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Thaksin did it.

Thaksin is behind the arson attack.

He even phone the terrorists and give them instruction how to light a match.

Behind your brittle humour

We know you are 100% indifferent to the Bangkok livelihoods wrecked by your red mates.

Rosa Kleb as your alter ego comes to mind.

I had to look up Rosa Klebb (with 2 b's), and found she was a key character in Ian Fleming's James Bond novel "From Russia With Love." Interesting, all the odd things that bubble up from the collective quirkiness of T.Visa members.

The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them,

but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity.

- George Bernard Shaw, The Devil's Disciple

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Many significant places in the city were burned and trashed into rubble. Almost all of the destroyed targets are shopping centers frequented by the middle class and students who meet there to socialize. It's an attack on Bangkok and all that Bangkok has carefully worked to become, i.e., a part of the modern world.

The Maoists among the Reds hate prosperity and peace, seek only to sieze power in their own self interest. Thaksin hates traditional Thailand and is determined to destroy it and to precipitate a mass Thai loss of life, limb to realize his sinister purpose and goal of possessing Thaksin Shincorp Thailand. Thaksin is a violent, vicious and vainglorious insurrectionist who has only himself in mind, continues to be focused on money and political power in the absolute, and is doing his damnest to wreck the country.

If Thaksin's operatives could have burned more they would have. If Thaksin could have had Bangkok burned to the ground Dresden style but orginating at ground level he would have. Thaksin remains determined to fulfill his fanitical determination to destroy the country so that the Thai establishment can be violently and radically dismantled. This approach is the formula of Mao, Lenin, Mugabe among other murderous tyrants who care only for themselves but present themselves as the saviors of the country.

The guy is a nastyarse sob who's only begun his mad efforts to establish a Sino-Thai People's Republic of Thailand which is music to the ears of the ruling Communist Party of the People's Republic of China, in Beijing. Since Abhisit became PM Thaksin concluded the only way to repossess the country is to destroy it. I repeat this point because it is Thaksin's repeated and endless obsession.

The poor shmoor, this is entirely about the massive meglomania and hubris of Thaksin. To be at this for so long is definitive testimony to Thaksin's mad pursuit to control, own, the country.    

On a forum that is riddled with propagandists of all persuasions, I doubt I will ever read a more blatant and daft piece of proaganda. This piece of twaddle by Publicus is as clear an example as I need that the propagandists on TV are just enthusiastic amateurs.



The reds had fuel stored in Central well prior to the burning, it was known well in advance and it is hardly a "secret", but the owners obviously aren't keen to publicly announce it because they have other properties to protect.

Anyone that doubts premeditated arson need only watch the multitude of videos of various red leaders calling for it - including one guy who read out a list of targets which included a couple of hospitals (how lovely and peaceful). All on camera, all well documented, all available for you to see should you care to look.

And anyone who doubts the communist affiliations of the reds need only look up the leaders (yes, some of them are failed ex commie rejects who couldn't hack Lao) or consider the pathetic nature of the propaganda vomited forth on stage - the People's TV Station, the People's Radio, The People's This, the People's That, the People's Toilet No. 1. Honestly it sounds like an undergrad morning tea in the political science department of some particularly crap university. It's pitiful.

But not nearly so pitiful as the red apologists in this forum who care nothing for truth, justice, the future of Thailand or simple, easily verifiable facts. You're eating your own future, and that of your kids.

Apparently even Thaksin believes burning down Central World was pre-meditated, but he's blaming someone else (those pesky fake reds?). Here is a quote from him during an interview on Australian TV last night (taken from the Sydney Morning Herald):

''If you look at Red Shirts, why the Red Shirts burned Central World [a major Bangkok shopping mall], why not the other side? Look at Red Shirts, they were not sophisticated [enough] to burn the whole building down. They were angry to create small fires but not a big fire. It must be work of professionals, well planned ahead. It's a set-up.''

I wonder how the red shirts would feel about their supreme leader suggesting they're unsophisticated?

Here is a link to the video of the TV interview with Thaksin last night on Australian TV:


Thanks - but I have heard him butcher enough English for one lifetime. Next words I want to hear from him are "I'm Sorry".

I am sorry is not in his vocabulary but Iam not, I have not, I was not, is.

Apparently even Thaksin believes burning down Central World was pre-meditated, but he's blaming someone else (those pesky fake reds?). Here is a quote from him during an interview on Australian TV last night (taken from the Sydney Morning Herald):

''If you look at Red Shirts, why the Red Shirts burned Central World [a major Bangkok shopping mall], why not the other side? Look at Red Shirts, they were not sophisticated [enough] to burn the whole building down. They were angry to create small fires but not a big fire. It must be work of professionals, well planned ahead. It's a set-up.''

I wonder how the red shirts would feel about their supreme leader suggesting they're unsophisticated?

Thaksin keeps forgetting to take his smart pills each morning. Can't we get one of the orderlies in the white uniforms to tend to that?

Up on the east wing of Block C, in the room with two windows, sits a sad little man who rocks back and forth on the edge of his bunk - and keeps saying; "I am the only one who can save Thailand. Every Thai knows this, and they all should beg me to come back and be Premier. Where's my lovely money? They took all my money, but they don't have sense to know how to spend it. I could at least stuff this mattress with it, and make my life more comfortable."

You mean he is on Viagra? :)


Here is a link to the video of the TV interview with Thaksin last night on Australian TV:

Thanks - but I have heard him butcher enough English for one lifetime. Next words I want to hear from him are "I'm Sorry".

It may surprise you, but lots of us aren't native English speakers. I'm a (real) Dutch uncle for instance :)

Apparently even Thaksin believes burning down Central World was pre-meditated, but he's blaming someone else (those pesky fake reds?). Here is a quote from him during an interview on Australian TV last night (taken from the Sydney Morning Herald):

''If you look at Red Shirts, why the Red Shirts burned Central World [a major Bangkok shopping mall], why not the other side? Look at Red Shirts, they were not sophisticated [enough] to burn the whole building down. They were angry to create small fires but not a big fire. It must be work of professionals, well planned ahead. It's a set-up.''

I wonder how the red shirts would feel about their supreme leader suggesting they're unsophisticated?

Here is a link to the video of the TV interview with Thaksin last night on Australian TV:


Thanks - but I have heard him butcher enough English for one lifetime. Next words I want to hear from him are "I'm Sorry".

I am sorry is not in his vocabulary but I am not, I have not, I was not, is.

The best reason for having booted out T during the coup was to get his yuk influence away from younger generations of Thais. We all know it only worked a little bit, as he's been headlining ever since with his lies and denials and scattering blame & threats like a mad woman scatters shit in an insane asylum, scatalogically speaking.

Even so, just to remove him a small degree from his pedestal as PM to his shifting pedestals overseas, is an improvement of sorts. Lets hope the youth of Thailand haven't soaked in too much of his nefarious influence. Thailand needs some decent leadership material for future years. Bob help us if we get more of what we've had in recent decades, or worse; the types of loonies who commandeered downtown Bangkok for the past two months.


I listened to the interview with T via Australian TV.

The guy really needs a publicist and a speech therapist.

Aside from all the verbal garbage he spews forth - he just presents it badly.

Hate to say it, but it's as though he's caught in the arrested development of a four year old, though if I had a 4 yr old son who acted like that, I would expect more emotional and intellectual maturity - and certainly a better moral compass. Even the man's voice sounds like a 4 yr old's, albeit quivering with a sore throat, as though he's been sobbing. Every answer the man spewed forth was started before the interviewer finished his question. Sometimes the answer came forth after the first two or three words of the question. It was as though T would hear one trigger word, and then spew forth his lies from there. Doing so, of course, precludes the ability to hear the complete question, unless he can talk and listen carefully at the same time, which no one can do. Talking without listening is a foundation for arguments. Plus, his answers don't address the question, but we expect that.

He should hire someone who looks and sounds like Warren Beatty to do his speaking for him. Not Warren himself, of course, but someone with some grace and speaking ability who would allow himself to be programmed/coached by T himself. Not a job I'd like to have, even if offered $10,000 per day.


I just listened to the Thaksin interview. He really doesn't like to answer direct questions. As per usual of a red leader it is full of deception.

Thaksin: "How can the Red Shirts having that weapons and no one hurt on the military side {laughs}."

There were injuries on the military side, along with civilians including journalists that were injured by weapons used by the reds.

Thaksin "they are not sophisticated enough to burn the whole building down."

Well maybe he was right about that, the whole building was not burned down. Why did he imply it had been.

Thaksin "they use tanks, they use snipers,"

Tanks weren't used, APC's were. Saying that tanks were used is inflammatory and incorrect.

Thaksin "the court accept my lawyers petition to cancel the arrest for review."

I would hope that any court would accept petitions from the defense. That doesn't mean that they agreed with it, why imply that the warrant would be canceled, a rich man like Thaksin will file all sorts of appeals and petitions in the course of his defense, his lawyers have an unlimited budget to work with.

At least one thing he said was true in regard to Seh Daeng who clearly regarded Thaksin as his boss:

Thaksin "You know because the military are very disciplined, you know, they, what they are, they just follow what the boss says"


I don't see why farang think it is there business. This kills me. You can not do anything about it one way or the other. The farang that live here are old. Only interested in the young wifes they marry. They have no say in Thailand what so ever. No rights what so ever. And talking here is just stupid. The only thing this web site is good far is to monitor the situation in Thailand. If bad enough go home. If not keep on doing what you are doing.

I don't see why farang think it is there business. This kills me. You can not do anything about it one way or the other. The farang that live here are old. Only interested in the young wifes they marry. They have no say in Thailand what so ever. No rights what so ever. And talking here is just stupid. The only thing this web site is good far is to monitor the situation in Thailand. If bad enough go home. If not keep on doing what you are doing.

Thus speaks GaryK - King of the Wicker People. :)


I don't get it.

Red Shirts burnt down Central World because:

1. They were angry

2. It represents the wealth and opportunity that they, as Prai, don't have because of the double standards Thailand does have.

O.K., so why the <deleted> didn't the Red Shirts burn down that huge brand spanking new Central in Khon Kaen? 'Double standards' I scream from the depths of my egalitarian heart!

I don't get it.

Red Shirts burnt down Central World because:

1. They were angry

2. It represents the wealth and opportunity that they, as Prai, don't have because of the double standards Thailand does have.

O.K., so why the <deleted> didn't the Red Shirts burn down that huge brand spanking new Central in Khon Kaen? 'Double standards' I scream from the depths of my egalitarian heart!

Because that is where they go for free aircon, when the temp soars to 40+. Say what you want about the Reds, they are not stupid. :)

I don't see why farang think it is there business. This kills me. You can not do anything about it one way or the other. The farang that live here are old. Only interested in the young wifes they marry. They have no say in Thailand what so ever. No rights what so ever. And talking here is just stupid. The only thing this web site is good far is to monitor the situation in Thailand. If bad enough go home. If not keep on doing what you are doing.

Well thank you for your ignorant thoughts. I've been here since my mid twenties, so I guess you don't really know much about foreigners who live here. I guess you are right that your "talking" is stupid, but many of us have built lives here and have families and businesses here and have a lot invested in Thailand and don't wish to see this country implode. When reds try to spew their propaganda it is up to reasonable people whether they are Thai or not to expose their lies. I am in favor of better lives for people in the north, however I oppose using these people and letting them die just to help one rich man.


My point exactly. Most everyone here has burnt there birdges to there home country. As for you working here since your mid twentys. I feel sorry for you. But it is your choice. Not to have a retirement and if things go wrong you are screwed. You have nothing to go home to. As with 99% of all farang that live here. What a bunch of bumb asses in my opion. I live here and with no rights i say who gives a shit. If i had rights then ok. I will be vocal about them and try to change things.

But since I do not and every farang does not have rights here. If you come here for a life and burn all your bridges you are one bumb ass.

Thailand is not a place to put all your eggs. If you do then you are stupid.. Plain and stupid.

If they change the laws. Which will not happen. Then i would buy property here and think about perminent retirement. But IF you come here and have nothing and no rights and then complain about what is happening because if it does implode you will be forced to go home to nothing. I think is just crazy.

My point exactly. Most everyone here has burnt there birdges to there home country. As for you working here since your mid twentys. I feel sorry for you. But it is your choice. Not to have a retirement and if things go wrong you are screwed. You have nothing to go home to. As with 99% of all farang that live here. What a bunch of bumb asses in my opion. I live here and with no rights i say who gives a shit. If i had rights then ok. I will be vocal about them and try to change things.

But since I do not and every farang does not have rights here. If you come here for a life and burn all your bridges you are one bumb ass.

Thailand is not a place to put all your eggs. If you do then you are stupid.. Plain and stupid.

If they change the laws. Which will not happen. Then i would buy property here and think about perminent retirement. But IF you come here and have nothing and no rights and then complain about what is happening because if it does implode you will be forced to go home to nothing. I think is just crazy.

It is your prerogative to view life this way.

However, I and probably many other foreigners who live and work in Thai society may well have more influence than many Thais. Thais have a lot of respect for foreigners who have come to understand their ways and can talk with them rather than at or about them.

So I can't vote. Half of the population in the West doesn't bother to vote.

My point exactly. Most everyone here has burnt there birdges to there home country. As for you working here since your mid twentys. I feel sorry for you. But it is your choice. Not to have a retirement and if things go wrong you are screwed. You have nothing to go home to. As with 99% of all farang that live here. What a bunch of bumb asses in my opion. I live here and with no rights i say who gives a shit. If i had rights then ok. I will be vocal about them and try to change things.

But since I do not and every farang does not have rights here. If you come here for a life and burn all your bridges you are one bumb ass.

Thailand is not a place to put all your eggs. If you do then you are stupid.. Plain and stupid.

If they change the laws. Which will not happen. Then i would buy property here and think about perminent retirement. But IF you come here and have nothing and no rights and then complain about what is happening because if it does implode you will be forced to go home to nothing. I think is just crazy.

You should try sticking to the topic instead of resorting to bad spelling/grammar derogatory remarks. You sound like the one who just came down in the last shower unlike the majority of foreigners living here.

I don't get it.

Red Shirts burnt down Central World because:

1. They were angry

2. It represents the wealth and opportunity that they, as Prai, don't have because of the double standards Thailand does have.

O.K., so why the <deleted> didn't the Red Shirts burn down that huge brand spanking new Central in Khon Kaen? 'Double standards' I scream from the depths of my egalitarian heart!

Because that is where they go for free aircon, when the temp soars to 40+. Say what you want about the Reds, they are not stupid. :D

Are you saying that they lack stupidity? dam_n, another thing that the avaricious and covetous Ammart have taken from them. :) I'll now have to bang off another self-righteous email to New Mandela.

I don't get it.

Red Shirts burnt down Central World because:

1. They were angry

2. It represents the wealth and opportunity that they, as Prai, don't have because of the double standards Thailand does have.

O.K., so why the <deleted> didn't the Red Shirts burn down that huge brand spanking new Central in Khon Kaen? 'Double standards' I scream from the depths of my egalitarian heart!

Because that is where they go for free aircon, when the temp soars to 40+. Say what you want about the Reds, they are not stupid. :D

Are you saying that they lack stupidity? dam_n, another thing that the avaricious and covetous Ammart have taken from them. :) I'll now have to bang off another self-righteous email to New Mandela.

Are you saying that they lack stupidity? dam_n, another thing that the avaricious and covetous Ammart have taken from them. :D I'll now have to bang off another self-righteous email to New Mandela.



Some soldiers shot dead some unarmed protesters with live ammo .

Only a very small proportion of the reds had firearms according

to the western media

Some protesters retaliated by burning down some malls

All should be brought to account and face a court

Same would had happened in any capital in Europe

Some soldiers shot dead some unarmed protesters with live ammo .

Only a very small proportion of the reds had firearms according

to the western media

Some protesters retaliated by burning down some malls

All should be brought to account and face a court

Same would had happened in any capital in Europe

Different circumstances, history, current situation in Europe. At this moment difficult to compare, so please don't.

Not to have a retirement and if things go wrong you are screwed. You have nothing to go home to. As with 99% of all farang that live here. What a bunch of bumb asses in my opion. I live here and with no rights i say who gives a shit. If i had rights then ok. I will be vocal about them and try to change things. But since I do not and every farang does not have rights here. If you come here for a life and burn all your bridges you are one bumb ass. Thailand is not a place to put all your eggs. If you do then you are stupid.. Plain and stupid. If they change the laws. Which will not happen. Then i would buy property here and think about perminent retirement. But IF you come here and have nothing and no rights and then complain about what is happening because if it does implode you will be forced to go home to nothing. I think is just crazy.

The phrase is dumb ass, not bumb ass. An ass is the offspring of a horse and a donkey. Here are some of the things asses don't do, but which humans do:

torture their own. Rant on public forums about things they know nothing about. Try to dis-empower their own kind. Make wrong assumptions and then rant on about them, like Gilda Radnor's Rosanna Rosanna character on Saturday Night Live. At the end of her rant, someone would tell her she misinterpreted the initial words of her rant, and then she'd meekly say, "never mind."

So, in many ways asses, whether smart or dumb, are morally superior to humans. You want to find another animal name to call us? A snake, a rat, a buffalo? ....I wager you'll find those animals also have a lot less emotional & psychic garbage that we humans have.

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