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WARNING gay-destinations.com ***Caveat Emptor***

I found this website while surfing and it turns out to be just another hotel booking site but with a dangerous difference.

As an experiment I entered the following parameters:

2 occupants, 1 room and some random dates.

Then the following destinations:

Lilongwe in Malawi (a country that has just sentenced a gay couple to 14 years gaol and hard labour for getting engaged)

Kampala, Uganda (All male homosexual acts illegal. Penalty: A fine or imprisonment up to life sentence)

Kuwait (men over 21 face prison sentences up to 7 years)

Georgetown, Guyana (Penalty for male homosexuality: life imprisonment)

All of the above destinations offered me and my partner accommodation.

I have no intention of ever going to any of these places but why would a gay travel website allow its customers to go somewhere where they are likely to face legal problems for being who they are?

* To be fair to the website, I also entered a number of locations in Iran and some sharia areas of Northern Nigeria (both areas where there is the death penalty) and the search came back as unavailable.

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I questionable post deleted.

Let's stay on topic. Although I am not too sure what that is.

I haven't visited the site, but in my previous employment quite a few years back, I had to go to a lot of places for work which had harsh laws. It would have been nice to find places that were slightly gay-friendly, if that's what the site is offering.

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I haven't visited the site, but in my previous employment quite a few years back, I had to go to a lot of places for work which had harsh laws. It would have been nice to find places that were slightly gay-friendly, if that's what the site is offering.

The countries mentioned above are no longer on the website. I do believe that the title of this thread his given the website some boost, though.

That said, I do think that a carefull traveller will check country laws and customs before even looking into booking a hotel.

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