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Desperate British Expat Searches For Kidnapped Son In Bangkok


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wish u the best of luck, anyone who is in this situation knows, its a pain!!

my son has been kept in the northern provinces for the past 2 and a half years.

whilst screaming I WANT NOTHING FROM YOU!! over the phone

i get 'requests' for 3 million baht every so often.

he'll be 3 next week.

and the vermin on here will probly call me a dead beat. (but only the vermin)

bless this mess.


Certainly not a dead beat, why?

If you want to be a good and serious father then Thai Juvenile court will support you. I don't know if you have shared custody but if you don't, then you should be glad to hear that you will have no problems getting it if you are good for the child. Then there is the question of possession of the child which is a different matter. I would presume that you and the mother have separated and that you don't live near the child and haven't for some time. You then have the same problem as fathers in other countries. Minimum you would get as a good father is weekends but then, if you don't live near the child, how can you use it?

Addition: As always in custody issues, the favour is for the one(s) in possession of the child. The longer you wait the more difficult it will be for you. You should act now - if you are serious about wanting to be part of your childs life

Good Luck

Edited by MikeyIdea
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If anyone was still under any doubts about the truthfulness of our story the national UK newspaper the Daily Mail have just run the story on their website, they even made mention of this thread on ThaiVisa and quoted some of the stories of others experiences here


Until the "other" side of the story is brought to light ( the mother in law) then this isn't a complete story but a form of spin and just a "cut an paste " job. I hope a good journalist doing their job properly will get out there and do it and complete the picture.

Maternal Grandmothers DONT "kidnap" babies without what they believe is a very good reason. In my case 44 years ago it was because of domestic violence and a highly manipulative situation within the home and she probably saved my and my mothers life. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS THE CASE IN THIS CASE. (had to say that before I get banned). but I would hate to think that any child was being returned to a situation that wasn't good for its mental or physical health. The authorities ( and maybe the OP and, or his wife, will know where the mother in law is) and her side of the story should be told and investigated before any further actions are taken.

I really do hope that ALL parties end up safe and well out of this whole fiasco.

Does stupidity know no limits?????

This thread is about a man asking for help and advice , this thread is not about asking for people's opinions on the matter or his personal life.

So many pages, all the remarks from the mods and yet again another one to post totally useless and irrelevant information.

If you that bored, either join other forums or find another thread where you can provide useful information.

Weren't you one of the first posters to give your opinion on his personal live by suggesting his wife was involved?


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If anyone was still under any doubts about the truthfulness of our story the national UK newspaper the Daily Mail have just run the story on their website, they even made mention of this thread on ThaiVisa and quoted some of the stories of others experiences here


Until the "other" side of the story is brought to light ( the mother in law) then this isn't a complete story but a form of spin and just a "cut an paste " job. I hope a good journalist doing their job properly will get out there and do it and complete the picture.

Maternal Grandmothers DONT "kidnap" babies without what they believe is a very good reason. In my case 44 years ago it was because of domestic violence and a highly manipulative situation within the home and she probably saved my and my mothers life. I AM NOT SAYING THAT THIS IS THE CASE IN THIS CASE. (had to say that before I get banned). but I would hate to think that any child was being returned to a situation that wasn't good for its mental or physical health. The authorities ( and maybe the OP and, or his wife, will know where the mother in law is) and her side of the story should be told and investigated before any further actions are taken.

I really do hope that ALL parties end up safe and well out of this whole fiasco.

Does stupidity know no limits?????

This thread is about a man asking for help and advice , this thread is not about asking for people's opinions on the matter or his personal life.

So many pages, all the remarks from the mods and yet again another one to post totally useless and irrelevant information.

If you that bored, either join other forums or find another thread where you can provide useful information.

Weren't you one of the first posters to give your opinion on his personal live by suggesting his wife was involved?


Yes in few words confirming what others have suggested from having gone through same experience suggesting wife was involved and many option lines of suggesting ways to deal with it,including contact info for my lawyer and what did you offer? besides of course re-posting my post.

Not that your post relates to the thread in any way what so ever, but thats pretty normal for people who simply have too much time on their hands

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You mention your son was "snatched" from the nursery.

I would really like to hear how that's possible and which nursery?

Did you have a list of people allowed to pick up your son and if so, who signed for him ?

Anyway, as a father, I too feel saddened by your situation.

All the best of luck.

list of people allowed?


take a look at the case of the little Cindy Lane


unlawfully abducted from Montessori's Children Center International in Naklua

Imagine a thai grandma gold covered stepping into a similar school (or nursery) asking for her grandchild....

do you really thing a teacher would say: sorry ma'am, you're not on the list....

not in this country.


A good father in Thailand does not have to be afraid of the Thai Juvenile court system. He may not get all he wants but he will get what is best for the child, isn't that what all loving fathers want?

I would like to see one change, that is strengthening the ability for parents to enforce their right to see their child. But not with introducing parental kidnapping, that would make it a criminal case and juvenile court would be left out of the decision making, not good. They are good at taking decisions in the best interest of the child, let them continue to do that



Thai Juvenile court system doesn't care about parents morality but is just a matter of money: if you can show official monthly income enough to can support the child doesn't care if you're a bigamist, sexual maniac, a charlatan, a 24/7 drunken man...

on the contrary

you can be an angel on earth, but if you can't show an official monthly income you'll have no chance to get the custody...


we all know thai laws prevent foreigner to many jobs, no sole property, etc.

that's mean,

unless your income is not coming from outside thailand


you've setted up a company ....giving yourself a salary (absurd!)

a foreigner will always be in deficit compared to a thai citizen, they're allowed to any job here...farang NOT

that's the (sad) matter

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I don't understand westerners. Many of you posters are writing like punishing the kidnapper is the most important thing. Arresting the kidnapper is not the point, Getting the son back is the point – And the deterrent

Good Luck

Your priorities seem correct to me, and I am positive I am not the only Westerner here who thinks so. We don't all think the same, you know. :)

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I think, a Thaifriend-trustworthy or a Thai Private Investigator best I would think from the next big city area (if there is one), where your Mother in law usualy lived,

has some money on hand (to help open the mouth) and asks questions at the Mom and Pa shops and in the village neighberhood.

Good possible that the whereabouts, or possible whereabouts can be found out in that way. (More easy if the Grandma lives in smaller village in the countryside.)

Cheaper and if your wife is not involved,

your wife should also know some near or distant relatives living places-villages, provinces.

Than drive there and ask, look around.

That can also be only some houses, some km away from the familys house

and who knows, if they are not at the family home, only hiding when a suspicious car comes to the village?!

Worth a try!

The Grandma will not like to be long time away from her invironment and her relatives!

The offer to bring, give 10.000 or more Baht to see the son is now off, as you have no contact to her, I understand.

Would have been a good possibility to get him.

Edited by ALFREDO
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Martin, my heart goes out for you!

I am interested in the background of your wife, I read that her family live in a poor area, that they are originally from Surin and that she is the one working, while you stay at home to take care of Tristan. These things don't seem to add up.. I think that some domestic information would shed some more light on the situation.

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Martin, my heart goes out for you!

I am interested in the background of your wife, I read that her family live in a poor area, that they are originally from Surin and that she is the one working, while you stay at home to take care of Tristan. These things don't seem to add up.. I think that some domestic information would shed some more light on the situation.

What is there to add up?

As Martin stays in Thailand, I would think that he has some form of savings or income. Maybe his wife likes to go to work.

It's not at all unusual for a wife to work while the husband stays at home to take care of the kids. This isn't the 1950's you know.

My missus is at work and her daughter is at home with me, I don't consider that strange at all.

It's a lot easier for a Thai woman to work than her farang husband

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My recommendation to Martin is clear: Let the court summon the in-law who abducted the child, the in-law will be summoned to court to hear kidnapping and extortion charges within one month from when the OP formalise the charges. I am pretty sure that the child will materialise at that time

One month is not long when the child is with relatives and thereby not mis-treated, this path is also a good long term deterrant

Edited by MikeyIdea
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Thai Juvenile court system doesn't care about parents morality but is just a matter of money: if you can show official monthly income enough to can support the child doesn't care if you're a bigamist, sexual maniac, a charlatan, a 24/7 drunken man...

on the contrary

you can be an angel on earth, but if you can't show an official monthly income you'll have no chance to get the custody...


we all know thai laws prevent foreigner to many jobs, no sole property, etc.

that's mean,

unless your income is not coming from outside thailand


you've setted up a company ....giving yourself a salary (absurd!)

a foreigner will always be in deficit compared to a thai citizen, they're allowed to any job here...farang NOT

that's the (sad) matter

I made a write-up of the experience a friend of mine had in January this year, here's a link to that thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Friends-Cust...re-t337923.html. That's a good and informative thread, I recommend reading it

The father in that custody battle had never showed any official income in his whole life, but he did have evidence that he always had paid and cared for the children in the past. It is not about money, it is about the childs best.

I would also like to make one correction and one clarification to my reply to ericthai's post. I use the word Juvenile law, the common name should be Family law of course, apologies. And the clarification: ericthai mixes his experiences/impressions of the Thai legal system without distinction to which area that was covered, not the actual laws. Civil law can take ages and there are cases that are highly influenced by money – very true, Family law is pretty quick, perfectly comparable with Europe or faster even (although it still feels like ages of course). Corruption money? I don't know what the judges would think. Vulgar is the first word that comes to my mind.

Addition: I have asked one lawyer (56 years old so an experienced one) the question of corruption money in juvenile court once. He answered one word: No

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sorry Martin for the OT, but in someway i think can be useful in future.... if not for you, for he others victims of the system , as me

.. he did have evidence that he always had paid and cared for the children in the past....
same point, i have dozens of shopping's receipts including diapers and formula milk, but i was told (by my lawyer) those receipt could be picked up from the garbage and aren't considered evidence as there's not my name upon...

for what concern the evidence of caring the child, that's the worst point, as the opponent can easily recruit witnesses ready to say to the court that i used TO KICK my 3 months old daughter, and further (that's the best) they're available to witnessing they've heard me reading loudly a banned book about H.M. ... putting me automatically in charge for lese majeste...


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Again, regarding my above posting.

Where shall an old lady with a child go in hiding? At her own home? Did you or your wife ever check? At a relatives place, in the same or nearby village, or at another province where relatives live? Good possible.

So that would be the first places where I would looking for my child. I believe your wife should know where some, when not all of the relatives live.

If not, try to find out, same I wrote above. Thats what i would do first.

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Hi Martin

I think Alfredo got the point. The possible places for an old woman with a baby to hide is some where close to relatives or with relatives. If I were you, I would list the names of places that the in-law has connections and get in touch with schools in the areas with photos of your son and in- law. You don't have to travel to see them, just send them emails in Thai asking for help from school children and teachers. You will get answered quickly if you offer some reward. School- lists with email addresses can be found easily on the net.

Good luck.


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Martin, there is another option you have which will not cost much initially but could be very effective.

You can employ any well spoken lawyer and contact mother-in-law or who ever is in contact with her, i mean lawyer will make the call and speak with them.

Lawyer can advise them of what/who he/she is and demand for baby to be returned or legal proceeding will begin and explain the consequences.

This will cost you no more then 3000-5000 baht but may end up getting you good results and possibly return of the baby without any further problems and at the same time keeps your wife in the clear, as the lawyer can state he is acting on your behalf.

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I think that a reliable private investigator with the right "connections" can find the baby and get Him back to You in less than a week . I suggest You to contact Him without the help of Your wife or any "relative", beside the well know advertised Agency You can find a skilled one contacting the Car leasing finance channels . Otherwise find the way to get in touch with a medium/high rank police/army officer and offer him a "compensation" for the time He will dedicate to You , both of the way will cost You a bit but I believe that doing that You can solve Your problem within few days. I live here more than 15 years , I speak Thai fluent and from the personal experience maturated locally I learn that if You understand the Thai "Way" in this country any problem can be solved quite easy . In case Feel free to contact me by pm . Regards

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Just watched the 18:30 ITV news - nothing reported in it.

It was on the London regional news in the lunchtime report at 1:30pm and on the London Tonight news at 6pm, if anyone recorded it and has a way to put it online would be very grateful.


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From Martin's Twitter on June 8:

"Todays latest kidnapper demand, that I sign something with Thai immigration not allowing me to leave the country with my son without my wife."

Initially the reports seemed to suggest that the granny in this case was after money. Now it seems that the family dynamic is really what's determining all of this. The granny has a problem with Martin, that's obvious, and the wife hasn't been able to effectively deal with the mother.

Any luck since then Martin? All the best in having your son returned.

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Regarding my and -Wanida- post, did you check out the possible known hiding places of the Grandmama, -Her home, relatives home in theire village, other villages and provinces?

I think in one of these places, your wife should mostly of them know, is your son.

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No need to keep quoting entire posts. Especially if it is a very objectional post because it just means your entire reply gets trashed with the original.

Enough of the fighting, and if I see another insensitive post like the one just deleted the author will be sent packing.

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