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Typical Warmist analysis - four months of high temperatures is regarded as enough to cement a climate trend.

Even the charlatans at the IPCC talk in terms of 10, 20, and 30-year trends. Same old Warmist dirge, on the same old bat channel, just on a different day.

The world has gently warmed over the past 100 years or so -- it's just very bizarre how worked up people get over a matter of a few tenths of one degree, as though this was going to 'destroy the planet'.


Quick - it's a crisis....

However, forestland, which can serve as lungs of the earth, is diminishing following deforestation practice to meet with the continuous increase of population size and construction.

Sorry did I miss something??

Remind me who has been raping the forests of Thailand for the last 50 year???

Rich Thai people, probably politicians!! :bah:


Personally, I think politics and greed are driving the agenda far beyond what is reasonable and to the point that scepticism is growing rapidly.

Is Global Warming real?........ Of coarse it is. The planet will continue to cycle regardless of what we mere mortals think and do.

Can the planets' population do anything about it?....... Of coarse it can't. It's going to happen at some point. Period.

If a global effort is made to reduce CO2 emissions to zero, can we stop the warming?..... Of coarse not.

If a global effort is made to reduce CO2 emissions to zero, can we slow it down?..... Yeah! sure we can, but only by an almost immeasurable an pointless amount in the overall scheme of things.

So why are we committing so much money to the cause, greatly increasing our costs of living and largely disrupting our lives?.... Politics and Greed!!!

So what would I do about the issue?.... Well, I would abandon all existing and planned CO2 footprint reduction projects immediately. All these expensive Wind Farms blotting our landscapes at massive cost with NO potential for a return on investment and with a much bigger Carbon footprint in manufacturing the dam_n things than they are going to save. Replacing all Fossil Fuel Power Stations with Nuclear as they become old and redundant, and not before.

All the money that would have been spent on all these Politically Correct projects should be put into something that WILL help us when the inevitable happens; Sea Defences, Reservoir and Underground Storage, Population Control, Building Under ground rather than Over ground and replanting on the top. The list goes on where the money would be better spent.

When if somewhere like the UK could reduce it's CO2 output to zero and it's saving represent about 2% of the CO2 output as somewhere like China, what's the point. HELLO!!

................. I'm sure there's a proverb for it somewhere.


More bad news for the AGW denialists (and planet earth).......2010 is on course to be the warmest globally since records began in 1880:


It debunks the myth that the planet is cooling, that some of the denialists often like to kid themselves over. Better go running to Viscount Monckton for your latest answers to this conundrum.............. :lol:

You really should look into the following factors that have clearly skewed the data:

* The dramatic reduction in temperature reading stations and migration away from higher altitudes and closer towards the equator that has taken place over the last few decades.

* The urban heat island effect where stations that were once situated in green surrounding are now right next to roads, air cons and concrete.

* The different equipment used back in the 1890's and how the accuracy compares to those used now.

This is just another case of a pro warmist reading a scary headline and wetting their bed.


The headline in today's (UK) Daily Telegraph has it as well: "World on course for hottest year on record. This year beats previous record holder 1998 by 0.03 degrees Fahrenheit."

Unfortunately, the headline writer didn't read the story, which noted:

"This year the fact that the El Nino episode has ended and is likely to transition into La Nina, which has a cooling influence on the global average temperature, it's possible that we will not end up with the warmest year as a whole," said Jay Lawrimore, chief of climate analysis at the federal National Climatic Data Center.

It's more than possible, it's a near-certainty.

And is this heat caused by CO2, as Michael Mann's absurd Hockey Stick models would have us believe? Nope, says Lawrimore.

"We had an El Nino episode in the early part of the year that's now faded but that has contributed to the warmth not only in equatorial Pacific but also contributed to anomalously warm global temperatures as well," Mr Lawrimore said. "Abnormally warm temperatures have been registered in large parts of Canada, Africa, tropical oceans and parts of the Middle East. Northern Thailand is struggling through the worst drought in 20 years....."

And if 1998 was the previous hottest first 6 months of the year, and 2010 is set to beat that, what do we logically conclude about the intervening years 1999-2009? Answer: they must all have been colder from January to June than 1998, or they would have become the new record. So we've had 11 years of no warming from January through June, and you won't find that being mentioned in the media.

And how can we accurately measure "0.03 degrees Fahrenheit"? You create a much bigger temperature change when you fan yourself with a piece of paper. The temperature difference between night and day in Bangkok is perhaps 15 degrees Fahrenheit, 500 times larger than this average.

To think that we can estimate global temperatures to this accuracy is ridiculous, but not too ridiculous, it seems, for gullible journalists. Especially with the onset of the cooling La Nina effect, which makes it very unlikely that 2010 will beat 1998 overall.

That won't deter the Warmist media, though, which will sprout headlines like: "2010 just fails to pip record as hottest ever." You can bet the farm on that.

  • 2 weeks later...

There has been much heated debate on this thread about whether 'global warming' is real or not, is man-made or not, is dangerous or not.

It turns out that we were wasting our time. An American former weatherman for KNBC-TV in Los Angeles and now television identity has come up with a plan which:

* if man-made global warming turns out to be true, will reduce the damage to negligible amounts

* if man-made global warming turns out to be pure balloon juice, will not destroy our economies

I think we should all support the plan put forward by Pat Sajak:

Let's assume that a third of the world's population really believes mankind has the power to adjust the Earth's thermostat through lifestyle decisions. The percentage may be higher or lower, but, for the sake of this exercise, let's put it at one-third. Now it seems to me these people have a special obligation to change their lives dramatically because they truly believe catastrophe lies ahead if they don't. The other two-thirds are merely ignorant, so they can hardly be blamed for their actions.

Now, if those True Believers would give up their cars and big homes and truly change the way they live, I can't imagine that there wouldn't be some measurable impact on the Earth in just a few short years. I'm not talking about recycling Evian bottles, but truly simplifying their lives. Even if you were, say, a former Vice President, you would give up extra homes and jets and limos. I see communes with organic farms and lives freed from polluting technology.

Then, when the rest of us saw the results of their actions—you know, the earth cooling, oceans lowering, polar bears frolicking and glaciers growing—we would see the error of our ways and join the crusade voluntarily and enthusiastically.

How about it? Why wait for governments to change us? You who have already seen the light have it within your grasp to act in concert with each other and change the world forever. And I hate to be a scold, but you have a special obligation to do it because you believe it so strongly. Then, instead of looking at isolated tree rings and computer models, you'd have real results to point to, and even the skeptics would see the error of their ways and join you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The semi-official Chinese position on 'global warming' is outlined in a new book called 'Low-Carbon Plot' by Gou Hongyang. (Semi-official means that it is published by a government-owned publishing house, but the author is not identified with any particular government entity.)

Translations of some of the book's key passages will dismay those who still believe that CO2 emissions are leading the human race to imminent catastrophe.

Behind the back of the demonizing of "carbon", we must recognize that it is the sinister intention of the Developed Countries to attempt to use "carbon" to block the living space of the Developing Countries. In the eyes of some Westerners, the many developing countries have absolutely no right to enjoy the same standard of life as them.

As a result of this incessant propaganda and speculation, the unlucky "carbon" has suddenly turned into a most heinous, sinister ghoul; like a butterfly far away in China, it only has to flap its wings, and will create a violent wind in Alaska that'll envelop the American people in fire and water.

Therefore, those that we see the most are Ladies and Gentlemen from the developed western countries, with an incredibly [haughty] attitude, coming up with all kinds of slogans for the developing world, slogans to help developing countries scramble for profit, but all these slogans can't cover up their arrogance and prejudice.

China, as a responsible big country must continue to act as the representative who acts in the interests of the Third World, and must expose the lies of America and the other countries who use carbon tax as a way to continue to [oppress] the peoples of the Third World, to look after the national interest, and sustain the advantages of development.

Another bad week for the doom-mongering climate astrologists.....


The semi-official Chinese position on 'global warming' is outlined in a new book called 'Low-Carbon Plot' by Gou Hongyang. (Semi-official means that it is published by a government-owned publishing house, but the author is not identified with any particular government entity.)

Translations of some of the book's key passages will dismay those who still believe that CO2 emissions are leading the human race to imminent catastrophe.

Behind the back of the demonizing of "carbon", we must recognize that it is the sinister intention of the Developed Countries to attempt to use "carbon" to block the living space of the Developing Countries. In the eyes of some Westerners, the many developing countries have absolutely no right to enjoy the same standard of life as them.

As a result of this incessant propaganda and speculation, the unlucky "carbon" has suddenly turned into a most heinous, sinister ghoul; like a butterfly far away in China, it only has to flap its wings, and will create a violent wind in Alaska that'll envelop the American people in fire and water.

Therefore, those that we see the most are Ladies and Gentlemen from the developed western countries, with an incredibly [haughty] attitude, coming up with all kinds of slogans for the developing world, slogans to help developing countries scramble for profit, but all these slogans can't cover up their arrogance and prejudice.

China, as a responsible big country must continue to act as the representative who acts in the interests of the Third World, and must expose the lies of America and the other countries who use carbon tax as a way to continue to [oppress] the peoples of the Third World, to look after the national interest, and sustain the advantages of development.

Another bad week for the doom-mongering climate astrologists.....

Understandably China wants space to grow, even if it hurts their ecological welfare. Without real 'hard' facts it's not easy to explain why what developed countries could do years ago is not to be done anymore because it's bad for nature & climate. Especially when some of the largest economies can't be bothered it seems. Personally I've always seen 'carbon emission' trading as a lot of hot air with some middlemen getting rich. Almost like the (black) 'tulip bulb' trade in the 17th century.


I guess the deforestation some millions of years ago accounted for the glaciers melting as well: and all those carbon footprints and emissions from Fred Flintstone's car.

But, in an effort to shed light, 31,487 scientists in the USA alone seem to disagree with eugenicists Al Gore, and Bill Gates, who want to preserve their planetary playground at the end of the day by ridding it of unnecessary infestations.

I will keep my verdict on hold until people get to hear the truth, and scientists who disagree stop getting censored and banned and fired from universities and lectures because they do not follow a set of rules.

Hating terrorists (a.k.a. people who have something that the US and her allies want, or people who give competition to that thing) and instilling fear for lack of energy and resources seems to be the new psy-ops tactic to control the masses. I can almost see the uniformed eco-soldier children; goose-stepping as they chant "Death to the defiler of Mother Gaia" and blowing their little whistles at alleged terrorists or enemy combatants who forget to put their recycle bins out on the curb every morning, and do not have a "Go Green" bumper sticker on their gas guzzling, oil slurping Ford F-2500 4X4.


I guess the deforestation some millions of years ago accounted for the glaciers melting as well: and all those carbon footprints and emissions from Fred Flintstone's car.

But, in an effort to shed light, 31,487 scientists in the USA alone seem to disagree with eugenicists Al Gore, and Bill Gates, who want to preserve their planetary playground at the end of the day by ridding it of unnecessary infestations.

I will keep my verdict on hold until people get to hear the truth, and scientists who disagree stop getting censored and banned and fired from universities and lectures because they do not follow a set of rules.

Hating terrorists (a.k.a. people who have something that the US and her allies want, or people who give competition to that thing) and instilling fear for lack of energy and resources seems to be the new psy-ops tactic to control the masses. I can almost see the uniformed eco-soldier children; goose-stepping as they chant "Death to the defiler of Mother Gaia" and blowing their little whistles at alleged terrorists or enemy combatants who forget to put their recycle bins out on the curb every morning, and do not have a "Go Green" bumper sticker on their gas guzzling, oil slurping Ford F-2500 4X4.

Don't be shy coffee, say what you mean :lol:


If only the vikings who settled in greenland all them years ago could tell us about global warming! They managed to grow crops on that barren land back then

Gee..it must have been a pretty warm climate for that to happen huh :-) And with no human C02 to blame.

And there is the argument that humans contribute less than 10% to current C02 levels in the atmoshere..Or that sun activity plays a major role in our climate?

I don't know what to believe anymore..Information overload,i think the question is can our 6 + billion popualtion cope and adapt to climate change coz the climate will and has always changed

  • 6 months later...

Those who don't understand the Globalist elites's plan for world domination (New World Order) will not be able to see how their Global Warming / Climate Change scam is just another large piece of their jigsaw in their agenda to take control over the world.

It has been scientifically proven that for the last 10 years the world is cooling and many scientists now believe we are entering into an ice age. In desperation, the scientists who have been bought to feed the lie of Global Warming are trying to twist facts to explain the extreme cold fronts we are experiencing throughout the world is actually caused by Global Warming. Wake up sheeple. Look around you! The world is having extreme winters and mild summers, record cold temperatures are being recorded along with record snow falls. The Global Warming scientists have been caught manipulating data to suit their agendas.

This is not about saving the planet from pollution. CO2 is a natural gas that plants depend on to survive! Man made CO2 in the atmosphere is a mere cork in the ocean compared with the rest of the CO2 which is produced mostly by sea vapour and rotting plants. An increase of CO2 is a by product of climate change, not a cause of climate change!

Finally, climate change is a permanent condition. Sometimes the earth heats up and sometimes the earth cools down. If there was NO climate change there would be a reason to start worrying, but I suggest the real reason to be concerned is to investigate WHY YOU ARE BEING LIED TO - WHAT IS THE REASON FOR THE LIES?

I believe the answer to that question can be found in this excellent PDF article: http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/CLIMATEGATE.pdf


Those who don't understand the Globalist elites's plan for world domination (New World Order) will not be able to see how their Global Warming / Climate Change scam is just another large piece of their jigsaw in their agenda to take control over the world.

It has been scientifically proven that for the last 10 years the world is cooling and many scientists now believe we are entering into an ice age. In desperation, the scientists who have been bought to feed the lie of Global Warming are trying to twist facts to explain the extreme cold fronts we are experiencing throughout the world is actually caused by Global Warming. Wake up sheeple. Look around you! The world is having extreme winters and mild summers, record cold temperatures are being recorded along with record snow falls. The Global Warming scientists have been caught manipulating data to suit their agendas.

This is not about saving the planet from pollution. CO2 is a natural gas that plants depend on to survive! Man made CO2 in the atmosphere is a mere cork in the ocean compared with the rest of the CO2 which is produced mostly by sea vapour and rotting plants. An increase of CO2 is a by product of climate change, not a cause of climate change!

Finally, climate change is a permanent condition. Sometimes the earth heats up and sometimes the earth cools down. If there was NO climate change there would be a reason to start worrying, but I suggest the real reason to be concerned is to investigate WHY YOU ARE BEING LIED TO - WHAT IS THE REASON FOR THE LIES?

I believe the answer to that question can be found in this excellent PDF article: http://whatreallyhap...CLIMATEGATE.pdf

You failed to mention the record high's for heat are also occurring.

But wait O I see that does not fit in with what you are trying to sell. Sorry I forgot. :(

Try posting all the truth. You could start with how the ice caps are melting in (your version) the cooling world.B)

If this was e-mail my spam checker would have caught it.:)


Try posting all the truth. You could start with how the ice caps are melting in (your version) the cooling world.B)

If this was e-mail my spam checker would have caught it.:)

If you had read http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/CLIMATEGATE.pdf you would know the "ice caps melting" is nothing but Global Warming alarmist propaganda.

It has been documented and ruled in a British court of law that Al Gore's film and inconvenient truth contained numerous factual errors. In one notable case, a film sequence showing the destruction of the polar caps, turned out to be a fake; a computer-generated sequence from the science-fiction movie the "Day after tomorrow".

See VIDEO: http://www.eyeblast.tv/public/checker.aspx?v=Q4prVr4z

Much of the sensationalist media coverage of the issue of human-caused global warming has been exposed as a fraud. A story which claimed Polar Bears were drowning because of global warming was exposed as a fraud in which pictures of summer melt were presented as mid-winter scenes, along with the ludicrous claim that polar bears could not swim to shore to save their own lives.

Then there was the recent video-taped admission by the head of Greenpeace that the claim that Greenland would lose its ice in 20 years was merely a propaganda hoax!

See VIDEO: http://eclipptv.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=6933

I challenge you to read http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/CLIMATEGATE.pdf if the truth is what you really seek.

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