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Unmasked: Thailand's Men In Black


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On CNN at 7.12 pm Thai time - new footage of men in black up close and identifiable + shooting in the temple examined.. /via @danieljerivers

just watched this and Dan Rivers and CNN may just have redeemed themselves

this clip must be manna from heaven for Abhisit

it shows a number of 'men in black' accompanied by their Red guards.

some are unmasked with full frontal facial shots for easy ID

most importantly they are fully armed, with holstered pistols, ammunition and M16's slung over their shoulders

it will be hard to dispute whether the 'men in black' exist now and that they worked in tandem with red guards

it will only be a matter of hours before at least one of them will be identified

right on cue CNN..........

Nothing like a good round of bitch slapping in public

to make a network take another good long look at their raw footage.

Seems the hew and cry did some good.

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Does anyone have a link to the Dan Rivers CNN video about the men in black that was supposed to be shown last night at 7:12 PM? I've searched CNN, but can't find anything.


Not sure if I'm allowed to post this link to a nice freeware program, probably I should read the forum rules again :) I like to download some clips to look at later.


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The ultimate irony of the CNN MiB video is that all the reds have been defending CNN and saying we must believe their account while all the government supporters have been saying the opposite;) Guess it is time for role reversal

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Here's a few video links for red apologists who still deny protesters had weapons:


- see 7min 15 second mark. I live nearby and they had no shortage of grenades let me tell you. Several more go off at the 9 min mark, wounding a few soldiers and a journalist. The army can also be seen warning protesters to stop shooting at the local fire brigade at the 2.10 mark.


. 1 dead and 100 people injured in this attack, but hey, its definitely not terrorism. Why worry?

And on a related subject, this is how the army were greeted on April 10 when trying to break up the protest with riot gear.

* Grenade attack on Thai troops and its aftermath.


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Here's a few video links for red apologists who still deny protesters had weapons:


- see 7min 15 second mark. I live nearby and they had no shortage of grenades let me tell you. Several more go off at the 9 min mark, wounding a few soldiers and a journalist. The army can also be seen warning protesters to stop shooting at the local fire brigade at the 2.10 mark.


. 1 dead and 100 people injured in this attack, but hey, its definitely not terrorism. Why worry?

And on a related subject, this is how the army were greeted on April 10 when trying to break up the protest with riot gear.

* Grenade attack on Thai troops and its aftermath.



Es, and this is what the PTP and the red shirt leaders want Abhisit and Suthep held responsible for?

Are they complete Nut'ta woods?

It seems more and more that some definately lost their marbles,

especially the screen play writer of this all - it's shocking

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Are there no red apologists can explain the above videos away? I'm disappointed. I realise that it might stress your creative flair, but you could at least have a go.

The Red apologists would say that they are just fake MIB impersonating the army, sent in by the government to confuse everyone :)

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Are there no red apologists can explain the above videos away? I'm disappointed. I realise that it might stress your creative flair, but you could at least have a go.

The Red apologists would say that they are just fake MIB impersonating the army, sent in by the government to confuse everyone :)

I think the most probable reaction would be totally ignoring the video as if it doesn't exist and continue asking "why didn't they disperse the unarmed protesters with teargas and batons but called in the army instead?" or some such argument.

Never underestimate the ability of a person to completely block out of their mind whatever goes against their preconceived ideas.

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Unmasked: Thailand's men in black

Kenneth Todd Ruiz & Olivier Sarbil

A cigarette hanging from his lips, a sinewy man with a knotted-up beard perched on the back of a plastic chair and spoke into a military-grade radio. ''Happy birthday," he said in English. Moments later a sonorous detonation boomed from afar in the heart of the Thai capital. A cluster of anti-government protesters crowded around him exulted, shouting ''Happy birthday'' in unison. Many more such coded celebrations would follow in the next 24 hours.

It's five days before the army would send armored personnel carriers into central Bangkok on May 19 to decisively quash the ''red shirt'' occupation, and your correspondents are inside a tent with the infamous paramilitaries, dubbed ''men in black'' by the media, as they prepared for war. They let us inside their secret world on one condition: if we took any pictures, they would kill us.

These were not the regular black-attired security guards employed by the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, or UDD, anti-government protest group who generally didn't carry guns. These were the secretive and heavily armed agent provocateurs whose connections, by their own admission, run to the top of the UDD, also known as the red shirts.

Several UDD co-leaders have since been detained and branded as ''terrorists'' by the Thai government. On Wednesday, Thai authorities issued an arrest warrant for self-exiled former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on terrorism charges, alleging a link between the fugitive politician and the UDD gunmen's violent campaign. Thaksin swiftly denied the charges.

There was a simple honesty to our arrangement with the fighters, but their death threat didn't preclude Thai-style hospitality. Only one man voiced displeasure with our presence; he asked his comrades about us, but he used the Thai pronoun for ''it''. As the sun set on May 14 behind the UDD's bamboo-and-tire fortress erected in the heart of one of Bangkok's top commercial districts, the men ate hot noodles and whispered anxiously about army shooters. Snipers angered them.

Twenty-four hours earlier, Bangkok had been plunged into chaos after the man whom they said issued their orders directly, renegade army officer Maj Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol, was struck down and eventually died from a sniper's bullet as he spoke to a reporter. The government has denied responsibility for the hit.

Khattiya, a celebrity rogue revered by many red shirts, often spoke fondly of what he called the ''Ronin Warriors'' - Ronin being samurai with no lord or master. In February, he boasted to reporters of training an undisclosed number of former military men to defend the red shirts, but later publicly denied leading them. Absent Khattiya's leadership, discipline inside the red fortress was on the decline. Alcohol flowed freely, fueling tempers and fist-fights. Earlier in the day a Ronin fighter fired an Israeli-made TAR-21 assault rifle, seized from the army in April, at an army helicopter overhead.

Competing personalities vied for dominance among the disordered Ronin, but the bearded man who spoke little was calling the shots for now. "Do you know who is in charge here?" he said. "It's me." At least until another unnamed commandant he described as second to Khattiya arrived to assume command and investigate why journalists were with the gunmen.

''Not Terrorists Not Violent; Only Peaceful and Democracy,'' read a banner hanging outside the barrier of jumbled tires. Inside, it was an open secret who the gunmen were; no less secrete were the perimeter bombs, connected by dirty gray cables, designed to inflict heavy casualties on any advancing government army soldiers.


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Are there no red apologists can explain the above videos away? I'm disappointed. I realise that it might stress your creative flair, but you could at least have a go.

It's likely that those who have either knowledge or even a single opinion that doesn't fall strictly in line with the article and the Anti-protesters know that on these threads it's all about slander anyhow, so why bother? You can't take these threads seriously, and taking the time to write isn't worth it. I will say only though, that reading comments on these forums written by blatantly anti-protester guys, seem to reflect a distorted and warped view of reality -- and they frequently resort to slander of the user that doesn't agree with them or presents statements otherwise.

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Are there no red apologists can explain the above videos away? I'm disappointed. I realise that it might stress your creative flair, but you could at least have a go.

It's likely that those who have either knowledge or even a single opinion that doesn't fall strictly in line with the article and the Anti-protesters know that on these threads it's all about slander anyhow, so why bother? You can't take these threads seriously, and taking the time to write isn't worth it. I will say only though, that reading comments on these forums written by blatantly anti-protester guys, seem to reflect a distorted and warped view of reality -- and they frequently resort to slander of the user that doesn't agree with them or presents statements otherwise.

What do you expect when many red supporters are saying that the reds were not armed and did not start any fires?

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Are there no red apologists can explain the above videos away? I'm disappointed. I realise that it might stress your creative flair, but you could at least have a go.

It's likely that those who have either knowledge or even a single opinion that doesn't fall strictly in line with the article and the Anti-protesters know that on these threads it's all about slander anyhow, so why bother? You can't take these threads seriously, and taking the time to write isn't worth it. I will say only though, that reading comments on these forums written by blatantly anti-protester guys, seem to reflect a distorted and warped view of reality -- and they frequently resort to slander of the user that doesn't agree with them or presents statements otherwise.

What do you expect when many red supporters are saying that the reds were not armed and did not start any fires?

It's also very droll how he makes no statement on these videos, only a broad attack on the "Anti-protesters", thus doing in his own post what he accuses others of. Come on, if you don't like these videos, tell us what's wrong with them?

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The CNN/Dan Rivers video kinda kills all the pro-red arguments ... not to mention the Brit that says he was with the reds when they were burning down Channel 3 (to try and escape the charge of burning down Central World!)

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Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) said it is not charge pro-red shirt actor Methee Amornwutikul in red-shirt related cases but is setting him aside as a witness.

http://redirect.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thailandoutlook.tv%2F' target="_blank">

-- Tan Network 2010-06-02

looks like someone has turned over to the government side

exactly as i predicted he would turn within hours of his capture

actors and singers have no stomach for this kind of thing

Arisaman will be the greatest prize if they can catch him alive

his arse will drop so fast he will get carpet burns on it........

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you anti red shirts are so predictable.

Let me remind you:

- no red shirts caused havoc in Songkran last year in Bangkok or at the ASEAN summit in Pattaya - at the time, yes, leaders such as Thaksin might have appeared to claim that they were going to return to lead a revolution while their families flew abroad, and given that the gas tanker belonged to a company which as I recall Thaksin's brother in law is chairman or a director was the one parked in Dindaeng and planned to be set on I can perhaps understand why some might feel there is some connection, but these are fake reds.

- there was a huge massacre of red shirts at Songkran last year. The biased media have never been willing to run this story, simply because the army, despite the obvious proof they aren't masters of PR or anything somehow managed to conceal 2,000+ dead bodies and remove them out of thin air without anyone seeing anything, in stark contrast to this protest where almost everything has been shot from multiple cameras by people in the neighbourhood. now admittedly, not a single healthcare or rescue services worker has been on record as saying that this massacre occured, but when protested under parliamentary privelege, the righteous and very honest red shirt MPs who have always been completely honest and truthful were quite willing to go on record speaking at great length about this

- this was a million person march - despite the media claiming less than 100,000, and despite the fact that the entire street in front of central world in new year countdowns cannot physically hold more than 300,000 people standing; somehow the red shirts can use reclining chairs and use a bit of slack in the space time continuum to defy physics that hold the rest of us earthbound

- no red shirts ever stormed public buildings such as CAT, ThaiCom etc - the real red shirts were outside - only fake red shirts went inside. THe real red shirts were so angry with the fake red shirts, that they showed their disapproval by doing nothing at all and not even remembering who was real and fake when the fakes came out. Arisaman was at one point both real and fake

- no red shirts ever were armed or threatened violence. Now while one might claim that it is quite legal to set up extortion stations and force residents of Langsuan etc to pay to access their own homes; and while every single Bangkokian can see the sharp bamboo, the knives in the waist bands of the guys near the end points of the very legal street blockades - these are not arms. Arms which aren't fire arms belonging to the army don't count. And fire arms which belong to the army but are in the possession of the red shirts, they don't count. They were only being kept for safe keeping. Which is a nice thing to do

- the burning of Bangkok was only threatened as a joke, it was never real. The red shirts didn't do that. All the eye witnesses were obviously wrong. All the youtube clips of Arisaman etc are all wrong. They are FAKE. As FAKE as Lydia's breasts. Even though the red shirt America website started saying they had freedom from 11am to start burning, that's only because that's a fake website. In fact some of the fires probably never happened. Central World for instance, it is just a style of architecture.

- Thaksin had absolutely nothing to do with the rally or ruining the peace process. He never phoned in, twittered, contacted the protest movement nor did he ever offer to return nor did he ever offer encouragement to protesters to keep fighting. Despite the money trails pointing to him and his family, obviously he has a lot of bills, mobile phones and so on, and besides which no one has ever heard of a red shirt protester being paid to attend protests. THat's crazy. No one accepted any money to be there. Anyone that tells you they did is a fake red. At no point did Thaksin meet with any of the leaders nor discuss with them nor was the this so called private contact behind the scenes to try to discuss peace

- at no point did the red shirts break the law. It is perfectly legal to protest wherever you want, and to do what you want. It is perfectly legal to doctor videos and play them and to tell lies on stage. Removing items for personal use from Gaysorn, Big C, Central World etc is perfectly legal provided it isn't for resale. Also, it is quite legal to commandeer BMA garbage trucks and to extort money from people wanting to pass through a public street

- at no point have any red leaders been paid for their efforts. Even though many claim that the leaders were given cash, this is not true. Because they said so.

- the red shirt behaviour therefore should be condoned by Peua Thai, because while they are the best political party to never have any policies and are run by the man who took Thailand into Asian Crisis and another man who got his son off the murder of a cop in Club 20 then helped him be a fugitive for a year while witnesses were 'spoken to' it is quite clear that burning the city and shooting people and so on first of all never happened, but if it did they were fake reds, and if they were real reds, then it is perfectly ok as that's part of democracy

- Maytee may have spoken on stage at the rallies, but he was never a real red shirt; it was just mere coincidence that he was able to drive into their compound with arms in his car probably several times, while others got their handbags searched for even a pocket knife. He was just their friend, and now is no longer their friend, and he was never a red shirt. Even though he said he was, and even though he was said to be a red shirt right up until he got knicked.

I hope that this short email will help remove some of the confusion, because I am sick of the good name of people like Jatuporn being smeared by some of you who quite frankly don't know much about Thai politics, and would be on par with that Australian idiot who dragged down the very intellectual and intelligent debates that I enjoyed so much over the last 2 months on the red shirt stage.


Edited by steveromagnino
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Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) said it is not charge pro-red shirt actor Methee Amornwutikul in red-shirt related cases but is setting him aside as a witness.

-- Tan Network 2010-06-02

looks like someone has turned over to the government side

exactly as i predicted he would turn within hours of his capture

actors and singers have no stomach for this kind of thing

Arisaman will be the greatest prize if they can catch him alive

his arse will drop so fast he will get carpet burns on it........

We knew MeThee was singing but apparently he is so skilled with his song that he has beaten a terrorism

indictment and is the source of much of the credible evidence the government will use in the upcoming trials :)

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Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) said it is not charge pro-red shirt actor Methee Amornwutikul in red-shirt related cases but is setting him aside as a witness.

<a href="http://redirect.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thailandoutlook.tv%2F" target="_blank"></a>

-- Tan Network 2010-06-02

looks like someone has turned over to the government side

exactly as i predicted he would turn within hours of his capture

actors and singers have no stomach for this kind of thing

Arisaman will be the greatest prize if they can catch him alive

his arse will drop so fast he will get carpet burns on it........

Methee is form the hard wing of the reds. That will give other red leaders something to think about. Dont expect Rambo and Arismaon will be turning themselves in now.

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Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) said it is not charge pro-red shirt actor Methee Amornwutikul in red-shirt related cases but is setting him aside as a witness.

<a href="http://redirect.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thailandoutlook.tv%2F" target="_blank"></a>

-- Tan Network 2010-06-02

looks like someone has turned over to the government side

exactly as i predicted he would turn within hours of his capture

actors and singers have no stomach for this kind of thing

Arisaman will be the greatest prize if they can catch him alive

his arse will drop so fast he will get carpet burns on it........

Methee is form the hard wing of the reds. That will give other red leaders something to think about. Dont expect Rambo and Arismaon will be turning themselves in now.

I expect Arisman has as much to fear from his own side as he does from the government.

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Meanwhile, the Department of Special Investigations (DSI) said it is not charge pro-red shirt actor Methee Amornwutikul in red-shirt related cases but is setting him aside as a witness.

<a href="http://redirect.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thailandoutlook.tv%2F" target="_blank"></a>

-- Tan Network 2010-06-02

looks like someone has turned over to the government side

exactly as i predicted he would turn within hours of his capture

actors and singers have no stomach for this kind of thing

Arisaman will be the greatest prize if they can catch him alive

his arse will drop so fast he will get carpet burns on it........

Methee is form the hard wing of the reds. That will give other red leaders something to think about. Dont expect Rambo and Arismaon will be turning themselves in now.

I expect Arisman has as much to fear from his own side as he does from the government.

I suspect that is true and I also suspect that is why Methee is cooperative.

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I expect Arisman has as much to fear from his own side as he does from the government.

Judging from his portly belly, he probably has more to fear from heart disease and other rich man's diseases and afflictions, rather than a lifetime of staying in SC Park Hotels and other Shin related assets (which once again have NO connection to Thaksin, he merely owns them, unless they belong to his kids/maids/he honestly cannot remember and made a mistake).

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you anti red shirts are so predictable.

Let me remind you:

- no red shirts caused havoc in Songkran last year in Bangkok or at the ASEAN summit in Pattaya - at the time, yes, leaders such as Thaksin might have appeared to claim that they were going to return to lead a revolution while their families flew abroad, and given that the gas tanker belonged to a company which as I recall Thaksin's brother in law is chairman or a director was the one parked in Dindaeng and planned to be set on I can perhaps understand why some might feel there is some connection, but these are fake reds.

- there was a huge massacre of red shirts at Songkran last year. The biased media have never been willing to run this story, simply because the army, despite the obvious proof they aren't masters of PR or anything somehow managed to conceal 2,000+ dead bodies and remove them out of thin air without anyone seeing anything, in stark contrast to this protest where almost everything has been shot from multiple cameras by people in the neighbourhood. now admittedly, not a single healthcare or rescue services worker has been on record as saying that this massacre occured, but when protested under parliamentary privelege, the righteous and very honest red shirt MPs who have always been completely honest and truthful were quite willing to go on record speaking at great length about this

- this was a million person march - despite the media claiming less than 100,000, and despite the fact that the entire street in front of central world in new year countdowns cannot physically hold more than 300,000 people standing; somehow the red shirts can use reclining chairs and use a bit of slack in the space time continuum to defy physics that hold the rest of us earthbound

- no red shirts ever stormed public buildings such as CAT, ThaiCom etc - the real red shirts were outside - only fake red shirts went inside. THe real red shirts were so angry with the fake red shirts, that they showed their disapproval by doing nothing at all and not even remembering who was real and fake when the fakes came out. Arisaman was at one point both real and fake

- no red shirts ever were armed or threatened violence. Now while one might claim that it is quite legal to set up extortion stations and force residents of Langsuan etc to pay to access their own homes; and while every single Bangkokian can see the sharp bamboo, the knives in the waist bands of the guys near the end points of the very legal street blockades - these are not arms. Arms which aren't fire arms belonging to the army don't count. And fire arms which belong to the army but are in the possession of the red shirts, they don't count. They were only being kept for safe keeping. Which is a nice thing to do

- the burning of Bangkok was only threatened as a joke, it was never real. The red shirts didn't do that. All the eye witnesses were obviously wrong. All the youtube clips of Arisaman etc are all wrong. They are FAKE. As FAKE as Lydia's breasts. Even though the red shirt America website started saying they had freedom from 11am to start burning, that's only because that's a fake website. In fact some of the fires probably never happened. Central World for instance, it is just a style of architecture.

- Thaksin had absolutely nothing to do with the rally or ruining the peace process. He never phoned in, twittered, contacted the protest movement nor did he ever offer to return nor did he ever offer encouragement to protesters to keep fighting. Despite the money trails pointing to him and his family, obviously he has a lot of bills, mobile phones and so on, and besides which no one has ever heard of a red shirt protester being paid to attend protests. THat's crazy. No one accepted any money to be there. Anyone that tells you they did is a fake red. At no point did Thaksin meet with any of the leaders nor discuss with them nor was the this so called private contact behind the scenes to try to discuss peace

- at no point did the red shirts break the law. It is perfectly legal to protest wherever you want, and to do what you want. It is perfectly legal to doctor videos and play them and to tell lies on stage. Removing items for personal use from Gaysorn, Big C, Central World etc is perfectly legal provided it isn't for resale. Also, it is quite legal to commandeer BMA garbage trucks and to extort money from people wanting to pass through a public street

- at no point have any red leaders been paid for their efforts. Even though many claim that the leaders were given cash, this is not true. Because they said so.

- the red shirt behaviour therefore should be condoned by Peua Thai, because while they are the best political party to never have any policies and are run by the man who took Thailand into Asian Crisis and another man who got his son off the murder of a cop in Club 20 then helped him be a fugitive for a year while witnesses were 'spoken to' it is quite clear that burning the city and shooting people and so on first of all never happened, but if it did they were fake reds, and if they were real reds, then it is perfectly ok as that's part of democracy

- Maytee may have spoken on stage at the rallies, but he was never a real red shirt; it was just mere coincidence that he was able to drive into their compound with arms in his car probably several times, while others got their handbags searched for even a pocket knife. He was just their friend, and now is no longer their friend, and he was never a red shirt. Even though he said he was, and even though he was said to be a red shirt right up until he got knicked.

I hope that this short email will help remove some of the confusion, because I am sick of the good name of people like Jatuporn being smeared by some of you who quite frankly don't know much about Thai politics, and would be on par with that Australian idiot who dragged down the very intellectual and intelligent debates that I enjoyed so much over the last 2 months on the red shirt stage.


I second that. :):D :D

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The CNN/Dan Rivers video kinda kills all the pro-red arguments ... not to mention the Brit that says he was with the reds when they were burning down Channel 3 (to try and escape the charge of burning down Central World!)

This Brit is will probably also make a deal with government especially for his own safety , he is a very important witness and needs to watch his back I would think.

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With regard to the invasion of Chulalongkorn Hospital by the res shirts, attached are some photos of the temporary accommodation that the hospital had to use, along with some commentary in Thai and in English.









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The CNN/Dan Rivers video kinda kills all the pro-red arguments ... not to mention the Brit that says he was with the reds when they were burning down Channel 3 (to try and escape the charge of burning down Central World!)

This Brit is will probably also make a deal with government especially for his own safety , he is a very important witness and needs to watch his back I would think.

For what it's worth, Dan Rivers is an Australian. As far as I am concerned he has been proved to be totally unprofessional and should be fired from CNN. If Tom Minter had been the reporter, the reporting would have been much more balanced and professional. Pity that he has left CNN. He in now retired living up in Chiangmai or thereabouts. Rivers is a clown. Minter a real pro.

As a matter of interest, I have cancelled my subscription to CNN in protest and any emails I get from them automatically go into my junk mail

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The CNN/Dan Rivers video kinda kills all the pro-red arguments ... not to mention the Brit that says he was with the reds when they were burning down Channel 3 (to try and escape the charge of burning down Central World!)

This Brit is will probably also make a deal with government especially for his own safety , he is a very important witness and needs to watch his back I would think.

For what it's worth, Dan Rivers is an Australian. As far as I am concerned he has been proved to be totally unprofessional and should be fired from CNN. If Tom Minter had been the reporter, the reporting would have been much more balanced and professional. Pity that he has left CNN. He in now retired living up in Chiangmai or thereabouts. Rivers is a clown. Minter a real pro.

As a matter of interest, I have cancelled my subscription to CNN in protest and any emails I get from them automatically go into my junk mail

I think the problem Rivers had is that we get Anderson Cooper in Bangkok and Bangkokians have come to expect the same tenaciousness in getting to a story that Cooper has shown time and time again. Rivers couldn't compare, although he is now trying to catch up with his most recent video which shows armed black shirts.

I was impressed by Sara Sidner on CNN, who comparatively to Rivers, did an excellent job.

Al Jazeera was by far the best news network.

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It's likely that those who have either knowledge or even a single opinion that doesn't fall strictly in line with the article and the Anti-protesters know that on these threads it's all about slander anyhow, so why bother? You can't take these threads seriously, and taking the time to write isn't worth it. I will say only though, that reading comments on these forums written by blatantly anti-protester guys, seem to reflect a distorted and warped view of reality -- and they frequently resort to slander of the user that doesn't agree with them or presents statements otherwise.

Right. I haven't seen any professional discussion here for so long. Whatever happened to 'agree to disagree' ideology amongst these westerners here on TV, I wonder.

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