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Do You Have A 'plan B'?


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In my 60+ yrs, I've learned to always have a plan 'B' to fall back on if needed and have been glad to have it at times in the past. Better than having to make rush [and costly] decisions and mistakes that you have to live with.

And I've always considered myself lucky [intuitive] in knowing when to move on. In retrospect, I've enjoyed the best of times in the best of places [Australia, Hawaii, Philippines, and maybe now Thailand], and thank my 'inner voice' for knowing when and where to move to when the time was ripe.

That has changed since I moved to Thailand 10+ yrs ago @ 50 yrs old and married, bought a house and finally settled down. I told myself that 'this is the last move....I'll be burried [burned] here' and planted deeper roots. Now, 10+ yrs later and after the events of the last few months and the last couple of weeks, I'm beginning to think that I should start thinking about a plan 'B' should things continue to deteriorate.

What has shaken my faith in LOS are a couple of 'trends' that seem to be emerging......

1] A few stupid falangs getting involved in the Thai political shows and witnessed on film and commented on by the authorities.......scary new turn.

2] and the most alarming cause for concern are the [threatening] statements by the black [red] shirts that they are going underground [southern Thai style] and not only are they going to target government and the 'ruling elite', and strike tourist venues. Good move on their part if they want to strike where it hurts the most. [Oh, in case you don't know it......we are 'elite' just by having computers, UBC and all the gadgets that the 'rural poor' can only have on credit if they are lucky.

I do love and respect the good honest friendly people of this country, but after many years here, I can see that Thais can have many faces and the 'friendly' smiles can turn into angry hatefull resentment. And we are all wondering what will happen when our beloved King departs........

Unfortunately I have broken the 'golden rule of expats' and have invested a large part of my savings so any quick move would hurt me financially, but I will survive........

Has anyone else given any thought to a 'Plan B'??? Where to go from here??

"why do you feel that "after you know who passes on" things may take a turn for the worse?"

What other direction could it take?? This is a chaotic country in normal times and that could be the worst case scenario, as total chaos would rule. But wonder how that would affect us falangs out in the sticks?? For sure, I wouldn't want to be in any urban areas.

"i know it will be time to implement plan B which would be getting my wife, son, and self on the next plane out of here "

agree that it is best to be prepared for the worst and if it doesn't happen, then we're all lucky.

If IT does happen, then you're ahead of the other falang rats leaving the sinking ship.


Are you trying to say after what had happened in BKK,

and if the situation in LOS turned chaotic after who passes on,

besides the establishment elites, farang will be targets as well?

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"Oh, in case you don't know it......we are 'elite' just by having computers, UBC and all the gadgets that the 'rural poor' can only have on credit if they are lucky."...<deleted>? The 'elite' is a social class implemented by the monarchy to assist the monarchy, decades ago. The reasons for which may become more clear in the not to distant future.

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"<deleted>? The 'elite' is a social class implemented by the monarchy to assist the monarchy, decades ago. The reasons for which may become more clear in the not to distant future. "

Explain that difference to the rice farmer who throws a rock thru your window after you splashed water on him while driving your new [fully paid for] Vigo pick up truck.......

" farang will be targets as well?"

I hope we never find out.....

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" farang will be targets as well?"

I hope we never find out.....

well, i guess farangs landowners out in the sticks & farangs in the urban areas are perceived to be in the same class because firstly they dont have to eke out a living as farmers who are always in debts. And secondly, foreigners are banned from being farmers as occupation.

As for alternatives, most countries are pro-citizens of their own countries, and furthermore, there are new languages to learn. As for rural Philippines, is it still a cow-boy country where the gun rules esp in Mindanao?

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Most rice farmers know the difference between the Hi-So and the Elite. Also, I wouldn't have a Vigo if it was paid for by someone else. Horrible bloody thing, looks like it's been gently inflated with a bicycle pump.

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while the discussions are all very interesting to read, and everyone is entitled to whatever contingency plans, Im going to ask people to contain their discussions on those plans, and not bring further discussions about the monarchy into the topic.

this is against forum rules, and while nothing untoward has been said, you do not want to be threading into the grey area on that issue. Im sure everyone understands.


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Plan B ? I will go to either Vietnam or the Phillipines. Both countries have their problems but are going to be way ahead of Thailand in the years to come.

Thailand has to stop and think about what is going on around them. But of course they will not as the elite think they know best.

If they do not listen to the world and just rely on spin and smoke and mirrors, they will not be part of the world , and will have to suffer the economic consequences.

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I will go to either ______ or the Phillipines. Both countries have their problems but are going to be way ahead of Thailand in the years to come.

The Phillipines? Not unless Thailand has a massive civil war and then falls into the sea. :)

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I will go to either ______ or the Phillipines. Both countries have their problems but are going to be way ahead of Thailand in the years to come.

The Phillipines? Not unless Thailand has a massive civil war and then falls into the sea. :)

Even in that case I'd grow gills before going to the Philippines.

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For those who are able, if anything these latest events, and imminent future events are a wake up call to have some decent backup funds abroad. HSBC Premier (Singapore/HK) could easily pick up several thousand more Thai and expat accounts if they run a marketing campaign now.


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Plan B ? I will go to either Vietnam or the Phillipines. Both countries have their problems but are going to be way ahead of Thailand in the years to come.

Thailand has to stop and think about what is going on around them. But of course they will not as the elite think they know best.

If they do not listen to the world and just rely on spin and smoke and mirrors, they will not be part of the world , and will have to suffer the economic consequences.

You have ofcourse forgotten to mention that despite everything thats happened recently the Thai economy is doing extremely well, but obviously tourism is very down. They will clearly greatly improve their share of the regions tourism but to suggest that they will be way ahead of Thailand in years to come is simply not realistic

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