also made me think of a safe-cracker called Johnny Ramenski, a prisoner in a Scottish jail during the 39-45 war, who was used by the britsh Army for his expertise to extract important documents from safes behind the enemy lines.

My points really are that, if you really want to put over your political thoughts, perhaps fire-power is not the way. And if you have a particular skill, why not use it. To any party in Thailand I would say....."go and study what happened in Scotland"....."and maybe, with the will of the people who support you, you will reach your goal".

And to the Thai government I would say....."if you have a guy with the skill to make lots of money....use him for the good of the country". But maybe it is too late for this one.

I tried to put these models to my friendly locals (of many years). They listened politely but I think it maybe fell on deaf ears...."This is Thailand" they would say.

Try these websites:-



Take care


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Oh dear Dog!!! Not more politics! :)

As you being a `Boundary pusher` I might expect a bit more in your contribution. Is "Oh dear Dog" a local saying?

And yes, I agree "Not more politics" could be correct. But maybe "Moderators, could you send this to the correct forum please" might have been more forward-thinking. Or are you one of those people that like to see a higher total number of posts against your name?

Have you ever started off a topic, or do you like to high-jack others?


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I can never spell "god" correctly.

Unfortunately for you, the political boundary has been pushed beyond ac

Ha,ha I like it. Maybe you are correct about the political contributions but I have been out in the sticks in a village, with a single internet cafe, and surrounded by local children noisily playing games. I have not noticed how many `closed` threads there are.

I thought my contribution not only was constructive but also something interesting to read if anybody was at a loose end. Maybe you are at a loose end and playing ping-pong with me. I am still jetlagged and not in the mood for ping-pong. Please go and read about the safe-cracker, there are a few websites and maybe better than the one I sent. An interesting but sad story.

Take care


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Didn't do too well in the General Eletion though did they? Not sure I know why though - may have helped their position in the last GE given that it was odds on that Labour would loose, SNP could potentially have been part of a colalition (if they had won all 20 seats they wanted or more).

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No resemblance at all!

The Scots have for the last 13 years been bought and paid for by the English thanks to the Scottish Mafia wing of the Labour party. Without the ENGLISH money Scotland would cease to exist. Why do you think that donkey in charge of the SNP has never pushed for complete autonomy ? Because he knows that without the huge cash subsidies from the English Scotland would go broke.

To try to compare what is happening here in Thailand is senseless. The SNP didn't achieve anything by non violence they were handed it on a plate to help push though decisions in Parliament.

The only comparison between the two is that in Issan they get drunk on Lao Kaow and in Glasgow it is Buckfast :) Oh and it is a dam_n site safer in Issan than it is in Goven !

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No resemblance at all!

The Scots have for the last 13 years been bought and paid for by the English thanks to the Scottish Mafia wing of the Labour party. Without the ENGLISH money Scotland would cease to exist. Why do you think that donkey in charge of the SNP has never pushed for complete autonomy ? Because he knows that without the huge cash subsidies from the English Scotland would go broke.

To try to compare what is happening here in Thailand is senseless. The SNP didn't achieve anything by non violence they were handed it on a plate to help push though decisions in Parliament.

The only comparison between the two is that in Issan they get drunk on Lao Kaow and in Glasgow it is Buckfast :) Oh and it is a dam_n site safer in Issan than it is in Goven !

Ha ha, I`ve worked in Govan and know what you are talking about.....and you are correct. But you miss my point. However good or bad they rule Scotland they still got to that point. That is what I am trying to say.

Here they say you never argue about politics and football in a pub......it seems Thaivisa can be added to that list.

As for your comments about money, I`m definitely not going to mention oil......oops, too late, I`ve said it, but I agree about your comments about the donkey. The SNP has always been a protest vote, much like the Liberals, but I again stress that they have managed to get where they are from a small group of protestors not that many years ago. That was my point, and why I raised it as a possibility in Thailand.

I`m not going to comment about English contributions to the UK economy cos there are lots of Scots working and living in England, same as there are lots of English working and living in Scotland. Fact, live with it.


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Thailand/scotland, Is there a parallel?

I'm not sure but maybe this will shed some light on things:

The file is a MS Powerpoint file. Download the file & change the file extension to pps.

For example, the file is called

scottish calendar.pdf

In your File Manager (Windows Explorer), select the file & rename it to

scottish calendar.pps

You should now be able to open the file in MS Powerpoint.

I will remove this attachment in about a week.

Edited by elkangorito
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No resemblance at all!

The Scots have for the last 13 years been bought and paid for by the English thanks to the Scottish Mafia wing of the Labour party. Without the ENGLISH money Scotland would cease to exist. Why do you think that donkey in charge of the SNP has never pushed for complete autonomy ? Because he knows that without the huge cash subsidies from the English Scotland would go broke.

To try to compare what is happening here in Thailand is senseless. The SNP didn't achieve anything by non violence they were handed it on a plate to help push though decisions in Parliament.

The only comparison between the two is that in Issan they get drunk on Lao Kaow and in Glasgow it is Buckfast :D Oh and it is a dam_n site safer in Issan than it is in Goven !

Just don't mention the oil. :)

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I doubt Thailand can learn anything from Scotland.

Apart from having the word Thailand in the title I don't see that this topic has any Thailand relevance.

You may as well start a thread .... is there a parallel with the Isle of Dogs/Margate/Uzbekistan

or, just go and make another cup of tea.

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I doubt Thailand can learn anything from Scotland.

Apart from having the word Thailand in the title I don't see that this topic has any Thailand relevance.

You may as well start a thread .... is there a parallel with the Isle of Dogs/Margate/Uzbekistan

or, just go and make another cup of tea.

Ok, here`s what I was getting at.......

If the SNP can get where they are now by negotiation, perhaps the redshirts (or whatever-shirts) can do the same, and get better results than was arrived at this time. Is there a case for devolution in Thailand? That is where the relevance to Thailand comes in.

Now, was that too much to understand, or has too many Leo`s addled the brain.

Still, 235 readers and only a couple of d*ckhead replies!!!


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Ok, here`s what I was getting at.......

If the SNP can get where they are now by negotiation, perhaps the redshirts (or whatever-shirts) can do the same, and get better results than was arrived at this time. Is there a case for devolution in Thailand? That is where the relevance to Thailand comes in.

Now, was that too much to understand, or has too many Leo`s addled the brain.

Still, 235 readers and only a couple of d*ckhead replies!!!


Are you refering to the Scottish calendar?

BTW, your topic is yet another feeble excuse to discuss the already overdone political discussion.

Edited by elkangorito
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No resemblance at all!

The Scots have for the last 13 years been bought and paid for by the English thanks to the Scottish Mafia wing of the Labour party. Without the ENGLISH money Scotland would cease to exist. Why do you think that donkey in charge of the SNP has never pushed for complete autonomy ? Because he knows that without the huge cash subsidies from the English Scotland would go broke.

To try to compare what is happening here in Thailand is senseless. The SNP didn't achieve anything by non violence they were handed it on a plate to help push though decisions in Parliament.

The only comparison between the two is that in Issan they get drunk on Lao Kaow and in Glasgow it is Buckfast :) Oh and it is a dam_n site safer in Issan than it is in Goven !

Is there any point in pointing out that, since the English rediscovered the cross of St George, the only place in the UK where the Union Flag is flown regularly at football grounds is in Govan.

Shug I believe is from the other side of the country.

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Ok, here`s what I was getting at.......

If the SNP can get where they are now by negotiation, perhaps the redshirts (or whatever-shirts) can do the same, and get better results than was arrived at this time. Is there a case for devolution in Thailand? That is where the relevance to Thailand comes in.

Now, was that too much to understand, or has too many Leo`s addled the brain.

Still, 235 readers and only a couple of d*ckhead replies!!!


Are you refering to the Scottish calendar?

BTW, your topic is yet another feeble excuse to discuss the already overdone political discussion.

No Elky, sorry, I cannot open your calendar (but will try again)......and I have already agreed with you about the overdone political discussion (repitition)

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No resemblance at all!

The Scots have for the last 13 years been bought and paid for by the English thanks to the Scottish Mafia wing of the Labour party. Without the ENGLISH money Scotland would cease to exist. Why do you think that donkey in charge of the SNP has never pushed for complete autonomy ? Because he knows that without the huge cash subsidies from the English Scotland would go broke.

To try to compare what is happening here in Thailand is senseless. The SNP didn't achieve anything by non violence they were handed it on a plate to help push though decisions in Parliament.

The only comparison between the two is that in Issan they get drunk on Lao Kaow and in Glasgow it is Buckfast :) Oh and it is a dam_n site safer in Issan than it is in Goven !

Is there any point in pointing out that, since the English rediscovered the cross of St George, the only place in the UK where the Union Flag is flown regularly at football grounds is in Govan.

Shug I believe is from the other side of the country.

You are correct, but have followed the job in a North-east direction (reluctantly). And thank you for spelling GOVAN correctly.

This thread has been a complete failure with silliness from the opening reply. Has my suggestion been discussed before? Is it so ridiculous to think of a devolved Thailand with the areas more involved with decisions for there own voters? Or am I just stupid for suggesting a small protest group can come to power, even in Thailand?


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This thread has been a complete failure with silliness from the opening reply. Has my suggestion been discussed before? Is it so ridiculous to think of a devolved Thailand with the areas more involved with decisions for there own voters? Or am I just stupid for suggesting a small protest group can come to power, even in Thailand?



Some points;

1] Don't bother to sign your posts...we know who you are.

2] This thread is a failure due to you not reading the following;


3] I am of Scottish descent.

4] If you wait about 2 or 3 months, you may be able to talk about such things.

Don't be disheartened...be patient. Now is NOT the time to post anything that can be construed as political in the General Topics section.

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This thread has been a complete failure with silliness from the opening reply. Has my suggestion been discussed before? Is it so ridiculous to think of a devolved Thailand with the areas more involved with decisions for there own voters? Or am I just stupid for suggesting a small protest group can come to power, even in Thailand?



Some points;

1] Don't bother to sign your posts...we know who you are.

2] This thread is a failure due to you not reading the following;


3] I am of Scottish descent.

4] If you wait about 2 or 3 months, you may be able to talk about such things.

Don't be disheartened...be patient. Now is NOT the time to post anything that can be construed as political in the General Topics section.

Ok Elky, point taken, and thanks. I was in Thailand when that was issued and using internet cafes where it is hot and sticky and was waiting for the mossies to get me. I`ll shut up now.

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^^ Good grief, who woke up and made you Mod?

1] Arrogant. I will qualify that with arse.

2] Opinionated and judgemental (see arse above)

3] Aye, and so is a bottle of Indian 'whisky'

4] Just in time for the next 'Party on the Plaza'

Shug, dinna fash yersel wi th' bleth'rin skite.

Edited by NanLaew
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^^ Good grief, who woke up and made you Mod?

1] Arrogant. I will qualify that with arse.

2] Opinionated and judgemental (see arse above)

3] Aye, and so is a bottle of Indian 'whisky'

4] Just in time for the next 'Party on the Plaza'

Shug, dinna fash yersel wi th' bleth'rin skite.

I know, I know and I don`t. He`s been all over the place with his posts today. At least 11 and mostly negative.

There are too many negative or non-commital posts on the forums and as for the posts that just show a smiley face, well, what a waste of a website. Maybe Thaivisa should devote a forum especially for smiley faces.....or somehow not add to their number of posts cos I`m convinced some people just do it to add to their totals. Ha, they say you cannot take your money to your grave, well you can`t take your Thaivisa totals either.

Sorry, just venting. Maybe the jetlag is getting to me....or is it cos I`ve not had a pint for 2 nights cos of the travelling? Well that is getting rectified in 10 minutes cos I`m off to the pub to watch the fitba oan the telly...Bayern Munich v Inter Milan. I`ll have a pint waiting oan the bar if yie can make it in time.

Take care


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^^ Good grief, who woke up and made you Mod?

In the last few hours he has 

1. 'closed' the papaya monk post - not sure why

2. Repeatedly compalined about the 'Do other farangs acknowledge you' topic - repetition!?

3. Complained about the 'Favourite shirt' topic - boring

4. Made ridiculous comments here.

He'd never get a job as a Mod - he's over-qualified. :)

Entertaining though, and probably harmless.

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My comments in blue.

In the last few hours he has 

1. 'closed' the papaya monk post - not sure why

This is incorrect. I am unable to do such a thing.

2. Repeatedly compalined about the 'Do other farangs acknowledge you' topic - repetition!?

The post originated from a new member, who was not aware that the subject has been done to death.

3. Complained about the 'Favourite shirt' topic - boring

Not only is this topic boring, it is a complete waste of energy.

4. Made ridiculous comments here.

My comments were not ridiculous. Ridiculous comments are things like 'Favourite shirts' etc :D

He'd never get a job as a Mod - he's over-qualified. :)

I don't want a job as a mod...it'd drive me mad puting up with people like you lot.

Entertaining though, and probably harmless.

All words are harmless...unless you are one of those <deleted> that believe that words are dangerous.

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In the last few hours he has

1. 'closed' the papaya monk post - not sure why

2. Repeatedly compalined about the 'Do other farangs acknowledge you' topic - repetition!?

3. Complained about the 'Favourite shirt' topic - boring

4. Made ridiculous comments here.

He'd never get a job as a Mod - he's over-qualified. :D

Entertaining though, and probably harmless.

Soooooo knowledgeable........

....... and YOU, such a newbie :)

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