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Aussie In Bangkok Drug Arrest


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THE Federal Government today confirmed that a Sydney man had been arrested in Bangkok and charged with possession of a large amount of heroin.

The Australian consulate in the Thai capital had been in contact with the man, a spokesman for Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said.

ABC Radio reported that Thai police had arrested 27-year-old Peter Thomas Allan as he was preparing to swallow more than 200 condoms packed with heroin before boarding a flight to Sydney.

The report said Allan, from Eastwood in Sydney, was arrested in a central Bangkok hotel when police broke into his room and found him and two Thai accomplices packing heroin into 231 condoms.

Thai police were quoted as saying three more Australians under suspicion of involvement in the smuggling ring were under surveillance but left the country before they could be arrested.

Allan, who faces a possible life sentence or the death penalty if convicted, had denied involvement, the report said.

--AAP 2003-11-15

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ABC Radio reported that Thai police had arrested 27-year-old Peter Thomas Allan as he was preparing to swallow more than 200 condoms packed with heroin before boarding a flight to Sydney.

The report said Allan, from Eastwood in Sydney, was arrested in a central Bangkok hotel when police broke into his room and found him and two Thai accomplices packing heroin into 231 condoms.

Honest Hoccifer I know nuffin and that's the truth :o Here is one way to get a long term stay in Thailand...no visa required, no bank account or funds B)

231 Jeez :D

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Guest IT Manager

Also re the <deleted> Australian. "No involvement".. hmm wonder if he was ever taught that it is very bad form to speak to a police officer with a condom full of smack hanging out of your mouth.

Can just see the Prosecutor now, "

"So <deleted>, you weren't involved"

"No sir, not me, sir"

"Can you tell the court what exactly you thought was in the condom that you were so keen to swallow?"

"Well it was my friend, sir. I always wanted to swallow, but he said, OK but use a condom"

<deleted>. No bail. No release. Unfortunately probably no needle either. Are people outside really that stupid?

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Update: Six arrested in Thai drug raids

November 15, 2003 - 7:30PM

BANGKOK: Police in Thailand and Australia have arrested six people allegedly involved in a drugs trafficking ring.

Thai police arrested a 27-year-old Australian man and two Thai women in a raid on a central Bangkok hotel, close to midnight on November 4, Australian Federal Police said.

As officers broke into the man's room, he was allegedly preparing to swallow more than 200 condoms packed with 760 grams of heroin before departing on a flight for Sydney.

All three were charged under Thai drug law.

The man was identified as Peter Thomas Allan from Eastwood in Sydney, Bangkok sources said.

The AFP said further inquiries led to the arrest of a second Australian man on November 11 also in Bangkok.

No further details of that arrest were immediately available.

Investigations in Australia had also led to searches of five locations in Sydney and Perth.

Two men in Sydney had been arrested and would face court on January 22 on drug trafficking charges.

Thai police were reported as saying three more Australians suspected of links to the smuggling ring had also been under surveillance.

But they had fled the country before police were able to arrest them.

Australia and Thailand have long maintained cooperation in drug trafficking and enforcement.

Northern Thailand is at the centre of the Golden Triangle region of Thailand, Burma and Laos, with more than 75 per cent of the illegal heroin in Australia sourced from the region.

Burma, while moving to reduce opium poppy production which is the raw material for heroin, remains the world's second largest source of heroin after the Golden Crescent region in Afghanistan.

Under Thai law those arrested for drug trafficking can face up to life in prison, usually commuted to 25 to 50 years.

Under recent amendments to the law, a court is able to impose a jail sentence and a fine.

Currently there are up to a dozen Australians in Thai jails, mostly serving sentences for drug trafficking.

- AAP 2003-11-15

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Guest IT Manager

Without wishing to blow the wind out of your tiny sail, perhaps I should point out ..

"Currently there are up to a dozen Australians in Thai jails, mostly serving sentences for drug trafficking"

Cant see how that equates to a large number, premised on the overall numbers in jails throughout the Kingdom.

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Doc, she pm'd me today, good for her, I hope it all works out, with the teaching & the other, if not I've got another for Christmas dinner this year B)

Tesco Lotus have got their decorations up already this year, blimey, it's only 15th November, it's as bad as at home! :D

Sorry, hikacked the thread.

Crim, Drugs, bad, bad. :o

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ABC Radio reported that Thai police had arrested 27-year-old Peter Thomas Allan as he was preparing to swallow more than 200 condoms packed with heroin before boarding a flight to Sydney.

The report said Allan, from Eastwood in Sydney, was arrested in a central Bangkok hotel when police broke into his room and found him and two Thai accomplices packing heroin into 231 condoms.

Honest Hoccifer I know nuffin and that's the truth :o Here is one way to get a long term stay in Thailand...no visa required, no bank account or funds B)

231 Jeez :D


The easy way out/in?

Mr Vietnam B)

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