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Getting Married Soon, But Tourist Visa Will Run Out Of Time Even More Soon => What Should I Do ?

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I'm French and currently on a tourist visa that I'll have to extend at end of this month.

I'm currently waiting a certificate from French Embassy that will allow me to get married at a Thai district.

This paper should arrive around mid-July.

So at this time, if I get the standard 30-day extension on my current visa, I'll have only 2 weeks left on my visa, so I could go to immigration only about 1 week or 10 days before its end to change it to a Visa O and do the marriage based extension. But I have read in these forum that it usually requires to have at least 21 days left on the allowed stay to do all of this.

So here my question :

is it possible to ask more than the standard 30-day extension for my current visa, something like 60 days ?

And more important, is it possible Thai immigration will accept to provide it ? :)

If yes, what kind of document should I show to them ? So far, French Embassy didn't give me any receipt or anything else.

My fiancée tried to phone to Bangkok Immigration a couple of times, but no one answered...

My guess is that I have to book a plane ticket to KL, and request a non-O at Thai embassy there, but I'd really prefer to save myself the trip...

Any info is welcome..! :D

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Go to Laos to Thai Embassy and get visa? Rethink your wedding plans? How long have you known her?, 30 days? Have you met her family? Whats in it for her, whats in it for you? Oh yes this is Thailand. Use a legal service pay and don't worry they will tell you what to do.

Edited by Colabamumbai
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Until you are Married your only option will be a Tourist Visa.

Vientienne Laos will issue a double entry free of charge. Other consulates in the area will issue a single entry.

Once you are Married you can get a Non Imm O Visa and apply for extension at Immigration.

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Colabamumbai, we know since 5 years with my gf, but I don't see how it's relevant to the situation.

As I stated in my OP, I just want to save myself the hassle to do a trip out of the country.

If there's no additional delay, I might be already married before my visa extension will be over, so I'll head to KL to get a non-O. Hopefully, there won't be any need for an additional tourist visa...

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Colabamumbai, we know since 5 years with my gf, but I don't see how it's relevant to the situation.

As I stated in my OP, I just want to save myself the hassle to do a trip out of the country.

If there's no additional delay, I might be already married before my visa extension will be over, so I'll head to KL to get a non-O. Hopefully, there won't be any need for an additional tourist visa...

It is all revelant as proper planning would have allowed you more options and time, Knowing in advance how long permission may take etc.

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Hello Manutoo,

I'm in the same situation as yours only I'm Italian but living in Paris..I need to extend my turist visa before the 17th of July..My girlfriend and I want to get married too as matter of fact I went to get legal advice ( which I'd advice you too to do the same thing..) They also told me that my girlfriend will have to pass an oral/written french exam which I'm not sure she will be able to since she has not been studing french lately..why are the french also so fussy..?!!!

Anyways..in your case it sounds like it's best for you to get out of the country ( if you really cannot avoid to..) Hence, applying for a double entry visa or per haps the O visa IF you guys are married..tu vois...?

S'il tu plait tiens moi au courant en tout cas..Est ce que c'est possible de parler au telephone..?

Merci bien et Bonne chance..!


PS: Desole pour la France..! I think France played pretty bad against Mexico who I noticed were far more technically and phisically superior..voila-voila'..On verra par rapport a L'Italie..je n'ai pas de confience..

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If you are in Thailand and have a marriage certificate from the Amphur office you can

1) Apply for a 1 year extension due to marriage at any time, they will give you an 'under consideration' stamp for 30 days (and keep stamping 30 days) until they have considered (you need a Thai bank account with 400kbht for at least 2 months before you can apply for this extension).

2) Apply for a 60 day extension due to marriage, to visit your wife (no finance needed).

You don't need any time left on your current Visa for either of these 2 extensions, 'under consideration' counts as extension.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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If you marry on 30 day extension there appears nothing to stop you applying for a one off 60 day extension based on marriage. The relationship to be de Jure and de facto which could mean it is not issued to a newlywed - I don't know.

I was in a similar situation 5 years ago. I knew nothing of the requirement to have 21 days left on "permission to stay" in order to convert to an O visa.

I entered Thailand on 24 July on 2nd entry of a double entry tourist visa with permission to stay until 21 Sept. On 14 Sept I obtained an extension to 21 Oct. On 13 Oct, in my innocence, I went to Suan Phlu to apply to change to an O visa for retirement. I was politely told of the minimum 21 days requirement and directed back downstairs to the visa extension counter to plead my case for a 2nd extension This was provisionally granted until 20 November. But first I had to see someone who appeared to be very senior, in a private office. He had obviously been well briefed as he said "So you want to get married" and initialled the stamp in my passport. He then told me to return to the change of visa section, where my paperwork was checked. As instructed I returned on 20 Oct when I was given an O visa which was inmmediately overstamped USED and permitted to stay until 17 January. On 12 Jan this was extended to 23 July.

Fortunately I wasn't a member of this forum at that time, didn't know about it until 2 weeks ago. If I had been I would probably have had an unnecessary journey to Laos

I suggest apply for the change of visa and see what happens. It is worth a try. Nothing ventured.

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If you are in Thailand and have a marriage certificate from the Amphur office you can

1) Apply for a 1 year extension due to marriage at any time, they will give you an 'under consideration' stamp for 30 days (and keep stamping 30 days) until they have considered (you need a Thai bank account with 400kbht for at least 2 months before you can apply for this extension).

2) Apply for a 60 day extension due to marriage, to visit your wife (no finance needed).

You don't need any time left on your current Visa for either of these 2 extensions, 'under consideration' counts as extension.

I'm not sure option (1) is applicable:

Police Order 777/2551 Section 2.18 condition (1) The alien must have been granted a non-immigrant visa.

OP is on a tourist visa.

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A permision to stay obtained with a Tourist Visa can be changed to a Non Imm O Visa if it is part of the application for a Marriage Extension.

But quite often it is easier to apply for a Non Imm O Visa at a Thai Consulate.

Edited by Lite Beer
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ExpatArchie, thanks, that's the kind of testimony I was hoping for when I posted at 1st..! ;)

I went to extend my visa yesterday and I asked the ladies handling the extensions there, who have been quite helpful when I told them I was going to get married with my thai gf.

The "boss" only asked me if I'd be married before the end of my extension ; she emphasized that I needed to get the paperwork done at the other government office before that date (about the marriage certificate) ; and then she wrote the list of stuff I should bring next time to convert my visa to non-O & ask for a marriage based extension. She wrote in Thai so I'm not sure, but I guess this is the list I read on the official immigration website. I'll have to see that with my gf... :)

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"de jure en defacto" means that you must be legally married and the marrriage must be real (not only married on paper but actually living together).

The 60 day extension is possible, but as Lite Beer said, often it is easier to just get a non-O from abroad. Would be a nice honeymoon.


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My advise to anyone thinking of marrying a Thai woman in the future. Do what I did go to your Embassy get the letter of Permission get in translated into

Thai take it to the MFA and now you can marry, man, woman or lady boy, your choice you have lots of time to decide who and when. Then you can plan when you will need the bank account funds well in advance and plan your visa/visas to accommodate this. Most people don't plan to fail, they fail to plan.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ok, so I got married on last Tuesday and went to Immigration just after. I started by asking about converting my Tourist visa to non-O, but then the officer noticed I didn't have enough days left on my tourist extension : I needed 15 days and I had only 10.

After 2-3 minutes talk, my wife & I went to queue to the extension office, which needed also 2-3 min of talk with the queue officer.

Then at the extension office, we had a 4-5 minutes talk with all officers around, and I finally got a new 30-day extension. Just after, I could submit my file to the conversion officer ; answer in 15 days.

And all in all, it was fast & easy enough... :)

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Surprised, as you where entitled to a 60 day extension based on visiting your wife. But in your case it is of no consequence.

Don't worry, that they accepted your application normally means it will be aproved.

Congratulations on your marriage.

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