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A Idle Moment Of Disparity


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I missed something... what are we all sorry for....?  :o

totster  :D

Well :D ... Bambina started a rumour that Kayo is married :D and.... I almost fell off my chair :D and then... and then... Kayo told us to stop cat-fighting in his thread :D and then... I said "I'm sorry" first... and then Bambi said "I'm sorry too" .... and now we all love each other again :D

What are you sorry for Totster? :D:D

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wow, I am starting to feel sorry for ever starting this thread.

I must say, Khall, I nearly fell off my chair when I opened this thread yesterday!

All is well that ends well... I suppose.

Er... To be continued :o

Tot´s, We are all still waiting for your apology young man.

Sorry guys... I{d love to stay on for a bit longer, especially as All of you (tots, bambi, dr pp, and of course the irreversably charming miss Khallau64) are all on online at the moment, but we´ve got about three thousand salvadoreans packing our quiet peaceful streets, here to party their week off, celebrating their patron saint.... Funny how they all leave the country on their national holiday. I guess the Maktub´ar is just irrepressably exciting.

I{m off to try to make the rent.

Back much later.

Love y´all-

Edited by kayo
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I'll start off by saying I'm sorry. Original sin, you can never get away from it.

Now, Bambina, those are my gang geng ley you're wearing! Must admit they look better with the black belt though.

I started off being confused by this thread, but it got better: now I don't know what's going on at all.

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cool. and Totster??????

Tots is a mat that khall64au and me step on :D

I'll start off by saying I'm sorry. Original sin, you can never get away from it.

Now, Bambina, those are my gang geng ley you're wearing! Must admit they look better with the black belt though.

heheh after confused for 5 mins , now i know what do u mean"gang geng ley"

Touche Bambi  :D  :o

Where did you get those gorgeous cats? Oops... sorry Kayo... your thread  :D  :D

He wont mind babe .... heheh eventhough we're stolen his scene sometime ... :D

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Tots is a  mat that khall64au and  me  step on   :D

What..!!! :D

Ah well.... I'm used to women walking all over me... :D

totster :D

:D Am sure Bambi didn't mean it like that :D

Ok... farewell to thee all! Am off to get my beauty sleep while Kayo is out partying with his Salvo mates :D

Spending my weekend in Burma... how exotic :D So am afraid I'll be absent from KAYO'S THREAD for a few days :D

Do you miss me already????


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Tots is a  mat that khall64au and  me  step on  :D

What..!!! :D

Ah well.... I'm used to women walking all over me... :D

totster :D

:o Am sure Bambi didn't mean it like that :D

Slip of the tongue, she meant to say Tots is a tiger that they gamble with.

By-the-by, I actually learnt something from this thread, that khall64au is female. Next you'll be telling me you're not 64 years old, nor from Australia.

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Khall!!! You can't go... My staff have taken over for the afternoon, dealing with pushy arrogant salvadoreans...so I can relax, and kick back with you for a couple of hours.

COME BACK!!!!!!!!!

Bambi....You can steal my scene anytime you like... (just don't steal Khall)

Khall is to the best of my knowledge no where near 64, but may be from 64 I believe. I gather she lives in phuket, regardless of where she is from.

Totster is an unknown mate, whom I enjoy bantering with on tv.com.

And should I make it back to LOS in, say, 10 years, I would enjoy having a drink with. (of course if you make it out my way, come and see me, alright.)

My moment idle moment of disparity has expanded into another string of adjectives.


PS:KHALL!!!!! ....Khall... :D:o:D:D

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Totster is an unknown mate, whom I enjoy bantering with on tv.com.

And should I make it back to LOS in, say, 10 years, I would enjoy having a drink with. (of course if you make it out my way, come and see me, alright.)

Likewise... if you ever find yourself in the UK (assuminng I'm not in LOS at the time), pop and see me.... we'll share a couple of rums... :o

totster :D

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I guess I'll have to bring a bottle zacapa!

KHALL!!!! WHERE ARE YOU LOVE!!!! IT'S ALL LONELY AND COLD WITHOUT YOU....Totster is cuddling but it's just not what I want...

(edit: Tots... DON't touch me there)

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I guess I'll have to bring a bottle zacapa!

KHALL!!!! WHERE ARE YOU LOVE!!!! IT'S ALL LONELY AND COLD WITHOUT YOU....Totster is cuddling but it's just not what I want...

(edit: Tots... DON't touch me there)


Hi honey.... I'm home !

Did you miss me?

I brought pressies for everyone ..... :D:o:D

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You DID miss me!

Ya... what a fast trip, tell me about it .... am exhausted, it's SUCH a long drive :D Had to get up and back over the weekend - work, work, work (blah blah) :o

Had the pleasure to share the whirlwind trip with a friend and her 10 yr old son.... so had a quiet night with a few drinkies and chitty chatted about creating our new business empire :D

Burma was fun, we surfed over and back... the waves were pumping man :D and of course got mugged by the street urchins lurking on the wharf... all part of the adventure.

You gotta try it sometime Bambi!!!

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