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Well , apart from a little hastle from those Good Folks at Immigration over my 90 days reporting (by post) , I Guess I'm having a Good day.

I was just about to start with my relentless attack on the three warts on my left hand and the Verruca on my left foot, which I seem to have had for years. No amount of Salicylic Acid or digging with the penknife has managed to get rid off them. But this morning they are gone. No trace or sign; Scar; or telltale sign that they ever existed . I guess my Immune system finally decided to get rid of the Virus. it certainly took its time. I feel sort of Clean and healthy again.

Now How do I make this Thai related to conform with the Rules. Oh, yes, I was stopped by about 30 BIB this morning at a road block, not your usual BIB in washed out brown, no these guys had almost black immaculate uniforms. Must be top brass or something. Anyway, they asked where I was going which was easy to answer, 'I'm going Home' Then something in Thai that I didn't understand, 'A Mai cow Jai' got me the usual 'on your way' signal from one of them.

I was just about to leave when another one asked me 'where I was going tonight'. I interpreted this as 'where are you comming from rather than a pre-cursor to a date. I answered and then he asked 'where are you going' , I told him Phayamengrai, to which he said it was about 20. I took this to be about 20 Kms (its more like 40). Anyway, off I went. I guess they were having a Picnic or something. Don't you just Love 'em :)

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So, we finally have a 'Good day' thread, I though it would be VF's new bike that would start it off and not Jubby's warts but musn't grumble. Today is a good day for me too but it's also been a good week so far and a great start to the month too, perhaps the title could be changed to 'Good Day, Week, Month' to accommodate the lucky folk who are blessed with more than just the occasional good day.

This month started about as well as it could have done, my beautiful baby daughter (Eunabelle) arrived safe and sound on the 3rd by normal delivery and both mother and baby are doing well and are now back at home. We changed hospital at the last minute from Sri Burin to Overbrooke and are very glad we did, very impressed with the doctor and nurses there as opposed to the doctor we were using at Sri Burin who was more concerned with making things convenient for him rather than the well being of my wife and child.

Another good day occurred just a few days later while stocking up on nappies at Big C, I was lucky enough to spot neus.gif chatting away to some fellow shoppers so I quickly interrupted and introduced myself to him as he'd never had the pleasure of meeting me before. I was actually hoping to be chatted up by VF as I heard that Big C is his favourite hunting ground but it wasn't to be on this particular day and meeting Mr L was a fine substitute.

Today started off very well too as my daily walk with my dog brought about a nice surprise. I walk her at the big gardens at the local university very close to my house early every morning and, although the only other people there are usually only the groundsmen, this week there has been hundreds of freshers going through what can only be described as a sort of boot camp. They are lined up and then shouted at by older students and are then made to stand/sit in a stress position until the older students feels they have endured enough, Welcome to Uni Life! So anyway, this morning when my dog approached a group of students to see if they had any snacks for her and to say hello, instead of reacting like she was a rabid werewolf like they often do, they actually stroked her and said what a lovely dog she was.

Jubby, happy for you that your warts/verucas have disappeared, I also had some on my toes last year which wouldn't go away despite being smothered in the foul smelling acid stuff. But after a day being constantly soaked during Songkran last year I noticed they had just fallen off. A BIB I know told me the recent road blocks in and around CR by the black-clad guys are because of information received about a big yaabaa run, maybe you fit the description of the mules!


Yeah, I suspected the thread would be started by VF when his Bike arrives shortly. probably around the 20th of June but what do I know. Anyway, my Warts just wouldn't wait.

How did you know it was :) in Big C. Does he resemble this :D

Yes, VF is to be avoided with his desperate one liners, I'd much rather meet the guy with the Business Cards :D


Yes, the real neus.gif bears a very strong resemblance to neus.gif I just knew it couldn't be a coincidence.

There's a guy with business cards too?! Must have missed that post, too busy changing nappies, CR is the new NY!


Oh Happy Days, or is it How do I love thee, let me count the ways? :)

Up early, to catch the 24 seat, green bus to Chiang Mai. A tuk-tuk to the shop. A lengthy exchange of paperwork and money. A quick break-in run and back to the shop for an oil and filter change.

Checkin to the hotel and make an early night of it. Six'ish the next morning, headed back to Chiang Rai with the best birthday present in recent memory. It is going to take awhile for this, ear to ear smile, to fade from my face. :D :D :D :D

My wife has a new mia-noi to contend with, and her name is Ninja 650r. But fear not, I still have my priorities in order. My wife, Cookie and close behind is little Ninja. :D

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I'll be gentle, skyblue. :) You will have to ask him, but PhilB seems to have weathered two chance encounters with VF, at BigC. Just the other day, on our way to lunch, I spotted PhilB and his lovely wife, dinning in style next to a window.

Not having had the opportunity to accost anyone as yet on that day, I took that chance to leap into action and interrupt their meal. Between the two of us, my wife and I managed to holdup their meal for quite some time.

Next time you see a short, ill-tempered bald guy walking around at BigC, come on over and say hello. It may not be me, but you will make a new friend anyway. :D


I'll be gentle, skyblue. :D You will have to ask him, but PhilB seems to have weathered two chance encounters with VF, at BigC. Just the other day, on our way to lunch, I spotted PhilB and his lovely wife, dinning in style next to a window.

Not having had the opportunity to accost anyone as yet on that day, I took that chance to leap into action and interrupt their meal. Between the two of us, my wife and I managed to holdup their meal for quite some time.

Next time you see a short, ill-tempered bald guy walking around at BigC, come on over and say hello. It may not be me, but you will make a new friend anyway. :D

VF, congrats on the new mia noi. After our last chance encounter I showed my wife a pic of the ninja. I have been talking with her about buying a bike for sometime. However I cant broach the subject again for a little while. Her current condition makes her a little grouchy at times.

I ran into the name card guy before you spotted us. I cant believe he didnt find you. He might leave you alone now. I told him that he had given me a card previous and didnt need another one. Maybe he will just remember the haircut and not try to give one again.

Which one of us are you calling ill-tempered? I just look the part. :)


I'll be gentle, skyblue. :D You will have to ask him, but PhilB seems to have weathered two chance encounters with VF, at BigC. Just the other day, on our way to lunch, I spotted PhilB and his lovely wife, dinning in style next to a window.

Not having had the opportunity to accost anyone as yet on that day, I took that chance to leap into action and interrupt their meal. Between the two of us, my wife and I managed to holdup their meal for quite some time.

Next time you see a short, ill-tempered bald guy walking around at BigC, come on over and say hello. It may not be me, but you will make a new friend anyway. :D

VF, congrats on the new mia noi. After our last chance encounter I showed my wife a pic of the ninja. I have been talking with her about buying a bike for sometime. However I cant broach the subject again for a little while. Her current condition makes her a little grouchy at times.

I ran into the name card guy before you spotted us. I cant believe he didnt find you. He might leave you alone now. I told him that he had given me a card previous and didnt need another one. Maybe he will just remember the haircut and not try to give one again.

Which one of us are you calling ill-tempered? I just look the part. :)

Being thoroughly self-absorbed as I am, I had completely overlooked that particular interpretation of what I wrote. Then again there could be something subliminal that I missed. :D


PhilB, perhaps I need to drive by sometime, so she can feast her eyes upon the real thing. Let little miss Ninja do the talking for you. If that doesn't sell her on the idea, then you might be right, that you need to wait until she progresses beyond her present physical state. Anyway, good luck.


PhilB, perhaps I need to drive by sometime, so she can feast her eyes upon the real thing. Let little miss Ninja do the talking for you. If that doesn't sell her on the idea, then you might be right, that you need to wait until she progresses beyond her present physical state. Anyway, good luck.

I think if I do it now I will have to post in the bad day/week/month thread. Gonna have to wait till our happy event and make all of the required purchases for that. Then again maybe the Fino isnt so bad.


I'll be gentle, skyblue. :D You will have to ask him, but PhilB seems to have weathered two chance encounters with VF, at BigC. Just the other day, on our way to lunch, I spotted PhilB and his lovely wife, dinning in style next to a window.

Not having had the opportunity to accost anyone as yet on that day, I took that chance to leap into action and interrupt their meal. Between the two of us, my wife and I managed to holdup their meal for quite some time.

Next time you see a short, ill-tempered bald guy walking around at BigC, come on over and say hello. It may not be me, but you will make a new friend anyway. :D

VF, congrats on the new mia noi. After our last chance encounter I showed my wife a pic of the ninja. I have been talking with her about buying a bike for sometime. However I cant broach the subject again for a little while. Her current condition makes her a little grouchy at times.

I ran into the name card guy before you spotted us. I cant believe he didnt find you. He might leave you alone now. I told him that he had given me a card previous and didnt need another one. Maybe he will just remember the haircut and not try to give one again.

Which one of us are you calling ill-tempered? I just look the part. :)

Being thoroughly self-absorbed as I am, I had completely overlooked that particular interpretation of what I wrote. Then again there could be something subliminal that I missed. :D

I did quit smoking about 3 months ago, maybe there is still some ill-temperment left from that.


Another great morning, riding about. :D The odometer is over 500km already. Another couple of trips into town and I'll need to head back to Chiang Mai for the 1000km checkup.

Last night was better suited for the bad day topic. The wife wanted to take a couple of younger girls to the walking street. Sunny and hot when we left but poring rain by the time we got to town. :D Went to dinner instead and after the rain stopped we spent 45mins checking out the remnants of the walking street. Not really bad, just didn't go to plan. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday was a good day. My first 500km day on the bike. Chiang Mai and back in a day. They tell me I'm finally a man, after riding in the rain. :D

Lost track of how many times I went back and forth between hot and cold. Most rain showers only lasted for a kilometer or so. Wet and cold, then hot again. There was that one 60k section through the mountains, however, where the rain was unrelenting.

All in all, a good day. I am paying for it today, it seems, as I am a little under the weather. Guess you have to take the bad with the good. ;)


It is a good day for me down here in Central; and I made about 2 kg of beef sausages with only a little help from my wife.

It is made from good beef, some pork fat, all the garlic I had, some salr and black pepper and some red chili paste from my wifes store of goodies..

I used the meat grinder I bought in New Zealand about 18 months ago and it all went well with she who must be obeyed doing a quick fry test and approving it then she did the sausage stuffing while I drove the grinder.

Her mate was there and used the grinder to finely mince some pork.

1 sausage was used as a taste test on my mother in laws card playing friends and the rest will be all mine.

The guys that work for my mate are cutting a tree down for us.

It is about 20 metres high and when we built the small house back in 2003 it was a small tree as well and as my mother in law lives in the house she is understandably a bit nervous about it. It is part down now and the rest will come down tomorrow when I get the pickup truck back and we can rope the tree and pull it clear.


Yesterday was a good day. My first 500km day on the bike. Chiang Mai and back in a day. They tell me I'm finally a man, after riding in the rain. :D

Lost track of how many times I went back and forth between hot and cold. Most rain showers only lasted for a kilometer or so. Wet and cold, then hot again. There was that one 60k section through the mountains, however, where the rain was unrelenting.

All in all, a good day. I am paying for it today, it seems, as I am a little under the weather. Guess you have to take the bad with the good. ;)

How did the back do on that length of trip and on that bike? Single or double up?


Yesterday was a good day. My first 500km day on the bike. Chiang Mai and back in a day. They tell me I'm finally a man, after riding in the rain. :D

Lost track of how many times I went back and forth between hot and cold. Most rain showers only lasted for a kilometer or so. Wet and cold, then hot again. There was that one 60k section through the mountains, however, where the rain was unrelenting.

All in all, a good day. I am paying for it today, it seems, as I am a little under the weather. Guess you have to take the bad with the good. ;)

How did the back do on that length of trip and on that bike? Single or double up?

Back was fine but my right hand felt really strange that night and yesterday. Was fine while riding but felt really weak when doing simple things afterward. Pushed the odometer button and my finger just kind of collapsed. Feels almost normal today so guess it was a combination of fatigue and numbness from all that braking and acceleration.

Just two buddies on two bikes. I have yet to put my wife on the back of it. She prefers the truck.


Hmmmm........... Yes, ............... I'm Hungry :)

What sort of Tree was it.? Thats phenominal growth. !

A dam_n great big one but I have no idea what type.

My mate has a factory specialising in Thai wood products and his guys cut it down for free in return for the wood.

Good for him and good for me.

I am looking around at what trees I can grow on 5 rai which don't need too much water.


He's making sausages in Central shopping mall?

Or Central Thailand? :unsure:

Central Thailand 65 km southwest of Khampaeng Phet and on the edge of the Mae Wong national park.

Peace and tranquility just right for a retired old fart like me. B)

  • 2 weeks later...

Definitely a good day today as we had hours of much needed heavy rain this morning which I'm sure will have helped the parched reservoirs. My dog also enjoyed herself more than normal on our early morning walk due to the rain, she didn't stop running/jumping the whole time and it was a nice change to the heat she normally endures, even at 7am. The car obviously didn't smell too great afterwards (wet dog isn't the nicest aroma) but a bag of freshly ground coffee beans from Amazon soon solved that problem.

My baby girl, 6 weeks old tomorrow, smiled properly for the first time too which would have been a reason in itself to be mentioned in the 'good day' thread but the rain was the icing on the cake. She has smiled before today but that was most likely down to wind and not a proper smile which today's was. Hope everyone is well and also having a good day.


Definitely a good day today as we had hours of much needed heavy rain this morning which I'm sure will have helped the parched reservoirs. My dog also enjoyed herself more than normal on our early morning walk due to the rain, she didn't stop running/jumping the whole time and it was a nice change to the heat she normally endures, even at 7am. The car obviously didn't smell too great afterwards (wet dog isn't the nicest aroma) but a bag of freshly ground coffee beans from Amazon soon solved that problem.

My baby girl, 6 weeks old tomorrow, smiled properly for the first time too which would have been a reason in itself to be mentioned in the 'good day' thread but the rain was the icing on the cake. She has smiled before today but that was most likely down to wind and not a proper smile which today's was. Hope everyone is well and also having a good day.

Good to hear that Daddy is having a good day. Here's to many more. :D

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