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Baby Cobra's Found In The Garden

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7 of them to be precise..

Any tips ?? Would that be all or should i look for more ?? Any idea's on where i should look as i found 4 under a Box & the others just in the grass ??

I'm a bit worries as i have a little one who likes to play in the Graden..

Any help will be appreciated..


& before any one says it, i know my Snakes & i have a big Shovel..:)

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I was told by one of the vets that those smelly balls that you put into urinals will deter snakes from entering your property. Buy the bigger ones, then place them about 5m apart along your boundary. If you are worried about other animals digging them up then place under a few stones or even loosely tie in a sock. Not sure if it works myself but the vet keeps them around his property and just replaces them every 3rd month. Its worth a try. Personally i wouldn't put a dog up against a cobra as at some point the dog will lose!

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Yes, contact Phil, he does a great job and will relocate them somewhere more suitable where they hopefully won't come into contact with any people or shovels. Of course donations for his great service are hugely appreciated.

Yep, the number i had for Phil appears to not be in use any more as it wasn't available lats night or this morning so thanks for the new number that was PM'd & Posted..:)

Sorry, i am a HUGE Animal & Snake Lover but when little one is walkign about through our Front Garden where they were found, to just get out of the House, there is no chance of friendly relocation in this particular situation..

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mmmmmm. Where's MUM (mom for the Americans)??? Must be around somewhere?? :)

They don't hang around , from what I understand.They leave the little ones on their own.

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mmmmmm. Where's MUM (mom for the Americans)??? Must be around somewhere?? :)

They don't hang around , from what I understand.They leave the little ones on their own.

She will possibly be someone else's problem then. Hope they can be found and relocated.

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What about some sensible advice.

Baby cobras (some) are more venomous than grown ups, as they do not have the ability to control their venom. So therefore you have found an entire family. The parent will only return to eat them.

Contact the snake man.

Are they cobras?

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Phil's contact # is:

089 663 5085

I will also pin it in the tradesman section.

yes get a pro to proper clear your space. cause if they are babies then ther eis probably a mother and farther and unlce and anties aroun. u have to kill the head snake then all the other will die. or is that vampires. can't rememeber either way a vampire slayer or a snake catcher as long as they are professional they should do a proper job,

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Phil's contact # is:

089 663 5085 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              089 663 5085      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

I will also pin it in the tradesman section.

yes get a pro to proper clear your space. cause if they are babies then ther eis probably a mother and farther and unlce and anties aroun. u have to kill the head snake then all the other will die. or is that vampires. can't rememeber either way a vampire slayer or a snake catcher as long as they are professional they should do a proper job,

I'm sure the OP (as do we all) will find your info both helpful and constructive.

How come you know so much about about Cobra family structures? Do they have grandads and extra marital cobras etc. as well?:)

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I was told by one of the vets that those smelly balls that you put into urinals will deter snakes from entering your property. Buy the bigger ones, then place them about 5m apart along your boundary. If you are worried about other animals digging them up then place under a few stones or even loosely tie in a sock. Not sure if it works myself but the vet keeps them around his property and just replaces them every 3rd month. Its worth a try. Personally i wouldn't put a dog up against a cobra as at some point the dog will lose!

mothballs do work as a deterrent, but they need to be renewed and will dissolve in the rain

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I was told by one of the vets that those smelly balls that you put into urinals will deter snakes from entering your property. Buy the bigger ones, then place them about 5m apart along your boundary. If you are worried about other animals digging them up then place under a few stones or even loosely tie in a sock. Not sure if it works myself but the vet keeps them around his property and just replaces them every 3rd month. Its worth a try. Personally i wouldn't put a dog up against a cobra as at some point the dog will lose!

mothballs do work as a deterrent, but they need to be renewed and will dissolve in the rain

So how do you catch the moths?

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Phil's contact # is:

089 663 5085

I will also pin it in the tradesman section.

yes get a pro to proper clear your space. cause if they are babies then ther eis probably a mother and farther and unlce and anties aroun. u have to kill the head snake then all the other will die. or is that vampires. can't rememeber either way a vampire slayer or a snake catcher as long as they are professional they should do a proper job,

I trust this post has put the OP's mind at ease :):D

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I was told by one of the vets that those smelly balls that you put into urinals will deter snakes from entering your property. Buy the bigger ones, then place them about 5m apart along your boundary. If you are worried about other animals digging them up then place under a few stones or even loosely tie in a sock. Not sure if it works myself but the vet keeps them around his property and just replaces them every 3rd month. Its worth a try. Personally i wouldn't put a dog up against a cobra as at some point the dog will lose!

mothballs do work as a deterrent, but they need to be renewed and will dissolve in the rain

So how do you catch the moths?

dunno, i just buy the bag of white smelly balls as per bottleblondes post -- I don't ask and don't want to know where they come from :)

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