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Burgled :(


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We just rent the place, so not sure if we'd be allowed to alarm it all up - I'll speak to the owner when I get back though.

Unfortunately that's not until the 25th of July, so it doesn't help much in the short term.

The front door is quite weird, there is no internal lock - hence the reason to padlock it from the outside. Thinking about it, I wonder if there is no internal lock because the thieves who broke in before we rented it broke it ...

Moving isn't much of an option either, we only just took out the contract on the place - been living in it just one month, well I've only been in it 2 weeks!!

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Those stand alone motion detectors at HomePro/Works might be a good solution. Some have a buzzer/alarm, easy to install and cheap!

Best of luck...here in Pattaya, houses get broken into all the time. Our house is fully wired up!!

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We just rent the place, so not sure if we'd be allowed to alarm it all up - I'll speak to the owner when I get back though.

Just get a wireless system. You can take it with you if you move.

Alarms are totally useless unless there is a guard or neighbors who are not scared of their own shadow to come out and do something.

Ok, alarm goes off and what happens next?

1. Robbers get scared and run away

2.Robbers look outside, do not see security and keep robbing

3.Robbers pay off the guard to go to the local store for 15 mins

sorry not trying to be negative but speaking from experience of having owned a security firm for 8 years.

Most people in the West get alarm for insurance premium purposes not because it actually does anything unless you are in high traffic location.

If you are willing to spend the money, then better invest in digital security camera and post large signs that the house is under constant surveillance.

If you chose to go for alarm, make sure to get one of very good quality from a good company. Do not buy the 3000 baht system, while it makes a loud sound it goes off randomly and will drive you and neighbors crazy.

I had one installed which also rang my phone if alarm went off. bloody thing was going off 5 times per night for no reason at all and calling my phone when while i was out. So i had to rush home every 20 mins to turn it off, at the end i just took it out.

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An alarm can scare some off...and at least you are notified something is wrong if you are in the house. Luckily, we are in a gated community with quite a few roving guards. Of course, last ones here were taking part in the break ins!

Problem with a camera is you have to be constantly watching them...or hope it just scares them away?

Ours has not gone off one time...except when I make a mistake! Same with pretty much all of our neighbors. All have alarms and I have only heard one go off in the past few months...that was during the day and was probably one of their 3 maids!

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You can train the dog not to take food from strangers. Anyway the dog will wake you up that is for sure. My dogs sleep in the home and it will be hard to poison them because they first have to open the doors. Before they have done that the dogs will have woken me up.  

On an other note you got lights that switch on on movement. But whatever you do its never full proof.

Rob, I know you have a thing about guard dogs (see extensive thread on this topic) but I did an analysis of housing two rottweillers vs getting robbed.

Robbery = a few thousand baht worth of stuff and the fact that someone has been in your home.


Rottweillers x 2 = food, shit, vet bills, missing shoes, sofas with the corners chewed off, you favorite ties used as dental floss, having to walk them

After a 12.5 minute comparison it is indeed cheaper, less aggravating to be robbed - not that I wish it upon anyone.

Not to mention your neighbours won't hate you.

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Double padlocks on the outside? Sure the roomie isn't actually a girl you store in the basement and that you are from Austria? ;)

In anyway, dogs, if you don't mind the job they bring, is a good way in keeping intruders away.

All of mine is still living with my [x]wife but that is a fairly big land, tall walls etc and I never locked any doors there. No need.

For the apartment we trust the security guard to wake up if anyone tries to break into the front door of the building...I guess.

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An alarm can scare some off...and at least you are notified something is wrong if you are in the house. Luckily, we are in a gated community with quite a few roving guards. Of course, last ones here were taking part in the break ins!

Problem with a camera is you have to be constantly watching them...or hope it just scares them away?

Ours has not gone off one time...except when I make a mistake! Same with pretty much all of our neighbors. All have alarms and I have only heard one go off in the past few months...that was during the day and was probably one of their 3 maids!

Camera is not there to be watched. Because it records everything that means that the robber will be recorded and that means easily busted.

Do not forget none of them really want to go to jail.

If there are guards then yeah alarm is the way to go, providing guards are willing to do their job. Guards at my complex sleep all night long and to make it worse not only they sleep, they make their beds 20-30 meters away from the gate so they do not get woken up by the cars.

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We had a guy in our village go to the guards a few nights ago. He had seen a flashlight in a neighbors yard. Took 15 minutes to get the lazy bugger to check it out! Ended up being one of the people living there just checking things out. But jeez...what if it was a real problem? Guards are mostly worthless...and yes, we have caught them sleeping on several occasions...

I looked at a house for sale in Phuket...had it's own guard shack with living quarters! The owner went home for a month. Came back to find his house empty and the live in guard gone!

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Thanks for the tips guys.

There is no guard in the street at all, it's not a mooban (is that the right word?) - just a normal street that goes alongside a forrest.

In this case the alarm might have been good, it would have woken my housemate up at least so she could call the police, or me if I was in the house.

The next door neighbour is actually the owner of the house too, so I'm guessing if an alarm went off she might go and have a look.

The only "nicest" way to look at it is to assume that the theif thought the house was empty (it's even more scary if they didn't care) and thus from now on, it will be best if we leave lights on even if we are sleeping - so show someone is home.

Cheers guys :)

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You can also hook up your cameras to an Internet site for almost nothing. If the alarm goes off, it calls your cellphone and you can go to the site and see if anyone is actually inside. You can use your phone if you have one that has Internet access. The alarm box will call something like 5 other people if you should so desire.

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Last time we got burgled they stole the wifes credit card. I never reported it as the thief spent less on the card than she did.

555555 goddamn this thread is the best laugh I've had in ages, a serious subject I know but funny as hel_l, wot a scream! keep em' coming......

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Do not worry they will not come back. do not bother with police they do not care.

If you really worried you have 2 options

1. Employ a night guard-salary will not be more then 7-10k per month

2. Get a dog, but remember before it turns into a guard dog it will take 6 months minimum.

If dog is an option, i would suggest taking a young dog from the soi for a few reasons

1. They very protective of their new owners

2. Very protective of their property

3. Not to easy to be fed by a stranger once they have a home

4. Already grown up

I took 2 dogs from the soi, one of them has turned into the best guard dog anyone could wish for without any training. I also live in a small soi and when he smells or sees someone who he does not know he goes crazy not only barking and always corners that person. The more person tries to kick him or send him away the angrier he gets.

at first all the neighbours were angry at me and scared,but now all love him and help out when stranger walks past. Al of them can not stop thanking me how safe they feel now.

Soi dog will get along really well with cats as they already live side by side. So its only the matter of liking dogs

PS. Sometimes in the evening, people go to corner shop and always call him to come out(and he is always happy to join every neighbor to come for walk)

Thats my experience anyway.

I really like your idea, that's an awesome way of giving one or a couple of those poor mutts a home and a proper life, and like you said they are probably going to be mega grateful for three squares a day and a caring owner, most likely give their life to protect you once they have learned to trust you. Well done, that idea gets my vote. I am in a nice modern and safe apt complex but if in a small house or similar I would be up for doing the same as you have done.

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Do not worry they will not come back. do not bother with police they do not care.

If you really worried you have 2 options

1. Employ a night guard-salary will not be more then 7-10k per month

2. Get a dog, but remember before it turns into a guard dog it will take 6 months minimum.

If dog is an option, i would suggest taking a young dog from the soi for a few reasons

1. They very protective of their new owners

2. Very protective of their property

3. Not to easy to be fed by a stranger once they have a home

4. Already grown up

I took 2 dogs from the soi, one of them has turned into the best guard dog anyone could wish for without any training. I also live in a small soi and when he smells or sees someone who he does not know he goes crazy not only barking and always corners that person. The more person tries to kick him or send him away the angrier he gets.

at first all the neighbours were angry at me and scared,but now all love him and help out when stranger walks past. Al of them can not stop thanking me how safe they feel now.

Soi dog will get along really well with cats as they already live side by side. So its only the matter of liking dogs

PS. Sometimes in the evening, people go to corner shop and always call him to come out(and he is always happy to join every neighbor to come for walk)

Thats my experience anyway.

I really like your idea, that's an awesome way of giving one or a couple of those poor mutts a home and a proper life, and like you said they are probably going to be mega grateful for three squares a day and a caring owner, most likely give their life to protect you once they have learned to trust you. Well done, that idea gets my vote. I am in a nice modern and safe apt complex but if in a small house or similar I would be up for doing the same as you have done.

Oh i tell you, they do not even compare to Western dogs(the rescue dogs)

While Western rescue dog is grateful also but they do not know the hardship of Thai soi dogs.

One of my ones is now approx 8 months old and already 27 kg-big buffhead.

From what i notice, he is more then grateful, i mean from sleeping on the concrete in the rain or sun and dirt, eating scraps into aircon house sleeping on the sofa and plenty of good food.

I think he is over the moon :) and will do everything not to allow anyone take this away from him.

Also another positive is, they use to toilet being outside, so no need to toilet train

They know cars, so no need to road train

They can take themselves for a walk, just open the door and my one(anyways) takes himself out for a walk, either to visit neighbors or go for walk to the shop with one of the neighbors or just wonder soi for 20 mins or so.

This also makes life easier as he gets his own exercise if i am not around or he is bored.

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Any thief who is a habitual offender will know how to get past security no matter how tough. Bars work but padlocked with secure locks on the inside and a plate welded to stop exterior access.

Electric fences work very well, using battery systems and voltage coils from cars across twin wires along a fence line so you don't zap the stray moggies!

Razor wire or spikes with outward sharpened stops most. Once inside, gravel on the ground gives away any soft foot. The sharoer the better as they cut bare feet but would be no match to an Isaarn farmer on Yaabaa!

Motion sensor lights work as long as you test the bulbs regularly but these days you can use LED's which are not prone to fail.

Wired bars once inside the yard is very easy. The thief becomes the earth and bingo, rattled teeth. If they get zapped inside the prmises they have no excuse as they were trespassing anyway.

And once inside 140 decibel screamers on motion sensors usually deter most.

But at what cost all this? Would have loved to see how they carried the computer over an 8' high wall...

If all else fails, go see "Home Alone" and get some ideas or a 12 gauge with 1 3/4 ounce reloads and No. 4 duck shot! That usually cuts them down! annoyed.gif

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