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Thai Police On High Alert To Catch World Cup Punters


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The Government has a responsiblity to protect it citizens, especially the vulnerable ones.

What about the people who aren't vulnerable ?

I guess using your argument we all have to be dragged down to the same level and treated as unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help ?


And in addition, even the vast majority of the unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help probably deserve some protection themselves. Only legalisation and regulation can offer that.

The only way to bring that illegal market under control.

The Thaksin government was on the way to legalise gambling. This was the reason that Major General Chamlong Srimuang switch the sides went from being a friend and political adviser to Thaksin to become a become a PAD leader.

for the right wing, national socialist and other political extremist gambling is a big social vice and Thaksin with his liberalisations attempt became an evil enemy too.

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Thankyou. In all seriousness, I think most posters do not have the understanding, intelligence or knowledge of the destruction that this vice can cause. Its all well and good to put £30 on trap 3 at Whitecity once a week but when it is a dependancy on lifes daily routine it becomes rather different, and to see that at first hand is quite disturbing

I fully understand what you're saying, what I'm saying is I don't care.

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The Government has a responsiblity to protect it citizens, especially the vulnerable ones.

What about the people who aren't vulnerable ?

I guess using your argument we all have to be dragged down to the same level and treated as unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help ?


And in addition, even the vast majority of the unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help probably deserve some protection themselves. Only legalisation and regulation can offer that.

The only way to bring that illegal market under control.

The Thaksin government was on the way to legalise gambling. This was the reason that Major General Chamlong Srimuang switch the sides went from being a friend and political adviser to Thaksin to become a become a PAD leader.

for the right wing, national socialist and other political extremist gambling is a big social vice and Thaksin with his liberalisations attempt became an evil enemy too.

And so what could have been an interesting discussion turns into not only some religious bigot spouting his crap but the same old political rhetoric.

Cheers for that, I'm off.

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just another method to make this country, more unpleasant and childish, so ovious to extort money from tourists. nothing else to do, :) BIB ? not enough traffic money to make any more, after their NONACTION against the red they need an other income...

Yea, now they want to "throw out their chests" and act like "big shots." Bunch of cowardly Bloody Incompetent Buffoons (BIB).

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The gambling laws are confusing here at times.

Whilst it appears to be an absolute blanket ban on all forms of gambling (except for the lottery and horses), some of the larger books have sites in Thai script, can work in the Baht and even work in transactions from and to Thai banks and cards.

It's all about enforcement. It's the same thing in the US, where there are laws about online gambling yet it is still allowed to go on and rarely policed in many cases. It's hit and miss.

I know a guy who still owes 5000 baht from gambling in Thailand for the last World Cup.

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just another method to make this country, more unpleasant and childish, so ovious to extort money from tourists. nothing else to do, :) BIB ? not enough traffic money to make any more, after their NONACTION against the red they need an other income...
if you don't like the situation in a country then leave and go back to the miserable place you came from.
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And in addition, even the vast majority of the unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help probably deserve some protection themselves. Only legalisation and regulation can offer that.

The only way to bring that illegal market under control.

The Thaksin government was on the way to legalise gambling. This was the reason that Major General Chamlong Srimuang switch the sides went from being a friend and political adviser to Thaksin to become a become a PAD leader.

for the right wing, national socialist and other political extremist gambling is a big social vice and Thaksin with his liberalisations attempt became an evil enemy too.

And so what could have been an interesting discussion turns into not only some religious bigot spouting his crap but the same old political rhetoric.

Cheers for that, I'm off.

Yep, close your eyes and ignore the facts that cannot be used for the usual anti-Thaksin BS propaganda of the wannabe 'experts'.

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I guess though if Thai people don't care I shouldn't either.

Well this is the way to look at things !

If Thai people don't care,i shouldn't either !

So from now on we dont have to care about nothing

but the daily boose .ok . :)

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What could they do if everybody told them to F off all at once?

Let me ponder this...

What would happen if a bunch of unarmed people told a bunch of armed people to F off all at once?

Oh, I missed variables in the equation...

What if that happened in a society which places little value on rule of law, democracy and rights, where just about anybody can bribe their way out of just about any crime, and the armed people belong to a profession whose members are never held accountable for their actions...?

What could possibly go wrong?

How can anybody take the laws of Thailand seriously

I imagine that the people who take Thailand's laws seriously are a rather lonely bunch.

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If they ban Betfair in Thailand I know alot of people will be in deep shit.

Betfair,Laddies and most of the Asian books online accept the big Thai punters.

The books on the street are more for the lower end 1000 baht punter.

Betfair don't allow financial transactions from a Thai ISP.

Funny that, I know loads who trade on betfair for a living in bkk. :)

And anyone Thai will probably have a entropay account to upload funds.

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What a bunch of A ss holes!!! This article should read "After taking a humiliating beat-down from some real criminals, the Thai police were relieved to get back to their real business of extorting the people they're SUPPOSED to protect!!

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Having spent nearly 7 years in this country, its headlines like this that make me ask the question - is it worth it?

The utter hypocracy of having a state funded lottery and a ban on gambling makes me despair. The laws on censorship depress me nearly as much. Having to live under the standards of another person rather than those of your own is nothing short of mind control. Its state sponsored "people manipulation".

"You do what we tell you to do"

"You think what we tell you to think"

"You watch what we tell you to watch"

This is 2010 for f"cks sake not 1920.

People are people not sheep.

Time to return to civilization I think.

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When will the Brown Shirt Mafia be given clear direction, be assessed and prosecuted for scams, bribery and extortion (and murder) and when will anyone in a ruling party/government live without fear of reprisal from these dirt bags? And of course when will we as the public be able to rely on the word and the office of a policeman as being a member of the community to 'serve' and uphold the law?

Ok - when hel_l freezes over ... T.I.T... :)

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'In an authoritarian society, people believe the face of authority'.

What I mean is, people will trust the police, and if they don't, the police will soon kick them into the dirt and tell what to think, say and do.

BTW, how many of you have been writing about gambling money lost to Cambodia.

No way, it's spent in Poipet, but the money comes straight back to Thailand. They have Thai owners, Thai staff and Thai customers. Don't forget that. That's surely why the owners don't want anyone legalising gambling here.

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Thai's will gamble. Nothing can stop them.

If you says to a child: DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR!

what you think will happen?

Thank for posting and I do agree with your comment. Remember it is the World event and people in America will do the same thing...now tell me who will benefit this gambling?? The people or the ??? The betting businesses are from offshore and the American Authority can not touch them so anyone can bet on line with credit cards...

I let everyone thinks about it?? Wow 1.1 billion for Gambling from Thailand ??? This kind of behavior is really knocked my head off...what about America?? Just has illegal drugs cocain, and heroin smuggle from Mexico.....it is 30 billion dollar business. I love to find out how much he or she spends on betting??? Well anyone complaints why these people are so poor then we all know the answer why??? ( drink, drug and gambling ) It is the Nation decease that never can get over...my opinion and I am standing tall...

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Why are you people complaining about this? It's so very important that this gambling thing is nipped in the bud before it grows into something REAL bad!! Can't we see this? Oh ok, so maybe it is just another pointless 'look we're doing something' crackdown!! Like there isn't enough real crap going on!!! :) - [NB: for top priorities, see 'whatever we can be bothered with today'].

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And in addition, even the vast majority of the unconscionable miscreants who are incapable of making a decision without the states help probably deserve some protection themselves. Only legalisation and regulation can offer that.

The only way to bring that illegal market under control.

The Thaksin government was on the way to legalise gambling. This was the reason that Major General Chamlong Srimuang switch the sides went from being a friend and political adviser to Thaksin to become a become a PAD leader.

for the right wing, national socialist and other political extremist gambling is a big social vice and Thaksin with his liberalisations attempt became an evil enemy too.

And so what could have been an interesting discussion turns into not only some religious bigot spouting his crap but the same old political rhetoric.

Cheers for that, I'm off.

Yep, close your eyes and ignore the facts that cannot be used for the usual anti-Thaksin BS propaganda of the wannabe 'experts'.

Good to see that anybody else is ignoring you crap as well. Back on subject.

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If they ban Betfair in Thailand I know alot of people will be in deep shit.

Betfair,Laddies and most of the Asian books online accept the big Thai punters.

The books on the street are more for the lower end 1000 baht punter.

Betfair don't allow financial transactions from a Thai ISP.

Funny that, I know loads who trade on betfair for a living in bkk. :)

And anyone Thai will probably have a entropay account to upload funds.

More likely they use another way of accessing the site, which we are not allowed to discuss here.

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The time will come,sooner rather than later,when across-the-board gambling will be legalised in this country.Who knows,maybe we will get betting shops springing up across the country, as was the case in the U.K in the 1970's. when gambling was first permitted there and we'll get horse racing,greyhound racing beamed from other countries.

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Quote from article: "Many Thais get around the ban by heading to neighbouring Cambodia and Myanmar where casinos dot the border."

It seems a bit odd that Thai authorities do not go out of their way to question the "more obvious" intent or motive of Thais leaving the country to gamble, and hence refuse these Thais from leaving - and on the flip side, the Thai authorities do emphatically question the "less obvious" intent and motive of foreigners wishing to enter Thailand on TR visas for a certain amount of time.

Discrimination? Racism? Other?

The reasons applied to the latter are legitimate, and I understand that; yet the same reasons should apply to what seems to be an obvious exodus to the border points where the casinos are aplenty. It is about as stupid as arresting the Thai security man and the motor taxi driver at the beach one evening because they were flipping baht coins in a game of heads or tails. Now, who in perdition managed to get up enough energy to make this bust? Too silly.

Sorting fly poop from pepper is a past time that the natives seem to go to great strides to accomplish, and with much ado and pomp in order to inflate their egos. It is a silly way to get a notch on one's belt. Just my opinion.

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What could they do if everybody told them to F off all at once?

They could shoot you.

Or cut off your arms - any of them ever go to prison for chopping off that poor karaoke girl's arms a couple of years ago? (i think i know the answer)

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In an area where I once lived, all the money lending and illegal gambling was run by the Police.

Maybe they just want to get rid of the competition.

It is run by the police everywhere. Where I used to live in a small town in Phayao my ex-bro-in-law was the son of a local police chief, they had a dozen tables full 24/7 --- 90% police and their families. They charged for the tables by the hour, supplied them with booze and grub too, nice little earner!

Most Thais - particularly Chinese - play the illegal lottery. It is played twice a week. The bookies make a good living. And, of course, most of the police know about it. Most of them play it.

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Punters? Football? But football season is over, we already had a superBowl!

Great! The Yanks have arrived!

What was I saying about 'Mug Punters'? :)

tell us about the 1919 World Series?

You best believe it. I may be wrong but I think it's the USA vs. England this weekend. Oh, if only. I don't have any expectations, but the English will have their hands full. Are there any Englishmen playing for jolly, old? Please don't refer to us as "punters," and what are the English if not mugs. We're more the refuse than mugs. Getting back on topic, wannna make a bet ? Anyone know the line? What has the 1919 World Series have to do with anything? It was fixed? How American.

There are many addictions. Food can be an addiction There are good and bad addictions. However, gambling can be one of the worst.

"What a bunch of A ss holes!!! This article should read "After taking a humiliating beat-down from some real criminals, the Thai police were relieved to get back to their real business of extorting the people they're SUPPOSED to protect!! "

I didn't say this, but it's more of a conglomeration than a bunch.

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Punters? Football? But football season is over, we already had a superBowl!

Great! The Yanks have arrived!

What was I saying about 'Mug Punters'? :)

tell us about the 1919 World Series?

You best believe it. I may be wrong but I think it's the USA vs. England this weekend. Oh, if only. I don't have any expectations, but the English will have their hands full. Are there any Englishmen playing for jolly, old? Please don't refer to us as "punters," and what are the English if not mugs. We're more the refuse than mugs. Getting back on topic, wannna make a bet ? Anyone know the line? What has the 1919 World Series have to do with anything? It was fixed? How American.

There are many addictions. Food can be an addiction There are good and bad addictions. However, gambling can be one of the worst.

"What a bunch of A ss holes!!! This article should read "After taking a humiliating beat-down from some real criminals, the Thai police were relieved to get back to their real business of extorting the people they're SUPPOSED to protect!! "

I didn't say this, but it's more of a conglomeration than a bunch.

As a (real) Dutch Uncle I could lecture you on many things, but I had a good week I won't bother. Only a minor correction if you don't mind "the Thai police were relieved to get back to their real normal business" :D

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Sorry - system posted same post thing twice. How to Delete a post pls ?

Yeah. I'd like to know how to delete a post too.....On topic, people here would sooner stop breathing than stop gambling! Agree that this is just another "earn" for the BIB. Maybe they lost a lot of tea money while having to watch red shirts, now they can make it up - method in their madness.....???

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