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Thai PM Abhisit Under Fire Over Deadly Crackdown

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Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. 1981 - 2000

:) Were they armed and threatening to burn down London even before they encamped there? There's always a Geo :D

Just an example of a protest that ran more than 2 months, and nobody was shot......nothing more nothing less.... :D

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Have you actually listened to the debate? I bet you haven't! Abhisit is not sounding in the least silly, in fact he is handling things calmly, rationally and with great respect for the opposition.

Does anyone know the international standards for evicting a large mob of criminals from a barricaded section of a major city? What is done in the UK or the USA when armed terrorists occupy the streets and attack security forces? Suggesting that there is a standard method for dealing with the Thai crisis is ridiculous, when has a similar event happened anywhere else?

A similar event occured in in Thailand in 2008, when a large mob of facist criminals barricaded different sections of the city for a total of 192 days. The government response was to allow the protest to continue until the large mob of criminals got what they wanted and the protest ended.

Ummm no

In 2008 a (by far and large) peaceful group of protesters staged an illegal act of civil disobedience for a long time. It did not cripple the financial center of the city.

The Reds were told they could remain at PanFah Bridge as long as they wanted. The problem is that Thaksin needed faster action which is why they moved to try and cripple the government by both armed terrorism and financial terrorism.

It was mainly peaceful I agree with you, it was mainly peaceful because the security forces made hardly any effort to remove them. On the one day that a sustained operation was enacted to remove the PAD 7/10/2008, 4 police were shot, a PAD supporter died trying to detonate a car bomb, 3 police seriously injured after being run over by a pick up truck and numerous ping pong grenades were thrown.

The PAD were not labeled as terrorists, instead the police backed off ( the army had no role in security operations against PAD) and allowed them to take over the airport.

Since then the only action taken against the PAD has been to make one of them foreign minister, hardly a heavy punishment.

Can you confirm who you're referring to?

I remember a young girl being blown up by a car bomb or something, but that doesn't sound like what you're talking about. Do you have a link please?

It's a tough one.

* A mob takes over part of the city and basically says it will never go away unless it gets everything it wants.

* An extremist member member (Seh Daeng) is assassinated and his still-breathing corpse is charged with terrorism.

* Finally the army moves in with live ammunition and 80+ civilians are killed.

* After the group is fired on by the army of its own country, some members apparently torch highly valuable properties.

Ya, there are a few human rights violations in there, but then Abhisit tried every other means and showed a great deal of patience (either that of the army refused to move earlier).

If a group had taken and terrorized Times Square in New York, the US National Guard would have opened fire after about the second day, not the 60th, but then in "free" America, protesters wouldn't have been able to pull off what the Reds did in BKK. They would have been shot before the barricades ever got up.


Quite true...remember Kent State or the harsh crack down with the Chicago Democratic Convention protesters back in the 60's? What the Thai government IS guilty of-- is not being "pro-active" in preventing such a large group to gather illegally in the downtown area. (or can we blame the police for that? )

Abhisit is starting to sound like a clown with his pathetic excuses and inability to take responsibility.

And when are the Red Shirts going to take responsibility for burning down our city? It's so hypocritical of Pheu Thai to attack the Prime Minister when one of their own was right out there inciting the riots.

Most of the 80 killed were killed trying to violently overthrow the government. Just because they call themselves 'peaceful protesters' doesn't make it so. They got what was coming to them.

If it's "your city," then I guess it is "your country" too! And by "one of their own" do you mean a separate class of citizenry or something perhaps, less? And if one person acts indifferently, then everyone else within their party should be considered guilty by association and therefore relinquish their right to criticize, or "attack" as you put it, the Prime Minister?

The 80 people who were killed, I believe that number included the women who was killed in Silom, a nurse, two emergency responders, two journalist and others who were unarmed; so, were they trying to "violently" overthrow the government? Did they all get what was coming to them?

It sounds to me like you are suffering from a severe case of elitism that has diminished your ability to be objective. How sad you are.

One of their own meaning a Pheu Thai MP, ie Jatuporn. If your English sucks and you don't understand what I'm writing, do yourself a favor and ask for a clarification rather looking like an idiot trying to put words in my mouth. And don't try to tell us that Jatuporn was a 'peaceful protest leader' either. We all know otherwise.

And yes, I did say MOST of the 80 killed didn't I? The ones not included in the 'most' are the medics and reporters killed. As for the others, they got what was coming to them. Their comrades in arms had rifles and grenade launchers and they also knew a crackdown was coming. It's not like the government didn't give them a chance to leave. They were there by choice trying to overthrow the government. If they died, they died.

You call me an elitist. Of course, you would call me that. It's to be expected from a Red shit. I mean I must be a Bangkok elite if I don't support them right?

If that is your opinion well be it. But to say they had it coming to them is not right! If you are a trained elite army specialist and someone was shooting at you, would you not make sure the shooter died. I bet you no marine worth his salt would let that happen, if his mate died beside him imagine, they would let the shooter live. Not one so called black shirt caught or dead, Why?

And no you don't have to be elitist, to say things about the red shirts, just remember not all of them are shits as you express it. The majority of them are very nice people, just like the yellow shirts and no colours and maybe some of the blue shirts, but probably not the black shirts.

Hmmm more lies

There is no proof a PAD supported died "trying to detonate a carbomb", and in fact it is more likely that a PAD supporter was assassinated by a carbomb.

The Reds attacked the PAD on the night of Sep 1st (resulting in 1 dead red)

There were no police killed on Oct 7th. The day that the police completely surrounded the protesters and fired RDX laced military use CS gas directly at protesters killing one.

There are tapes that have been used to suggest that PAD were firing at police but when examined showed that the guy with the gun at the wall was aiming not out at police lines but AT PAD. There is video showing the police aiming (not sure about using) lethal weapons (guns) at protesters.

One policeman injured by the pickup.

PAD labeed as terrorists.

BUT --- this isn't a thread about the PAD :)

This thread is about Abhisit and his almost inhuan RESTRAINT in dispersing a violent armed mob from the center of BKK.

Oh --- sorry ---- forgot to confront the BIGGEST lie you told. The PAD leadership have been charged and have made appearances in court. The cases are ongoing.

Your right this is not a thread about the PAD nor is it a forum where you can really get to the heart of the PAD movement, re forum rule 2.


How long did you want the Anarchists to hold the Country to Ransom then? or burn down the Country wholesale? with

their outrageous demands?

Whether you like it or not PM Abhisit showed amazing leadership qualities, and restraint,no western Government would

have tolerated for more than a few days,let alone 2 months!

The issue is and was ---- Armed mob threatening the peace and stability of the Kingdom.

It's a rather harsh way to describe the military thugs who gunned down civilians in the back but I see what you're getting at and you're entitled to your view.Unfortunately the Thai army has a way of covering their tracks as we have seen from other massacres like Tak Bai so I doubt anyone will be brought to justice.I dare say the little poodle Abhisit now preening himself is not going to challenge them.But well done on raising the issue.

Nice attempt at baiting --- yet a failure again. The military were surely armed! They, however, were not a mob. Your boys in red were :) (both armed and a mob) You mean Tak Bai that was one of Thaksin's babies? Or were you referring to some other atrocity committed during Thaksin's reign?

Well done on reminding us that the reds are all about Thaksin and that Thaksin is reponsible for so many many many many more Thai deaths than anyone has yet accused Abhisit of. Then again Thaksin isn't preening anywhere these days, he's just trying to find a safe country to hide in since The big guy in Montenegro has already indicated they have a way of dealing with Thaksin's citizenship if it becomes an issue.

Does anyone know the international standards for evicting a large mob of criminals from a barricaded section of a major city? What is done in the UK or the USA when armed terrorists occupy the streets and attack security forces? Suggesting that there is a standard method for dealing with the Thai crisis is ridiculous, when has a similar event happened anywhere else?

But Chad dont you remember this was a peaceful rally till the army marched in. Abhisit or whoever had control stuffed it right up. They let the UDD, PT, whoever, right in the door. The traffic was still flowing it was like a carnival for many people not only the reds. That fateful night apr10 the army marched towards the protesters, no barricades. All hel_l broke loose, what a stuff up. Had the controller, Abhisit, whoever, waited for them to make a wrong move. He would be a hero,

Someone finally making sense thankyou

Have you actually listened to the debate? I bet you haven't! Abhisit is not sounding in the least silly, in fact he is handling things calmly, rationally and with great respect for the opposition.

As always I am quite impressed by his manner. He left the sneering and rude Jatuporn looking like a buffoon in the earlier negotiations, and Weng's mouth and lies were so outrageous in those negotiations that he became an Idiom! Don't Weng!

(A lot of Wenging going on by the reds on here tonight!)

If that is your opinion well be it. But to say they had it coming to them is not right! If you are a trained elite army specialist and someone was shooting at you, would you not make sure the shooter died. I bet you no marine worth his salt would let that happen, if his mate died beside him imagine, they would let the shooter live. Not one so called black shirt caught or dead, Why?

And no you don't have to be elitist, to say things about the red shirts, just remember not all of them are shits as you express it. The majority of them are very nice people, just like the yellow shirts and no colours and maybe some of the blue shirts, but probably not the black shirts.

You ever served in the Army? You ever been in a combat situation? I haven't either. But I do know if I was packing a rifle and someone was shooting at me, I'd shoot back for sure. And most of the soldiers out there are 2 year conscripts, hardly the 'elite army specialist'.

And how do you know those dead were not black shirts? Everyone was in their civvies. You can't tell. Like I said, if you're there, you're likely a rebel. To the soldier, you're a target.

Yes, they're 'nice people'. They held the city hostage for 2 months costing thousands of jobs. Do they care that these people who lost their jobs aren't rich? They tried to burn down the city and while not all of them were involved, not one of them expressed any sort of remorse. Perhaps it was wrong of me to call them 'shits'. With the way they behave, 'animals' is a better name.


The protests should have been put down by the police, using tear gas and batons, as was the case against the PAD when the PPP government were in power. Things were done correctly using the Police.

The present government has made clear errors, by not using the police.

The next error was calling the army.

The next error was allowing the army to use lethal force.

Why did they not use the police ? They should never have called in the army.

If the government has no control over the police then it should have stood down and had elections and allowed a new government in that had the power.

I am afraid the "double standards" are going to get worse and worse.

Has the Bangkok governor been moved to an inactive post as Bangkok burnt ? NO

So why has the governors of Isaan provinces been moved to inactive posts because there were fires in their provinces ?

Has any Bangkok police chiefs been moved for failing to control the crowds ? for failing to follow orders ? NO

So why have police chiefs in Isaan been moved to inactive posts due to the fires ?

It is clear that horrendous double standards are still ongoing. If the government did not use the police then

Why ?

And if the answer is not obeying orders then.... why has no Bangkok police been moved to inactive posts ?

It seems there are strange double standards going on, very strange.


I get the feeling there is no "real" plan for any reconciliation.

All that appears to be happening is "revenge and retribution" against anyone they can remotely link to being "red".


It's a tough one. AGREE

* A mob takes over part of the city and basically says it will never go away unless it gets everything it wants.


* An extremist member member (Seh Daeng) is assassinated and his still-breathing corpse is charged with terrorism.

* Finally the army moves in with live ammunition and 80+ civilians are killed.


* After the group is fired on by the army of its own country, some members apparently torch highly valuable properties.

Ya, there are a few human rights violations in there, but then Abhisit tried every other means and showed a great deal of patience (either that of the army refused to move earlier).


If a group had taken and terrorized Times Square in New York, the US National Guard would have opened fire after about the second day, not the 60th, but then in "free" America, protesters wouldn't have been able to pull off what the Reds did in BKK. They would have been shot before the barricades ever got up. IN AMERICA IF THE PROTESTERS ARE PEACEFUL THEY WOULD NOT SEND THE ARMY IN WITH ANTI AIRCRAFT GUNS ARMOURED VEHICLES ETC. THEY WOULD NOT SEND THE ARMY IN FULL STOP. IF OVER 100 PEOPLE DIED AND WENT MISSING AND IT WAS STATE CONTROLLED THE GOVERNOR WOULD RESIGN. IF THE PRESIDENT SENT THE ARMY IN AND OVER 100 DIED AND WENT MISSING THE PRESIDENT WOULD RESIGN.

Lets face it Abhisit has made too many mistakes, I agree he had a difficult job but he screwed it, and should show accountability and resign.

Correction, the only reference I saw to an anti-aircraft gun was on the red side, C4 plastic explosives, RPG anti tank weapons (but used against hotels and jet fuel depots), M79 grenades and other kinds of bombs as well.

Maybe you are comparing apples and oranges.

Can you confirm who you're referring to?

I remember a young girl being blown up by a car bomb or something, but that doesn't sound like what you're talking about. Do you have a link please?


An article written by Andrew Marshall who now writes for Time magazine on Thailand

And the article doesn't support YOUR claim at all

Amid the chaos, a suspected car bomb went off in a nearby street, killing protester Methee Chartmontri, a former police officer and brother-in-law of a PAD leader. Emergency workers approached the burnt-out wreck to lay a sheet over a human torso which had been shorn of limbs by the blast.

also from the same article and contradicting your other claims .....

Some 20 policemen were also injured. Four were shot by the PAD, claimed deputy Metropolitan Police chief Pol Maj-Gen Amnuay Nimmano. One officer was stabbed with a sharpened flag pole, and another suffered broken legs after a PAD member ran him over with an SUV.

we could go on and on .....

BTW there are some factual errors in the article too --- Thaksin is not known to have ever applied for asylum in the UK nor even to have considered it.

The protests should have been put down by the police, using tear gas and batons, as was the case against the PAD when the PPP government were in power. Things were done correctly using the Police.

The present government has made clear errors, by not using the police.

The next error was calling the army.

The next error was allowing the army to use lethal force.

Why did they not use the police ? They should never have called in the army.

If the government has no control over the police then it should have stood down and had elections and allowed a new government in that had the power.

I am afraid the "double standards" are going to get worse and worse.

Has the Bangkok governor been moved to an inactive post as Bangkok burnt ? NO

So why has the governors of Isaan provinces been moved to inactive posts because there were fires in their provinces ?

Has any Bangkok police chiefs been moved for failing to control the crowds ? for failing to follow orders ? NO

So why have police chiefs in Isaan been moved to inactive posts due to the fires ?

It is clear that horrendous double standards are still ongoing. If the government did not use the police then

Why ?

And if the answer is not obeying orders then.... why has no Bangkok police been moved to inactive posts ?

It seems there are strange double standards going on, very strange.

How do you use teargas and batons when there are elements in the crowd that have live rounds and ARE FIRING AT YOU? Please explain how government forces are supposed to use standard crowd control tactics when the other side are packing ASSAULT RIFLES AND GRENADE LAUNCHERS! And let's not forget that those 'unarmed' have the ubiquitous molotov cocktail as a weapon.

Don't talk shit about 'proper' methods of dispersing protesters because these people weren't peaceful protesters.

The protests should have been put down by the police, using tear gas and batons, as was the case against the PAD when the PPP government were in power. Things were done correctly using the Police.

The present government has made clear errors, by not using the police.

The next error was calling the army.

The next error was allowing the army to use lethal force.

Why did they not use the police ? They should never have called in the army.

If the government has no control over the police then it should have stood down and had elections and allowed a new government in that had the power.

I am afraid the "double standards" are going to get worse and worse.

Has the Bangkok governor been moved to an inactive post as Bangkok burnt ? NO

So why has the governors of Isaan provinces been moved to inactive posts because there were fires in their provinces ?

Has any Bangkok police chiefs been moved for failing to control the crowds ? for failing to follow orders ? NO

So why have police chiefs in Isaan been moved to inactive posts due to the fires ?

It is clear that horrendous double standards are still ongoing. If the government did not use the police then

Why ?

And if the answer is not obeying orders then.... why has no Bangkok police been moved to inactive posts ?

It seems there are strange double standards going on, very strange.

You are so red. Even your avatar is 100% red.

Nice attempt at baiting --- yet a failure again. The military were surely armed! They, however, were not a mob. Your boys in red were :) (both armed and a mob) You mean Tak Bai that was one of Thaksin's babies? Or were you referring to some other atrocity committed during Thaksin's reign?

Well done on reminding us that the reds are all about Thaksin and that Thaksin is reponsible for so many many many many more Thai deaths than anyone has yet accused Abhisit of. Then again Thaksin isn't preening anywhere these days, he's just trying to find a safe country to hide in since The big guy in Montenegro has already indicated they have a way of dealing with Thaksin's citizenship if it becomes an issue.

One has in the grimmest of circumstances (Tak Bai) have to wonder at the mindset of zealots who apparently believe that the Thai army had nothing to do with Tak Bai and other massacres.It was one of Thaksin;s "babies" we are told.Quite amazing.

No doubt we will shortly be told by this genius that Red demonstrators shot themselves in the back, and then turned their attention to journalists and those seeking refuge in a temple.

One can more or less understand when the elite take action to protect their interests, but when no account visa runners start pitching in on their behalf, it's unbelievable.This fellow is really just the counterpart of that English moron who took up with the thuggish end of the Reds.A curse on both of them.

The protests should have been put down by the police, using tear gas and batons, as was the case against the PAD when the PPP government were in power. Things were done correctly using the Police.

The present government has made clear errors, by not using the police.

The next error was calling the army.

The next error was allowing the army to use lethal force.

Why did they not use the police ? They should never have called in the army.

If the government has no control over the police then it should have stood down and had elections and allowed a new government in that had the power.

I am afraid the "double standards" are going to get worse and worse.

Has the Bangkok governor been moved to an inactive post as Bangkok burnt ? NO

So why has the governors of Isaan provinces been moved to inactive posts because there were fires in their provinces ?

Has any Bangkok police chiefs been moved for failing to control the crowds ? for failing to follow orders ? NO

So why have police chiefs in Isaan been moved to inactive posts due to the fires ?

It is clear that horrendous double standards are still ongoing. If the government did not use the police then

Why ?

And if the answer is not obeying orders then.... why has no Bangkok police been moved to inactive posts ?

It seems there are strange double standards going on, very strange.

You are so red. Even your avatar is 100% red.

Poorest response of the day......some of the questions above seem quite valid.....but you give no answer

Nice attempt at baiting --- yet a failure again. The military were surely armed! They, however, were not a mob. Your boys in red were :) (both armed and a mob) You mean Tak Bai that was one of Thaksin's babies? Or were you referring to some other atrocity committed during Thaksin's reign?

Well done on reminding us that the reds are all about Thaksin and that Thaksin is reponsible for so many many many many more Thai deaths than anyone has yet accused Abhisit of. Then again Thaksin isn't preening anywhere these days, he's just trying to find a safe country to hide in since The big guy in Montenegro has already indicated they have a way of dealing with Thaksin's citizenship if it becomes an issue.

One has in the grimmest of circumstances (Tak Bai) have to wonder at the mindset of zealots who apparently believe that the Thai army had nothing to do with Tak Bai and other massacres.It was one of Thaksin;s "babies" we are told.Quite amazing.

No doubt we will shortly be told by this genius that Red demonstrators shot themselves in the back, and then turned their attention to journalists and those seeking refuge in a temple.

One can more or less understand when the elite take action to protect their interests, but when no account visa runners start pitching in on their behalf, it's unbelievable.This fellow is really just the counterpart of that English moron who took up with the thuggish end of the Reds.A curse on both of them.

You're putting Tak Bai solely on the Army, even though Thaksin was Prime Minister at the time. Fair enough. But if you do that, then similarly you would have to put the 80 deaths solely on the Army and thus PM Abhisit is innocent then?

Newsflash; Over a TWO MONTH period it is.

Maybe its just me, but putting a time limit on the value of a human life like that is unacceptable.

How long did you want the Anarchists to hold the Country to Ransom then? or burn down the Country wholesale? with

their outrageous demands?

Whether you like it or not PM Abhisit showed amazing leadership qualities, and restraint,no western Government would

have tolerated for more than a few days,let alone 2 months!

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. 1981 - 2000

For the most part Greenham Common was a way of life Gender encampment,of no violent threat to the countries

stability,and unlike the Redshirts demonstration relatively peaceful by comparison. not a like for like comparison,hence

the 9 years period of protest,which by the way their aim was the removal of Nuclear Missiles in that area,not to bring

down the legitimate Government of the day and reinstate a deposed absconder from justice..............Big difference!

Abhisit is starting to sound like a clown with his pathetic excuses and inability to take responsibility.

And when are the Red Shirts going to take responsibility for burning down our city? It's so hypocritical of Pheu Thai to attack the Prime Minister when one of their own was right out there inciting the riots.

Most of the 80 killed were killed trying to violently overthrow the government. Just because they call themselves 'peaceful protesters' doesn't make it so. They got what was coming to them.

If it's "your city," then I guess it is "your country" too! And by "one of their own" do you mean a separate class of citizenry or something perhaps, less? And if one person acts indifferently, then everyone else within their party should be considered guilty by association and therefore relinquish their right to criticize, or "attack" as you put it, the Prime Minister?

The 80 people who were killed, I believe that number included the women who was killed in Silom, a nurse, two emergency responders, two journalist and others who were unarmed; so, were they trying to "violently" overthrow the government? Did they all get what was coming to them?

It sounds to me like you are suffering from a severe case of elitism that has diminished your ability to be objective. How sad you are.

One of their own meaning a Pheu Thai MP, ie Jatuporn. If your English sucks and you don't understand what I'm writing, do yourself a favor and ask for a clarification rather looking like an idiot trying to put words in my mouth. And don't try to tell us that Jatuporn was a 'peaceful protest leader' either. We all know otherwise.

And yes, I did say MOST of the 80 killed didn't I? The ones not included in the 'most' are the medics and reporters killed. As for the others, they got what was coming to them. Their comrades in arms had rifles and grenade launchers and they also knew a crackdown was coming. It's not like the government didn't give them a chance to leave. They were there by choice trying to overthrow the government. If they died, they died.

You call me an elitist. Of course, you would call me that. It's to be expected from a Red shit. I mean I must be a Bangkok elite if I don't support them right?

I have an excellent understanding of the English language, however your elitism resonates loud and clear. Telling me my English sucks, That I'm an idiot and a Red "Shit" supporter only demonstrates your arrogance towards other people and your lack of spelling skills . Your use of the word "most", within the context of the English language refers to the majority...look it up:


It's pretty convenient to use a generic context without providing substantive facts to make a valid point, which is yet another aspect of the English language that is used to bridge words into complete sentences. I for one have a great regard for life and I do not chose to be so caviler in the loss of any life, and I especially hold a reverence for the loss of innocent lives. I take no position one way or the other for red, yellow, green or whatever, and I never said I did. I simply pointed out what I believed to be your lack of sensitivity towards other human beings, and all you did was validate what I believed to be true!

You're putting Tak Bai solely on the Army, even though Thaksin was Prime Minister at the time. Fair enough. But if you do that, then similarly you would have to put the 80 deaths solely on the Army and thus PM Abhisit is innocent then?

Perfectly fair observation but there's a difference.Obviously as PM, Thaksin should take responsibility for Tak Bai and for ensuring the senior officers concerned were brought to justice.He didn't and he is rightly blamed.However I don't think anyone maintains that Thaksin was in the command and control aspect of the Tak Bai operation.Abhisit was closely indeed completely involved in the crack down on the Reds.There's the difference.

I get the feeling there is no "real" plan for any reconciliation.

All that appears to be happening is "revenge and retribution" against anyone they can remotely link to being "red".

Libelous sedition !

You could be next


Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp. 1981 - 2000

For the most part Greenham Common was a way of life Gender encampment,of no violent threat to the countries

stability,and unlike the Redshirts demonstration relatively peaceful by comparison. not a like for like comparison,hence

the 9 years period of protest,which by the way their aim was the removal of Nuclear Missiles in that area,not to bring

down the legitimate Government of the day and reinstate a deposed absconder from justice..............Big difference!


Nice try, the protestors broke the law by cutting the fence and entering Government property....sound familiar

A government spokesman at the time stated they were 'at risk of being shot'.......sound familiar

your definition of 'big difference' appears a little ill thought out....but this is just detail and not important to the future of Thailand.....maybe take this as a reminder to research a little deeper next time.... :)

I have an excellent understanding of the English language, however your elitism resonates loud and clear. Telling me my English sucks, That I'm an idiot and a Red "Shit" supporter only demonstrates your arrogance towards other people and your lack of spelling skills . Your use of the word "most", within the context of the English language refers to the majority...look it up:


It's pretty convenient to use a generic context without providing substantive facts to make a valid point, which is yet another aspect of the English language that is used to bridge words into complete sentences. I for one have a great regard for life and I do not chose to be so caviler in the loss of any life, and I especially hold a reverence for the loss of innocent lives. I take no position one way or the other for red, yellow, green or whatever, and I never said I did. I simply pointed out what I believed to be your lack of sensitivity towards other human beings, and all you did was validate what I believed to be true!

Yes 'most' means the majority. That's what I said. Most of the 80 dead were trying to violently overthrow the government. They got what was coming to them. The others not covered by the 'most' are the few dead journalists and medics. Trouble understanding again?

Why would I have sensitivity to a bunch of thugs who are want to bring back a man who murdered 3000 Thai citizens? Pray tell where are their 'sensitivities' to the dead 3000?

Why would I have sensitivity to a bunch of thugs who would use their own children as human shields?

Why would I have sensitivity to people who went in attempting to overthrow the government and were given numerous chances to leave the zone before the fighting started?

I'll say it again. These people knew what they were getting into. If they died, they died.

And the article doesn't support YOUR claim at all
Amid the chaos, a suspected car bomb went off in a nearby street, killing protester Methee Chartmontri, a former police officer and brother-in-law of a PAD leader. Emergency workers approached the burnt-out wreck to lay a sheet over a human torso which had been shorn of limbs by the blast.

also from the same article and contradicting your other claims .....

Some 20 policemen were also injured. Four were shot by the PAD, claimed deputy Metropolitan Police chief Pol Maj-Gen Amnuay Nimmano. One officer was stabbed with a sharpened flag pole, and another suffered broken legs after a PAD member ran him over with an SUV.

we could go on and on .....

BTW there are some factual errors in the article too --- Thaksin is not known to have ever applied for asylum in the UK nor even to have considered it.

If you flick through these pictures you can clearly see the pick up hits more than one police officer.


The article supports my claim that 4 police officers were shot.

After Methee Chartmontri died a police spokesman accused him of parking the bomb, there was no further investigation. This article says a police investigation accused him of carrying bombs.



Interestingly Ahbisit attended this accused car bombers funeral.


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