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True, Hdtv & The World Cup


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Are they broadcasting in 480p ot 720p?

Apparently 1080i

Yep apparently is the word!

Some tests please Monty, I know you are the man!

I can confirm. Was a bit disappointed with the image quality. I guess I was expecting something that looks like BD and it's pretty far from it. But I think most of that has to do not with 1080i but with everything, from recording equipment to transmission processes. I have BBC planet earth in 720p - true HD 1080i is nowhere near that quality.

Anyway it's a hel_l of a lot better than SD.

And in chiang mai true managed to run out of HD boxes, it now takes a week to get the service at least! I think exclusive broadcasting rights shoul be made illegal so we can get some competition here...

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My local Pub 'The Crossbar' in Bangkok has got a slingbox installed from the UK for the world cup with BBC or ITV commentary so i'll be heading down there for the England games.

Do you know if they will be open for the early morning England games?

Where is the 'The Crossbar" ?

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My local Pub 'The Crossbar' in Bangkok has got a slingbox installed from the UK for the world cup with BBC or ITV commentary so i'll be heading down there for the England games.

Do you know if they will be open for the early morning England games?

Where is the 'The Crossbar" ?

A soi down from Cowboy.

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Why do True continue to advertise their World Cup HD package in English language newspapers with a ton of conditions but leave out the fact that their is no English soundtrack?

because they can

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Its like gambling put your money down and take your chance. :D English, it is not going to happen at any price. :D

The last world cup, I watched my first and last soccer match.How can you get excited over something so boring?A lot of kicking and running for nothing,I would rather watch paint dry.If the object is to place the ball between two sticks(goal)they aren't very good at it.You must be very bored in life if you find soccer exciting. :D:):D:D

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not trying to defend True but... i don't recall them ever saying they would have the WC with english commentary. in fact, i'm looking at latest issue of 'Premiere' magazine and it does not boast such a service. only says 'WC in HD!"

sorry, but i don't think was false advertising here...

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Its like gambling put your money down and take your chance. :D English, it is not going to happen at any price. :D

The last world cup, I watched my first and last soccer match.How can you get excited over something so boring?A lot of kicking and running for nothing,I would rather watch paint dry.If the object is to place the ball between two sticks(goal)they aren't very good at it.You must be very bored in life if you find soccer exciting. :D:):D:D

Do you always fail to live up to your user name, or have we got you on a bad day? :D

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Why do True continue to advertise their World Cup HD package in English language newspapers with a ton of conditions but leave out the fact that their is no English soundtrack?

Because they are scum that have zero interest in treating customers in an ethical way .

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Its like gambling put your money down and take your chance. :D English, it is not going to happen at any price. :D

The last world cup, I watched my first and last soccer match.How can you get excited over something so boring?A lot of kicking and running for nothing,I would rather watch paint dry.If the object is to place the ball between two sticks(goal)they aren't very good at it.You must be very bored in life if you find soccer exciting. :D:):D:D

Nowhere near as bored with life as someone who hates soccer yet goes out of his way to make a derogatory post on a thread about World Cup soccer.

Surely as a soccer hater you have better things to do with your life than try to goad people who enjoy the most popular sport on the planet?

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Why do True continue to advertise their World Cup HD package in English language newspapers with a ton of conditions but leave out the fact that their is no English soundtrack?

Because they are scum that have zero interest in treating customers in an ethical way .

Yes it's an interesting situation.

After the hoo hah over the last world cup when all the farangs thought they would get live , English coverage through ESPN in Singapore relayed by True/UBC, there is no doubt whatsoever that True are fully aware that there are thousands of farangs out there who want the English commentary.

This time round, they bought the rights and made a deliberate decision not to pay for English commentary, even though they must know it will piss off just about all their non Thai speaking customers.

Yes they saved a bit of money - but at what cost I wonder? I doubt there is a business model in the world that would recommend treating a small but substantial portion of a business's long standing customers in such a cavalier fashion.

And True are also selling many other communication services in Thailand to a large farang customer base, yet they see no harm in pissing them off mightily by not providing a requested service which is within their power to provide.

TRULY mind boggling!!


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For those of you interested in the BBC's Radio commentary schedule for the World Cup here's a link: World Cup Radio Commentary

Is it possible to listen to BBC radio in Thailand? Besides World Service, I didn't think so.

Even if you can, you can guarantee that there will be some sort of delay between images and sound that renders it useless.

Sorry to be negative.

I listen to BBC Radio London and 5 Live everyday through the internet and very rarely do I have problems.

As far as listening to commentary and watching on Thai TV, forget it. There will be a delay of about 5 seconds and it's very annoying.

I'm just gonna watch it on Thai TV. What's the point of paying the money for HD if it's still in Thai?

It's not the same but in Thailand what is?? :)

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This is a link to the RS website (the company that has the broadcasting rights for Thailand) and shows the Thai stations that will be broadcasting the matches on the right of the page.


The times shown are Thai times but are 30 minutes before the match is due to KO, presumably for a 30 minute introduction programme.

There will no broadcast on TrueSports normal sports channels, only the HD broadcast on channel 111. All broadcasts are on free to air Thai TV channels as shown (Thai commentary only). According to another thread on the subject, BBC radio does not have the right to broacast commentary over the internet outside of the UK. English commentary for matches broadcast on Channel 3 is promised for 105.5 FM but whether this will be synchronised with the TV picture is anyone's guess. I really wish that they would give the option of crowd noise only on the English soundtrack instead of making everyone listen to the Thai commentary or watch in silence.

Thanks a million delboy. Was looking for something like this!

105.5 FM? Is this National radio in Thailand or just Bangkok??

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Why do True continue to advertise their World Cup HD package in English language newspapers with a ton of conditions but leave out the fact that their is no English soundtrack?

Because they are scum that have zero interest in treating customers in an ethical way .

Yes it's an interesting situation.

no, it's not interesting at all. unless someone can prove me wrong, True never advertised the WC in english commentary.

you got a little over a week to learn Thai, enroll today!


Edited by anothertorres
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Why do True continue to advertise their World Cup HD package in English language newspapers with a ton of conditions but leave out the fact that their is no English soundtrack?

Because they are scum that have zero interest in treating customers in an ethical way .

Yes it's an interesting situation.

no, it's not interesting at all. unless someone can prove me wrong, True never advertised the WC in english commentary.

you got a little over a week to learn Thai, enroll today!


Yes it is an interesting situation for all the reasons mentioned in my post and has nothing whatsoever to do with whether they did or didn't advertise about English language commentary. I never mentioned this issue in my post - if you bothered read it, which seems unlikely.

I have not had True vsion for over a year for all the reasons I mentioned and dozens more besides which have been recounted in great detail in this and other threads through the years by so many dissatisfied and angry subscribers. (many now ex subscribers).

Their business plan makes absolutely no sense. They are in the business of providing a service, yet they continuously and consciously piss off a substantial section of their customer base.

Why do you jump to conclusions?

Where did I say I didn't speak Thai? It so happens that I do speak quite passable Thai and have already posted that will watch the soccer in Thai.

However, the Thai commentary is useless. They are only watching the games from a studio where they have access to English commentary. Their commentary is pathetic.

Next time you jump on the bandwagon and try to belittle people who have a genuine gripe, I suggest you read the posts properly rather than banging on about some stupid advertisement that cleverly didn't make any claims to providing English commentary. So what? It proves nothing!

True treat their foreign customers with total contempt and everyone knows it.

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Yes it is an interesting situation for all the reasons mentioned in my post and has nothing whatsoever to do with whether they did or didn't advertise about English language commentary. I never mentioned this issue in my post - if you bothered read it, which seems unlikely.


Why do you jump to conclusions?

Where did I say I didn't speak Thai? It so happens that I do speak quite passable Thai and have already posted that will watch the soccer in Thai.

ok, ok. i absolutely did read your post, it was well written and i meant no disrespect to you. you merely got caught up in the mix when i quoted you and the 2 people you quoted yourself. it appeared you were perpetuating the idea that True owes any of us English Commentary. if i concluded incorrectly, i apologize.

i would never accuse anyone of not being able to speak Thai. again, i'm sorry that it came off that i was speaking to you. i wasn't, i promise.

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I think what True needs to realise is that whilst Thai is the national language and therefore it's appropriate that they should broadcast in Thai, Thai language speakers are in the minority worldwide and in Thailand there are nationalities from around the world who do not speak Thai.

True advertise their products in English speaking newspapers in Thailand and I would have thought it would be appropriate for them to mention the fact that whilst they advertise the service in English language newspapers they fail to mention the fact that they are not providing an English soundtrack, after all they mention just about every thing else in the ads terms and conditions.

Whether True like it or not English is an international language and most people around the world, where English is not the first Language, use English as their second language. True offer dual a language facility on many of their out dated movies but not on a world wide event such as The Football Worl Cup.

True have already shown their contempt by the cancellation of BBC Entertainment and do not seem bothered by the ensuing cancellations of premium subscribers. I think I have to accept that True are not interested in any customers other than Thai customers and despite the fact that they do actually employ expat staff they have no interest in becoming a truly international company.

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Yes it is an interesting situation for all the reasons mentioned in my post and has nothing whatsoever to do with whether they did or didn't advertise about English language commentary. I never mentioned this issue in my post - if you bothered read it, which seems unlikely.


Why do you jump to conclusions?

Where did I say I didn't speak Thai? It so happens that I do speak quite passable Thai and have already posted that will watch the soccer in Thai.

ok, ok. i absolutely did read your post, it was well written and i meant no disrespect to you. you merely got caught up in the mix when i quoted you and the 2 people you quoted yourself. it appeared you were perpetuating the idea that True owes any of us English Commentary. if i concluded incorrectly, i apologize.

i would never accuse anyone of not being able to speak Thai. again, i'm sorry that it came off that i was speaking to you. i wasn't, i promise.


I too apologise for going over the top in my reply.

I just get a bit a worked up with apologists for True, as you have seen.

To me, True epitomises everything that is bad about many Thai businesses.

That doesn't mean there aren't extremely good, well run businesses, because there are, but unfortunately they are few and far between.

If True were operating in a similar manner in European or American, (or even in the Thai market if competition was allowed), they would be drummed out of business in no time flat.

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I think what True needs to realise is that whilst Thai is the national language and therefore it's appropriate that they should broadcast in Thai, Thai language speakers are in the minority worldwide and in Thailand there are nationalities from around the world who do not speak Thai.

True advertise their products in English speaking newspapers in Thailand and I would have thought it would be appropriate for them to mention the fact that whilst they advertise the service in English language newspapers they fail to mention the fact that they are not providing an English soundtrack, after all they mention just about every thing else in the ads terms and conditions.

Whether True like it or not English is an international language and most people around the world, where English is not the first Language, use English as their second language. True offer dual a language facility on many of their out dated movies but not on a world wide event such as The Football Worl Cup.

True have already shown their contempt by the cancellation of BBC Entertainment and do not seem bothered by the ensuing cancellations of premium subscribers. I think I have to accept that True are not interested in any customers other than Thai customers and despite the fact that they do actually employ expat staff they have no interest in becoming a truly international company.

Good post.

Does anyone remember the old days when Channels 3, 7 and 9 carried the English language sound tracks of movies on FM radio?

Back in the 70's there was only Thai TV but at least the local channels had enough decency to go out of their way to provide original soundtracks to televised movies and foreign series for the foreigners who lived here.

To me it was God send:

OK, it probably didn't cost that much to set up the service, but it cost something and it had to be managed and technicians needed to be employed to do the work and in those days the TV channels had very limited budgets.

Yet they cared enough to provide the service, even though if they hadn't, no one would have complained and it would have made no difference to their audience 99.99% of whom were Thai.

What has happened to Thailand where it seems that not only do businesses don't care, IMHO they actually get a kick out of sticking their thumbs up at non Thais?.

I'm very sorry to say this, but increasingly it seems to be true. (AHG !!! that word again!!)

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I think what True needs to realise is that whilst Thai is the national language and therefore it's appropriate that they should broadcast in Thai, Thai language speakers are in the minority worldwide and in Thailand there are nationalities from around the world who do not speak Thai.

True advertise their products in English speaking newspapers in Thailand and I would have thought it would be appropriate for them to mention the fact that whilst they advertise the service in English language newspapers they fail to mention the fact that they are not providing an English soundtrack, after all they mention just about every thing else in the ads terms and conditions.

Whether True like it or not English is an international language and most people around the world, where English is not the first Language, use English as their second language. True offer dual a language facility on many of their out dated movies but not on a world wide event such as The Football Worl Cup.

True have already shown their contempt by the cancellation of BBC Entertainment and do not seem bothered by the ensuing cancellations of premium subscribers. I think I have to accept that True are not interested in any customers other than Thai customers and despite the fact that they do actually employ expat staff they have no interest in becoming a truly international company.

Good post.

Does anyone remember the old days when Channels 3, 7 and 9 carried the English language sound tracks of movies on FM radio?

Back in the 70's there was only Thai TV but at least the local channels had enough decency to go out of their way to provide original soundtracks to televised movies and foreign series for the foreigners who lived here.

To me it was God send:

OK, it probably didn't cost that much to set up the service, but it cost something and it had to be managed and technicians needed to be employed to do the work and in those days the TV channels had very limited budgets.

Yet they cared enough to provide the service, even though if they hadn't, no one would have complained and it would have made no difference to their audience 99.99% of whom were Thai.

What has happened to Thailand where it seems that not only do businesses don't care, IMHO they actually get a kick out of sticking their thumbs up at non Thais?.

I'm very sorry to say this, but increasingly it seems to be true. (AHG !!! that word again!!)


With what you say about how Thai terrestrial TV used to go the extra mile, it's a shame that they, as well as True, now don't really seem to care about us.

Would love to know the figures of how much they save by not opting for English, and also love to know their official reasoning - is it really simply that they don't deem it worth it?

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I think what True needs to realise is that whilst Thai is the national language and therefore it's appropriate that they should broadcast in Thai, Thai language speakers are in the minority worldwide and in Thailand there are nationalities from around the world who do not speak Thai.

True advertise their products in English speaking newspapers in Thailand and I would have thought it would be appropriate for them to mention the fact that whilst they advertise the service in English language newspapers they fail to mention the fact that they are not providing an English soundtrack, after all they mention just about every thing else in the ads terms and conditions.

Whether True like it or not English is an international language and most people around the world, where English is not the first Language, use English as their second language. True offer dual a language facility on many of their out dated movies but not on a world wide event such as The Football Worl Cup.

True have already shown their contempt by the cancellation of BBC Entertainment and do not seem bothered by the ensuing cancellations of premium subscribers. I think I have to accept that True are not interested in any customers other than Thai customers and despite the fact that they do actually employ expat staff they have no interest in becoming a truly international company.

Good post.

Does anyone remember the old days when Channels 3, 7 and 9 carried the English language sound tracks of movies on FM radio?

Back in the 70's there was only Thai TV but at least the local channels had enough decency to go out of their way to provide original soundtracks to televised movies and foreign series for the foreigners who lived here.

To me it was God send:

OK, it probably didn't cost that much to set up the service, but it cost something and it had to be managed and technicians needed to be employed to do the work and in those days the TV channels had very limited budgets.

Yet they cared enough to provide the service, even though if they hadn't, no one would have complained and it would have made no difference to their audience 99.99% of whom were Thai.

What has happened to Thailand where it seems that not only do businesses don't care, IMHO they actually get a kick out of sticking their thumbs up at non Thais?.

I'm very sorry to say this, but increasingly it seems to be true. (AHG !!! that word again!!)


With what you say about how Thai terrestrial TV used to go the extra mile, it's a shame that they, as well as True, now don't really seem to care about us.

Would love to know the figures of how much they save by not opting for English, and also love to know their official reasoning - is it really simply that they don't deem it worth it?

Ya I would love to know as well how much money they are saving by not having english commentary .

What we need in Thailand is competion for true visions as this really is the only way that they will change . They really are a piss poor excuse for a company .

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what you are seeing are reruns of the previous days matches, and it is also live on 3,5,7 and others during the matches and on HD Sport but all in Thai of course.

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