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Tourist Visa Into A Non Immigrant B

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I recently went 2 Vientianne for a Non Immigrant B but was refused for not having a certain document. I was told there however that it was possible 2 change your tourist visa which I am currently on into a Non Immigrant B visa in Bangkok. If anyone has any information on whether or not this is true or how one goes about this it would be very very much appreciated

Thank you

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What makes you think that they would deliberately lie to you ? Yes it is true, you can change from a tourist visa to Non Immigrant B, I think you must do it while you still have at least 21 days left on the TV, but you can check this on the Immigration website or better yet, do a search on Thai Visa.

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Change from a tourist visa can only be done if you qualify for a one year extension of stay and is an extra 2,000 baht step in the extension of stay process.

I've tried searching for this but couldn't find it..could you please advise how to qualify for one year extension of stay and how to get this done if I currently have 60 day double entry tourist visa? This would be preferable rather than 30 day extension for 1,900 baht. Thanks.

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You would at the least need a work permit and documents from your employer. It depends on your job which other documents you would need. For a teacher for example different rules apply. Your first priority will always be getting or applying for a work permit.


Gives the criteria under which you can apply for an extension of stay.


Gives the required documents you need to supply

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It is possible to change your tourist visa (or the 30-day visa exemption stamp) into a Non-immigrant B visa. However, this will be a different process and requires an arduous amount of documents that includes your degree certificates certified by your embassy (or embassy where the degree was issued) translated and certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some of the requirements include but not limited to the following:

a) Employment contract

:) A letter of request stating the reason for alteration of visa

c) A letter of guarantee

d) Evidence of Educational attainment and job experience

e) Company supporting documents such as:

a. Company affidavit (plus list of shareholders)

b. Tax and VAT Registration

c. Latest Financial Statement (Annual audit, Balance sheet etc.)

d. Income Tax and Monthly withholding tax submissions

e. Photos of the company

f. Map of the company

On top of that, you must have 21 days valid on your visa (or entry stamp) in order to change your visa/entry stamp into a Non-immigrant B visa. Once submitted, the Immigration will stamp 2 weeks on your passport as consideration period in which you will hear the result on the said date and receive a stamp of 2 months and 2 weeks. This in total, constitutes the initial 3-month Non-immigrant B Visa as if it has been applied from a Thai Embassy or Consulate. Upon obtaining a work permit and also depending on the qualifications of your company, you may extend this Non-immigrant B visa into a 1 year “extension of stay”.

By the way, it is unclear as to why your visa application was denied and which document they were requesting from you. The Thai Embassy in Ventianne, Laos in some cases as it is convienent is one of the best locations to apply for a single Non-immigrant visas provided that you have all the requirements depending on each category of non-immigrant visas.


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