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Farangs, Hated Or Not?


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hi people, i have heard many different things about the thais good mostly but recently i have been hearing alot that the thais hate farangs i dont know if ibelieve this becuase they seem nice enough, is there any one who has been living in thailand for a few years who knows the score?

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Mmmm. Rude obnoxious ones generally disliked while others generally liked to no feeling about them. There are also some nationalists who dont like foreigners but you get that everywhwere. In reality not much different from any other place

Generalizations arent really possible although no doubt this thread will now fill up with them

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Generalizations arent really possible

What do you mean they 'aren't really possible'? Generalisations are essential.

As for the OP, yes, Thais generally dislike farang. If the west-to-east powershift continues to gather pace, expect fewer and fewer farang in thailand over the coming decades. We are generally liked when we are spending money, generally despised when we're not.

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whenever I get passed or even pushed out of the way by someone, when I am waiting in a queue at 7/11 , I smile to myself and think " they must really hate me!" . . however, it is just their respectlessness, not hate ! You will not encounter open hatred, as this will be loss of face for a Thai. But if you ask for trouble, it will be at your feet in no time ! There are nationalists and such , like in every other country , that think their nation or their race is superior. I just avoid such people, and love and show that I like nice and friendly folk. You get back hatred when you give people a reason !

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You just need to live and learn then draw your own conclusions. Be polite but firm, they hate a pussy. Don't ever be seen as being lazy or over opinionated, and you should be ok. But be warned, they are a very hard nut to crack. They don't hate us, they often just don't understand us, but 9 times out of 10 they are willing to try.

Edited by gotglue
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I dont think anyone can speak for the entire population, and would have closed the thread to prevent the negative generalisations that tend to spring up in such discussions

but I thought perhaps I will give this a chance to people to share their experience

my guess would be that everyone would have had some good, and some bad experience. and depending on those experiences one will form opinions. do keep in mind though - that flames will not be tolerated.

I can only speak for myself I suppose.

as a Thai, I do NOT hate farangs :) some people may annoy me more than others. but this could be farangs, thais, asians or middle eastern. its what they do, not who they are.

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I dont think anyone can speak for the entire population, and would have closed the thread to prevent the negative generalisations that tend to spring up in such discussions

but I thought perhaps I will give this a chance to people to share their experience

my guess would be that everyone would have had some good, and some bad experience. and depending on those experiences one will form opinions. do keep in mind though - that flames will not be tolerated.

I can only speak for myself I suppose.

as a Thai, I do NOT hate farangs :) some people may annoy me more than others. but this could be farangs, thais, asians or middle eastern. its what they do, not who they are.

Good answer. I was at my Dr's office the other day and we were randomly talking about what I do in Thailand. He said, "You are the type of farang Thailand needs." The very statement would suggest that there is a type that he feels Thailand doesn't need. How is that a surprise to anyone?

Take the time to learn the language. Treat the culture with respect even when you don't agree with it.

pretty simple really

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I dont think anyone can speak for the entire population, and would have closed the thread to prevent the negative generalisations that tend to spring up in such discussions

but I thought perhaps I will give this a chance to people to share their experience

my guess would be that everyone would have had some good, and some bad experience. and depending on those experiences one will form opinions. do keep in mind though - that flames will not be tolerated.

I can only speak for myself I suppose.

as a Thai, I do NOT hate farangs :D some people may annoy me more than others. but this could be farangs, thais, asians or middle eastern. its what they do, not who they are.

Well said, that is the answer in a nut shell.

Now to the OP this is how it is in every country worldwide there is good and bad (as you probably know) and to Mig16 close the thread because Thai Visa members are usually bad. :)

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I think "hammered" pretty well nailed it, and in post number 2 no less! A lot of wisdom in his comment that "Generalizations aren't really possible although no doubt this thread will now fill up with them."

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Get up, eat breakfast, drop the daughter off at school, go to work, eat lunch, knock off, have a few beers, go home, do things with the fam on the weekend. I don't have time to worry whether 67 million Thais hate me. Though I suspect they do not.

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As a generalisation the Thais, in general, intensely dislike the generalised images of farangs generally seen misbehaving themselves around the country.

But all the time I was there and whenever I am back I never experienced hatred. Hatred is the most raw and extreme of negative human emotions that should be kept in the dark. Unfortunately these days mid range emotions have fallen from favour. You either love it or hate it whether "it" be a packet of peanuts or a major artwork or another human being.

Generally speaking that is. :)

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Hate.... maybe too strong a word,

...jealous.... certainly

...Think farangs are stupid or Thai's superior ....yes

...Some one to blame...yes


Nailed it!

I'd like to add



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Hate! Most of you have never witnessed real hate, You think every one should cater to you.

Have you ever been to the U.S. South during Segregation?

South Africa during Apartheid?

Ever remember 14 year old Emmit Till being lynched, for wolf whistle at a white woman?

Seems like you-all look in to the shadows, to find a reason to bad mouth anything Thai.

Cheers: :)

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Not exactly on the level of a Boxer Rebellion,

but the Land of Smiles hasn't been smiling all that much lately.

understandably these are traumatic times.

But one generally abhorred behavior, deplored the world over are Cheap Charlies,

and there are no shortage of spend-thrift farangs that give less than a sterling impression.

Of course this in it self doesn't generate hatred but anything can be a starting point.

I'm compelled to tip twice as much to compensate for them.


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I personally believe there is a growing resentment that commenced at the precise time Ae 'Liem founded the Thai Rak Thai party.

Somehow Relationships between Thais and guest Foreigners have deteriorated IMO since 2004, for some reason,cant

put my finger on the cause though.

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I was at my Dr's office the other day and we were randomly talking about what I do in Thailand. He said, "You are the type of farang Thailand needs."

Don't tell me JD mate. He was a sick buffalo doctor with a gold shop sideline and shares in Beer Chang. :)

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Generalizations arent really possible

What do you mean they 'aren't really possible'? Generalisations are essential.

As for the OP, yes, Thais generally dislike farang. If the west-to-east powershift continues to gather pace, expect fewer and fewer farang in thailand over the coming decades. We are generally liked when we are spending money, generally despised when we're not.

So much of it does come down to MONEY.

Having been there almost three decades, I can assure you xenophobia has increased dramatically, especially over the past decade.

No, in many cases it has nothing to do with whether the farang is nice or not (many posters will argue this, but it is only partially true).

I think Thais are blinded by extreme nationalism..........almost like "We are human and non-Thais are animals."

Farangs, in general, are nothing but "walking ATM machines."

If the machine is operational, smiles all around (fake smiles). If the machine is broken, forget the smiles.

Thais tend to think like this: "How can I take advantage of the farang and get money from him."

But I have seen Thai family members cheat Thai family members here..........the moral base seems to have slipped away.

What I said, of course, is a generalization. But I think it applies to the vast majority of Thais.

Beware of what exists beneath that forced smile :)

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If Thai's were to form their opinions of farangs based entirely on the comments written on the ThaiVisa forum, I believe Thai's would overwhelmingly develop a deep, intense hatred of farangs. The number of pricks on this forum, many of whom just find reasons to attack Thai's and Thailand, poorly represent the typical farangs in Thailand. I'm often disgusted by some of the comments of TV's members and it really begs the question, why would you leave a country run by farangs to live in a country run by Thai's if you're so adamant that this country is morally corrupt, inept, racist, and so on? Some even have the nerve to cloak their racist drivel as "constructive criticism." Luckily, I don't believe many Thai's read ThaiVisa on a regular basis.

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I don't think that farang are hated. But I also don't think we are valued...or if we are it's because of our value ($).

But if anyone thinks they are going to be able to contribute to Thai society, forget it. You won't be allowed to even do volunteer work, without putting your visa at risk. Even if you cautiously talk about how something is done better somewhere else, forget it...you will hear "it's not the Thai way".

There is no logic -- even among the well educated -- to linking cause and effect.

The relationship between food prep and storage and diarrhea...the refrigerator is sitting right there...but leave the food sit out all evening and night and then eat it in the morning...then get sick later in the day. "You need to store the food quickly after you're done with the meal." "It's not the Thai way."

My friend has a rare type of deadly anemia. Intellectually knows he should eat better food to stay alive. If I cook, fine. If I go out to a restaurant, fine. If left to his own it's crappy old fatty and half-spoiled street food with little protein. "It's the Thai way."

You buy a DVD player at a major department store. It stops working. You take it back. "You must have broken it." And by the way, the Thais face the same attitude on that one.

"It's the Thai way."

"Mai pben rai" (even when the issue shouldn't be mai pben rai).

"Things will work out...magically...by themselves...no need for us to solve a problem." (highly paraphrased, of course)

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Never had a problem with thais,and even had a thai police man saying i had a good heart for giving my gf son a good home and education.He said many thai do not look after their kids very well and he shook my hand for my kindness,then give me the ticket for 200 baht fine for my gf not wearing a crash helmet

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"hated" probably not...

... never really got any "hate" feelings through out 2 decades of living and working here,

but "racism" and outright xenophobic behavior aren't consider immoral or offenses..... go and figure!

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But one generally abhorred behavior, deplored the world over are Cheap Charlies,

and there are no shortage of spend-thrift farangs that give less than a sterling impression.

Of course this in it self doesn't generate hatred but anything can be a starting point.

Are you saying they like farangs as long as they keep spending? :) What about the spend-thrift Thais? Same feelings towards them?

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