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Some Pattaya Questions


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Hello all. I may be coming to pattaya for a few months for some golfing, muay thai and "sampling the leisures" that is renound pattata offers.

What price is the cheapest beer, apart from chang?

Is it got loads of westerners around this time of year?

Is howard from big trouble in thailand still there? :)

Is it better than bankok?

Whats the best muay thai school?

Is there any areas of pattaya that is not crowded, i could rent a nice apartment for 15-20.000 baht per month, and be just a few miles from the action?

Is it more dangerous than bankok?

would you reccomend i come to pattaya for a holiday, interspersed with muay thai training, or stick to bankok?

thanks :D

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1. Archa.

2. No, its low season.

3. Yes, you can find Howard at the entrance to walking street on a nightly basis.

4. I think so, others don't, I guess its a personal thing.

5. No Idea..

6. 20k a month will get you a decent aprtment in most areas.

5. Ive only heard 2 gunshots in the past 3 days.

7. Up to you.

Edited by Spoonman
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1. Leo start price 35-40B in cheap bars (Pattaya)

2. Ok its not high season and probably quieter than normal but there are always plenty of westerners about

3. Yes

4. Yes way better

5. Dunno?

6. You can get a decent basic room with air, shower etc from about 5K up

7. I believe both to be generally safe

8. Come to Pattaya for sure, see how you like it and split your time as you like.

The nightlife is considerably cheaper in Pattaya.

My bet you spend maximum time possible in Pattaya.

I would try to find muy thai training there and go to Bangkok for a holiday, interspersed with muay thai training, or stick to Pattaya? :)

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I think you knew exactly what Pattaya is like when you posted. By saying what you've read on another forum, you're still talking about it. Sounds like you've already made up your mind anyway - you'll find good and bad places and people in all towns. Pattaya has a high concentration of the 'bad' if that's where you stay and go and Bangkok has it's own areas too, along with the people you might consider weirdos; other people may say differently and contest your definition of weirdo.

We all gravitate to what we enjoy and feel comfortable with - I don't know Pattaya well, but I don't doubt there are plenty of good people there who don't like being tarred with the 'bad' brush and can point you to many places in the area that might suit you. Or stay in Bangkok which is bigger and more cosmopolitan.

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You ought to check it out for yourself and then tell us what you think ...

Otherwise, what's the point of another over the top Pattaya bashing thread in the Pattaya local forum from someone who has never been here!

Edited by Jingthing
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I knew it was renound for gogo's but i thought that was strip clubs. I did not know in all the go-go's the girls had numbers and were all up "for sale". I didnt realise in the bars ALL the girls were available! and had a place to go to in the bar for a "short time" (hour-2 hour "quality time") inside the bars!! or to take them to your room!!! I thought it had alot of prostitution dens and some go-go's would have a "unnoficial bit" but nothing like i heard no pattaya addicted.

you are very wrong i didnt realise it was like its portrayed on pattaya addicted, and you seem to have confirmed it by your reply.

yes your right, people go where they feel comfortable with... thats why you hear of "paedophile rings"... just cos they go where they feel comfortable does not make it any better

Naive but ok. Its simple really - if you think the forum you mention is a good indicator of the kind of people you will meet and what Pattaya is like, don't go. If on the other hand you want to avoid that side of life there, research what else there is in Pattaya. I can assure you you can find bars where 'ALL' the girls are not available.

Frankly Im lost on your last sentence; when did anyone say it made it better? Im paying you the respect of assuming you're for real and not trolling here; you don't need to keep repeating your shock and horror at the other forum's content. Not having seen it, I can despite that assure you that people like that exist everywhere (shock, horror!). Like mind's attract in forums and in person, I'm sure you're clever enough to work things out regarding Pattaya...and ditto Bangkok...Phuket....you name it. All have go-gos by the way.

Beyond that, I'm with Jingthing on this topic and you have the answers to the questions you asked I believe. I'm not a fan of Pattaya - plenty of both 'normal' people are. If you spent time reading the Pattaya section of this forum you'd realise that good people live there; you need a balanced outlook in fairness. But ultimately, if the idea of go-go's is so upsetting for you, stay away and go somewhere more cosmopolitan where they can be avoided more easily, as I suggested.

Edit - by the way, your oh so subtle username makes me more inclined now to think you're trolling. I really must pay more attention to those things

Edited by Damacles
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People - Banmykok is having a go at you. Not only pointed out as a troll in post #6 but he claims he's only used prostitutes 3 times in 3 months (almost saintly), yet goes on to slag Pattaya and it's residents.

Theres probably a good reason he's a new board member, do we really need to analyse his comments - it only empowers him.

Edited by gerry53
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Not having a go at anyone, I came here to get a realistic view of pattaya as I'm going to thailand, again, (I spent a few weeks the last time last year - before going to cambodia) and pattaya interested me after seeing it on big trouble in Thailand and seeing its a coastal town with many golf courses, and gyms, and some muay thai facilities. Bankok is 3-4 times more expensive to train muay thai than outside bangkok.

This was why i asked about pattaya, because I was going to go there, and probably still will.

Not having a go at anyone here, do i think old men going to thailand just for sex with young prostitutes is bad, yes i do. Even worse than old farang men with a good looking young thai wife, does anyone honestly think there with them for their personality?

These type of farang I stay clear of!

Anyway, I will be going to pattaya, and il let you know what i think of it then. I'l at least pay a visit for a few nights in the first month.


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If it has one redeeming quality, it is golf. Go to some of the bars that have outings every day.

Otherwise, as far as shitholes go, it's tops. A concentration of evil. Just don't let ie affect your golf game. I used to go to Pattaya for the week, and back to Bangkok for the weekends. You've got to learn to compartmentalize (?) things in LO (phony) S or you'll get confused.

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I am somewhat confused by your moral views? It isn't OK for an older man to have a younger girl friend or wife yet you admitedly use the services of prostitutes. I hope you do travel to Pattaya or some of the surrounding communities because as in our home towns there are all types. Not everyone here is a die hard monger and not all Thai ladies are prostitutes. Do you have a recommendation for age differences that you feel are acceptable for your sometime high moral standards?

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I am somewhat confused by your moral views? It isn't OK for an older man to have a younger girl friend or wife yet you admitedly use the services of prostitutes. I hope you do travel to Pattaya or some of the surrounding communities because as in our home towns there are all types. Not everyone here is a die hard monger and not all Thai ladies are prostitutes. Do you have a recommendation for age differences that you feel are acceptable for your sometime high moral standards?

I believe the widely accepted litmus test is half your age plus 7 years as an acceptable age for your other half. (Round up if you are on an 'odd' year).

Go on, try it - if she is younger than that then you are officially a perv :)

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