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Why? Thai quirks you always wanted to know


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I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

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I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

To wipe sticky fingers etc, To wash and clean

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

To Retain and Keep cool

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

To let passengers on and off.

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

To Employ painters

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

Never Mind, One day understanding of culture will be understood. :D

Sorry couldn't resist :o


Ivan :D

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I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

See Ivan Law's answer. Why are most Kiwi homes in the South Island poorly insulated and lack radiators despite outside temperatures around 0?

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

See Ivan Law's answer. Also, it dilutes strong beers like Singha and Chang to a more agreeable taste.

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

Because they can, and because the people who wave them down do not think twice about where they stand.

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

Because some Thais, believe it or not, do want the traffic to be well-ordered. And some want it to look good.

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

Mai bpen rai.

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Why do Farangs make so little effort to understand Thai customs.

Why does "When in Rome........ " apply only to the West?

Why do so many foreigners expect to "get away" with behaviour here that would get them locked up forever back home?

Why am i feeling so <deleted>**G jaded about all this at present?

What is this thread doing in the Chiang Mai forum? Think I'll move it to General!

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Why do Farangs make so little effort to understand Thai customs.

Why does "When in Rome........ " apply only to the West?

Why do so many foreigners expect to "get away" with behaviour here that would get them locked up forever back home?

Why am i feeling so <deleted>**G jaded about all this at present?

What is this thread doing in the Chiang Mai forum? Think I'll move it to General!

My sentiments exactly... :o

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I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

Maybe because tit :o:D

Edited by itsme
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I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

>>>>bowl for safe water

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

>>>coz we have hot weather...we need it too cool down, i bet your beer will be warm be4 u finish

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

>>>coz we re not stick..do whatever we want, .....obviously..its bad habit

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

>>>read above

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

>>> coz we re easy liveing , care other....sometime it's bad...no doubt :o

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I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

Thais learning fast to adapt life and like to please Westener by doing like Westener in some ways.

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet ?

>>> We usually use water ( to wash ) and need a bowl in the toilet. Here is hot . Since we have cleanex or tissue to use, we may think, that is the paper, no different to use , in roll or in box. That is "paper tissue " for all purpose. Since it's very practically purpose, some people who never been out of the country, wouldnt have the idea or seen how they use the "Rolls" in the toilet. So, it's easy to take this on the table as it's cheap and easy to wash the dirt away on the table. Since tourists and westeners always asking this question, many of restarants try to use "Pop UP Cleanex box" instead of the weird Rolls. That's is....The Revolution of the tissue cleanex in Thailand " :D

Why do they add ice to a cold beer ?

>>> Very easy, we ( asian ) like to do like Westeners, enjoy drinking beer and enjoy the good taste of beer. Nobody drinks warm beer, neither in Europe or States. Here is hot, after 5 mins your beer shall be warm, that is why they need real cold plus ice cupe if possible. Cheerssssss ! :o

"Mai bpen rai attitude

">>>> Mai bpen rai...dont worry, be cool. Here is hot, no need to be serious , it will makes the situation even hotter. On the other hand, thais dont want to make others feel uneasy by speak right to the heart or making anybody lose their faces, then they shall say "Mai Bpenrai...." Life is hard enough in Thailand and the weather is also hot, so let's make it easier ( eventhough bad habbit ) Mai bpen rai kha...thon dai... :D

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What did “westerners” do before toilets and toilet paper were invented?

What did “westerners” do before ice was invented?

What did “westerners” do before buses were invented?

What did “westerners” do before lines were painted on roads?

What did “westerners” do before clocks and watches were invented?

My point being that many of the observations you’ve made are from a “western” p.o.v. Perhaps the answer to your question is that each country is at a different stage of economic development and adopts different ways of doing things as they develop, things that are taken for granted as being unusual to someone who’s doing it another way. After all, before any of these things were invented, we all probably did it the same way.

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why is pork called moo?

to quote steven king,

I couldn´t give a flying <deleted> at a rolling doughnut.

Mai pen rai, My friends...

We sit and we watch the world go by...

We are ALL under this blue sky.

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toilet rolls ont he table, well go to an israeli house and u will see same, its just easier and cheaper than tissue for noses, hands, especially when u have lots of kids

bowl in the toilet, cause the thai have a manual bidet , the french have a mechanical bidet (which i had a friend who thought the bidet was a water fountain 555) and washing with water is cleaner IMO

in general, why ask stupid questions ... theres enough on thai culture in the internet, just google and you will get all your answers.... plus we already had: why do thai think the way they do? and other threads

vit, u put it well, ethnocentric....

just to make a point: my thai worker told his wife that the falang women put their sanitary pads in a garbage can near the toilet but dont fold them in paper discreetly and dispose of some other way and it really disgusts him and he doesnt understand why we do that (we also have to clean toilets in the park).... she (his wife in buriram) said to him that we israelis must be a very dirty people and uncultured and he should wear a mask and gloves... his house by the way in thailand has no running water, shower outside, thai toilet, etc... it all has to do with perspective

why do all people living (as foreigners) in an other culture assume that what they see is a 'quirk' as opposed to a useful or functional thing ?

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I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

Because it works...........

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I can understand why people from foreign countries ask such questions, and it never worries me that they do. I don't see the questions as a condemnation of the way things are done here, I try to view their curiosity as just that.

Why do they call it pork? Why do they only shower once a day? In Thailand we call it moo, and we shower more often...it's just different because you are in Thailand now.

If the world was the same throughout, there would be nothing to interest us, no challenge in life, and no reason to go anywhere else to "see how they live"... what a boring place it would be.

Try to view such questions simply as an honest attempt to know and understand the local culture - we use a bowl or a hose in the toilet because it is cleaner that way - we use toilet rolls on the table because it's simple and a cheap source of tissue paper - beer stays cold longer with the simple addition of an ice-cube, but if you don't like it, it's no problem...mai pen rai... :o

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Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

I think it's become a habit. Before fridges were commonplace, cold beer was not available everywhere but ice seemed to be. Therefore the ice was added to warm beer to cool it down. Now, even though cold beer is more readily available, ice is still added. And yes, it does effectively reduce the alcohol content.

Why do farangs drink directly out of the beer bottle? Is it just a macho thing or are they concerned that the glasses may not be as clean as the top of the bottle? Anyway, it makes no sense to me to drink out of a 15 mm diameter orifice rather than a 65 mm diameter orifice.

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Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

I think it's become a habit. Before fridges were commonplace, cold beer was not available everywhere but ice seemed to be. Therefore the ice was added to warm beer to cool it down. Now, even though cold beer is more readily available, ice is still added. And yes, it does effectively reduce the alcohol content.

Why do farangs drink directly out of the beer bottle? Is it just a macho thing or are they concerned that the glasses may not be as clean as the top of the bottle? Anyway, it makes no sense to me to drink out of a 15 mm diameter orifice rather than a 65 mm diameter orifice.

Sounds like you are saying the pleasure is directly proportional to the width of the orifice engaged. Many men would challenge you on that point, Yorkie... :o

But when it comes to drinking, I do prefer a glass, and if we are talking Thai beer I add some ice as well, which I am bullied for on a regular basis. :D

It simply tastes better that way to me.

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Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

isn't this part of the why we all love thailand?

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Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

isn't this part of the why we all love thailand?

Well said... :o

totster :D

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Why do farangs drink directly out of the beer bottle? Is it just a macho thing or are they concerned that the glasses may not be as clean as the top of the bottle? Anyway, it makes no sense to me to drink out of a 15 mm diameter orifice rather than a 65 mm diameter orifice.

With the smaller orifice there is a lower rate of alcohol evaporating out of your beer in between sips in comparison to drinking from the bigger orifice. Makes perfect sense :o

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I remember you mentioning species before Scamp, don't you mean different race?

  Surely we are all the same species. :o

Surely we are all from the same race Mr Madness? :D

We're all the same species, but not all the same race Mr Plachon :D

Funny that; me, the Mrs and the somtam lady down the soi are all members of the human race, trying our darnedest to avoid becoming part of the rat race. :D How's about you Mr Madness, from which race do you hail? :D

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