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Google Ditches Windows On Security Concerns


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Google ditches Windows on security concerns

By David Gelles and Richard Waters in San Francisco

Published: May 31 2010 23:26 | Last updated: May 31 2010 23:26

Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees.

The directive to move to other operating systems began in earnest in January, after Google’s Chinese operations were hacked, and could effectively end the use of Windows at Google, which employs more than 10,000 workers internationally.

“We’re not doing any more Windows. It is a security effort,” said one Google employee.

“Many people have been moved away from [Windows] PCs, mostly towards Mac OS, following the China hacking attacks,” said another.

New hires are now given the option of using Apple’s Mac computers or PCs running the Linux operating system. “Linux is open source and we feel good about it,” said one employee. “Microsoft we don’t feel so good about.”

In early January, some new hires were still being allowed to install Windows on their laptops, but it was not an option for their desktop computers. Google would not comment on its current policy.

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"...according to several Google employees."

Well, based on several unnamed Google employees, this sure sounds like a solid/confirmed company policy change to me. Then again, if there is a change occurring I bet it more based on "cost" than security.

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Then again, if there is a change occurring I bet it more based on "cost" than security.

Don't you know that M$ Windows has a lower cost of ownership than "free alternatives"



No I don't; you got some proof? Now if you do, I'm sure Microsoft would have this forum discussion erased/blocked/etc., and the SWAT Team show up at our front doors! :D

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Considering the resources available to the Chinese government and their current level of aggression on the internet, Google will need to do a lot more than just stop using Windows.

Amen, brother!!!

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Then again, if there is a change occurring I bet it more based on "cost" than security.

Don't you know that M$ Windows has a lower cost of ownership than "free alternatives"



No I don't; you got some proof? Now if you do, I'm sure Microsoft would have this forum discussion erased/blocked/etc., and the SWAT Team show up at our front doors! :D

Why would they erase this forum if I publish a proof that M$ is having a lower cost of ownership than the free alternatives. I thought they would be happy!? :D

On the other hand, I kind of get used to M$ doing odd stuff... so why not? :):D

Then I think the Chinese guy get a little too much attention in this. I have about 200 or so breaking attempts every single day on the SSH port in my home server and most of them are not from China...


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I have about 200 or so breaking attempts every single day on the SSH port in my home server and most of them are not from China...

Are you sure? Don't believe most would leave a calling card that could be believed.

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I have about 200 or so breaking attempts every single day on the SSH port in my home server and most of them are not from China...

Are you sure? Don't believe most would leave a calling card that could be believed.

Yes. First, how do you know they are break in attempts? Second, they will all come from botnets therefore it's impossible to tell who is behind it. Most likely it's the botnet trying to expand though. Ssh is a pretty unusual port to scan, it's not enabled or even installed on windows. It's off by default on the Mac. But i can imagine they are trying to infect web servers so they can deliver drive by attacks to those visiting the we server?!

Now if you know this because your firewall program told you so I'd take it with a huge grain of salt. Av programs are conware that try to make you believe it's really dangerous out there so thank the good lord you have this piece of firewall software...

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Now if you know this because your firewall program told you so I'd take it with a huge grain of salt. Av programs are conware that try to make you believe it's really dangerous out there so thank the good lord you have this piece of firewall software...

Boy, ain't that the truth. Firewalls and AV programs try to make everyone think your computer will be "immediately" infected, melt down, taken control of, etc., if you go online for more than a few seconds without Firewall/AV protection. Now I have no doubt it wouldn't take but a couple of weeks to catch a virus on your computer without Firewall/AV protection for anyone who does a fair amount of browsing/emailing, and personally I wouldn't operate my computer without Firewall/AV protection; but, it's not immediate computer death if not running any Firewall/AV or if not running the most whiz-bang/expensive Firewall/AV software.

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Now if you know this because your firewall program told you so I'd take it with a huge grain of salt. Av programs are conware that try to make you believe it's really dangerous out there so thank the good lord you have this piece of firewall software...

Boy, ain't that the truth. Firewalls and AV programs try to make everyone think your computer will be "immediately" infected, melt down, taken control of, etc., if you go online for more than a few seconds without Firewall/AV protection. Now I have no doubt it wouldn't take but a couple of weeks to catch a virus on your computer without Firewall/AV protection for anyone who does a fair amount of browsing/emailing, and personally I wouldn't operate my computer without Firewall/AV protection; but, it's not immediate computer death if not running any Firewall/AV or if not running the most whiz-bang/expensive Firewall/AV software.

hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah...





hallelujah -


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Can't believe people still use M$ for Microsoft. Kinda 1990's wasn't it? Time to move on.

M$ is a good abbreviation for M$... it describes the company very well...

I think you should use it in your ads...

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Now if you know this because your firewall program told you so I'd take it with a huge grain of salt. Av programs are conware that try to make you believe it's really dangerous out there so thank the good lord you have this piece of firewall software...

Boy, ain't that the truth. Firewalls and AV programs try to make everyone think your computer will be "immediately" infected, melt down, taken control of, etc., if you go online for more than a few seconds without Firewall/AV protection. Now I have no doubt it wouldn't take but a couple of weeks to catch a virus on your computer without Firewall/AV protection for anyone who does a fair amount of browsing/emailing, and personally I wouldn't operate my computer without Firewall/AV protection; but, it's not immediate computer death if not running any Firewall/AV or if not running the most whiz-bang/expensive Firewall/AV software.

For Anti-Virus, at least you could make a case. AV programs find viruses that people send you via email. That's pretty much all they do. Gmail can do it for you. But at least they do something. AV programs don't protect you from drive-by viruses, or from viruses on USB flash drives. They can also clean up your system after you've been infected, at least if you re-install them.

Firewall software is completely useless. Windows has a built in Firewall that works. So you don't need another one. But for some reason there's all this software around that tries to convince people that the built in Firewall is not adequate, and they need another supposedly better one. This is pure Conware. Scareware. It's a scam. In fact, these firewall programs often nest themselves deep into the system and cause problems so they make the system more unsafe.

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I want to contribute something on topic too: Duh, and what took them so long. There were lots of macs on the google campus before and the whole company is organized using web based tools only. The idea is that the OS is irrelevant. That will also be the basis of the Chrome OS. Google has not done what so many other businesses do: Make themselves dependent on all sorts of proprietary Microsoft tools.

From companies i have worked for i get the impression that the only reason for using windows is now office. And IT staff inertia. All these trained IT professionals who make decisions know only Windows. There are free and often better alternatives for all Windows server tools but they don't know them. And staff sends and gets sent MS Word files and the only machines to handle those properly are windows machines.

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For Anti-Virus, at least you could make a case. AV programs find viruses that people send you via email. That's pretty much all they do. Gmail can do it for you. But at least they do something. AV programs don't protect you from drive-by viruses, or from viruses on USB flash drives. They can also clean up your system after you've been infected, at least if you re-install them.

Firewall software is completely useless. Windows has a built in Firewall that works. So you don't need another one. But for some reason there's all this software around that tries to convince people that the built in Firewall is not adequate, and they need another supposedly better one. This is pure Conware. Scareware. It's a scam. In fact, these firewall programs often nest themselves deep into the system and cause problems so they make the system more unsafe.

Not that I agree to this, but the off topic discussion about firewalls remind me about some funny off topic episodes...

Some years ago I was asked to install a ZoneAlarm from a Pantip Plaza disk on a dated Win95 machine belonging to the paranoid spouse of a very "high profile diplomat"... The person had deleted most of the "viruses" found in the windows folder (all those files must be viruses right, I never put them there!?)

This happened twice... sameshit everytime... I explained that those folders are not supposed to be empty... I reinstalled Win95 from his legal copy and a free AV pack and updated...

Yes I know, I was young and stupid, and... and I needed the money... yes... :)

When I was asked to ZoneAlarm from that crappy CD... I walked out...

This was almost as crazy as when the adviser of a president of a "modern European country" kindly asked if the president could borrow my crappy win2k box so he and the president could keep the "important diplomatic negotiations" alive during their vacation in Thailand.

The only thing he complained about was a button on the keyboard that sopped working... I gave him a new keyboard... and he was happy the rest of the time and thanked me sooo much when they left the place. Nice guys... I guess I lost a little confidence in the security awareness of those people...

I expected them to have their own communication staff in place setting up their own microwave satellite link with an encryption the would make ET impressed... And here they come and don't even have a laptop...

Thanks for the coffee!


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The thing I find bizarre - why was Google using Windows at all? And of all things, Internet Explorer (was it the 'bad browser testing department' that was attacked?). They make their own!!!

I would move our office to Ubuntu tomorrow if I had a choice. Unfortunately the staff motto is "We Fear Change". There would be an insurrection if they had to spend a few days getting used to a new interface.

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They were using IE6, which Microsoft has been warning people to upgrade for ages now. Had they been using a version of Opera, Firefox, or Konqueror that was that far out of date the results would probably have been the same.

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