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Large Plants In Pots Turning Yellow

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Hi, we have 2 large green plants in pots on the patio, not sure of the name of them but they are the very common ones here in Thailand, large tropical looking with the new leaves/stems that grow out of the middle, hope that makes sense??? anyway my query is that they are slowly turning yellow, they started off lovely and green but are slowly changing colour, they are in the direct sun for a few hours of the day, we never water them during the day only in the evening, my guess is that they should really be in the ground and are perhaps being restricted be being in the (large) pot, could that be the reason, they aren;t dying as they are browing new leaves etc all the time.



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I'm no green fingered expert, but in my experience yellowing leaves are usually a result of one of the following.

Too much water, poor drainage flooding the roots, insufficient feeding.

If they're rally big plants in small pots they could be pot-bound and need potting on.

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We had same problem but after using fertilser the plants (re)grew wonderfully... you can check with any local plant shop what kind of fertilizer to use .. and once you are at it you could change the soil to one which maybe more suitable for your plant.

I think I know the kind of plant you have described.... if its the one which I think then a couple of times a year it will grow a nice white flower right at the centre.

The flower of this plant has a very pleasant smell specially during the evenings.

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