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Disaster ..refridgerator Kust Concked Out :-(((


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Yikes, my firdge concked out 2 weeks ago.... a guy came to fix it, took it away , brought it back 4 days ago and of course 2 days later again not working :) ... he came back took it away again and I am in a big fix now as although he has lent me a mini one, it can't hold all I need to service my guest House ... :D ..+ It doesn't work all that well ...!

I am not too confident that when he brings it back that it will be fixed properly ....

Anybody out there have a 2nd hand one they want to get rid of ...? I need a fairly large one ... min 16 Q ...

Can't afford to buy a new one .....

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Be kind guys.....

OP maybe you have ice delivered daily.... consider putting some of the things that need refrigeration in the big ice container. This may help you out in a pinch for a few things until your refrig is returned...


sensible response gonzo.

guy.s in need of advise not contempt.

try looking at

macro mail here

some cheap ones there.

reading some of the posts telling op to buy ticket home and time to leave are typical of some lame posters here maybe its time to flag them.

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Be kind guys.....

OP maybe you have ice delivered daily.... consider putting some of the things that need refrigeration in the big ice container. This may help you out in a pinch for a few things until your refrig is returned...


sensible response gonzo.

guy.s in need of advise not contempt.

try looking at

macro mail here

some cheap ones there.

reading some of the posts telling op to buy ticket home and time to leave are typical of some lame posters here maybe its time to flag them.

Thats a reasonable response for a very short term fix.

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The prices on new fridges are pretty standard at the moment. I just bought a 8.5 cu for just over 8k Bt

I find its a better idea to have at least 2 decent size fridges than one enormous one for obvious reasons.

You could try at the porn/secondhand shops on the north of the moat (outer). They probably have some really cheap ones.

Fridges if properly fixed go on for years, they are pretty resilient.

Funny about having to take fridge away to fix; have only had fixed on site. Fridges don't travel terribly well. Don't forget you should let everything settle for an hour or two before switching on power.

Any other place where they fix fridges might have one or two that have fixed up for sale.

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I'm not sure what 16 Q is. Cubic feet? Quarts? I know someone selling a couple of commercial refrigerators, 2nd hand. 20,000 Baht for a 2 door and 25,000 for a 3 door. I think the price is about 5,000 high for each, they are slightly used. PM me and I'll get you a number.

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Be kind guys.....

OP maybe you have ice delivered daily.... consider putting some of the things that need refrigeration in the big ice container. This may help you out in a pinch for a few things until your refrig is returned...


sensible response gonzo.

agree, cool answer :)

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This is a hard one.

Have Guest House, no money.

Maybe have to go to work make some money to buy fridge!!!!!

From Australia,

You have no Idea just how bad things are here.

Get real, some of us are really trying to stay in the LOS despite all the things thrown at us.

And I know that 8000baht is a <deleted> lot when you aint got it!!

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I think what some members meant was that with any business you need a cash reserve - some operating capital. Without some capital (or credit at least) it seems it could be difficult to continue to run a business especially during the tough economic times.

This has been a difficult period of time for almost everyone. Hopefully things will turn around soon.

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In my area i have seen many people getting fridges,tv,cars, etc by simply paying a certain amount every month, i noticed this trend because the same guys regularly comes back after a few months to take back everything, i am not sure of the details but probably your thai partner/friend might be able to find out for you, the alternative of the ice given by Gonzo is a good one too, just lay flat your Kursk and put the ice on it, good luck!

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How about checking out the classifieds?

You could try at the porn/secondhand shops on the north of the moat (outer).

There's also some pawn shops down Loy Kroh so I hear. :)

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We found the two-refrigerator option to be very good. It seems that the prices on the smaller ones are more competitive than for bigger fridges, probably because there is more demand for smaller units. We use one just for beverages and medications, putting that reefer in the living room -- where we do our drinking! The other is in the kitchen for food.

This two refrigerator arrangement comes in handy during power outages. Of course, you don't want to open the doors of a refrigerator during an outage in an effort to keep the food cold for as long as possible. But, we can keep drinking because it's OK to open and shut the door of the little refrigerator because all that's in there are beverages. So, I rescue the ice in the little reefer as soon as we lose power and put it in a small insulated ice bucket so we can continue to ice down the beer even if it gets warm in the little refrigerator.

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Like one poster said, do as the Thais and buy one on credit with the help of your partner. The Thais buy everything on credit.

We too, have 2 refrigerators in case one goes down we can transfer the stuff over to the other and all our food won't perish.

Good luck.

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I think what some members meant was that with any business you need a cash reserve - some operating capital. Without some capital (or credit at least) it seems it could be difficult to continue to run a business especially during the tough economic times.

This has been a difficult period of time for almost everyone. Hopefully things will turn around soon.


Chiang Mai hasnt really caught a break in recent years for many tourist-related businesses, the list of events hindering CM/Thailand tourism is long and many people are short of cash & credit.

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This is a hard one.

Have Guest House, no money.

Maybe have to go to work make some money to buy fridge!!!!!

From Australia,

You have no Idea just how bad things are here.

Get real, some of us are really trying to stay in the LOS despite all the things thrown at us.

And I know that 8000baht is a <deleted> lot when you aint got it!!

I do know how bad it is in Thailand.

I have friends who are Thai and live in CM & Bangkok.

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I'm not sure what 16 Q is. Cubic feet? Quarts? I know someone selling a couple of commercial refrigerators, 2nd hand. 20,000 Baht for a 2 door and 25,000 for a 3 door. I think the price is about 5,000 high for each, they are slightly used. PM me and I'll get you a number.

Thanks but I can get a new one for those prices.... but thanks anyway !!

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Sorry to hear your troubles, I understand that allot of business's run at a very thin profit margin.

Having owned a couple of small businesss myself I understand as well as some others here might also.

Unfortunatly I won't be back home for a week or so, but if you can do the ice box thing until then I can lend you a new fridge/freezer.

I'm located in the Hang Dong area.

Be back around the 18th if it helps.

Good luck and take some of the comments with a grain of salt/Msg :)

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Thanks to all for the replies ( the good, the helpful, the bad and the ugly ones )

I'll take a look at the 2nd hand shops.... I need the ones with the big freezer comapartments cause I need to keep many items stocked up and that is why the smaller ones are not suitable cause their freezers are super tiny... I have a small one as a back up and can't get too much of anything in there. I also have a stand up all freezer unit but when you have to stock up on meats and things like Ice cream and desserts and many other items they fill up very quickly. Otherwise you end up going shopping everyday which is time consumming and costs a lot in gas ..

Anyway, won't get into the business aspect of guest houses and hotels in Chiang Mai at this point but anybody who is in or close to these business' know that it hasn't been flourishing at all for quite some time and yup , it's been difficult.... Cash reserves can deplete quite rapidly especially when things start breaking down and other things need maintenance....

Anyway Thanks again

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Sorry to hear your troubles, I understand that allot of business's run at a very thin profit margin.

Having owned a couple of small businesss myself I understand as well as some others here might also.

Unfortunatly I won't be back home for a week or so, but if you can do the ice box thing until then I can lend you a new fridge/freezer.

I'm located in the Hang Dong area.

Be back around the 18th if it helps.

Good luck and take some of the comments with a grain of salt/Msg :)

Thanks a lot ...that's very kind of you .... The repair guys just brought mine back this morning so gonna run it for the day and hopefully it will be ok.... He said he found the real problem and that it will be ok ....fingers crossed !!XXX... It's a great fridge even though it is 18 years old... and as another poster said , they can last for years....! This one certainly has lasted a long time and it'll be great if it is up and going again ...

Thanks again to everybody ....

Thanks again to everybody ...

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Your welcome,

I PM ed you a great weekly classified news letter for expats that are selling and in need of stuff. Mostly long term people relocating back to there home counrty.

I have bought a few things from there as well as The TV classifieds.

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