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Farang Harrassing Thais Overseas


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I read two posts in another topic:

" A year ago a friend and I came accross 2 thai girls sitting alone in the lobby of his apartment building. We heard them speaking thai, so we said hello in thai with friendly tone, along with sabai dee mai. Anyway to our amazement they very bluntly told us to "just go away" lol, we looked at each other in disbelief to their rude answer, so we were getting ready to leave the precious little princesses be, but I felt I had to say something else as I thought this is unacceptable behaviour by a 'foreigner' in my country, had the roles being reversed and I was in Thailand and someone said 'hello how are you' to me in English, I wouldn't dream or think to say what these two rude girls said to us, so I simply said to them, 'Why don't you go back to Thailand, as rude people like you are not welcome in this country" I will add I had a bit to drink at this point, anyway they said nothing and we walked off."


"Not long ago I was standing in line at a Subway sandwich shop in Beijing and heard two ladies speaking Thai. I spoke to them in Thai, which they responded to for a bit, then stuck their noses in the air and turned their backs. Hi-so, or hi-so wannabes, who remembered that I am farang kee-nok and reverted to form, even in a foreign country."

Is it really this common for farang to go around stalking random Thai women like this in their home countries?

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Harassing? Stalking?

It's rather obvious you don't know the actual meaning of these two words and are using them as an attention-getter.

Saying "hello" to people or speaking Thai to Thais in a foreign country constitutes neither. Go back to school.

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Actually on my floor/level of my apartment building(Australia) I have many thai neighbours,they are students,i did say hello to one whilst waiting for the lift to go down to the lobby,she replied "sorry no english",so i spoke in thai where for some reason she ignored me and we both got into the lift.

I said hello to them again,a older thai male who lives next door whilst waiting at the lift /elevator but he nodded and ignored me even though i spoke politely in thai.

There are 9 units/flats on my floor and i have thais living on both sides of me,these are mostly young students who are renting,and they have no respect,slamming their apartment doors at all hours of the night,so i get them back by playing my AC/DC music loudly with my door open.

One of them had forgotten their security keys to use the lift/elevator to get up to our floor level so used the intercom buzzer to buzz my unit ,being next door to theirs,to let them up in the security elevator.

I decided to tell them,sorry i dont speak english and turned the intercom off.

I dont bother saying hello to them in thai anymore,but it doesnt mean all thai people are like that,i have met some wonderful thais in Australia,mostly around my age group,so it could just be a age thing,younger dont like older people saying hello etc.

I notice whilst on a bus the other day that thais dont greet each other so i dont bother talking to them unless i have some sort of business with them such as my thai tutor who recently told me that one of his thai friends was riding his motorbike on a foothpath here in Australia only to be stopped by Police where he began to tell the Police that he was father was a high ranking govt official in Thailand.

Apparently it didnt help as he was fined over $500 for several traffic offences and wanted to know of my thai tutor what the police officer meant when he said "tell him to kiss my arse"after he told him how powerful his father was in Thailand.

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I notice whilst on a bus the other day that thais dont greet each other so i dont bother talking to them unless i have some sort of business with them such as my thai tutor who recently told me that one of his thai friends was riding his motorbike on a foothpath here in Australia only to be stopped by Police where he began to tell the Police that he was father was a high ranking govt official in Thailand.

Apparently it didnt help as he was fined over $500 for several traffic offences and wanted to know of my thai tutor what the police officer meant when he said "tell him to kiss my arse"after he told him how powerful his father was in Thailand.

Classic.... :)

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Best guess, from experience, is that they are sick and tired of being propositioned for sexual services and classified as easy targets by nationals who had previously vacationed in Thailand and/or stereotyped as a result of tabloid press reporting, sad but understandable to a degree.

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Whenever I'm in a foreign country and I'm randomly approached by a local it's pretty much always a sign of trouble to come.

I assume they want to rob or con me. Thailand, China, Netherlands, wherever. If a random stranger approaches you for some unknown reason I would suggest that they normally have some ulterior motive and want something.

In Beijing it was always 'students' trying to sell me art. In Thailand there are numerous versions of this for their localised cons. I normally just waive them on and ignore them.

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I remember about 7 years ago taking my young English kids to the local play center in Hemel Hempstead. Whilst I was sitting and waiting for them to destroy the play equipment, I saw a woman who looked Thai and was looking after her luk krung baby. She looked rather sad, so I decided to practice my (at that time, very basic), Thai with her. After saying hello in Thai she beamed a huge smile and went on to explain in simple Thai and broken English that she hadn't met anyone in Hemel Hempstead who could speak Thai, that she missed her family in Thailand, and that she was not at all happy living in England.

Just then, her English husband appeared, very angry at her for daring to speak to another man. He grabbed her arm and physically dragged her away.

His actions made me realise that some for some people, being a sh*t comes naturally


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Perhaps the girls who said to "go away" to the OP where tired of being approached by men who assume they are hookers?

^^^&^^^^ Agreed, CM worded it much better then I did but I was thinking something similar but got caught up in the stalking comment. It is more than likely they are quite aware of the stereotype placed on them as young Thai ladies in their own country and are trying to shed it and being able to travel overseas are not likely the type to want much to do with farangs in that context whom they might see as lecherous whether or not that is the case is according to their perception..

There's too many unknowns in this story to form a cogent perspective on these examples.

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There's too many unknowns in this story to form a cogent perspective on these examples.

'Why don't you go back to Thailand, as rude people like you are not welcome in this country" I will add I had a bit to drink at this point, anyway they said nothing and we walked off."

so that drunken guy was cool rejected and reacted exactly with the words he must have heard in Thailand often.

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i think there are a few things going on: 1: some thai, even overseas, are shy and feel awkward replying as they dont know where to 'place' u in the scheme of things (boss, younger, friend aged, rich, poor, educated or not) so they just stay quiet as to not embarrass themselves. as for students, well, that is student action seems to be everywhere unless u are also dressed and acting student-like.

my husband, being thai, ignores other thais he meets on the street because mostly the ones on the street here are tourists =rich and not issaan, therefore he wont bother with htem; if he sees thais in agrculutural areas he will answer if spoken to, but doestn initiate because they see he has a farang wife so they start ot hassle him about help with bosses/visas/money (as a fellow country man he is expected to help), if they are from korat he will take time to follow through with converstaion. i've learned also, that if i say hello to thai women (the few i see here) its fine, but the minute the farang hsband sees a thai with me, the contact gets cut off. perhaps the farang husband is worried my husband is his wifes secret lover or something? ... , i myself seemt o get toungue tied with thai women (im a woman but i dont seem to find commong subject matter with them, whereas with the men i can discuss their work situation etc).

the few hi/so thai ive met have ignored me as an issaan man's wife, and i dont seem very remarkable in my dress i.e. not city/business dress but 'down on the farm' style so they seem to pigeon hole me as 'non important'.

then again, i dont really bother to speak with americans or other anglos here anymore unless directly aproached and i find that sometimes i am short in my answer... my patience for dumb tourists here has shrunk; then again we are all not very polite people here...

either way, doesnt bother me much.........



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I remember about 7 years ago taking my young English kids to the local play center in Hemel Hempstead. Whilst I was sitting and waiting for them to destroy the play equipment, I saw a woman who looked Thai and was looking after her luk krung baby. She looked rather sad, so I decided to practice my (at that time, very basic), Thai with her. After saying hello in Thai she beamed a huge smile and went on to explain in simple Thai and broken English that she hadn't met anyone in Hemel Hempstead who could speak Thai, that she missed her family in Thailand, and that she was not at all happy living in England.

Just then, her English husband appeared, very angry at her for daring to speak to another man. He grabbed her arm and physically dragged her away.

His actions made me realise that some for some people, being a sh*t comes naturally


Its truly sad - the Thai woman who thought she'd found a wealthy partner, so she could ignore his faults and put up with it,

- and the farang who thought he had a woman who loved him for himself - so was terrified that she'd realise what a bad catch he was and look for someone else....

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Its truly sad - the Thai woman who thought she'd found a wealthy partner (so she could ignore his faults and put up with it), and the farang who thought he had a woman who loved him for himself, so was terrified that she'd realise what a bad catch he was and look for someone else....

I find it amazing that you can tell that the guy wasn't wealthy, she only wanted his money and she was scared all from Simon's explaination of some guy not treating his wife so good.

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Its truly sad - the Thai woman who thought she'd found a wealthy partner (so she could ignore his faults and put up with it), and the farang who thought he had a woman who loved him for himself, so was terrified that she'd realise what a bad catch he was and look for someone else....

I find it amazing that you can tell that the guy wasn't wealthy, she only wanted his money and she was scared all from Simon's explaination of some guy not treating his wife so good.

Whether he was wealthy or not (in our terms) is irrelevant, its fairly safe to assume he was wealthy in her terms.

It could be that she was one of those women that 'like' being abused - but its unlikely knowing the way Thai women look at farang men

If he was really wealthy (in our terms), and she was so unhappy - she would have gone back home, knowing that she could afford to give up the appalling husband, and still be better off.

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Many of the Thai girls who have lived abroad have countless stories of men (often older men and/or unattractive men) simply assuming they are easy and/or for "hire" who only try to initiate a conversion to such effects, so they naturally just try to ignore such persons. Also its not viewed as very "positive" when a "such" a man tries to talk to them in Thai, that usually just confirmed their option of him as a typical "sex-tourist" type.

On the other hand if a young (same age bracket), relative hansom and sober man tries to strike up a conversation, be it in English or Thai, they will usually be much more inclined to respond in a polite and even sometimes in a interested manner.

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Many of the Thai girls who have lived abroad have countless stories of men (often older men and/or unattractive men) simply assuming they are easy and/or for "hire" who only try to initiate a conversion to such effects, so they naturally just try to ignore such persons. Also its not viewed as very "positive" when a "such" a man tries to talk to them in Thai, that usually just confirmed their option of him as a typical "sex-tourist" type.

On the other hand if a young (same age bracket), relative hansom and sober man tries to strike up a conversation, be it in English or Thai, they will usually be much more inclined to respond in a polite and even sometimes in a interested manner.

Agree with that, but I'd say avoid trying to impress them by speaking Thai. Instant assumption on their part that you've learnt it from girlfriends while holidaying. Speak English first and they'll respect you and be polite to you as a foreigner.

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I’ve had worse responses from my own kind here in Thailand when I`ve said hello in passing. Complete pigs.

Does the OP believe that it is these girls duty to acknowledge him and it`s OK to give the girls verbal abuse because they are foreigners?

Why not try it on with some English girls and see how far he gets?

The only party in this case that was rude and used unacceptable behaviour was the OP.

Some years ago, one of my wife’s Thai girl friend’s living in London smiled back at a guy on a train after he smiled at her. She believed this to be the proper thing to do according to her culture. The guy ended up following her home all the way to her doorstep. This scared her and after the incident, my wife’s friend learned that this is not a safe thing to do in England and from that day she ignored the approaches of strange men.

I do hope that if the OP visits or is in Thailand that he receives the same reaction from some annoying Thai person who tries to start a conversation with him and than he can experience what it`s like to be on the receiving end of some loud mouthed holier than thou, bigoted moron.

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Many years ago I was introduced to a Thai woman studying for her Master's in Sydney.

She was working part time in my friends Thai restaurant to help pay for her living expenses whilst studying.

I got to know her and a few of her Thai friends quite well over the next couple of years.

Neither her nor any of her friends had Farang boyfriends and all where in Sydney furthering their education.

One day I overheard her being quite rude to a farang male customer in the restaurant and later asked her what happened.

Her response was that her and also her friends were sick and tired of farangs just marching up to them and start to chat them up. She said they would never march up to a Farang woman on the street or in the work place and start chatting them up, why do they think we Thai women are any different. She said if she is not blunt with them they just keep trying!

I was very suprised to hear just how often it happens! on the street, on the bus/train, at work, etc etc. She claimed most try to speak Thai to them and they can instantly tell they have learned thier Thai from bar girls. (accent?).

I can understand their plight! the poor girls are constantly bombarded by Thai sick farangs looking for a local score, it gets to a point were they have to be rude to keep them at arms length!

So please remember gentlemen, not all Thai women O/S's are Issan village girls earer to meet a Farang.

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I wouldn't say that is acceptable behaviour from either of those Thais you spoke about.

But frankly, yes, there is a class of people, quite often young males, who formed an opinion of young Thai women in their time in bars and such in Thailand, and who therefore naturally assume that any young Thai woman alone is "easy". So Thai girls overseas do learn to become defensive, for that reason.

It's not you, it's them and their assumed predjudices that's at fault. There's not much you can do about it. So just ignore it. And don't be another cause for their mistaken predjudice.


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Hmmm you find that situation everywhere... my mate and I were in Rome ages back and having a convo. Next thing you know two Canadian birds walked up to us and stared conversing with us - basically were happy to speak to another native english speaker. We ended up having dinner with them and had a good laff. As for the ops experience you will find rude people everywhere, politely remind them of their misdirected behavior and move on. You will find same situation in thailand when some farangs go out of their way to ignore other farangs.

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I wouldn't say that is acceptable behaviour from either of those Thais you spoke about.

But frankly, yes, there is a class of people, quite often young males, who formed an opinion of young Thai women in their time in bars and such in Thailand, and who therefore naturally assume that any young Thai woman alone is "easy". So Thai girls overseas do learn to become defensive, for that reason.

It's not you, it's them and their assumed predjudices that's at fault. There's not much you can do about it. So just ignore it. And don't be another cause for their mistaken predjudice.


Think you find more older gentlemen with knowledge of aThai women in the bars

looking at the average age of the punters I have seen sitting in Nana and Pattaya.

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