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What Is The Toughest Thing You Have Faced In Life?

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There is always something which everyone remembers from their past... Some incidents which really gave them a hard time in life... Could be a chain of unfortunate events, could be a big fight between you and your mind... Situations which almost made you loose yourself... Its hard to recollect them... But is there someone who was so wise to avoid troubles from their life??? Well... share your experieces only which can be shared in a public forum... :o ...lol...

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Yesterday TV was broken....I connected to the internet and it wasn't there...I reconnected and ditto.....and reconnected....and finally gave up!!! I hadn't had a cigarette for I don't know how many years but I went ahead and broke open a pack of........

cards and played a few games of solitaire to ease my mind. I almost lost it but somehow managed to pull through.

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I was working as a doorman in Bristol on xmas eve 1998 when i had a girl come upto me and tell me that a man had tried touching her up. She pointed him out to me so i decided it was time for him to leave. I went over and told him he had to leave but what i didnt realise was he was with 5 other people, at that point it all kicked off and there was only me and one other doorman working there that afternoon.

I managed to get one of them out the door, he then set upon the other doorman outside the pub, all this at 4pm in the city centre, anyway i ran out to help the other doorman, the man ran off down the road so i gave chase, but being considerably larger and slower than the other bloke i gave up and turned to go back to sort everything out back at the pub, but when i turned round his 5 mates were there anyway to cut a long story short i got the <deleted> kicked out of me.

The ambulance turned up took me to hospital fractured skull, cheekbone, jaw and my pallette was also crushed. MMMM xmas dinner through a straw.

Once i had recovered the police came to see about what had happened, i got the "ohh well doorman gets a kicking what do you want us to do about it" attitude.

Anyway the police were worse than useless tracking these men down so me and my old man spent 7 months looking for them, we eventually found them and they were all arrested and charged with gbh with intent.

They all had dna swabs taken from them as is the norm now for any violent crime, and low and behold if the dna of one of them didnt pop up that he had raped a 12 year old girl 3 months before the attack on me.

So in the end we went to crown court and the guy who had raped the girl got 11 years, but the other 5 walked free because they had friends intimidate my 2 witnesses before the case.

In the end the police came upto me and my dad and said if it wasnt for us they probably would never have caught the rapist.

I tell you now it was worth taking the kicking just to get that scum off the street and into prison.

This is the toughest thing i have faced in life and it will live with me forever but not as tough as what that poor girl has gone through and what she has to go through for the rest of her life

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Chownah,  for heavens sake man, pull yourself together and SHUT UP

Big G may see this as his golden opportunity and start subscriptions

Yeah....umm...you're right...ummm....it was really just a typo....yeah...ummm.. a typo.....really my TV...you know television broke on the internet and yeah..it was just my broken television...

(do you think that will throw him off?)

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THAIVISA has somehow strict rules.....so I wonder why they cannot ban such psychopaths as CHOWNAH forever.....there are many other boards where those people can post their nonsense....but please keep TV free of such a rubbish....

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THAIVISA has somehow strict rules.....so I wonder why they cannot ban such psychopaths as CHOWNAH forever.....there are many other boards where those people can post their nonsense....but please keep TV free of such a rubbish....

It seems 'those people' are also posting on here, eh AW? :o

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There is always something which everyone remembers from their past... Some incidents which really gave them a hard time in life...

Broke and laid off from a dead end job at 40 (now doing fine somewhere on the far side of 45).

Diagnosed with leukemia, followed by many months of pure ###### from chemo (now doing fine in remission for several years).

Seriously worried that I would go through life without knowing true love (now happy as I've ever been with Thai fiancee' and looking forward to a great life together).

The bubble could always burst again. One never knows. But the inner spirit carries on through all. The "self" is very important. Without the need for the "self" to find more in life, then we could never carry on, meet a lover, succeed in other aspects of life, etc.

I remember the great quote from The Shawshank Redemption:

"Get busy livin' ... or get busy dyin'! That's ###### right!"

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THAIVISA has somehow strict rules.....so I wonder why they cannot ban such psychopaths as CHOWNAH forever.....there are many other boards where those people can post their nonsense....but please keep TV free of such a rubbish....

Perhaps you are right. Maybe this topic is more serious to most people than to me. I will try to be more sensitive in the future...

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Came home to 3 burglars armed with knives when living in UK. 2 decided to run, 1 fought it out with me. Luckily he was a lot smaller than me and I was able to disarm him and give him a kicking before he hit me with a chair. He ran off with me 100 yards behind in pursuit. Lost him however. Sat down and thought of what could have happened.The police caught the guys, but Crown Prosecution decided not to prosecute as they said I acted too violently :D And some people say the thai legal system is crazy. :o

After this I decided to take a break in Thailand where I met my now wife.

They got off scot free, so far I've served 5 years :D

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Came home to 3 burglars armed with knives when living in UK. 2 decided to run, 1 fought it out with me. Luckily he was a lot smaller than me and I was able to disarm him and give him a kicking before he hit me with a chair. He ran off with me 100 yards behind in pursuit. Lost him however. Sat down and thought of what could have happened.The police caught the guys, but Crown Prosecution decided not to prosecute as they said I acted too violently :D And some people say the thai legal system is crazy. :o

After this I decided to take a break in Thailand where I met my now wife.

They got off scot free, so far I've served 5 years :D

And there was me thinking you were gonna say "ants in me pants.... swollen penis.... very sore....".. :D:D

totster :D

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Came home to 3 burglars armed with knives when living in UK. 2 decided to run, 1 fought it out with me. Luckily he was a lot smaller than me and I was able to disarm him and give him a kicking before he hit me with a chair. He ran off with me 100 yards behind in pursuit. Lost him however. Sat down and thought of what could have happened.The police caught the guys, but Crown Prosecution decided not to prosecute as they said I acted too violently :D And some people say the thai legal system is crazy. :o

After this I decided to take a break in Thailand where I met my now wife.

They got off scot free, so far I've served 5 years :D

And there was me thinking you were gonna say "ants in me pants.... swollen penis.... very sore....".. :D:D

totster :D

As my wife knows I'm the meanest man alive. So her spending that 1100 baht telephone money brought far more tears to my eyes than the ants. :D

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Cutting a long story short.......Was working as security somewhere, about 16 people (2 girls as well) attacked myself and 3 others i was working with. Yes they initiated it but we finished it. Subsequently went on all major media outlets, television, newspaper and radio as typical bouncers etc......Was charged by police, (after i supplied them the vidoe footage from surveilance camera's) and departed ways with employer as well.....Its taken 5 years but funny to see that we have beaten the Police twice (including appeal), won against employer, won against unfair dismissal and settled out of civil court against employer......

Moral of the story..........never plea to end quickly.....back yourself and your friends and the truth shall triumph !!.............

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Cutting a long story short.......Was working as security somewhere, about 16 people (2 girls as well) attacked myself and 3 others i was working with. Yes they initiated it but we finished it. Subsequently went on all major media outlets, television, newspaper and radio as typical bouncers etc......Was charged by police, (after i supplied them the vidoe footage from surveilance camera's) and departed ways with employer as well.....Its taken 5 years but funny to see that we have beaten the Police twice (including appeal), won against employer, won against unfair dismissal and settled out of civil court against employer......

Moral of the story..........never plea to end quickly.....back yourself and your friends and the truth shall triumph !!.............

Let me get this straight. 16 people and two girls attacked you?

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Cutting a long story short.......Was working as security somewhere, about 16 people (2 girls as well) attacked myself and 3 others i was working with. Yes they initiated it but we finished it. Subsequently went on all major media outlets, television, newspaper and radio as typical bouncers etc......Was charged by police, (after i supplied them the vidoe footage from surveilance camera's) and departed ways with employer as well.....Its taken 5 years but funny to see that we have beaten the Police twice (including appeal), won against employer, won against unfair dismissal and settled out of civil court against employer......

Moral of the story..........never plea to end quickly.....back yourself and your friends and the truth shall triumph !!.............

Let me get this straight. 16 people and two girls attacked you?

did i stutter?.........sorry just fooling, yeah thats exactly what happenned. All over now tho........ :o

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THAIVISA has somehow strict rules.....so I wonder why they cannot ban such psychopaths as CHOWNAH forever.....there are many other boards where those people can post their nonsense....but please keep TV free of such a rubbish....

Sorry did I miss something.

Why is Chownah a Psychopath ?

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When my 20 year-old daughter away at university was diagnosed with cancer. It isn't in the natural order of things for a parent to outlive their child. She is now in full remission after surgery and treatment, finished her degree and has done very well.

Makes you put the whole of your life into perspective and rethink your priorities. I have, and I'm much happier for it.

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THAIVISA has somehow strict rules.....so I wonder why they cannot ban such psychopaths as CHOWNAH forever.....there are many other boards where those people can post their nonsense....but please keep TV free of such a rubbish....

Sorry did I miss something.

Why is Chownah a Psychopath ?

I think its genetic. And it only gets worse with age. Just think all you TV denizens...in the future Chownah will probably get worse, not better!!!!!!

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Cutting a long story short.......Was working as security somewhere, about 16 people (2 girls as well) attacked myself and 3 others i was working with. Yes they initiated it but we finished it. Subsequently went on all major media outlets, television, newspaper and radio as typical bouncers etc......Was charged by police, (after i supplied them the vidoe footage from surveilance camera's) and departed ways with employer as well.....Its taken 5 years but funny to see that we have beaten the Police twice (including appeal), won against employer, won against unfair dismissal and settled out of civil court against employer......

Moral of the story..........never plea to end quickly.....back yourself and your friends and the truth shall triumph !!.............

Let me get this straight. 16 people and two girls attacked you?

did i stutter?.........sorry just fooling, yeah thats exactly what happenned. All over now tho........ :o

didn't stutter....most people consider girls to be people...but I guess you don't...how old were these girls?.....9 and 10 years old .....or 28 and 30 years old?

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I was working as a doorman in Bristol on xmas eve 1998 when i had a girl come upto me and tell me that a man had tried touching her up. She pointed him out to me so i decided it was time for him to leave. I went over and told him he had to leave but what i didnt realise was he was with 5 other people, at that point it all kicked off and there was only me and one other doorman working there that afternoon.

I managed to get one of them out the door, he then set upon the other doorman outside the pub, all this at 4pm in the city centre, anyway i ran out to help the other doorman, the man ran off down the road so i gave chase, but being considerably larger and slower than the other bloke i gave up and turned to go back to sort everything out back at the pub, but when i turned round his 5 mates were there anyway to cut a long story short i got the <deleted> kicked out of me.

The ambulance turned up took me to hospital fractured skull, cheekbone, jaw and my pallette was also crushed. MMMM xmas dinner through a straw.

Once i had recovered the police came to see about what had happened, i got the  "ohh well doorman gets a kicking what do you want us to do about it" attitude.

Anyway the police were worse than useless tracking these men down so me and my old man spent 7 months looking for them, we eventually found them and they were all arrested and charged with gbh with intent.

They all had dna swabs taken from them as is the norm now for any violent crime, and low and behold if the dna of one of them didnt pop up that he had raped a 12 year old girl 3 months before the attack on me.

So in the end we went to crown court and the guy who had raped the girl got 11 years, but the other 5 walked free because they had friends intimidate my 2 witnesses before the case.

In the end the police came upto me and my dad and said if it wasnt for us they probably would never have caught the rapist.

I tell you now it was worth taking the kicking just to get that scum off the street and into prison.

This is the toughest thing i have faced in life and it will live with me forever but not as tough as what that poor girl has gone through and what she has to go through for the rest of her life

There is always something which everyone remembers from their past... Some incidents which really gave them a hard time in life...

Broke and laid off from a dead end job at 40 (now doing fine somewhere on the far side of 45).

Diagnosed with leukemia, followed by many months of pure ###### from chemo (now doing fine in remission for several years).

Seriously worried that I would go through life without knowing true love (now happy as I've ever been with Thai fiancee' and looking forward to a great life together).

The bubble could always burst again. One never knows. But the inner spirit carries on through all. The "self" is very important. Without the need for the "self" to find more in life, then we could never carry on, meet a lover, succeed in other aspects of life, etc.

I remember the great quote from The Shawshank Redemption:

"Get busy livin' ... or get busy dyin'! That's ###### right!"

I find these two stories very inspiring. I've been through hard times, but these stories help to put a lot in perspective. I'm actually going through a rough patch right now. Took a career risk and fell flat; still haven't gotten up.

Thanks Spee and daleyboy for putting things in perspective.

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I was working as a doorman in Bristol on xmas eve 1998 when i had a girl come upto me and tell me that a man had tried touching her up. She pointed him out to me so i decided it was time for him to leave. I went over and told him he had to leave but what i didnt realise was he was with 5 other people, at that point it all kicked off and there was only me and one other doorman working there that afternoon.

I managed to get one of them out the door, he then set upon the other doorman outside the pub, all this at 4pm in the city centre, anyway i ran out to help the other doorman, the man ran off down the road so i gave chase, but being considerably larger and slower than the other bloke i gave up and turned to go back to sort everything out back at the pub, but when i turned round his 5 mates were there anyway to cut a long story short i got the <deleted> kicked out of me.

The ambulance turned up took me to hospital fractured skull, cheekbone, jaw and my pallette was also crushed. MMMM xmas dinner through a straw.

Once i had recovered the police came to see about what had happened, i got the  "ohh well doorman gets a kicking what do you want us to do about it" attitude.

Anyway the police were worse than useless tracking these men down so me and my old man spent 7 months looking for them, we eventually found them and they were all arrested and charged with gbh with intent.

They all had dna swabs taken from them as is the norm now for any violent crime, and low and behold if the dna of one of them didnt pop up that he had raped a 12 year old girl 3 months before the attack on me.

So in the end we went to crown court and the guy who had raped the girl got 11 years, but the other 5 walked free because they had friends intimidate my 2 witnesses before the case.

In the end the police came upto me and my dad and said if it wasnt for us they probably would never have caught the rapist.

I tell you now it was worth taking the kicking just to get that scum off the street and into prison.

This is the toughest thing i have faced in life and it will live with me forever but not as tough as what that poor girl has gone through and what she has to go through for the rest of her life

Daleyboy, that is a horrific story, one that I am sure will live you for the rest of your life (by the way I hope it does not) I went clubbing in Bristol once and had tottaly "Bad Vibes" about the place. Although nothing happened to me I swore after that weekend I would NEVER return. Can't put my finger on it but "Resident Evil" comes to mind, once agian sympathies for your ordeal.

Cheers (although not much cheer)


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my story involves LOS, An accidental death, and a very complicated legal scenario.

It did help to put all the bullshit that´s happened in the past with gf´s, friends, etc... into perspective.

I don´t wish to elaborate too much, but the incident did change my life, and for some time I had not a clue what to do or how to go about doing anything for myself.

Now all is done and mostly dusted, I´m a happy, peaceful man in a new land.

Respect to any and all who are posting on this thread.


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Cutting a long story short.......Was working as security somewhere, about 16 people (2 girls as well) attacked myself and 3 others i was working with. Yes they initiated it but we finished it. Subsequently went on all major media outlets, television, newspaper and radio as typical bouncers etc......Was charged by police, (after i supplied them the vidoe footage from surveilance camera's) and departed ways with employer as well.....Its taken 5 years but funny to see that we have beaten the Police twice (including appeal), won against employer, won against unfair dismissal and settled out of civil court against employer......

Moral of the story..........never plea to end quickly.....back yourself and your friends and the truth shall triumph !!.............

Let me get this straight. 16 people and two girls attacked you?

did i stutter?.........sorry just fooling, yeah thats exactly what happenned. All over now tho........ :o

didn't stutter....most people consider girls to be people...but I guess you don't...how old were these girls?.....9 and 10 years old .....or 28 and 30 years old?

Ok Chonwah, ill take the bait, i dont consider chicks as formidable opponents(generally) thats why it was worded that way......

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I find these two stories very inspiring.  I've been through hard times, but these stories help to put a lot in perspective.  I'm actually going through a rough patch right now.  Took a career risk and fell flat; still haven't gotten up. 

Thanks Spee and daleyboy for putting things in perspective.

That was some stories worth reading... I've been through lill bit of hard times... But I always prefferd to remember it as some kind of comedy which happened in my life... so that remembering that will not hurt me again... and whenever I hav had a strange feeling that this situation if going to be bad... I always get curious to know how bad it can be... and walk straight into some mess...

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I was working as a doorman in Bristol on xmas eve 1998 when i had a girl come upto me and tell me that a man had tried touching her up. She pointed him out to me so i decided it was time for him to leave. I went over and told him he had to leave but what i didnt realise was he was with 5 other people, at that point it all kicked off and there was only me and one other doorman working there that afternoon.

I managed to get one of them out the door, he then set upon the other doorman outside the pub, all this at 4pm in the city centre, anyway i ran out to help the other doorman, the man ran off down the road so i gave chase, but being considerably larger and slower than the other bloke i gave up and turned to go back to sort everything out back at the pub, but when i turned round his 5 mates were there anyway to cut a long story short i got the <deleted> kicked out of me.

The ambulance turned up took me to hospital fractured skull, cheekbone, jaw and my pallette was also crushed. MMMM xmas dinner through a straw.

Once i had recovered the police came to see about what had happened, i got the  "ohh well doorman gets a kicking what do you want us to do about it" attitude.

Anyway the police were worse than useless tracking these men down so me and my old man spent 7 months looking for them, we eventually found them and they were all arrested and charged with gbh with intent.

They all had dna swabs taken from them as is the norm now for any violent crime, and low and behold if the dna of one of them didnt pop up that he had raped a 12 year old girl 3 months before the attack on me.

So in the end we went to crown court and the guy who had raped the girl got 11 years, but the other 5 walked free because they had friends intimidate my 2 witnesses before the case.

In the end the police came upto me and my dad and said if it wasnt for us they probably would never have caught the rapist.

I tell you now it was worth taking the kicking just to get that scum off the street and into prison.

This is the toughest thing i have faced in life and it will live with me forever but not as tough as what that poor girl has gone through and what she has to go through for the rest of her life

Daleyboy, that is a horrific story, one that I am sure will live you for the rest of your life (by the way I hope it does not) I went clubbing in Bristol once and had tottaly "Bad Vibes" about the place. Although nothing happened to me I swore after that weekend I would NEVER return. Can't put my finger on it but "Resident Evil" comes to mind, once agian sympathies for your ordeal.

Cheers (although not much cheer)


Your right it will live with me for the rest of my life. The way i look at it is i got a rapist of the street which makes it a whole lot easier to cope with. It dosent affect my day to day living it just makes me more cautious about helping people in need.

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I've been through hard times, but these stories help to put a lot in perspective.  I'm actually going through a rough patch right now.  Took a career risk and fell flat; still haven't gotten up. 

Thanks Spee and daleyboy for putting things in perspective.

Hi Kat,

I think you hit the nail on the head when you said keep things in perspective. One of the things that got me through chemo was seeing younger people than me and little children suffering through much worse cancers than me, with a strong likelihood that they were probably going to die and I was probably going to be okay. I didn't feel quite so bad off after that, and though I was still pretty sick, I actually felt rather lucky and fortunate.

Strange as it sounds, I like to quote movies for things in life. Old man Hyman Roth was right in the Godfather Part II movie when he said to Michael Corleone: "Good health is the most important thing!" If you have your health and the thought that tommorrow is coming and will be better than today, then you are all set.

You said that you took a chance on a new job. That tells me right away that you have the guts and moxy to take on and succeed in new challenges. The fact that have tried it at least once says that you always had it in you. So you can take on and succeed in this latest challenge.

One of my favorite real person quotes is from Thomas Edison who said "Opportunity is overlooked by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work." You don't seem like the kind of person who would resist new opportunity just because there may be a little work involved.

I hope you have found the inner strength to get you through your tough spot. I hope that your strength, perseverance and perspective will carry you through to that next high plateau in your life and keep you there for a long time!

Chok dee mahk!

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I've never had cancer or diagnosed with a fatal disease, never lost a best friend, never been through a divorce, never seen somebody I know killed, never been badly beaten up, never been sexually abused, never lost a child and never had an accident that would affect the rest of my life.

I moan a lot about lonliness, misfortune and being in the wrong place at the wrong time but when it comes down to it I know that compared to many I am lucky, I have my health, a good mind and my freedom.

My life has been difficult at times and very very complicated, I've had more than my fair share of rejection and misfortune and I have no focus or security.

I lost my foster father to cancer and my biological mother to alcoholism and I've never felt a true part of a family, but I've also had a very interesting life and have had lots of experience that I wouldn't have had if I were settled with a mortgage and kids.

So I try, no matter how hard it is at times, to remain positive because to not be positive and constantly complain about life instead of continuing to make a go of it would only be an insult to the likes of Spee and the members of this forum who have been through the real bad bad times such as the examples above, which I hope I never have to go through.

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I've never had cancer or diagnosed with a fatal disease, never lost a best friend, never been through a divorce, never seen somebody I know killed, never been badly beaten up, never been sexually abused, never lost a child and never had an accident that would affect the rest of my life.

I moan a lot about lonliness, misfortune and being in the wrong place at the wrong time but when it comes down to it I know that compared to many I am lucky, I have my health, a good mind and my freedom.

My life has been difficult at times and very very complicated, I've had more than my fair share of rejection and misfortune and I have no focus or security.


I lost my foster father to cancer and my biological mother to alcoholism and I've never felt a true part of a family, but I've also had a very interesting life and have had lots of experience that I wouldn't have had if I were settled with a mortgage and kids.

So I try, no matter how hard it is at times, to remain positive because to not be positive and constantly complain about life instead of continuing to make a go of it would only be an insult to the likes of Spee and the members of this forum who have been through the real bad bad times such as the examples above, which I hope I never have to go through.

One of your best, Scamp.

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