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So 3D HD is alive and well on wild feeds and playing out live games from the World Cup free to view as well.

This is a major WOW if you have a 3D HD TV as it is free to view too. How do you know it is in 3D - simple it has a split screen with 2 HD feeds side by side and I am watching it here in Bangkok with the new HD boxes we just released into the local Thai market.

Asiasat 5 (100.5e) C Band

FREQ: 3946


SR: 20665

Feed Name: HBS 3D FEED

VDO: FTA 3D HD (1920x1080i x 2)

3D matches are as follows and free to view:

1. June 11 16:00 RSA-MEX

2. June 12 16:00 ARG-NGA

3. June 13 20:30 GER-AUS

4. June 14 13:30 NED-DEN

5. June 15 20:30 BRA-PRK

6. June 16 16:00 ESP-SUI

7. June 17 13:30 ARG-KOR

8. June 18 16:00 SVN-USA

9. June 19 13:30 NED-JPN

10. June 20 20:30 BRA-CIV

11. June 21 20:30 ESP-HON

12. June 22 20:30 NGA-KOR

13. June 23 20:30 GHA-GER

14. June 24 16:00 SVK-ITA

15. June 25 16:00 POR-BRA

16. June 27 20:30 1st B-2nd A

17. June 28 16:00 1st E-2nd F

18. June 28 20:30 1st G-2nd H

19. July 2 20:30 Quarter-final

20. July 3 16:00 Quarter-final

21. July 3 20:30 Quarter-final

22. July 6 20:30 Semi-final

23. July 7 20:30 Semi-final

24. July 10 20:30 3rd place match

25. July 11 20:30 Final

schedule from apsattv.com


So what does this mean to 3D HDTV owners?

(sorry if this sound like an advert)

If you already have a 3D HDTV you can watch the matches listed above via satellite (see the satellite details above) with the new HDTV set top boxes we have just released in Thailand (see the www.jsat.tv web site for more details) and the feed is free and in 3D HDTV. So no need to use the other payTV channels as that is just in HD not 3D HD and you own the box once you buy it, not rent.

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