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Mrs CM had a chest X-ray this week as a part of her TB test for a UK Settlement visa, an unexpected bi-product of the X-ray was that she was observed to have Thoracic Scoliosis or a curved spine - more common in women and depending on the degree of curvature it can be dangerous, no advice on treatment was offered but it was noted on here IOM certificate.

My question is, being a big proponent of Chiropractics, is this a condition that can potentially be treated (at least in part) by a Chiropractor - limited information I have found on this subject suggest that wearing a brace and/or exercise is the usual course of treatment although surgery can be required in more extreme cases and typically only in young people?

BTW: my fondness for Chiropractics stems from having two herniated discs in 1989 and the medical profession wanting to perform a disectomy (sp). Some simple chiropractic treatment allowed me to avoid all of that and I've remained pain free ever since despite an MRI confirming the problem still exists.

It will help me if we can restrict the discussion to Scoliosis and Chiropractics rather than a general pro's and cons of Chiropractics, thanks.


Scoliosis in adults is a fixed and permanent condition. This is obviously, in this case, an incidental find and probably has no clinical or health impact.

Chiropractics has no role here.

The condition can be treated by a brace or surgical procedure in extreme cases but only in growing children before the growth plates of the spinal vertebrae have fused.

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