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Thai Govt Overlooks Robert Amsterdam's Attempt To Slam Its Credibility

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Amsterdam and knopps have been quiet some quite a while, wonder what that means:

- Has thaksin sacked them?

- Are they incapable of some twisted / destructive comment right now?

- Are we in for an amsterdam / knoops onslaught but they are deliberately biding their time to link to some upcoming event?


Maybe the PM knows more and saw something while handling an item of importance on his priority scale last weekend at the Prince Songkla University. I mean, there must be a reason that PM Abhisit gave an interview to declare that the government ignores Amsterdam.


btw. You seems to be the expert on PM Abhist here. A question, more than over one year ago the government declared that they are using all means to corner Pol. Lt-Col. Thaksin. So when comes the times where they finally get him, how much longer we have to wait? Will PM Abhisit have success before he gets banned form politics and the Democrats dissolved?

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Amsterdam and knopps have been quiet some quite a while, wonder what that means:

- Has thaksin sacked them?

- Are they incapable of some twisted / destructive comment right now?

- Are we in for an amsterdam / knoops onslaught but they are deliberately biding their time to link to some upcoming event?


Maybe the PM knows more and saw something while handling an item of importance on his priority scale last weekend at the Prince Songkla University. I mean, there must be a reason that PM Abhisit gave an interview to declare that the government ignores Amsterdam.


btw. You seems to be the expert on PM Abhist here. A question, more than over one year ago the government declared that they are using all means to corner Pol. Lt-Col. Thaksin. So when comes the times where they finally get him, how much longer we have to wait? Will PM Abhisit have success before he gets banned form politics and the Democrats dissolved?

Dear Mazeltov, for ones you're right. The PM was handling an item of importance. Having to answer your semi-intelligent questions he needed a crystal ball :)


Having won and election in the past,

doesn't precluding someone becoming an enemy of the state in the future.

This example was hugely popular as a fresh face for clean politics


before evolving into


and who ruled with an iron fist for over 2 decades.

Very reminiscent of TRT Party's pledge to rule for 20 years.

Excuse me but every country needs an Imelda Marcos to rule over it.


However, according to Mr. Abhisit, the government would rather focus on prosecuting Mr Thaksin, rather than his lobbyist.

Exactly. The whole of this government is after one man. Guss who.

Agree. They are very boring in their obsession. Incredible but how strong, rich, or dangerous is that man that the half of public life people are chasing after ONE man.

What could be REAL reason for their so irational acting and so childish tries to get him?


The Abhisit govt discredit itself. Ignoring foreign media and opinion will not do much help to gain credibility.

Who says they are ignoring western media?

It's not the truth, they just feel down because western medias didn't want to be on the side of this government in reports and because they(western media) made realistic and professional reports.

That is what is all about.

I guess all medias should to do as this government would like all be.


I know if I'm ignoring someone, I wouldn't hold a press conference about it.


Yes indeed I wouldn't either.

But the reality is that Abhisit's statement wasn't at a press conference ... it came up in an interview by the press when Abhisit was at the Science and Technology function ... nothing to do with Amsterdam. My guess is a reporter asked the question and Abhisit answered it. It's true I don't really know if a reporter asked the question .... but the implication/assumption that Abhisit has a press conference to discuss Amsterdam is not correct.

I should have clarified... I wouldn't even acknowledge the existence of who I was ignoring. I'm sure any experienced politician would be able to do a simple sidestep/dodge the question move. I notice that they are saying 'overlook' instead of 'ignore' now, which is probably the best play.



Isn't it funny how in the depth of the crisis the Thai media could no longer sustain being so one sided. Now that the leaders and many others have been arrested without charge, the government and media can turn again to it's single minded pursuit of one man ! Attack the foreign reporters for not saying the right thing and attack the uneducated for being stupid. Thaksin wouldn't stand a chance in his quest to destroy all if this government would just get on with the job in hand instead of all this rhetoric

Disagree on several counts:

- Thai media was not 'one sided', there was plenty of broad coverage, comments etc., by jatuporn and his gang were reported often. But it is true that the media often took the govt side because the govt. side is the one of reason and moral value, and purpose to move forward.

- "Arrested without charge". Totally incorrect and you should have be more honest. Charges have been laid against the red shirt leaders.

- "Single minded pursuit of one man". Well they government is doing a lot lot more than that and you might like to realize that a very large percentage of Thais know very well that the greed and ego of one man is behind all of these peoblems and he should be pursued.

- "Attack the foreign reporters for saying the wrong thing". Again wrong, there was was prompt ans severe outcry from many Thai people about inaccurate foreign reporters before the government made any comment. Personally I believe that CNN, BBC and more were very derelict in their reporting and should apologize for their lack of proper analysis in many of the incidents.

- "Attach the uneductaed for being stupid" I challenage you to rpovide one example of where PM Abhisit or his ministers of staff made any such comment. Again you write things which are untruthful and you should be ashamed of doing this.

- If you took the time to take a look, the Abhiist government have been doing a lot and for a long time to move Thailand to a much better picture of quality of life / better more equitable share of wealth for all Thais. And through proper policy to bring this about in a sustainable way so it becomes enbedded in the way Thailand works and exists, and not through one time occasional handouts. And if we go back to the comments about the Thai media, well I'll criticize them for not providing accurate and balanced reporting on this subject.

If the government ignored all of this stuff ignored thaksin they would be criticized for not paying attention to this subject. This is a no win for the governemnt, damned if you do talk about, damned if you don't talk about it.

Scorecard keeps his run of correct observations intact.

Agreed in full.


However, according to Mr. Abhisit, the government would rather focus on prosecuting Mr Thaksin, rather than his lobbyist.

Exactly. The whole of this government is after one man. Guss who.

hmmmm..... I wonder why......

The lobbyist , mostly on foriegn spoil is irrelevent, a mouth-piece for western consumption.

His BOSS trying to manipulate the in-country situation is the real threat.

The lobbyist is just one of many tools of the boss to gain his end.

You must cut off the head of the hydra, not just a hair-snake here or there.

But cutting the whole body off at the knees is a working solution to make things move ahead.


Animatic posted

The lobbyist , mostly on foriegn spoil is irrelevent, a mouth-piece for western consumption.

His BOSS trying to manipulate the in-country situation is the real threat.

The lobbyist is just one of many tools of the boss to gain his end.

You must cut off the head of the hydra, not just a hair-snake here or there.

But cutting the whole body off at the knees is a working solution to make things move ahead.


You really need to cut down on those Iced Coffee's in the afternoon


Animatic posted

The lobbyist , mostly on foriegn soil is irrelevent, a mouth-piece for western consumption.

His BOSS trying to manipulate the in-country situation is the real threat.

The lobbyist is just one of many tools of the boss to gain his end.

You must cut off the head of the hydra, not just a hair-snake here or there.

But cutting the whole body off at the knees is a working solution to make things move ahead.


You really need to cut down on those Iced Coffee's in the afternoon

Not dealing with metaphors well today?



I could have used Medusa too.


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