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Parking Tickets On Thapae Rd


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I got a parking ticket on Thapae Rd today... many other cars were parked on that side of the road. I was not on the red-white stripped lines. We are unsure what the fine was all about yet was plastered on my front window.

My thai girl tells me it states I have 7 days to goto the police station to pay a fine. It simply states you cannot park on the side of road. My girl was shocked when I said I am not paying anything... she seems to think the police will come chasing after me- Yer right. They are not that organized surely.

I am sure that the Police must have seen me (A Farang) getting out of my car with my thai girl. Then decided to stitch me up, as all other cars had no ticket.

My girl was horrified to see me rip the ticket up into bits and throw it into the rubbish... :D

Never seen anyone get a ticket, everyone triple parks all over the place and they want me to go down to police station to pay a fine. Surely Thai's would mostly take no notice- what would they fine a Thai- 50bt. Unheard of... :D:D

It that time of the month I guess- police not been paid since start of the month. Any pull ups and pay offs have normally happened towards the last few days of the month. As they need a few extra bucks- I am sure the policeman waited around for sometime to gain a pay out- that is the only thing I can think of... :)

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^ wild assumptions

I received a ticket along that road after 3pm as it's a restricted parking road. What colour were the kerb stones next to where you parked?

Chiang Mai police are many things but in many years living here I've never known them to be prejudice against a farang. In fact quite the opposite - I have often been given a cheeky smile by plod and told not to do it again while Thais receive tickets.

Edited by Loaded
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And they're also big on the wan ku, wan kee thing - parking on either even or odd days on one side of the street vs the other. You can deny it all you want, but if you one day come out to find yourself booted - and I've seen them lock down cars n trucks many times - you'll have a much bigger hassle in front of you.

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I'd pay the dinky fine just to get the opportunity to visit a local police station and check it out. Could be interesting, maybe not. Could be an omen, if you want to see things that way. Up to you.

(If you already have considerable experience being on the inside of police stations, please disregard this message)

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-snip-Never seen anyone get a ticket, everyone triple parks all over the place and they want me to go down to police station to pay a fine. Surely Thai's would mostly take no notice- what would they fine a Thai- 50bt. Unheard of... -snip-

When my bf parked at the right time, in the right place, but facing the traffic (instead of the other way) he got a fine. I cant recall how much, but i think it was a couple of hundred baht. I cant recall the amount as was a while back, but i do recall i was surprised at the amount. Oh, and he is Thai. ..and I wasnt with him when it happened. Of course he was annoyed. Of course he paid it.

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They do not hand these out just because it's the time of the month. If I were you I would be looking for the torn up pieces, as the smile will be on the other side of your face when you come to re register your vehicle next time, and you are refused registration till your fine is paid with interest. Reckon you were pretty smart eh? :) The police here may be lazy, but they are certainly not dumb!!

A quick edit. The reason the parking ticket was in Thai, is because you happen to be in Thailand, where most Thais speak Thai, and people like you are in a minority.

Edited by Maejo Man
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to get yourself out of the do do .

go to the traffic offence police station ( 500 yards past warrarot flower market on the left )

go upstairs to the fine office .... tell them your dog ate the ticket and PAY it

problem solved ! ... and no future problems : )




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to get yourself out of the do do .

go to the traffic offence police station ( 500 yards past warrarot flower market on the left )

go upstairs to the fine office .... tell them your dog ate the ticket and PAY it

problem solved ! ... and no future problems : )


400baht 10minutes wait

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re... 400baht 10minutes wait

400 baht ???? nahhh .... if you have a 5 year thai drivers licence like this one

its 200 baht ... the same same as a thai

enjoy ... dave2

I also have a 5 year thai license like this one, possibly a bit older. my wife paid the fine for me and she is a Thai citizen

I thought it was 100baht per wheel

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I had a wheel clamp parking on Moon Muang several years ago. 5 year license 400 Baht same as a Thai. Besides, if there was a price difference between 1 year and 5 year the 5 year license holder should pay more as he should know better. :)

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Better to go in and pay and say you lost your ticket...

Don't know about their tracking system but it could back to bite you and you will pay much more than before. Surprised they didn't clamp it to force you to pay..

You might learn something valuable for a small price and share it with this board..


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Better to go in and pay and say you lost your ticket...

Don't know about their tracking system but it could back to bite you and you will pay much more than before. Surprised they didn't clamp it to force you to pay..

You might learn something valuable for a small price and share it with this board..


..you may just get it cancelled due to your honesty in having 'lost' the ticket and going to them with an explanation..

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-snip-Never seen anyone get a ticket, everyone triple parks all over the place and they want me to go down to police station to pay a fine. Surely Thai's would mostly take no notice- what would they fine a Thai- 50bt. Unheard of... -snip-

When my bf parked at the right time, in the right place, but facing the traffic (instead of the other way) he got a fine. I cant recall how much, but i think it was a couple of hundred baht. I cant recall the amount as was a while back, but i do recall i was surprised at the amount. Oh, and he is Thai. ..and I wasnt with him when it happened. Of course he was annoyed. Of course he paid it.

I was fined 400 baht for this one. It doesn't seem to apply to parking in sois though, or maybe it does but it's not enforced. It actually makes sense if you think about it. The driver is positioned on the right side of the car and moves left in to oncoming traffic. This is potentially quite a dangerous maneuver.

What made my fine a completely uniquely Thai experience was that after the policemen issued me the ticket, he rode off on the wrong side of the road in to the flow of traffic. This still makes me laugh and the story has bored many a drinking companion over the years.

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I was fined 400 baht for this one. It doesn't seem to apply to parking in sois though, or maybe it does but it's not enforced. It actually makes sense if you think about it. The driver is positioned on the right side of the car and moves left in to oncoming traffic. This is potentially quite a dangerous maneuver.

Yes. For example, the driver could forget to look behind him for any traffic coming towards him driving on the wrong side of the road. :)

What made my fine a completely uniquely Thai experience was that after the policemen issued me the ticket, he rode off on the wrong side of the road in to the flow of traffic. This still makes me laugh and the story has bored many a drinking companion over the years.

Right! :D

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I always luv these threads, the guys that tear up the ticket and throw it down, like that solves everything :):D .

Of course theres nothing like looking into something calmly first. I have said this before and will most likely say it again, these things have a way to come back and bite us in the backside. :D

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I always luv these threads, the guys that tear up the ticket and throw it down, like that solves everything :):D .

Of course theres nothing like looking into something calmly first. I have said this before and will most likely say it again, these things have a way to come back and bite us in the backside. :D

As I stated before, all unpaid fines are forwarded to the Dept. of Lands and Transport, and these are collected before they will register the vehicle for the next year. Would you tear them up where you came from? :D

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I had a friend that got a seat belt ticket, which he never paid , due to leaving the country. (they kept his license) he came back a year later and applied for new drivers license and got it...no mention of ticket.....and he bought a car too....

Of course theres nothing like looking into something calmly first. I have said this before and will most likely say it again, these things have a way to come back and bite us in the backside. :)

As I stated before, all unpaid fines are forwarded to the Dept. of Lands and Transport, and these are collected before they will register the vehicle for the next year. Would you tear them up where you came from? :D

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Yes, i guess was around 400 at the time too. Just remember that the fine seemed much higher than I expected. Bf was shocked. So Op, as you can see.. it doesnt matter whether you are Thai or not, you pay the same fine. Good luck getting it sorted out. (Its not one to be ignored!).

-snip-Never seen anyone get a ticket, everyone triple parks all over the place and they want me to go down to police station to pay a fine. Surely Thai's would mostly take no notice- what would they fine a Thai- 50bt. Unheard of... -snip-

When my bf parked at the right time, in the right place, but facing the traffic (instead of the other way) he got a fine. I cant recall how much, but i think it was a couple of hundred baht. I cant recall the amount as was a while back, but i do recall i was surprised at the amount. Oh, and he is Thai. ..and I wasnt with him when it happened. Of course he was annoyed. Of course he paid it.

I was fined 400 baht for this one. It doesn't seem to apply to parking in sois though, or maybe it does but it's not enforced. It actually makes sense if you think about it. The driver is positioned on the right side of the car and moves left in to oncoming traffic. This is potentially quite a dangerous maneuver.

What made my fine a completely uniquely Thai experience was that after the policemen issued me the ticket, he rode off on the wrong side of the road in to the flow of traffic. This still makes me laugh and the story has bored many a drinking companion over the years.

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-snip-Never seen anyone get a ticket, everyone triple parks all over the place and they want me to go down to police station to pay a fine. Surely Thai's would mostly take no notice- what would they fine a Thai- 50bt. Unheard of... -snip-

When my bf parked at the right time, in the right place, but facing the traffic (instead of the other way) he got a fine. I cant recall how much, but i think it was a couple of hundred baht. I cant recall the amount as was a while back, but i do recall i was surprised at the amount. Oh, and he is Thai. ..and I wasnt with him when it happened. Of course he was annoyed. Of course he paid it.

I was fined 400 baht for this one. It doesn't seem to apply to parking in sois though, or maybe it does but it's not enforced. It actually makes sense if you think about it. The driver is positioned on the right side of the car and moves left in to oncoming traffic. This is potentially quite a dangerous maneuver.

What made my fine a completely uniquely Thai experience was that after the policemen issued me the ticket, he rode off on the wrong side of the road in to the flow of traffic. This still makes me laugh and the story has bored many a drinking companion over the years.

Oh there's several reasons: The rear of the car has reflecters that are picked up by oncoming traffic - so they can see your parked car - not so on the front on most modern cars; The headlamps have little prosms etched into the inside of the lens (headlamp cover) to reflect the light towards the pavement to stop dazzling oncoming traffic, if you are on their right, it will actually work against them causing more dazzling; it means you were driving on the wrong side of the road to park to begin with (which is only legal for overtaking or where directed); passanger has to get out in the middle of the road and it is less safe as the wing mirror is not set to help them see properly (as it is for the driver); there is more chance of an accident if you pull into a space as the person in front is about to leave his space, by making use of the gap - and it will be head to head which is more dangerous also.

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They do not hand these out just because it's the time of the month. If I were you I would be looking for the torn up pieces, as the smile will be on the other side of your face when you come to re register your vehicle next time, and you are refused registration till your fine is paid with interest. Reckon you were pretty smart eh? :) The police here may be lazy, but they are certainly not dumb!!

A quick edit. The reason the parking ticket was in Thai, is because you happen to be in Thailand, where most Thais speak Thai, and people like you are in a minority.

This is true.

My gf lend her bike to a friend who got a no helmet fine. When she went to register the bike she had to pay 1000 b to cover the fine.

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I guess the OP has now realized the errors of his ways... no more posts :)

I know some Nigerians who did this sort of thing back home, you know what happened? Same thing that will happen to you. A lot of hassle, trouble, and in the end a bigger fine. Only we're in Thailand so they'll probably let you get away with just paying the original fine.

You should consider yourself lucky you are in Thailand. I did the same thing once in San Francisco - parked in one of those areas where there's no parking during rush hour. They come with a tow truck, private company, and then you have to take a cab to the towing company, pay the fine, and the towing, at least $250. And that was 10 years ago so these days it's probably more like $350.

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Nothing unusual about getting a parking ticket.....nothing to do with you being a falang....just the rules.....lots of roads have parking restrictions in place especially around schools between 3pm-6pm etc.

Lucky you were not clamped. The GF got her bike clamped parking illegally, offered to pay BIB there and then....but they made her get a tut-tut to the police station, pay the fine, then back to bike and only then did BIB remove clamp....needless to say, she was not happy!

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