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Thai Person Gone Crazy


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Hello all,

Just some answers needed to some serious questions.

1 Will the police arrest a thai person who has gone mad ?

2 Will they arrest this person even if he is running around everywhere naked ?

3 Will they arrest him even if he is breaking into houses and takeing stuff from houses?

I am back in England at the moment and my wives cousin is doing all this he has even come in our house and took dvds, dvd player and paperwork and passports. She has got it all back now. Due to this mans wife who got it back for us.

My wife keeps saying the police will not do anything as he has gone mad everybody in our village has had enough. I have a german neighbour and he is also saying the same thing they will not do anything. But is this family protecting there own or can the police actually do something ?

Cheers for any answers,


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Your wife and the german guy are correct, the police will not do anything. If the guy upsets the wrong person bad enough then maybe someone will beat or kill him. The police won't do much of anything then either.

Edited by lannarebirth
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The short answer is no, the police will not often get involved in a case of mental illness in the rural areas unless it involves a very serious offense such as an assault with a weapon. Domestic issues inside the family, including theft and domestic assault within the family, are left to the family to deal with. Often, alas, it is left up to the puuyai baan and the other locals to determine the amount of prejudice levied upon the crazy one and often the decision is to simply grin and bear it.

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Cheers for the replies,

In England he would be arrested and sectioned for his own safety but Thailand is not England so my wife will have to make sure all doors are locked and windows closed from now on, untill he harms himself or somebody else by the sounds of it.



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Cheers for the replies,

In England he would be arrested and sectioned for his own safety but Thailand is not England so my wife will have to make sure all doors are locked and windows closed from now on, untill he harms himself or somebody else by the sounds of it.



I don't think that's really the case in the UK. Plenty of crazies about and I thought it was procedure to try and keep people out of mental health care facilities as much as possible.

Try the local temple.

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If the police decided to arrest everyone that has gone mad, than the whole country would be in custody by the end of the week, including all the ex-pats, I`m sure.

Some years ago my wife’s middle-aged cousin who was an alcoholic, used to portray similar behaviour. He once scared my young daughter half to death after he crept into my mother’s law’s house wanting to use the bathroom.

I just calmly chatted with him and escorted the guy home to his long and suffering wife.

Of course the family are protecting their own that`s only natural. What would you do if it were your brother or close relative? Severe mental illness is a tragic thing and I`m sure that putting the poor guy in jail won’t solve the problem. Leave the guy alone and let his family deal with him. There is nothing the police can do, anyway.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Where in Thailand is it? There may be some people here on the site who have contact details for the local psychiatrist.

Most of the government hospitals will have a Consultant Psychiatrist - although I do think that the general standard of Mental Health care and awareness in the system is still pretty backward. As you have mentioned, if it was in the UK he would be arrested, and assessed under section 136. There is nothing like this here as far as I know.

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Cheers for the replies,

In England he would be arrested and sectioned for his own safety but Thailand is not England so my wife will have to make sure all doors are locked and windows closed from now on, untill he harms himself or somebody else by the sounds of it.



I don't think that's really the case in the UK. Plenty of crazies about and I thought it was procedure to try and keep people out of mental health care facilities as much as possible.

Try the local temple.

If he was displaying this sort of behaviour he would be arrested and assessed under the Mental Health Act - that does not mean that he would be just left to get on with it. In fact the NOK is able to request a Mental Health assessment, and it can not be turned down. If he was deemed to be sectionable, by an approved Section 12 Doctor and an approved mental health professional he would be admitted to an acute admissions ward - not necessarily on Section (again it depends on the compliance of the patient). There is no procedure to keep seriously unwell people out of hospital, although yes there are community based teams that work to support and maintain people to live a life outside institutions.

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See the local hospital or district hospital. Their treatment of Mental Health is a lot better than most peopel on this board give them credit for.

I'll offer some credit, it is better than what some people assume - however, it not particularly innovative and it is still pretty dated in it's approaches.

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Sounds like a slightly different version of what goes on in Canada. Our government in all their wisdom turned the adult mentally handicapped out in the streets to fend for themselves. They are given a place to stay, but a social worker only comes by every week or so to check on them. It is only the ones who are REAL crazy and harming other people that get put in hospitals... but those numbers are limited. I know, because my ex-wife was a care giver at a facility until they closed it down and put the mentally handicapped into the streets.

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Thankyou for all your replies,

I have told the wife about what has been said to me she is going to ring a few hospitals in Ratchaburi. Then see what can be done. This bloke was one of the nicest Thai people i have ever met but now by what my wife says he is very disturbed.

Cheers again for advice,


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Ive noticed that alot of the time in Thailand people going mental seems to be a buildup of not talking about things, perhaps he just wants someone to talk to, some attention, try asking a monk, they seem to have alot of respect and authority in small towns in Thailand.

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If the police decided to arrest everyone that has gone mad, than the whole country would be in custody by the end of the week, including all the ex-pats, I`m sure.


Therefore, some empathy can be afforded for this gentlemen. He doesn't have access to the help he needs, especially in the rurals.

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this happened with my thai brother in-law.

go to your local hospital and find out where the nearest phyc hospital is.

as long as the immediate family agree, put him in the pickup/car and take him here.

they will admit him,handcuff him to his bed and start to sort him out.

we had to do this. he is on medication now which he picks up every week and is doing fine. hes back home by the way.

good luck.

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