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Supermarket Liquior Law


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I was in Lotus a couple of weeks ago and was down by the beer and wine alley and noticed that there was a law which says you cannot purchase liquior between 2pm - 5 pm. Why? Maybe the law is for the school children ,so they have a total ban, but surely, wouldnt it be wiser to ask customers for ID at the checkout? Is there a sensible reason? this topic may have been in the forum before but no one has a valid explanation as yet. :o IMHO its a draconian law, but I may change my view if theres a good reason for it.

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I can't see any good reason for it. Then again...this is Thailand. The rule doesn't really worry me, i plan around it. But seems strange to me u can get pissed as a nit at midday , but not have have a beer after work at 4.30 :o

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It works in favour of the smaller guy, the big shops abide by this law, but the small guy gets all the custom. You can still buy a beer during those times, just find th right place.

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Well, I am cosidered the expert in this field,because of the ten of so topics that have been started in the last six months covering this theme, I have been active in all of them. In fact I started two. The law was brought out in 1972, for what ever reason everybody seems to have forgotten , and stashed in the cupboard till some bright spark in the Government found it lurking there unused in November of last year. They then decreed that on January 14th 2005 this forgotten and totally useless law would be implimented again. The reason ........................................................Don't ask me, I am like the rest of the people in Thailand. I havn't got a clue. :o

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Off out right now (8:45AM) to give the checkout staff (and last time the manager) of Tesco Lotus - Rangsit a maths lesson :o

31 x 330ml cans of Chang = 10.23 Litres so I can buy any time.

Most times they initially insist that I buy two cases, I don't want two cases. A couple of times I've had to take them to read their own notice.

Always get my beer, it's the principle :D:D

And yes, the manager agrees it's a dumb law, he suggests it is to do with tourists in Pattaya, who really knows, TiT.

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I was in Lotus a couple of weeks ago and was down by the beer and wine alley and noticed that there was a law which says you cannot purchase liquior between 2pm - 5 pm. Why? Maybe the law is for the school children ,so they have a total ban, but surely, wouldnt it be wiser to ask customers for ID at the checkout? Is there a sensible reason? this topic may have been in the forum before but no one has a valid explanation as yet. :o  IMHO its a draconian law, but I may change my view if theres a good reason for it.

No, it don't make no sense, DB. Kind of like countless other things here that don't make no sense. You can however buy beer and liquor round the clock in most 7/11's. Why? Who the ###### knows. Just another thing in Thailand that don't make no sense too

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There is no doubt about it.

It is a remarkably dumb law.

You have to assume it has something to do with the morality campaign.

Prohibition light.

Make up your minds, either alchohol is legal or it is not.

Wine is also part of this brilliant law.

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There is no doubt about it.

It is a remarkably dumb law.

You have to assume it has something to do with the morality campaign.

Prohibition light.

Make up your minds, either alchohol is legal or it is not.

Wine is also part of this brilliant law.

How do you spell that: 'wine' or 'whine'?

Just stock up during the right time a few days in advance and dont worry about it. :o

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Now I understand what happened. I didn't know about the 2-5pm restriction on selling alcohol. Last week I went to Tops and bought a pack of A&W Root Beer and the girl at the checkout counter said I can't buy it now. The checkout girl at the next counter informed her it was soda while I'm standing there thinking 'what?' :o

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There is no doubt about it.

It is a remarkably dumb law.

You have to assume it has something to do with the morality campaign.

Prohibition light.

Make up your minds, either alchohol is legal or it is not.

Wine is also part of this brilliant law.

How do you spell that: 'wine' or 'whine'?

Just stock up during the right time a few days in advance and dont worry about it. :o

That's true. it aint the end of the world as we know it. it's like where I come from in the states; you can't buy beer after 8pm or on sundays and holidays. trust me, you can't always plan around the times so you find other ways around. in the case of CT, where I'm from, we cruise a half hour to the NY border and buy our brewskis. in the case of thailand, you cruise the 7/11 or the china dude at the corner store. I can dig, can you?

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There is no doubt about it.

It is a remarkably dumb law.

You have to assume it has something to do with the morality campaign.

Prohibition light.

Make up your minds, either alchohol is legal or it is not.

Wine is also part of this brilliant law.

How do you spell that: 'wine' or 'whine'?

Just stock up during the right time a few days in advance and dont worry about it. :o

That's true. it aint the end of the world as we know it. it's like where I come from in the states; you can't buy beer after 8pm or on sundays and holidays. trust me, you can't always plan around the times so you find other ways around. in the case of CT, where I'm from, we cruise a half hour to the NY border and buy our brewskis. in the case of thailand, you cruise the 7/11 or the china dude at the corner store. I can dig, can you?

I do not think that finding alternative places to buy alcohol is the whole point of this thread. I too find the new/old law to be a little if not completely stupid. It’s only the big store/chains that are affected at all. I can not see children going into Lotus to buy alcohol, they are far more likely to go to 7/11 (also effected) or the corner shop (not effected) to get their fix.

I personally have been caught out by this when I dashed out to get some goodies for a BBQ. I tried to purchase some wine and was reminded I couldn't till 5pm. Frustrated I thought about driving to NY, but settled on going to a friends restaurant and borrowed a couple of bottles. Frustrating!!

Stupid law Connecticut + Stupid law Thailand = Stupid law

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There is no doubt about it.

It is a remarkably dumb law.

You have to assume it has something to do with the morality campaign.

Prohibition light.

Make up your minds, either alchohol is legal or it is not.

Wine is also part of this brilliant law.

How do you spell that: 'wine' or 'whine'?

Just stock up during the right time a few days in advance and dont worry about it. :o

That's true. it aint the end of the world as we know it. it's like where I come from in the states; you can't buy beer after 8pm or on sundays and holidays. trust me, you can't always plan around the times so you find other ways around. in the case of CT, where I'm from, we cruise a half hour to the NY border and buy our brewskis. in the case of thailand, you cruise the 7/11 or the china dude at the corner store. I can dig, can you?

I do not think that finding alternative places to buy alcohol is the whole point of this thread. I too find the new/old law to be a little if not completely stupid. It’s only the big store/chains that are affected at all. I can not see children going into Lotus to buy alcohol, they are far more likely to go to 7/11 (also effected) or the corner shop (not effected) to get their fix.

I personally have been caught out by this when I dashed out to get some goodies for a BBQ. I tried to purchase some wine and was reminded I couldn't till 5pm. Frustrated I thought about driving to NY, but settled on going to a friends restaurant and borrowed a couple of bottles. Frustrating!!

Stupid law Connecticut + Stupid law Thailand = Stupid law

Please, please folks.............................I think all of you are forgetting that this law not only applies to shops, but to Bars,Hotels, Snooker Halls, Restaurants, road Side Somtam sellers, in fact everywhere in Thailand where alcahol is sold. What compounds the stupidity is the fact that although by law that booze is to only be sold between the hours of 11.00-14.00 & 17.00-Midnight, the Police and Government issue directives that all drinking dens and the like must close and stop selling at 01.00.

So basically the law says. "You must in no circumstance sell alcahol after midnight, but if you do you must in no circumstances sell alcohol after 01.00"

The only venues that are exempt from this rule are places that have 'Rice Porridge' Licences. These are allowed to trade 24/7.

O.K. a lot of places do not take this ruling seriously ( in fact if you have looked on Thai visa you have seen some idiots have put a list of some of those establishments that do not comply) but a lot of places in prominent positions do.

Really though reading between the lines, no-body knows the answer to the question 'Is the law legal or not'

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What compounds the stupidity is the fact that although by law that booze is to only be sold between the hours of 11.00-14.00 & 17.00-Midnight, the Police and Government issue directives that all drinking dens and the like must close and stop selling at 01.00.

So basically the law says. "You must in no circumstance sell alcahol after midnight, but if you do you must in no circumstances sell alcohol after 01.00"

That never occured to me till you just mentioned it. T.I.T

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I can't see any good reason for it. Then again...this is Thailand. The rule doesn't really worry me, i plan around it. But seems strange to me u can get pissed as a nit at midday , but not have have a beer after work at 4.30  :o

that explains why there are so many pickups in LOS!! :D:D

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If you want dumb laws, look at he UK Sunday Trading law:-

Up until relatively recently it was illegal to buy a Bible on Sunday, although a porn mag. was OK :D

A bottle of milk was OK, but a can of condensed milk was illegal (unless bought for a baby) :o

Fresh or frozen peas OK, canned peas - cannot :D

Fried fish -- No, chips and fried anything else (including fish-fingers) -- OK

The list goes on, laws have been sort of fixed, but still not quite there.

Edited by Crossy
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My first thoughts were that this got to do something with the booming alcoholism in the Thai society. But, cannot by one beer, must by 12 plus...???

Dosn't make any sense. :o

It might have something to do with this governments war on poverty. Now, more money is going to the private mom'and pop's shops........they never follow this law, it's 24/7.

Beats me.

And by the way, I'm not drunk writing this message. :D

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I was in a large supermarket yesterday at about 3 pm. A young girl invited me to sample some wines and I found one I liked and decided to buy it. Then I suddenly remembered the no go hours and told the girl I'd have to wait until 5 pm.

Her reply was "No problem the law doesn't count for farangs". Sure enough everyone was buying beer and wine.


Like all laws here they are soon forgotten.

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Forgot to mention on my last post. All last month they were giving samples of the new whiskey brand, Benmore?, to all customers, at the Big C on Saphan Khwaai. Yes, all day long. Some whiskey in a plastic cup, mixed with soda by attractive sales girl, for free. I would have tried it too but figured there was too many people on the line. :o

Maybe a good tactic on retailing, let's get the customers a bit drunk, then the will buy more???

They have never refused to sell me alcohol at the big supermarkets. I figured that the cahsiers didn't know what time it was.

7/11 and Family Mart are strict about this nowadays on my experience in Bangkok. Few times they have even made a mistake about the time, refusing to sell at 6 o'clock. That was ofcourse cleared out easily.

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I think the most confusing issue here isn't the law itself - for as Meadish said, simply stock up at other times to avoid having an empty fridge at home - but as to why it has suddenly been enforced again out of the blue for Lampers informs us that it has been around since 1972.

I personally feel that it is a knock on of the whole social order clampdown where old laws are dusted off and enforced.

Atre they clamping down on being able to get a beer in a bar or restaurant during these hours too? That would miff me a little!!

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Lets have a look at some new Thai laws:

1. Law; Television must close down at midnight

Reason; Save power.

Result; Everybody uses their videos,DVD's,VCD's

End product; People use twice as much power.

2. Law; You cannot buy 1 bottle of beer in the afternoon. You can however buy 2 cases.

Reason; Probably too many young people getting drunk.

Result; People buy two cases.

End product; They sell cheap beer to school kids cause they have too much.

3. Law; Bars must close at one oclock( even though it's supposed to be illegal to buy beer after twelve)

Reason; To show Thailand is not a country of drunkardness and bebauchery and attract more tourists.

Result; Everybody must go home at one oclock after breaking the law for an hour.

End product. Tourists find other destinations, because they wanted to come to a place where enjoying themselves was allowed.

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Lets have a look at some new Thai laws:

1. Law;            Television must close down at midnight

    Reason;        Save power.

    Result;          Everybody uses their videos,DVD's,VCD's

    End product;  People use twice as much power.

2. Law;              You cannot buy 1 bottle of beer in the afternoon. You can however buy 2 cases.

    Reason;        Probably too many young people getting drunk.

    Result;          People buy two cases.

    End product;  They sell cheap beer to school kids cause they have too much.

3. Law;              Bars must close at one oclock( even though it's supposed to be illegal to buy beer after twelve)

    Reason;          To show Thailand is not a country of drunkardness and bebauchery and attract more tourists.

    Result;            Everybody must go home at one oclock after breaking the law for an hour.

    End product.    Tourists find other destinations, because they wanted to come to a place where enjoying themselves was allowed.

I quite agree that these laws wont work at all;

if they didnt want minors to drink alcohol at all they must enforce it properly, not ban sales of alcohol at certain hours. It would br far easier to have ID checks at the point of sale to prove you are of legal age to consume alcohol. Heavy fines/shop closure would deter any greedy shop owners.

I find it hard to believe that there arent many police out at night stopping drunk people in pickups ,motorbikes etc. Is it me or are there too many drunk people out driving at night? Im in Chiang Mai. :o

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