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Tourists Needed!


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70,000 villages to be drawn into anti-drugs network

The government hopes to create a network of 70,000 anti-drugs villages over the next four years to reinforce its existing narcotics suppression measures, the secretary-general of the Office of the Narcotics Control Board revealed yesterday.

Speaking in anticipation of today’s UN International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Pol. Lt. Gen. Krissana Ponanant announced plans to expand the existing 10,000-strong village network by another 60,000 villages.

Under the plans, each village would have at least 10 residents acting as network representatives.

Pol. Lt. Gen. Krissana also announced plans to crack down on drug use and trafficking among tourists. (TNA)

It's the last paragraph that worries me :D

I agree that they have to fight against drugs, and tourists shouldn't use them eigher, but if they start piss testing and searching lots of innocent tourists in bars and clubs, then it's another nail in the coffin of the Tourist industry.

Right now they need tourist $ coming in, it's an export afterall. Asians are scared away and not coming back soon, families are sticking to the gulf coast and island resorts such as Koh Samui.

They need to attract as many tourists as possible, they should open up bars and clubs till 4am minimum, everywhere else in europe it's till 6am or later. Longer opening hours will attract more visitors for sure.

But what do they want to do, hassle innocent tourists who are out enjoying themselves. :o

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