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Dog Deterrent


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Id like to know other opinions then msg and yabaaa ... has anyone else used similar devices.

That's a good idea, I suspect some might be a con, but all I know is empirically mine works, I have no idea what else I can say, it's proof enough for me. If mine had not worked I would have agreed with Yaabaa.

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What is your problem? you clearly think I am not telling the truth ; I am telling the truth,and I object to you implying I am not. That is why you have to believe me. I do not need to show you scientific reports. it works. You also seem to think I'm either stupid or deceived, I can assure you neither is true.

I'll spell it out to you

I have bought this thing, when a dog starts barking aggressively at me when riding my bike, I aim it at it ,press the button and the dogs turns and runs. It is effective. i've done that many times now and it means that I am confident of a degree of protection from some of the more aggressive dogs.. This is called empirical evidence and the video is evidence, you say it shows nothing, clearly untrue.

Now since we cannot hear U/S sound, we wil not know if anything we have bought is working or not, that is why I suggested using a sound meter to test it.

As far as the sound goes yes it might bethat U/S sound is no more effective than audible sound, but it does not have to be, as long as it works.

For the rest of your references, yes I, accept they may not work against fleas etc, I'll not get upset over that.

I raised this because someone had asked for advice on protecting herself from dogs and I am trying to help. You seem intent on ignoring anything I say

I think there is nothing more to be gained by continuing this rather futile debate.. Mods can you lock this?

Your'e correct nothing to be gained.....................from buying the dog dazer, no proof to back up any of the manufacturers claims whatsoever, I have ignored nothing you say you are making claims with NO proof, a U tube video is not proof BOTH of those videos are by the same person, you cant back up the claims and want the topic closed, that tells me a lot.......................good luck promoting your product even though many tests have proven ultrasound does not work including the U.S govt!

Please you don't have to tell me like a 5 year old that "we" cant hear ultrasound sound. ACTUALLY some people mainly young children can hear frequencies over 20k

You seem to think I am selling these. I am not at the implication is that I am lying. that's offensive I have no vested interest in these. Yes I know that some young people can hear high frequencies, but not everyone knows that, even adults, ( I suspect not many 5 year olds know that either!)

I tell you again, it works,Do you want me to repeat myself yet again? I won't it's too boring. I don't care about manufacturers claims. I have no need to prove it to you, if you don't believe me do the other thing.

You can repeat yourself as often as you like, I have put up reports from various sources for people to make their own decision, you have put up 1 u tube video. I have used reputable sources including he U.S govt reporting they have no effect.

Tell me if several members went out and bought this wonder product and found out it didnt work how would that make you feel about YOUR report? Or how about they bought it and that savage dog still attacked them???

When you reply to me you seem FULL of anger, is that because you have no proof it works? you cannot show me a reputable source for this working and therefore as far as I am concerend it DOES NOT.

Due diligence is a word you seem not to understand.

Now can you tell me just again as i think you have only repeated "it works" about 5-6 times.

You have ignored every valid point I have made whislt banging on and on and on about YOUR video that ISNT even your video and is probably the lowest form of "evidence" next to you saying " it works" you could find.

In your post suggesting I shouldnt post you clearly aim the comment at myself as if i was 5 year old who knows nothing of ultrasound with your comment on " you cant hear it so it appears to a simple person like myself it aint working".

Thanks you I am well aware ultrasound is not perceptible to "most" adults.

Put up or shut up. Show me some credible proof it works from a credible source otherwise go and sell it to some lepricorns and goblins down in dingly dell.


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Danoz pest control claims 'misleading': ACCC - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Consumer affairs in Australia had this to say about similar such devices

Danoz pest control claims 'misleading': ACCC

Posted Thu Mar 11, 2004 7:27pm AEDT

The Danoz group may be forced to hand over refunds to thousands of customers who bought one of its electronic pest control products.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) says the product plugs in to a power socket and allegedly repels insects and rodents through an ultrasonic pulse.

The ACCC says there was little evidence to demonstrate that the devices worked to the extent Danoz stated.

It says Danoz has agreed to offer refunds to customers who purchased the product and believe they were misled.

Since 1997 more than 240,000 electronic pest repellents have been supplied to consumers or wholesalers.

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