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Gay Minister Forced To Resign

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Dennis Laws, a minister in the new UK Government, has been forced to resign because he claimed expenses for rent paid to his gay partner. He didn't want his gayness to be known, but has now been outed in the most unpleasant way. We all know that the decision to come out can be agonising, and he made his, to stay in the closet. But, as a politician, his gay relationship was bound to come out sooner or later.

Laws broke the law (no pun intended) by claiming expenses in this way, but I think many of us would have done the same.

My sympathy goes to Dennis and his partner... and to the Con/Lib Dem Government, which has lost one of its brightest stars.

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His name is David Laws, and he is my local MP.

I think he should have come clean about his sexuality earlier, that would never have been a problem. The expense claims are a different matter, and he duly resigned.

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Sorry to make a mistake on the name. It's not always so easy to come out... I think many of us have agonised before we did. I was lucky in a way; when I met my life partner, he was so obvious that there was no point in trying to hide it any more.

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Breaking the law as a minister and getting caught gets no sympathy from me, even if it is 'what everyone does'. If he wanted to remain in the closet, he should have been especially careful not to involve his relationship in his illegal activity. It's regrettable that a gay voice has been removed from a major position of trust, or that a person has lost his privacy, but it is his own fault- he violated the trust.

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