Nooo the people have spoken, the result must be lived with.
Unless of course it’s unfinished business’ or a Labour victory at a General Election, then it l’s gloves off.
Very rarely, for some business purpose.
I don't like phones or talking on phones. That's 'cause, during my early years, whenever the phone rang, Dad would exclaim loudly, "Oh LORD! Who could THAT be?" But as a teenager I kept the line well engaged talking to girls.
I resisted getting a smartphone for the longest time before I finally succumbed. Necessary evil. I have all the chat programs on my PC that I need, and I can use the web interfaces.
"Chicken tikka masala may derive from butter chicken, a popular dish in the northern Indian subcontinent."
It didn't sound real English so I googled. Doesn't matter - if it's good.
To me REAL English cooking is/was horror show food program by "Two Fat Ladies on Motorcycle!"
It was Lard, Butter, Cream, Fat and more Butter...
One said "If in doubt use more Butter!" And oh boy - they did use.
Otherwise I liked them a lot! Two old, maybe '70's or '8o's old ladies riding old motobike with side car on terrible English country roads in mud and rain... Tough gals! And they seemed to be on good mood all the time and were having fun.
I wonder if they still are alive?
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