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Glitterman Speaks About Girls [the Good, The Bad And The Ugly]


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I am not here for the thai girls, i am here purely for my bike shows, the day my bike dies is the day i go home, [dont quote me on that],i am a loner and i am always happiest in my own company.

Are you being truthful?

Pattaya long-stay residents will always be tempted by physical activity with the easily available 'friends' whether male or female.

Unless the constant bicycle riding had squashed all the testosterone out of your orchids then I find the above quote hard to believe.


There are lots of people in Pattaya who are not there for the girls. These people are lost and out of place. IMO they are wasting their lives. Go somewhere else where you can actually swim with the current, not against.

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Especially Thai girls. One observation I made about Thai girls is that they don't have very much male friends. I like that. They mainly have female friends.

You know why? Because the girls have to pay them the booze.

No its because Thai girls are different, they are more feminine.

That's a bad excuse as even the majority of Thai men are more femine. :)

More feminine then western girls ? That says allot about western girls :D

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After reading all the posts here....there must be some truth in what he is saying, as it seems to have touched a nerve with our Pattaya based OAP's..who have not debated any of the points raised but mearly attacked the person...

The fact is that this type of topic has already been done to death so why bother doing so again.

Go back to sleep and get some rest.

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Think Glitterman is a clever troll.

This is why I think so.

He starts a thread, then makes no other input to the thread.

He then sits back whilst you all argue amongst yourselves.

That's trollish behavior.

Gliterman should be put on his push iron and sent on a vacation, a very long one.

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GM never replies, as far as I know.

Unless of course he is also some of the other posters in the thread.......perhaps GM is several people , at the same time , kind of thing. :)

I rather liked his first posts introducing himself and bike, and why he does what he does.

Not too sure about stalking shop assistants though....... :D

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Okay, my previous post was deleted, but hey ho such is life

I can agree with GM, its great to have a hog and be able to cruise on beach road, its very nice to chat to the stall girls, I dont think its actually stalking them though

Just giving his opinion of his views of Thai girls,

I have to agree with his point though, but not some of the other replies,

I dont think anyone actually knows him and its rather unfair to make assumptions on his sanity, you can say he is a bit biased and a fruit loop, even racist with his remarks

That is supposed to be the whole point of TV, to start a lively discussion, but not get personal about it

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Don't necessarily believe gm when he says given a choice between western and thai woman - the answer will be western? (too many variables involved) The choice is based on many factors, and you can't choose one or the other based on race.

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I would spend hours in there on all four floors, going from counter to counter and having fun. I was friends with about 80% of all the girls in that entire department store, and then when 'Central' opened last year,i did the same there too.

wait what?

you spent your day trolling from shop to shop, like some kind of pedophile troll?

from the perspective of a person working in a shop, your the kind of non-customer who walks in and annoys staff, so as a staff person they have nothing else better to do than take the piss out of you, and because they are nice, they humor you and by the time they are sick of you they start asking for food.

so you have no friends and no one to talk to, so you troll around shops where people HAVE to talk to you, they think you might buy something and they are stuck in the shop all day, so they can't walk away or ignore you, no option but to humor you and if you're that pathetic they might as well get something out of you - at least if you go buy food, they get rid of you for 30 minutes and they get food.

glitterman, no friends, no life, tries to get attention by forcing himself on people, that failed now rides around on a gold bike for attention.

dont know if i should feel sorry for you, or just smile and nod because your the typical low iq idiot that comes here.

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How sad to read the hurtful words and listen to the despicable tone in most of the responses to The Glitterman's post(s). And this includes, surprisingly, the many qualified mental health professionals who've weighed in with their diagnoses.

We need a little grace and tolerance.

Pattaya is what we make it...


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I have carefully read the opening post.......mildly controversial in places, but the majority of the post are just the observations of one man.......

Most of these observations or similar have been aired by many, many, people on this very forum.......

I would suggest if you question the mental state of the man who posted the opening post on this thread.......

Go read the many responses to the sinsod threads that echo almost duplicate thoughts...........

Do we therefore have an underlying problem on TV that is not acknowledged if one does not ride a gold bicycle around Pattaya

I have read your post several times but it is gibberish.

Kindly state exactly what you mean.



In simple terms you are suggesting a man has a mental condition, and yet he has stated much the same as a thousand people on this forum.

I think you could understand my post, you just cannot find a single line to quote and define your response.......

The reality being he may be eccentric riding his bicycle.......but he posts no different to many others......so what is your diagnosis now doctor?

If you re-read his posts carefully you will see that there is extreme evidence of delusion and schizoid personality disorder.

This condition is probably not dangerous to himself or others but in the long term, if left untreated it will become a terrible handicap.

Being British, we tend to welcome eccentricities in our fellow man but beneath the outrageous frivolity often festers a diseased mind and personality.

I hope that you understand this. Thank you.

Nutty as a fruit cake.He is bombarding other forums and has delusions of grandeur.I realy think the guy needs some sort of treatment,and he is not contributing nothing but bile

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who is glitterman and why is he famous?

He is not famous just a very sad man who is a compulsive lier.He drives a push bike wearing a gold suit in Pattaya,and he thinks he is contributing to Pattaya society.

He swamps other message boards now, as he is very deluded and no doubt will get banned from most forums as he talks rubbish.He wants stardom but has no talent to fulfil his delusional dreams.

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