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Thai Criminal Court Grants Bail To Jatuporn, Karun

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BANGKOK, Nov 23 - Jatuporn Promporn, an inner circle leader of Thailand's anti-government Red Shirt movement, the so-called United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) filed a petition Tuesday with the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) calling for fair treatment in his terrorism case and urging the government agency to not withdraw his bail, according to a senior prosecutor.

So he wants fair treatment right.

Lets make that fair and just.

To get that he would need to be locked up with the other red leaders.

Now that would be fair, no "double standards".

Isnt that one of the things he has been calling for?

He's glaringly quite squirmy about the prospect of going into jail soon. I wonder how quickly they rescind bail on parliamentary immunity. Could he be heading for lock-up next Monday?

Don't forget to pack your toothbrush, Jatuporn.


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Yea no more McD for a while unless they are allowed to deliver.

He will sure do that hard.

And no media to spew his hate to, best he will be able to do is write it on the dunny wall.


Hopefully he can slim down and lose that protruding stomach like Victor Bout did.

Speaking of the highly successful Bang Kwang Obesity Reduction Program to shed those unwanted pounds, there's someone else that could benefit:



jatv.jpg karyn.jpg

Pheu Thai Party MP's Jatuporn and Karun

Hello, is this Bang Kwang Prison?... It is? Good.

We'd like to make a reservation for two for next Tuesday, November 29. Something with a river view preferably. Do you have any openings?

You do? Great. Now, does that include ABF?

In a related development, a royal decree was issued yesterday to close the current parliamentary legislative session on Monday, November 29, after the session's end on Sunday.

The Nation - November 26, 2010


jatv.jpg karyn.jpg

Pheu Thai Party MP's Jatuporn and Karun

Hello, is this Bang Kwang Prison?... It is? Good.

We'd like to make a reservation for two for next Tuesday, November 29. Something with a river view preferably. Do you have any openings?

You do? Great. Now, does that include ABF?

In a related development, a royal decree was issued yesterday to close the current parliamentary legislative session on Monday, November 29, after the session's end on Sunday.

The Nation - November 26, 2010

John, strangely for a guy that mostly supports the good guys, you do come across as Thai Visa's version of Lord Haw Haw a lot of the time :D .


So you're reduced to name-calling a member as a Nazi?


I think it's a fair comment not really for the political content, but for the propaganda style which is very reminiscent of William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw), particularly the heavy handed attempts at levity.I'm sure you were not accused of being a Nazi (which you're obviously not).Joyce was hung for treason after the war and thus unlike some of us was denied the opportunity to re-emerge phoenix like.


Self-deleted post.

Best not to raise to inflammatory baiting.

I think it's a fair comment not really for the political content, but for the propaganda style which is very reminiscent of William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw), particularly the heavy handed attempts at levity.I'm sure you were not accused of being a Nazi (which you're obviously not).Joyce was hung for treason after the war and thus unlike some of us was denied the opportunity to re-emerge phoenix like.

Another that struggles with the concept that while public figures are fair game for derisive comments, fellow Thaivisa members are not.


Red-shirt warns of coup in December

The country is at risk of facing military coup as there are conditions that could lead to a military coup in December, Sombat Boonngamanong, core leader of Red Sunday group, warned on Saturday.

Mr Sombat pointed out that the Constitution Court is likely to give its ruling on the Democrat Party dissolution case on Monday and the court’s decision will lead to social conflict, no matter it goes for or against the ruling party.

In addition, the move to withdraw bail of Puea Thai list MP and co-leader of the red-shirt people group Jatuporn Prompan by the Department of Special Investigation would also create negative consequence, he added.

Moreover, planned mass rally against the endorsement of three reports emerging from meetings of the Thai-Cambodian Joint Boundary Commission, on Dec 11, by the People’s Alliance for Democracy could turn violent, Mr Sombat said.

Due to these conditions, it is a possibility that there could be a coup next month, he said.

From a different news source.

OK so a red leader tells us the courts decision "will lead to conflict" very positive about that, prior knowledge.

If they are not dissolved sure I agree the reds will be out in what small force they have left.

But who will protest if they are disolved?

Not the Dems themselves they have said they will accept the decision (something I dont see reported from the PTP or reds).

Not PAD, they are to preoccupied with the constitution changes and and the border thing.

Then, back to this topic, we are told the revoking of Jatuporn's bail "would also create negative consequence".

But only negative for Jataporn, PTP and the reds.

For the rest of the country it would be very positive.

Then the PAD rallys (have they planned any?) "could turn violent"

Does that mean the reds are going to be there to make sure they do?

Seems to me that the reds and PTP have lost so much lately.

What with more and more armed reds being arrested and more "facts" emerging and the defection of more PTP pollies.

If Jataporn is locked up and the Dems case goes against then their only hope of any sort of win is to try to provoke a coup in an attempt to not have to face an election.

Red-shirt warns of coup in December

The country is at risk of facing military coup as there are conditions that could lead to a military coup in December, Sombat Boonngamanong, core leader of Red Sunday group, warned on Saturday.

Mr Sombat pointed out that the Constitution Court is likely to give its ruling on the Democrat Party dissolution case on Monday and the court's decision will lead to social conflict, no matter it goes for or against the ruling party.

In addition, the move to withdraw bail of Puea Thai list MP and co-leader of the red-shirt people group Jatuporn Prompan by the Department of Special Investigation would also create negative consequence, he added.

OK so a red leader tells us the courts decision "will lead to conflict" very positive about that, prior knowledge.

If they are not dissolved sure I agree the reds will be out in what small force they have left.

But who will protest if they are disolved?

Not the Dems themselves they have said they will accept the decision (something I dont see reported from the PTP or reds).

To be fair to the other side, Thaksin stated a number of times that he would respect the Court's decision.

Of course, this was before he was convicted on irrefutable charges of corruption.

So...they do respect Court decisions, until the Court decides against them. So their claims (if made) wouldn't be worth much. They are happy to attempt to discredit the Constitutional Court, they are happy to threaten violence if the Court rules against them on their petty charges made against the Democrat Party.

If they said they'd support the Court decision, what would their claims be worth? I guess...not much? Seeing as they'll only respect Court decisions in their favour - like a 2001 corruption trial which acquitted Thaksin 8-7. ahem. There was no violent rioting after that one.

Red-shirt warns of coup in December

The country is at risk of facing military coup as there are conditions that could lead to a military coup in December, Sombat Boonngamanong, core leader of Red Sunday group, warned on Saturday.

Mr Sombat pointed out that the Constitution Court is likely to give its ruling on the Democrat Party dissolution case on Monday and the court's decision will lead to social conflict, no matter it goes for or against the ruling party.

In addition, the move to withdraw bail of Puea Thai list MP and co-leader of the red-shirt people group Jatuporn Prompan by the Department of Special Investigation would also create negative consequence, he added.

OK so a red leader tells us the courts decision "will lead to conflict" very positive about that, prior knowledge.

If they are not dissolved sure I agree the reds will be out in what small force they have left.

But who will protest if they are disolved?

Not the Dems themselves they have said they will accept the decision (something I dont see reported from the PTP or reds).

To be fair to the other side, Thaksin stated a number of times that he would respect the Court's decision.

Of course, this was before he was convicted on irrefutable charges of corruption.

So...they do respect Court decisions, until the Court decides against them. So their claims (if made) wouldn't be worth much. They are happy to attempt to discredit the Constitutional Court, they are happy to threaten violence if the Court rules against them on their petty charges made against the Democrat Party.

If they said they'd support the Court decision, what would their claims be worth? I guess...not much? Seeing as they'll only respect Court decisions in their favour - like a 2001 corruption trial which acquitted Thaksin 8-7. ahem. There was no violent rioting after that one.

"8-7, ahem" eh? You're not suggesting that Constitutional Courts make decisions influenced from outside their hallowed chambers, ye gods, are you?


jatv.jpg karyn.jpg

Pheu Thai Party MP's Jatuporn and Karun

DSI to ask for remand of two Pheu Thai MPs

The Department of Special Investigation will on Tuesday petition the Criminal Court to cancel the temporary release of Jatuporn Promphan and Karun Hosakul, two opposition MPs charged for terrorism.

DSI chief Tharit Pengdit said he will directly request the bail review and the remand of the two MPs in the face of rejection by public prosecutors to act on DSI's behalf.

As lead investigator on the case, Tharit is empowered to bypass public prosecutors to present his arguments with the court.


-- The Nation 2010-12-03


DSI fights against bail for Jatuporn, Karun

The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will on Tuesday file a petition with the Criminal Court asking that bail requests for opposition MPs Jatuporn Promphan and Karun Hosakul be cancelled.

DSI chief Tharit Pengdit said he would personally request a review of the bail and the MPs' remand now that public prosecutors are refusing to act on the DSI's behalf.

As lead investigator, Tharit has the power to bypass public prosecutors to present his arguments in court.

Jatuporn and Karun are fighting terrorism charges stemming from the March-to-May red-shirt protests.

Tharit said he would focus on Jatuporn because there was clear evidence that he had threatened state witness Methee Amornwuthikul.


-- The Nation 2010-12-04


If they said they'd support the Court decision, what would their claims be worth? I guess...not much? Seeing as they'll only respect Court decisions in their favour - like a 2001 corruption trial which acquitted Thaksin 8-7. ahem. There was no violent rioting after that one.

"8-7, ahem" eh? You're not suggesting that Constitutional Courts make decisions influenced from outside their hallowed chambers, ye gods, are you?

I am not 'suggesting' anything.

I'm stating categorically and unequivocally that no court on the planet makes decisions which are not influenced by forces which are not emanating from within their hallowed chambers.

What the High Court of a democratic nation decides is not as important as the (at least tacit, if not explicitly endorsed) acceptance that, if violence was acceptable when facing an 'adverse' verdict, there would simply be no point in having a judicial system.

One side here abides by the Court's verdicts, whether for or against them. The other side only accepts verdicts which are in their favour, and threaten violence if, and react with violence when, the verdicts go the other way.

Gee whiz. Which side could possibly be the more 'democratic' side, as evidenced by the comparative reactions to a decade's worth of Constitutional Court verdicts in Thailand?


DSI to Request Court to Revoke Jatuporn's Bail

DSI Chief Tarit Pengdit has revealed that he will today ask the Criminal Court to deliberate on revoking bail granted to red shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan.

Tarit claims that Jaturporn has been terrorizing a DSI witness, former red shirt supporter Matee Amornwuthikul.


-- Tan Network 2010-12-07



DSI filed a petition to Court against bail for Red Shirt core leaders

BANGKOK, 7 December 2010 (NNT)-The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has filed a petition with the Criminal Court against the bail for Jatuporn Prompan, a Pheu Thai Party MP, who has been charged with acts of terrorism

According to DSI Director Tarit Pengdit, as the term of parliament, during which the two MPs, Jatuporn Prompan and Karun Hosakool, have been granted immunity from prosecution, has ended; the Department will petition the criminal court to rescind the bail for Jatuporn who has been charged in relation to the anti-government red-shirt protest which ended with 91 deaths and 2,000 injuries.

The two have been on bail while parliament was in session. Jatupon, according to Tarit, has allegedly been obstructing the investigation process, fomenting anger, and threatening government witnesses, all of which are in clear violation of the law.

The Department has also provided the court with video clips showing Mr. Jatuporn in his rabble-rousing speech in front of the Central remand center where several red-shirt core leaders have been held.

The department, however, did not object to the bail for Karun. The court will make a decision today whether to allow Jatuporn to be temporarily released during the trial.


-- NNT 2010-12-07 footer_n.gif


The Criminal Court rejected the DSI's request to revoke bail on Jatuporn today due to insufficient grounds.

Dark days ahead for Thailand. A Nicaraguan Prime Minister / President / Emperor / King? Well played, Thailand. Well played.




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