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I Hate Thailand!


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I don't know if my hubby will LOVE Thailand yet. I know he certainly likes the place. I hope he will at least like living there if and when we move.

I love living in Thailand... but also other countries... What I love about Thailand are:

-lots of my friends and family are there :D

-great food (and cheap stuff)

-lots of things to do and see

-the weather is not too extreme (except in the Summer months.... :o )

What I don't like about living in Thailand, however, are:

-the corruption

-the pollution (especially in BKK)

B) Nice topics

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Now, i know only Yasothorn..is far from my idea,,, i never thought about this province humm i have heard about Eating Dog..jaaakk  :o

Not really sure if you're Thai or not, though I suspect the latter. However, in case I'm wrong you may wish to know that it's actually up in Sakon Nakhon that all those little doggies end up on dinner plates.

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Guest IT Manager
However, in case I'm wrong you may wish to know that it's actually up in Sakon Nakhon that all those little doggies end up on dinner plates.

Happens in my village in Changwat Chiang Mai as well. Barbeque. :o

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Mostly positive comments. There must be something on living in Thailand that's better. Most other places where I have lived had big communities of farangs (Gweilos, Gai-Jins are other words for western foreigner) you hear day in and day out complains.

Too expensive, too polluted, don't speak English, don't understand a.s.o.

Disregard the too expensive which is hardly applicable in LoS in my opinion the farangs are happier here than those in other places despte of the same problems.

Many have family, wife, GF which brings a social bonding. The same is true for other (Asian/Western) relations in other countries.

Myself lives here for the last 12 years. I have no roots that would keep me and came here for business and geographical reasons. I never had any real problems with visa, licences etc... The rules are more complicated to live here and to work than, let's say in Singapore or Hong Kong. Initially, the biggest headache I ever had was trafffic-congestion. Within Bangkok there is a great improvement, so not too many complains in this field.

The weather? Well I could do without the humidity in rainy season but I love to wake up in the morning with sunshine. Double-pricing, corruption, other small daily irks. It does not bother me too much. The ThS ai way? In a sense I like it, I will never understand really how it works, but it's enough for me that I get what I want incl. all the 'impossible' things.

Otherwise, I am a city-dweller. Too much 'landscape' is not for me, but everybody has a difference. This was part of my question, how you live here. Some nice replies.

Finally, to live here required of me some adjustments, which is ok, I did the same in the countries and made friends. I made friends here, they respect me for respecting them. Wish my Thai would be better, oh well.

Keep it coming. I will be out of LoS for a few days next week but check in if I find the time. Cheers :o:D

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Guest IT Manager

Funnily enough Dave it isn't a meal. It's sort of a snack. A dog killed a few chickens which everyone has so we can kill them after they have finished making eggs so they become soup. Quite ingenious.

The dog is knocked over the head and cleaned, then coated with oil which is rubbed into the flesh (still whole but skinned if you get my drift). I like them to take the head off so no one recognises it.

Then they make a sort of dry powder to dip it in, from cracked black peppers and stuff like that which is quite Pet. Then the powder is poured over and rubbed on, sort of like flour dipping a chicken leg but this is black and crunchy. Quite delicious on its own if sprinkled on a salad I have found.

Then the offending mah is barbequed whole and cut up into strips, and the bones are thrown to the chickens, because the other dogs won't touch them. We have it at the bar and it isn't regular or anything, but goes well as a little snack with a few changs.

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oh well.... that's what I love about Thailand, it can still turn my feelings up and down, shock me (eating dogs - ouch!) and surprise me any day, any time. Good and bad (what is good or bad???) seem so close to each other...

never boring! :DB)

other things I love about living here:

the young guy riding by my house on his motorbike singing out loud an old carabao song

complete strangers standing next to me at the traffic lights in the morning and joking with me

getting up early morning with the mouthwatering smell of the food my neighbours cook already

walking around at night by the light of the moon and watching glow-worms and swaying palmtree tops

driving around the island or even in Bangkok and it never ever gets boring

getting high by just sitting and watching (for example on a beach), no other substances needed

and, and, and...

and of couse: tamachaat (excluding the nasty mossies)


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  • 4 months later...

you guys are easily pleased...please admit that Issarn is waste ground and you wouldn't be there unless your wife had family connections...buffaloes....shit, give me a break and Johnny Walker Black? put it in the buffaloes nose bag with silage for extra taste.

Thailand ain't got nothin' special for me...I just landed here after marrying a local woman. Bought a house so I now own the roof over my head for the first time otherwise it is flat paddy country with no special appeal. I would prefer a castle in Switzerland with either Mont Blanc or the Matterhorn as a backdrop through 20 foot high windows. The only thing nice are my wife's nieces...it is nice to have lots of kids around...helps the bucoulia in an otherwise featureless place.

I left California as I objected to political correctness and filthy idiots that thought Ronald Reagan was God's gift to mankind. Thailand is a pimple on the ass of the huge natural beauty of California.

Thailand isn't great...it is convenience...

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Have you ever visit Zermatt, it might just be a case of the Grass is always greener.. ya know? Zermatt can be a fairly boring place and its not cheap to live there.

lol, I love California as well (despite now living in Seattle) but we're still looking for a good excuse to move to the LOS.

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I came to love Thailand by a very round a bout route. I ran a ski lodge, taught sking in the French Alps, close to the Border with Switerland. On one of my ski tours into Switzerland I met a Thai girl working in a Mountain Bar. I courted her, came to Thailand many times, learnt the Culture, lost that girl but still loved Thailand. There were 30 million Thai woman to try out, I was brave. In the end I was very very lucky I found a gem of of a girl, a real Thai girl who will look after me untill my last breath. we married, have twin daughters, my wifes family poor, but now I have a lovely new family here who ask me for nothing, I tend to give.

I now live here for good. I dont miss getting up at 05.00hrs, digging my way out thro 1 mter of snow@-15 deg. I dont miss the stupidity of the wests culture.

There I was poor and struggling, here I am ? well quite rich and relaxed.

When I go back, people cannot believe how well and how young I look (60 now)

I love the food, hate the Isolation sometimes. But Ive always lived with Isolation, I am deaf, apart from learning a few odd Thai words, Ill never hear Thai, just too hard for my ears. But when The Thais understand that, it opens a lot of barriers.

I am a Buddhist, I love the weather here in the north. I hate the weather in Europe. I hate the driving here, I hate the stupidity of the drivers here. So the there you are, another view of loving Thailand, life can never be perfect .

You can make a ###### in heaven,

or a heaven in ######!

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I like that fact that

I need only work a few hours a week to make ends meet giving me time for living instead of working.

the Thai government doesn't (yet) think that all the money we make belongs to them and allow me to keep some of it.

average Thai people can actually engage in captialism without bureacratic permission to do this and do that.

there is no welfare (income redistribution) and Thais must work.

there is fresh fruit and vegetables year round.

easy to meet informal acquaintances that turn into more serious acquaintances because you have more time for living instead of working.

the food's not bad either. :o

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3 bowls of kway teeow?...shee-it, given that there is 1/3 bottle of nam pla per bowl you must be sproutin' gills...

kway teeow hang is no problem. kway teeow nam gives me the squirts and I stay away from that when I am traveling in Thailand. I had a bowl of kway teeow nam in klong toey once and when I was half way done with it I asked them what was the red coloring in it. The lady told me it was Blood. "Yikes " never again.

Thai toilets are hard enough to use without having the squirts!

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Boon me

How many bowls of kway teeow does it take to fill you up?

I usually stop at 3 but that just because the waitress can't believe I can eat 3. I actually could eat more. I am guessing @ 4 or 5 bowls would do it. I love that stuff.

It usually takes at least 3 but depends on the type of Kway Teeow and the size of the bowl too. Kway Teow Nam usually fills me up quicker.

With Hoy Mang Poo it takes at least 3 big pots of those suckers before I can attain Sanuk! :o

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sontaya...well, you know there are worse places and I presently have no alternatives...

but I have venom that I shall with hold in this instance...

a monitor lizard tried to eat my 18 month old niece this afternoon and I had to club it while chasing it away...so now I have a large brain damaged reptile living behind the house and stalking young children at play.

This would never happen in pasadena...

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One of the things I love about Thailand is being able to eat a different kind of Kway Teeow every day of the year.  Just finished a big plate of Kway Teeow Hang/Gai just now - man, that was great! :o

Viva la food. :D

And, the unbelievable variety of fruit! Give me a bowl of fresh-picked Lynchees for desert...it doesn't get any better... :D

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