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Egyptian Embassy Bangkok

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My wife and I found a very cheap route to London via Cairo with Egyptair (B59,000 for 2 passengers return trip). So, we decided to stay 3 nights in Cairo as a stopover and a short holiday. As we have travelled quite a lot, we weren’t too concerned about an Egyptian visa for her. I knew that I could get one on arrival at Cairo airport being a UK citizen.

Trying to find the Egyptian embassy in Bangkok on the internet proved almost impossible. All websites gave the address in Las Colinas Building in Soi Asoke; others were even more outdated giving the address in Soi Ruam Rudee where they were many years ago. I eventually found the website via the Thai government MFA website. I got a phone number and called them. It was an automatic response saying that for a visa, you need an application form & photo, a hotel reservation, flight confirmation and a bank statement or financial document. The message then ended abruptly with no chance of speaking to anyone in the place.

Yesterday, we trudged along to the embassy in Soi Ekkamai and were greeted at the main door by a well dressed Middle Eastern guy. He automatically handed us 2 application forms. I said I didn’t need one as I would get my visa on arrival at Cairo airport. He then said that Cairo doesn’t issue visas on arrival to Brits anymore and I would have to get a visa there and then. I thought this very strange as I had extensively trawled the internet making sure of getting a visa on arrival. Every site I looked at said that western nationals, US, Canadian, Australian citizens etc could get one at CAI airport. He then said that if I turned up at Swampy, I would not be allowed to board the plane as I had no visa. He was very insistent that I get a visa there. I thought what the h3ll, it’s probably the same price. I asked the Thai woman at the counter how much for a visa for a Thai and she told me B1,500. And a UK citizen? B3,600. That’s US$115; nearly ten times the price of a visa on arrival (US$15). I started to get a bit annoyed at such a blatant rip off and decided to proceed only with my wife’s visa. The old Thai woman asked for an English translation of our Thai marriage certificate, what the h3ll for? I then produced an updated bank book. She said that I needed a bank statement and the book was no good!! I think she was being obstreperous and unhelpful as I wouldn’t get a visa for myself at B3,600. She probably got a commission of the proceeds. I lost it and started shouting at her and the other guy saying that this was a blatant rip off before we even got to Egypt, she was a lying bitch and that other gorilla could stick his <deleted> country up his <deleted> h*le! I know it's not particilarly bright to lose it especially in an embassy, but we decided to pull the plug on the Egyptian sector of our trip back home by this point and I thought they should know I was onto them and what I thought!

We went home and cancelled our Egyptair ticket and am waiting for a refund. I cancelled my hotel although I hadn’t paid anything (via Asia Rooms) and booked a direct flight with BA.

I have heard other horror stories from other people as well as posters in this forum.

BEWARE!! Do not be coerced into getting a visa at a huge rip off price to fill the pockets of those greedy bastards at the embassy. As there is no website or email or phone nuber to complain, I am going to send an officail complaint to the MFA in Cairo; fat lot of good that'll do anyway, but it'll make me feel better!!

Rant over!

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LMAO, thank you OP. I will remember this the next time I decide to holiday in the Middle East....That 1 time when I go next time would equal the total number of time I holidayed in ANY MId East country. LOL.. Zero. but thank you for the heads up. I was planning to do a whirlwind tour of the region starting in my favorite place, Telaviv but something got me sidetracked. Oh well, I'll be one of the few world's people that never went within 3,000 miles of the area.

Oh well, my loss

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Western nationalities CAN get a visa on arrival at CAI airport. Google it and all websites will say so!

It was just the scum at the embassy, lying to and fleecing all foreigners gullible enough to believe their lies. This has really put me off Egypt. We cancelled Egypt Air and got a direct flight to LHR with BA.

My advice; have NOTHING to do with that embassy.

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"I think she was being obstreperous...I lost it and started shouting at her and the other guy saying that this was a blatant rip off..."

Since "obstreperous" is defined as "unruly" or "out of control", you sound as though YOU - not her - were obstreperous. Great word, though.

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I have no knowledge of the Egyptian embassy or it's procedures, but it seems very odd to me that entry clearance staff would be waiting at the building entrance to greet visa applicants.

Your experience sounds very similar to people who thought they were being ripped off by the UK visa application centre when in fact they had been waylaid by staff of an unscrupulous visa agency masquerading as UKVAC staff. They don't actually say they are UKVAC staff, but certainly try to give the impression that they are!

Are you sure that it was Egyptian embassy staff that you were dealing with and not an agency using similar tactics?

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I have no knowledge of the Egyptian embassy or it's procedures, but it seems very odd to me that entry clearance staff would be waiting at the building entrance to greet visa applicants.

Your experience sounds very similar to people who thought they were being ripped off by the UK visa application centre when in fact they had been waylaid by staff of an unscrupulous visa agency masquerading as UKVAC staff. They don't actually say they are UKVAC staff, but certainly try to give the impression that they are!

Are you sure that it was Egyptian embassy staff that you were dealing with and not an agency using similar tactics?

It was in the embassy as he was standing right in front of the glass screened counters. The embassy is actually an office and the visa application area is about 30ft x 20 ft. He was chatting to another Egyptian behind the glass screen, so he was an embassy official and not a visa agent.

HHGZ, yeah, I like the word obstreperous too!!:lol:

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Good job you decided not to go 'cos you'd just have faced exactly the same sort of rip off's in Cairo and have lost your cool and spoilt your holiday.

But why cancell the airline if the prices were so good? Just do the trip without the stopover, or apply for the visa for the wife in UK and stop on the way back?

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I was so angry at being blatantly lied to face to face that I wanted absolutely nothing more to do with that country!! Maybe she would have needed a Transit visa to enter/exit Cairo and the embassy weren't going to help us out in any way!!

So, one man (read piece of sh1t) stopped the national airline, a hotel, taxis, numerous shops and tours getting their cut of my spending loot!!

edited for spelling

Edited by Cuchulainn
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