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Malaysia, Thailand join US-led exercises

WASHINGTON (AFP) -- Malaysia and Thailand have for the first time joined a major US-led exercise in the Pacific Ocean in which some 20,000 personnel are practicing how to coordinate in a crisis, an officer said Friday.

Billed as the world's largest international maritime war games, the biennial Rim of the Pacific Exercise, or RIMPAC, opened Wednesday for a six-week run off Hawaii.

Colombia, France, Malaysia and Thailand are all new participants in RIMPAC, according to the US Third Fleet, which coordinates the maneuvers.

"By having these nations participate for the first time, they're exposed to how we operate," said US Navy Captain Paul McKeon, RIMPAC's exercise control officer.

"This will allow these new participants to be able to very quickly become part of a multinational organization in the event of a short-notice, real-world crisis event, whether it's hostilities or if it's a natural or man-made event," he told AFP by telephone.

The other participants, which have previously taken part in the games, are Australia, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Japan, the Netherlands, Peru, Singapore and South Korea.

Three other countries -- Brazil, India and New Zealand -- are observers in RIMPAC, which has been held since 1971.

A total of more than 150 aircraft, 34 ships and five submarines are taking part in the exercise, according to the US military.

Thailand is one of the most longstanding allies of the United States and this year was the host of the Asia-focused "Cobra Gold" exercises.

Malaysia's relations with the United States have been improving since President Barack Obama took office. Malaysia announced this month that it would also join Cobra Gold.

McKeon said that RIMPAC included exercises in counter-piracy, a major concern in the strategic Strait of Malacca.

But McKeon said the exercises were planned without specific consideration to current events such as tensions on the Korean peninsula.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy has building ties with the United States. Last year, France rejoined NATO military command from which it pulled out in 1966.

Colombia is a major recipient of US military support as it fights leftist guerrillas and drug traffickers.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-06-26


Yep, New World Order marches on. Although I will say that cooperation in any endeavor is always better than competition. Even competitive sports, talent contests, etc require the participants to cooperate with a host of rules. The various militaries should also cooperate for the good of humanity and hopefully not use their leveraged power for evil.


Thailand is one of the most longstanding allies of the United States and this year was the host of the Asia-focused "Cobra Gold" exercises.

Thailand is always the host of Cobra Gold. It started as a joint US-Thai training excercise that later began including lots of other nations


Thailand is one of the most longstanding allies of the United States and this year was the host of the Asia-focused "Cobra Gold" exercises.

Thailand is always the host of Cobra Gold. It started as a joint US-Thai training excercise that later began including lots of other nations

Of course Cobra Gold has always taken place in Thailand, as excercises taking place elsewhere have other names. However, that doesn't make the quality journalist wrong in any way. This year's CG excercises were indeed hosted by Thailand! (Cut'em some slack I'd say, these journalists have to cover so many different things.)

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Thailand should slash the defence budjet in half , then spend it on education, instead of playing war games.

It has been said that the US defense budget equals the combined budgets of the seven, next-largest nations (China, India, Russia, etc).

I wonder who would attack the US if its "defense spending" were halved.

War itself is big business for some...not just the defense contractors but the Rothchilds, Rockerfellers and Bilderbergers, too.

Some years back, the first President Bush had just completed a press conference. As he was making his exit, a reporter fired one last question, something like: "Mister President...what's this 'New World Order' all about?"

Bush stopped in his tracks and turned back toward the reporter and, with a sly, smirking grin responded: "New World Order? You'll find out."

Indeed, after Bush left office, he became the global ambassador for the NWO which operates not unlike the credit card sharks. A semi-developed nation which refuses to get with the program is either embargoed, blockaded or revolutionized by 'the rebels'. And the countries which do fall in line are funded with loans they cannot repay.

What a business!


The only reason Malaysia is joining this Exercise is the current leader PM Najib Razak @ Najis ...the same culprit who had blown up a Mongolian gal with a C4 has vested interest in arms to fill his personal pocket.

Coincidentally...the poor Mongolian gal was the middle person involved with some Russian arms deal seeking her commission from the then candidate & now currently the position of PM of Malaysia. Need I need to say more of the rest of the countries?

One world order training up the troops?ph34r.gif

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