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Briton And Australian Face Trial Over Thai Unrest

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There are a few posters on this thread who resemble people who in medieval times would cheer

at public executions.

:D :D :)


There are a few posters on this thread who resemble people who in medieval times would cheer

at public executions.

Kev, you might have noticed that, as well as having individual blood lust, they also hunt in packs on TV. Thailand attracts many more types of unsavoury misfits than the two who are the subjects of this thread :) .


This post neatly sums up your 'Daily Express reader' mentality. You think that giving a sad pathological liar a cruel lesson will improve his condition? Your petty hate never ceases to amaze me.

Please spare me any more of the bleeding-heart liberalism. He is a liar, not a cancer sufferer. I don't care if his punishment improves his condition - that's his problem. You do the crime, you pay the time. Time for him to be an adult and take responsibilty for his actions.

They should both be deported. Back in the UK, Savage will either keep his head down or be quickly identified and monitored by his local police force. And there is an exponentially better chance of Purcell getting professional help for his mental health issues back in Australia than in a Thai prison.

Get deported and on the next plane back out to Asia no doubt. That will really teach them.

More Daily Express reader petty hate :) . Nothing to see here folks.....

Your repeated Daily Express jibe is both tiresome and meaningless to me as i have never bothered with tabloids. Why not actually try addressing the points being made rather than trying to make things personal?

If a crime is commited, why should the fact that they are foreigners allow them to simply pack their bags and leave? That's not punishment. Nobody, despite your silly "blood thirsty" comments, is seriously calling for any type of extreme sentence, just a sentence that is in line with the crime. Two years and out after six months on good behaviour (assuming they can manage that) would seem just to me. Then the bullshitter extrordinaire and the violent thug can piss off back to their respective homes and get that therapy the poor little souls are so in need of, as you keep telling us.

The maximum punishment of the charge could lead to two years in prison. Briton Jeff Savage, 48, screamed abusive comments about Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and the PM's wife as he was led past reporters on Thursday. He called Abhisit "a murderer."

This should really help his defense. What an idiot.

It doesn't matter what he says, he is going to be found guilty and deported, so he may as well give them a piece of his mind!

Not so at all, what he might look forward to is 2 years in a Thai prison vs no more time at all...

Could it be that Mr. Savage is simply mad? And i dont mean that in the sense of "angry". How else to explain such odd behaviour.

Certainly from the youtube video in which he makes his threats against "Central Plaza" i personally had the impression that he was, at a minimum, a very troubled individual and a sad case indeed.

In any case, what an embarrasment he must be to his thai family (which i think i read somewhere he has), not to mention to resident falang.

This gentleman puts new meaning to the term "falang baa."


Could it be that Mr. Savage is simply mad? And i dont mean that in the sense of "angry". How else to explain such odd behaviour.

Two words: yaa baa.


More Daily Express reader petty hate :) . Nothing to see here folks.....

Your repeated Daily Express jibe is both tiresome and meaningless to me as i have never bothered with tabloids. Why not actually try addressing the points being made rather than trying to make things personal?

If a crime is commited, why should the fact that they are foreigners allow them to simply pack their bags and leave? That's not punishment. Nobody, despite your silly "blood thirsty" comments, is seriously calling for any type of extreme sentence, just a sentence that is in line with the crime. Two years and out after six months on good behaviour (assuming they can manage that) would seem just to me. Then the bullshitter extrordinaire and the violent thug can piss off back to their respective homes and get that therapy the poor little souls are so in need of, as you keep telling us.

AGREED, except for the 6month bit, the full 2 years should be given and served, there was plenty of warning given to foriegn tourist, well ahead of time - No Excuses! :D


Your repeated Daily Express jibe is both tiresome and meaningless to me as i have never bothered with tabloids. Why not actually try addressing the points being made rather than trying to make things personal?

If a crime is commited, why should the fact that they are foreigners allow them to simply pack their bags and leave? That's not punishment. Nobody, despite your silly "blood thirsty" comments, is seriously calling for any type of extreme sentence, just a sentence that is in line with the crime. Two years and out after six months on good behaviour (assuming they can manage that) would seem just to me. Then the bullshitter extrordinaire and the violent thug can piss off back to their respective homes and get that therapy the poor little souls are so in need of, as you keep telling us.

As usual, you start the flaming ("bleeding-heart liberalism" in this instance) And, as usual, you cry foul when you are given a bit back. There is nothing silly about my "blood lust" comments. You must be skipping all the calls for summary justice to be carried out inside prison for Savage and Purcel, including one particularly unsavoury poster who offered to dish it out to them himself. I won't keep you any longer, you can go back to your Daily Express "flog 'em, hang 'em" editorials now :) .


Could it be that Mr. Savage is simply mad? And i dont mean that in the sense of "angry". How else to explain such odd behaviour.

Yes, he's mad. And so's the other guy.

The Australian appears to be delusional: he finds it hard to separate fantasy from reality. He has claimed to be the leader of the Red Shirts; he has claimed to be a mediator between the Red Shirts and the military; he claims to have been shot; he claims to be a sniper; he claims to have served with the Australian Special Forces.

Jeff Savage is different, though. He's full of hate, anger and bitterness. Unlike the Australian, he seems to know exactly what he's doing.

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has experience in dealing with people like this.

It doesn't matter what he says, he is going to be found guilty and deported, so he may as well give them a piece of his mind!

He should be very careful he dosn't appear to have much to give :)


Your repeated Daily Express jibe is both tiresome and meaningless to me as i have never bothered with tabloids. Why not actually try addressing the points being made rather than trying to make things personal?

As usual, you start the flaming ("bleeding-heart liberalism" in this instance)

You started with the obssesive Daily Express labeling nonsense back in April:

Your posting style has erstwhile Daily Mail/Daily Express reader

and have continued to trot the accusation out on a tedious and numerous number of occasions, as exemplified in this very thread. It's boring, tiresome and meaningless, because i, unlike you obviously, do not read tabloids.

My use of the term bleeding heart liberal was not a flame or a name call but an accurate description of a person who believes that certain criminals like our good friends Mr Savage and Mr Purcell should be treated like victims, given no punishment whatsoever; simply sent on their way and advised to seek therapy. It's this sort of namby pamby mothering that helps nurture these sorts of idiots and encourage their unsocial and at times criminal behaviour.


When I first read about these two guys my first reaction was that should be sentenced, serve their time and deported.

Recently, however, I read that the government is considering amnesty to the majority of people who were arrested for violating the emergency laws (but not those charged with terrorism) and these two are not terrorists according to the following

"Briton Jeff Savage, 48, and Australian Conor Purcell, 30, were earlier arrested for a gathering of more than five people with the Red Shirt protesters of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) and involving with unrest which occurred last month after the movement ended their month-long protest at Bangkok's Ratchaprasong intersection.

The two have been also accused of obstructing traffic and public daily life as well as breaching the security order."

Therefore I believe amnesty should also be considered in their cases.

So if I publically invited people in your city to come and loot and burn your buildings you would suggest amnesty for me also?

Certainly not. What I am saying is that why should the Thais be given amnesty and not the foreigners?

Personally I don't believe anyone should be given amnesty. It makes a completely mockery of the law.


I think most of you guys posting on this thread are over 60 so I understand

why so many posters seem to have lost focus and seem to be a senile

state of mind.

Oh well we won't have to put up with you old miserable gits for too much longer. :)

Lets just hope the next group of expats are more level headed, decent people who

have not moved to Thailand in a last desperate escape from a jilted dissapointing

past full of hate and bitter thoughts.

You never know the locals might even start to like us then.

Hmmm, not me. And I'm not a guy. Both my grandmothers lived to be around 100, so I have a few more decades I think, especially since I have only been in the hospital once and that was elective (maybe one more time for a necklift). Never been seriously ill in my life. So I expect to be around for a long time yet.

Not really bitter. No disappointing past. I gave up a six-figure salary and took a drastically reduced pension to come here, but am happy. My Thai friends whether in their 20s,30s,40s, or 50s echo many of these sentiments about Purcell and Savage.

Gonna have to put up with this "git" whatever that is for a long time yet.


There are a few posters on this thread who resemble people who in medieval times would cheer

at public executions.

So that's why I enjoyed watching the series Spartacus...biggrin.gif


^Little hint for you, the Australian is actually an Irishman in disguise. :)

So how many years or Generations should we wait till we can call a Person, holding a Australian Passport, Australian? Please educate us :whistling:


^Little hint for you, the Australian is actually an Irishman in disguise. :)

So how many years or Generations should we wait till we can call a Person, holding a Australian Passport, Australian? Please educate us :whistling:

I think you'll find it comes down to not the amount of years but rather the amount of brain cells. :)


I'm all for using one's discretion abroad ; and understandably the govt couldn't just let them go and say 'don't do it again' .

But I find revolting to have them in court in stinky pajamas and iron-bound.

cattle are often better treated.

I guess the red-shirt leaders will appear in formal suits , clean white shirts and NO irons. This smacks of racism , they like to humiliate them for a part of the electorate to see and enjoy.

Of course if they keep on being aggressive they have to be restrained in court.

But why the ragged pajamas ?

Cattle do nothing wrong! Humans have been and always will be the problem, If one could only have respect for self and others also being responsible for all of ones actions we might be able to remove the hel_l from this heaven and hel_l place, in which we all live, earth!

If your going to play hard ball with the big boys, expect things to hit the fan and be ready to serve the time for the crime.


Jeff will get 6 months non-suspended sentence I think. Pretty tough actually

SORRY JEFF.. I don't know how you could feel sorry for him... He was involved in mass destruction of property and civl unrest regarding a THAI problem.. The "golden rule " living in a foriegn country is to behave and not get into trouble.. He broke the common sense rule and got involed in protests which he had nothing to do with .. I personally think his education and interlect should and would be higher than the MOB with which he was with.. Anybody who incites or takes part of "civil destruction " is guilty ..

Every "farang" I know thinks he should get more punishment than a Thai for getting involved in "Thai afairs".. Everything he owns should be confiscated and sold to pay for the damage .. This should also happen to all the Thai people involved who incited violence and destruction .. The Educated leaders of the Red Shirts must have known that they could not control and uneducated mob . The movement was fractionalised very early and the signs for violence and destruction were allready there . Unfortunately Thais are not good listeners and don't see warning signs and their culture does not allow loss of face .. By the wat 2 years is a very light sentence . They should all get more.. I am one of many "farangs" Stuck with property which is now unsalable due to the result of all this civil unrest and will never invest hear again.. THIS MAN IS A DISGRACE TO OTHER AUSTRALIANS !!!! SO GET REAL .... PUNISH EVERYBODY HARSHLY AND MAKE THEM PAY .


Savage was active with the red shirts for over a year

he was seen on video in Pattaya throwing stones at police during black Songkran 2009

that's a lot more than making outrageous statements, that's actually breaking the law

assault on a policemen is a serious charge anywhere in the world

regardless of what he did and said in Bangkok 2010, he should do some time for Songkran 2009

Who is paying him to be here. You don't stay for year and live on rice as a farang. Has plenty of money to spend on alcohol. Is he just another international seiu goon.

Savage has apparently been living with his mother at the age of 48, been visiting Thailand over the last 8 years or so, has no passport and his last job was a hospital porter - a portrait of a total loser.


Could it be that Mr. Savage is simply mad? And i dont mean that in the sense of "angry". How else to explain such odd behaviour.

Yes, he's mad. And so's the other guy.

The Australian appears to be delusional: he finds it hard to separate fantasy from reality. He has claimed to be the leader of the Red Shirts; he has claimed to be a mediator between the Red Shirts and the military; he claims to have been shot; he claims to be a sniper; he claims to have served with the Australian Special Forces.

Jeff Savage is different, though. He's full of hate, anger and bitterness. Unlike the Australian, he seems to know exactly what he's doing.

I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has experience in dealing with people like this.

I know people who have experience in dealing with people like this - they were in Bomber Command who bombed Nazi Germany into oblivion.


Bad Farangs, like bad Thai, must not be released.

Just because they are Farang, does not mean that they have special legal privileges.

If only I am the judge, they will get LIFE sentence like Khun Nelson did in South Africa. The latter half is an undisputed fact.


This will be my last post on this thread,

Best news of the thread. Don't let the door hit u on the backside on ur way out. Next?:rolleyes:


I would like to point out Purcell was born in Ireland. We should revoke his Aussie citizenship and make Ireland take him back.

All foreigners should stay the hel_l out of Thai affairs. We are guests there and have no place in inciting trouble.


Again you are allowing yourself the luxury of a judgement based on limited evidence and condemning others for doing the same.

Mine is the judgement of a layman. I see a man acting like an idiot and i feel qualified to call him just that. Yes, i allow myself that "luxury", if that's how you bizarrely wish to consider it.

As you haven't indicated otherwise, it seems that your judgement is also that of a layman. Problem is that the conclusions you are reaching are not that of a layman. Pyschopathy as i have already mentioned and as i'm sure you are aware is a very complex disorder. Quite how you feel qualified to state with complete certainty that he is a sufferer i have no idea. Please enlighten.

Here is your attempt to ridicule Mazeltov's english language skills:

Thaksin Slams Anupong For Crackdown On Red Shirts - Thailand Forum - Page 3

I make no apology whatsoever to you or to your friend for calling out on some disastrous grammar when a few posts prior the same poster in question was obnoxiously slurring the education of those in disagreement with him/her.

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