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What Happens To Thailand's Sex Tourism During The Riots?

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Complete journobabble -- the 'esteemed' Jessica Olien is taking her name far to seriously. 'Jessica' is derived from the Hebrew meaning vision, clairvoyance or God's sight.

Ms. Olien ( normally based in Washington , DC ) has written in her wisdom this year about Thailand, Afgahanistan, East Jerusalem, Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt, Pakistan, Haiti -- I could continue but the list is too long.

How does she find the time to go to all of these places ( or the money ) ? When does she do her research ??????? -- ha ha ha ha ha ha -- research is for amateurs.

Please do not publish such incredible nonsense !!!!

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is this news? it this worth bothering us ? is this an emergency update ?

or somebody needs some advertisement money ?

With 2000 people currently reading this, there's probably no other current event which is really interesting. Lucky world :)


Oh POOR Sex tourists.

I think this kind of NEWSbullshit ist more important then the killing of people. Congratulations!!!

That is ILL..


Notice how new the front of the article she confuses and conflates "pedophile" with men in the nightlife areas. Feminazis love to do that. The fact that what happens in L.A. or New York and Bangkok is much the same is of no interest to this feminazi as they have power there; here they don't. Hence her outrage and hysteria.

"Crotchless Bikini Bottoms"? :)

"cheap rented rooms" :D

as to the bikinis, must mistake with some vintage French can can footage.

or just some poor girl had a worn out panty in need of mending;

From what I heard... :) ... prices went way down. Nana was empty. Just what I heard.

I feel sorry for your Nana, don't keep her empty that long..she will look for another man.


Another article written from thin air. How could they blame social network sites for the drop in number of readers when they published an article like this?

By the way, at the time I'm writing this, 1894 User(s) are reading this topic (1451 Guests and 7 Anonymous Users). Guess the headlines is too tempting not to read. ;-)


This is the 2nd time in a week that a press story confuses tourists, from all over the World ,with the thousands of Ex-Pats living in Thailand year round ( With or w/o necessity of Visa runs) !

This sounds like a Whiskey Tango 's hate of Men in general , since she made no comment about anything but the Sex-Tourists affect; when the story should have been on .... how this sad moment in Thai history affected so many livelihoods...

in so many different ways!

But the author prefers to follow the same ideology as the SEX Trade industry ???????

What is it? :)

Ask her , she knows...[/size]

Sex Sells !


Two inflammatory posts and one quoted reply deleted.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Strange how this reporter went to BKK during some of the worst political demonstration in the last decade and only reports on the sex trade. That professionalism.


No doubt, this is utter fiction. Razor wire surrounding Nana Plaza? Bangkok burning for 2 months? Sensationalist journalism at it's best. It's business as usual.

For those that didn't read the entire article, TV gets a mention. Despite the ban here on discussions of prostitution, we are a sexpat forum now!!

So now that it's not, where else is there to go? A man with the username UKmatt on the popular expat (and sexpat) forum thaivisa.com suggests the Phillipines as a viable alternative to Thailand.

then later she responds:

Also, I apologize to Thai Visa, and the people who read it, for making them out to be an exclusively sexpat blog. There are definitely informative threads on the site that have nothing to do with the sex industry, but the one I quoted was not one of them.

:D Really....

The curfew, which went into effect last week, also shut down Pattaya, a town a few hours southeast of Bangkok, where it seems the entire local economy revolves around the sex trade and which is known for tolerating prostitution by underage boys and girls.

Where are you :)


now that is what i call (do not if my english hits the point correctly) :

"school-example of high-quality bullshitting"

the sad think about this journalist is that she probably gets a salary for this kind of "realistic" writing.

in my opinion - when you do your job like this - it's bigger prostitution than all the prostituts from pattaya, nana, and patpong.

matemathical formlula would be something like:

jessica's post > pattaya prostituts X nana prostituts X patpong prostituts.


I worked with Jess a few years back in Bangkok. She came to Thailand with her bf and loved it at first.

After a few weeks/months the novelty wore off, and as she realised that most of the foreign men here were not interested in her (as she was used to back in the states). She started to resent the Thai girls who were considerably prettier, and much less trouble, than her. In turn she resented every western man who had a Thai gf/wife and decided that all men were sexpats and all thai women were bar girls.

It was quite sad to see. She became very very bitter and after about 4 or 5 months she couldn't take it anymore - she hated the place, so she left.

It seems that now she is on a mission to taint all ex-pats living in Thailand as perverts and sexual deviants.

also by Jessica:


Needless to say, most of what she says is bulls**t.

To say this girl has issues, is putting it mildly.

No doubt, this is utter fiction. Razor wire surrounding Nana Plaza? Bangkok burning for 2 months? Sensationalist journalism at it's best. It's business as usual.

For those that didn't read the entire article, TV gets a mention. Despite the ban here on discussions of prostitution, we are a sexpat forum now!!

So now that it's not, where else is there to go? A man with the username UKmatt on the popular expat (and sexpat) forum thaivisa.com suggests the Phillipines as a viable alternative to Thailand.

then later she responds:

Also, I apologize to Thai Visa, and the people who read it, for making them out to be an exclusively sexpat blog. There are definitely informative threads on the site that have nothing to do with the sex industry, but the one I quoted was not one of them.

The last quote from Jessica suggests she listened to the UDD leaders while here. The part 'there are definitely informative threads' suggests there are many more the opposite; and might even be interpreted as slander. But then I'm not a lawyer :)


After 10 mins investigation (which is about 10 mins more time and effort than Jessica Olien put into getting the facts about the sensationalized piece of drivel "What Happens To Thailand's Sex Tourism During The Riots?" ) it is apparent that Jessica is a fairly young inexperienced freelance reporter who is trying to sensationalize a name for herself back in the USA after a sordid failed attempt to be an English Teacher in Thailand a few years back. You can find plenty of information on her including her email twitter and face-book page with almost no imaginative effort. But the interesting thing is that (as we suspected earlier) Jessica has actually a deep seated vengeful agenda towards Thailand and could possibly have a lot of Skeletons in the closet.

So it would seem that recently she's been hacking out a few luminary elicitations for the HUFFINGTON POST in Washington where you can obviously see her in-depth insights and evidence based reporting skills with such Pulitzer Prize contending articles such as:

"Dairy of a Captive Platypus"

"Baby, I Didn't Like the Birthday Present"

"I Will Not Wait in Line For a Cupcake With You"

and the biggie would of course must be...

"Every time grown men talk about something "going viral," a cowboy falls off his horse."

Yes Jessica is even pictured quaffing copious Beers in her pubic appearances and indeed you can see at this event (http://guestofaguest.com/directory/jessica-olien/22178/), that EVERY (=100%) one of the photos of her have her pictured with partially drunk BEERs in hand. Is Jessica's comments perhaps a reflection of her own struggles with ALCOHOLISM perhaps?? And if that is the case, how can respected publications like the Huffington Post allow their image to be tarnished with the factless rantings of such a person who once wrote a myopic piece on for the Nation Newspaper in April 8, 2009 entitled "Sex, Drugs and ESL" opening with the lines "Like many young English teachers abroad, I was enthusiastic about—but woefully under-qualified for— my new profession."

Jeez here she is ranting about Sex and Drugs again but this is indeed often the case where the one screaming the loudest perhaps has the most to hide. Is it just coincidence that Jessica was no longer employed at the Nation after such revelations? mmmm me thinks Shakespear put it best with the classic line

Me Thinks (S)he Protesteth Too Much!

I worked with Jess a few years back in Bangkok. She came to Thailand with her bf and loved it at first.

After a few weeks/months the novelty wore off, and as she realised that most of the foreign men here were not interested in her (as she was used to back in the states). She started to resent the Thai girls who were considerably prettier, and much less trouble, than her. In turn she resented every western man who had a Thai gf/wife and decided that all men were sexpats and all thai women were bar girls.

It was quite sad to see. She became very very bitter and after about 4 or 5 months she couldn't take it anymore - she hated the place, so she left.

It seems that now she is on a mission to taint all ex-pats living in Thailand as perverts and sexual deviants.

also by Jessica:


Needless to say, most of what she says is bulls**t.

To say this girl has issues, is putting it mildly.

Isn't the WWW a wonderful thing ! Just what common sense suspected and indeed a slight cursory investigation almost immediately reveals.

Thanks for the sunshine Oldfield, daylight (spotlight) is indeed one of nature's best disinfectants!

It's sad that Jessica was too wrapped up in her own self image (perhaps the drugs didn't help) that she failed to learn some of the wisdom of the Buddhist community that surrounded her. Live and let live, and always understand Karma because it'll help you or hurt you depending on what you dish out to others....

Oh POOR Sex tourists.

I think this kind of NEWSbullshit ist more important then the killing of people. Congratulations!!!

That is ILL..

I'm sure there's a separate thread for that!

Strange how this reporter went to BKK during some of the worst political demonstration in the last decade and only reports on the sex trade. That professionalism.

Well, I'm sure it was too scary for her to do that. Plus I think my 22 year old daughter could write a better article than she can!


I can't see what people get so offended at.

If there is no truth or real foundation to the statements being made in the report there can be no grounds for taking offence.

But then perhaps some around here have never heard the term 'The Truth Hurts'?

Next time a pedophile is caught in Thailand - and subsequently gets discussed on TV - Remind yourself that Jessica Olien is wrong to claim Thailand attracts pedophiles.

When a gripe fest kicks off with sexpats winging about where the next Thailand is going to be, 'Let's head for Cambodia/Vietnam...' - Remind yourself that Jessica Olien is wrong to claim sexdpats in Thailand are looking for alterntives to Thailand.

Next time you come across a bunch of drunk sextourists (either in the flesh or in reports here on TV) staggering from bar to bar, prostitute to prostitute -

Remind yourself that Jessica Olien is wrong to claim sextourists in their thousands are doing just that.

And of course remind yourself that you personally don't do any (not one single thing) of the things Jessica Olien says sextourits and sexpats get up to.

Methink some folk around here complaineth too much.



do u mind if I call you Big J

Well regarding "also shut down Pattaya, a town a few hours southeast of Bangkok, where it seems the entire local economy revolves around the sex trade and which is known for tolerating prostitution by underage boys and girls."

When in Pattaya and you have a complaint then call 1337

Signs are everywhere.

BTW the nights of the curfew I was donating supporting giving away paying for: food drink electricity water rent car tax registration cable TV internet parents of defacto all of defacto's cost foster child etc etc etc

SO Big J

come and sit on my big elephant :)


Oh Jessica this really is plucking at heartstings. Rumour has it that while hansum and his mate were giving you the good old spit-roasting that you so thoroughly deserve they both agreed you had much in common with a brussel sprout. Cheap and you stink while you're cooking.


I agree with another poster that says "The Truth Hurts" - if there's no element of truth then why are you/we all getting so offended??

Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, I have worked and had girlfriends from all these places and there's definitely a huge element of truth in what she says - its crap writing and reporting but shes only about 23 or something stupid so there's also truth in that she's going to have a grudge against all these fit tanned nubile young asian women who will shag a fat bloke for a burger and coke!

From what I heard... :) ... prices went way down. Nana was empty. Just what I heard.

That is not Thai way of thinking, you double it or triple the price for the lost business

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