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Thakins PR firms did a fine job, but keep also in mind that any western media source familiar with Thailand is going to have an eternal silent grudge and be always Biased against whatever government is there because they all secretly detest the Lesse Majesty gags.

It goes again their basic instincts and sense as a reporter. So that being said, without any other help or even being consciously aware of what they are doing, they are going to find ways to "wrong" the thai government.

The Thaksin PR firms continue to do a fine job here on TV - evidenced by the "resurrection" of posters, registered years ago, who post their first few comments only this past week, and only in a clearly anti-government spin. lol My ignore button got quite a workout.

But what about all the anti-red posters who've popped up from nowhere recently? Two of them ran up a thousand posts in the News Clippings threads in a month. Not one post about food, travel, sport, visa issues (which originally brought me to the forum), etc. just a need to post anti-red propaganda. Speaking of which, have you posted anything other than political comment in the seven hundred posts you've made since you joined the forum four months ago?

TV is a broad interest forum. I will ask you again: since you joined the forum in January, have you posted anything other than political comment?

What is wrong with just posting on the News threads? And so what if I post a lot?

If there is a problem with what I am posting, you, and any other red, anti-red or anthing poster out there, are quite welcome to correct it. I will be happy to discuss it or learn from it.

I don't just post one line broad statements. I post my opinion with reasons, I post what I understand to be the facts, or I ask questions. If I am posting something that is incorrect, tell me what is correct and point me to somewhere that I can verify it.

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Since the financial crisis a couple of years back, international media have been cutting costs. The result - 3rd grade journalists on the grounds.


Even the most major of major mass information media do not have the resources to research and analyze the given situation in a given place in the present time. It's impossible for any news organization public or private to have the resources - human, financial, time, means etc - to have at the ready and to provide consumers a complete instant analysis of the event being reported, the players, cultural context. the politico-economics of it, its socioeconomics, to also present the institutional context when discussion of certain institutions or leaders of governments is a cause of incarceration...the list of prohibiting factors at play gets very long so I'll stop at this point.

Don't expect the mass information media to present the full picture or even an encapsulated comprehensive picture of every crisis point in every country on every continent the instance a flare up occurs, or while the bullets are flying and the bombs are exploding. It's just impossible.

Consequently, we can find ourselves reduced to our opinions as to which news organizations did the better or worse job in so patheticly (we believe) covering the events, people, organizations etc that we ourselves know so well (or believe we know so well). Many here need to know they are asking the humanly impossible of mass information media organizations public or private.

The accurate question is: Which media organizations did a relatively respectable job given their inherent limitations? I didn't see any of al Jazeera but I believe both the non-commercial BBC and the commercial CNN - considering - did a respectable job and remain a broadcast mass information media standard, each according to its own nature.

Articles like this are written by those who don't really understand the basics of good journalism. A lot of Thais live in a fantasy world where what you see on television represents an absolute truth. All CNN, BBC and other news organisations did is report from the ground and present both sides of the argument. Because this balanced approach conflicts with simplistic absolute truth of good guys vs terrorists presented by the Thai media, a lot of Thais believe "The Truth" can be found on their little Thai television programmes and "Lies" is found on the "foreigner television".

How contradictory. BBC and CNN did nothing of the sort. In fact, their entire coverage of the events in Bangkok were exclusively presented in a good guys (poor, unarmed freedom fighting farmers) vs. bad guys (corrupt, abusive, human rights violating, malicious and murdering everyone in sight military). It is pretty clear that you are fond of this biased view as well. BBC was more one sided than the N. Korean Dear Leader channel and couldn't have been further from the truth that was happening around us.

They seem to have shockingly dropped this story off the map once:

1. They set the city on fire, endangering the lives of thousands of people who live here, completely ignoring the heroic effort of the fire brigade and medics working through the night to prevent a completely horrific disaster from spreading.

2. Numerous footage of red shirts with weapons of war firing into crowds and military surfaced.

3. A plethora of IED's, grenades, guns and ammunition were found hidden around the site.

4. Red shirt leaders were charged with terrorism.

5. Car bombs, stolen ID's and credit cards were discovered around the protest site.

I could go on, but the OP's article is spot on. I knew that BBC specifically pandered to bleeding heart liberals but I never would have thought that they would go this far. I can say with complete confidence that they are no where near a legitimate source of information.

Agree. Well put.

CNN and BBC are nothing more than propaganda machines.

I changed cable plans to remove them both, as their News got so slanted, it was just too disgusting to watch.

Been that way for at least a decade.

BBC news used to be quite good some time ago, I recall, but something happened to them.

Something serious. Now they spout one-sided opinions as if they were facts.

Ironically, it seems Russia Today and Al Jazeera are far more balanced than CNN or BBC.

ok then, what plan did you change from and what to? just so we can verify your tale.

Thai television is only propaganda and skinny women put on to distract foreign men into thinking they are something. They are... but I don't want to say what on here.

I hope the Thai Government waste all their elite taxpayers money chasing Thaksin round the world. If they just googled up extradition proceedings and the critera for major european countries, they would know that it is impossible for this to happen. Again it is just propaganda like the clean up.

Al Jazeera started with "Miss Thailand and other members of the elites" and ran on to state "these people don't even clean their own house, and yet here they are with a broom". Al Jazeera saw what shallow imbeciles they are laughing and joking while 90 lie dead to keep them in power. The woman presenter (why do us women have all the balls here?) was scathing and knew they were too dumb to understand here sarcasm even with her in the midst of them. Elite, in who's mind?

As agreed in Blog#8, BBC, CNN et al were the most misguided disgusting reports every broadcast. These reporters should be recalled and recycled as janitors. Total ignorant morons simply trying to get a bonus and pats on the backs.

No credibility whatsoever.

I agree that the BBC and CNN didn't interview any government officials or spokespersons but they were reporting events which were actually happening on the streets. I remember the BBC's video reports quite well - as video reports will be remembered most by the majority. Alistair Leithead was telling stories of what was happening there and then - the Red Shirts are there, the army are here, the army respond when a rocket is fired at them, the Red Shirts run out and set light to a tyre when they can, the Red Shirts have stuck out for 6-7 weeks. This is what was happening.

Didn't interview any government officials? What about the interview they did with Korn? And the one with Panitan? :)

If they're not government officials, what are they?

Abhisit was on Hardtalk as well or are the intellects on here suggesting he is in the Thaksin camp as well.

That letter was seriously debunked on a website that commands much higher standards of debate than this washed out junta tool of a site. The writer was exposed as a crank, which she appears to be.

It shows just what kind of whackos write complaints about reporting. And the powers that be thought this piece of convenient propaganda fitted the pro government slant of the site so it got its own thread. Because the Thais completely control all media in this country, they get shitty when the rest of the world dont fall for their 5th grade schoolboy spinning.

Identify the Thai statute in law that says it is a crime to post at TVF in the newsclippings function exclusively, or the TV rule that states such or the unconstitutionality of it (in the current version of the umpteenth  constitution of course). I myself seldom post anywhere but at the newsclippings forum because I'm very political, always have been and I'm not alone in this reality, I don't have any interest to discuss cooking except perhaps how to use a microwave or boil water, nor do I have time to discuss my Boston Red Sox baseball team or the fact world football bores me to death; I occasionally look at visa issues but after ten consecutive 1-year work visas routinely obtained, visa matters are not a direct concern to me. Etc.  

Stop being ridiculous and a joke. Give it up for your own sake.

The topic is major media. Open your own thread and start a poll or something.  

I'm just trying to separate the propagandists from the genuine posters. You have already identified yourself as being in the former category by your childish boasts about you being able to set the agenda here. Othere are easy to identify by their running up absurdly high post counts, all in the politics discussions, in a very short space of time (I suspect that more than one of these is the same poster). Your mate Ralph is propaganda cartoon-style. Som Tum Tiger has been fairly prolific since he joined a few months ago, and his posts read like politician sound bites, but I couldn't be bothered to check through all of them to see if he's a genuine poster who shows an interest in TV as a whole, which is why I asked him.

Don't get too upset and blustery at your exposure as a propagandist troll. You're not the first one and you won't be the last.

Identify the Thai statute in law that says it is a crime to post at TVF in the newsclippings function exclusively, or the TV rule that states such or the unconstitutionality of it (in the current version of the umpteenth  constitution of course). I myself seldom post anywhere but at the newsclippings forum because I'm very political, always have been and I'm not alone in this reality, I don't have any interest to discuss cooking except perhaps how to use a microwave or boil water, nor do I have time to discuss my Boston Red Sox baseball team or the fact world football bores me to death; I occasionally look at visa issues but after ten consecutive 1-year work visas routinely obtained, visa matters are not a direct concern to me. Etc.  

Stop being ridiculous and a joke. Give it up for your own sake.

The topic is major media. Open your own thread and start a poll or something.  

I'm just trying to separate the propagandists from the genuine posters. You have already identified yourself as being in the former category by your childish boasts about you being able to set the agenda here. Othere are easy to identify by their running up absurdly high post counts, all in the politics discussions, in a very short space of time (I suspect that more than one of these is the same poster). Your mate Ralph is propaganda cartoon-style. Som Tum Tiger has been fairly prolific since he joined a few months ago, and his posts read like politician sound bites, but I couldn't be bothered to check through all of them to see if he's a genuine poster who shows an interest in TV as a whole, which is why I asked him.

Don't get too upset and blustery at your exposure as a propagandist troll. You're not the first one and you won't be the last.

You're on the case (if there is a case) so I'll leave you to it.

Don't quit till you prove yourself right.

Identify the Thai statute in law that says it is a crime to post at TVF in the newsclippings function exclusively, or the TV rule that states such or the unconstitutionality of it (in the current version of the umpteenth  constitution of course). I myself seldom post anywhere but at the newsclippings forum because I'm very political, always have been and I'm not alone in this reality, I don't have any interest to discuss cooking except perhaps how to use a microwave or boil water, nor do I have time to discuss my Boston Red Sox baseball team or the fact world football bores me to death; I occasionally look at visa issues but after ten consecutive 1-year work visas routinely obtained, visa matters are not a direct concern to me. Etc.  

Stop being ridiculous and a joke. Give it up for your own sake.

The topic is major media. Open your own thread and start a poll or something.  

I'm just trying to separate the propagandists from the genuine posters. You have already identified yourself as being in the former category by your childish boasts about you being able to set the agenda here. Othere are easy to identify by their running up absurdly high post counts, all in the politics discussions, in a very short space of time (I suspect that more than one of these is the same poster). Your mate Ralph is propaganda cartoon-style. Som Tum Tiger has been fairly prolific since he joined a few months ago, and his posts read like politician sound bites, but I couldn't be bothered to check through all of them to see if he's a genuine poster who shows an interest in TV as a whole, which is why I asked him.

Don't get too upset and blustery at your exposure as a propagandist troll. You're not the first one and you won't be the last.

You're on the case (if there is a case) so I'll leave you to it.

Don't quit till you prove yourself right.

Is this your shortest ever post? So short that you felt the urge to make it twice? :)


There is a stunning op/ed piece in the Tuesday Bangkok Post - which we are not allowed to link to, but you can search for it on google. The title is "A Guide to the Perfect Thai Idiot." One of the most honest assessments of the problems and challenges facing Thailand - the attitudes of the Thais themselves. More than all the "who's to blame" op/ed's that get posted here - this piece struck me to the core, with its insight and sage commentary.

Frankly, I think it speaks to the greater press freedom enjoyed currently, despite what naysayers might claim. A piece like this would never have been published during Thaksin's regime, or during any of the military governments. Democracy grows "brick by brick".

There is a stunning op/ed piece in the Tuesday Bangkok Post - which we are not allowed to link to, but you can search for it on google. The title is "A Guide to the Perfect Thai Idiot." One of the most honest assessments of the problems and challenges facing Thailand - the attitudes of the Thais themselves. More than all the "who's to blame" op/ed's that get posted here - this piece struck me to the core, with its insight and sage commentary.

Frankly, I think it speaks to the greater press freedom enjoyed currently, despite what naysayers might claim. A piece like this would never have been published during Thaksin's regime, or during any of the military governments. Democracy grows "brick by brick".

I hope they put that in the Thai papers too.

The media coverage was apalling. They only reported what they saw. CNN and BBC kept talking to both sides of the conflict. This is such tremendous bias. The Thai media, which laments the failings of the western media, is probably right. Their comrades in China, Myanmar, Iran, and Russia would certainly agree. State controlled media is a force to be reckoned with, and is above reproach. They have been, and continue to tell us that the bulk of the fatalities were caused by the 'terrorists' shooting each other. Pictures to support this have been slow in coming, and the avalanche of footage depicting soldiers firing and sometimes hitting all manner of people (armed and otherwise) on the streets is embarrassingly one-sided. Al Jazeera seemed even-handed at first, but then they started blathering about soldiers killing unarmed civilians instead of focusing on the crack-team of black militia with their firecrackers, and occassional handgun (and WE all know, because the government told us, that all of the protesters were wielding M-79 grenades and launchers). They went for the tear jerking stuff like 'nurse shot in the head while hiding in the gov't declared temple safe-zone'. Embarassing! However, Thaksin is really really bad, which means the current gov't is very very good. Why can't the stupid foreign press see this? Why do they insist on reporting current events? Why can't live reporters do in depth exposes of the last two decades of Thai politics while they are running around in a live fire zone?

Thank goodness we have the Nation to tell us the truth, or the farangs of Thailand would be completely bereft of true news reporting. It is superior in every way. The owner is an avowed enemy of Thaksin (and former business associate), but I'm sure he has no bias whatsoever, and probably has 0 influence on his media outlets. Rupert Murdoch is certainly even handed with coverage in his papers and on his tv stations. Berlusconi is another shining example of how rich and powerful men can give an even accounting of the facts. Of course, it's much better if the state runs it all... when will the rest of the world figure out what we in Thailand have?

In the meantime, we should question why these organizations did such a BAD job in Thailand and not nearly as badly in other places. The BBC has been renowned for years for it's honest and un-biased reporting... a reputation perhaps not as shiny as in the past... but has fallen completely on its face in Thailand, for some reason. Is Thaksin paying Dan Rivers to lie? Something to think about.

Canada`s CBC fell into the same trap, seeming to be walking on eggs with Thai related reports on top of inaccurate or incomplete reports.


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