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Bangkok Remains At Risk Of Attack, More Violence


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Bangkok remains at risk of attack, more violence

By The Nation


Intelligence points to anti-govt activities once emergency is lifted: Suthep

BANGKOK: -- Certain areas of Bangkok remain at risk of attack or violent incidents and may continue under the state of emergency, Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said yesterday.

The government had not decided whether other security measures, including imposition of the less draconian Internal Security Act, would be put in place should the state of emergency be lifted, he added.

Citing intelligence reports, Suthep said attempts would be made to call public gatherings disguised as charity functions or other social activities, which would turn into anti-government rallies, not long after the state of emergency is lifted.

Asked about speculation that red-shirt leaders were being sheltered by the Cambodian government, and even residing in Prime Minister Hun Sen's residence, Suthep said: "Maybe the media can discuss that openly, but on behalf of the government, I cannot say anything, as it would affect bilateral relations."

Acting police chief Pol General Patheep Tanprasert said the government would meet on July 5 to decide whether the state of emergency should be extended beyond July 7. He said he personally thought it should be retained in Bangkok, but in the provinces it should be in effect on a case-by-case basis in certain areas.

A motorcycle found abandoned not far from an Army fuel depot, which took hits from rocket propelled grenades on Sunday, was yesterday reclaimed by its owner. Muang Nonthaburi police said Chakhrit Wilaiwan produced ownership documents and retrieved the vehicle but they did not offer any details about him.

A fake bomb was placed on Rama II Road near Central Department store yesterday, prompting panic among communities where it was found.

The fake bomb was made of |two pipes filled with sand and a battery with electric wires bound around them - an attempt meant to make it look genuine to cause disruption, police said. The bomb was lying 500 metres from the Central store near an abandoned shophouse.

Police said the site was used frequently by police to set up checkpoints to deter motorcycle racing, and the racers may have made the fake bomb to scare the police.


-- The Nation 2010-07-01

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A military state, step-by-step, day-by-day, drip-by-drip

I don’t understand what is wrong with keeping the emergency act in place till after the election. I would think the Thai publics will appreciate this more than lifting them and having problem all over again. Especially I don’t believe the Red Shirt will be happy with the election results if and when it happens any way so they may start terrorizing the public again

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A military state, step-by-step, day-by-day, drip-by-drip

Some might say that the government showed amazing (and excessive) restraint and tolerance (or was obliged to do so as a result of lack of police and military willingness to carry out government policy) during the period leading up to the height of the Red Shirt crisis, and is now a bit gun shy about letting known threats to public safety re-emerge. It all depends on whether you see that episode as a genuine demonstration of broad public opposition, or something agitated for and primarily brought about by agents provocateurs. Frankly, I think it was the red shirts that were prodded into continually upping the ante, thinking that by going all in they could bring down the government. They overplayed their hand and lost it all. But I realize that many are convinced the game is not over, and that when the reds finally show their hand, it'll be in the form of a true public uprising with civil unrest, possibly even civil war. Whichever, if the agitation were to subside to the level of reasonable political discourse, so would the state of emergency. If you're one of those who feels widespread civil unrest is imminent, would you really expect the government to be relaxing its guard right now?

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A military state, step-by-step, day-by-day, drip-by-drip

I don't understand what is wrong with keeping the emergency act in place till after the election. I would think the Thai publics will appreciate this more than lifting them and having problem all over again. Especially I don't believe the Red Shirt will be happy with the election results if and when it happens any way so they may start terrorizing the public again

Which "Thai publics?"

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A military state, step-by-step, day-by-day, drip-by-drip

I don't understand what is wrong with keeping the emergency act in place till after the election. I would think the Thai publics will appreciate this more than lifting them and having problem all over again. Especially I don't believe the Red Shirt will be happy with the election results if and when it happens any way so they may start terrorizing the public again

Which "Thai publics?"

I think a larger part of the Thai public is currently concerned about the crackdown on worldcup gambling ;)

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Maybe they could let us know what the 'intelligence' is so we can all see for ourselves if there is indeed a threat, or is this information from the Suthep book of made up evidence., such as the crap on the PMs house, the grenades definitely fired from the park (evidence has since disproved this) etc etc etc.

If this guy told me it was raining outside I would still check, I wouldn't trust his as far as I could throw him.

There is no need for the decree to still be in place, I am sure if they saw a large rally forming they could enforce the decree again, and it seems it is only aimed at one group, the so called multicoloured rallied without arrests, so maybe he should just say it is only in place for the reds and anyone else can do as they please. That said isnt even the sitting of parliament breaching the decree?

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Maybe they could let us know what the 'intelligence' is so we can all see for ourselves if there is indeed a threat, or is this information from the Suthep book of made up evidence., such as the crap on the PMs house, the grenades definitely fired from the park (evidence has since disproved this) etc etc etc.

If this guy told me it was raining outside I would still check, I wouldn't trust his as far as I could throw him.

There is no need for the decree to still be in place, I am sure if they saw a large rally forming they could enforce the decree again, and it seems it is only aimed at one group, the so called multicoloured rallied without arrests, so maybe he should just say it is only in place for the reds and anyone else can do as they please. That said isnt even the sitting of parliament breaching the decree?

How people see things depends mostly on how they saw things. Read this newsflash "http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/07/01/politics/The-Hunt-for-&039;truth&039;-continues-30132744.html", interesting.

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Asked about speculation that red-shirt leaders were being sheltered by the Cambodian government, and even residing in Prime Minister Hun Sen's residence, Suthep said: "Maybe the media can discuss that openly, but on behalf of the government, I cannot say anything, as it would affect bilateral relations.

I'm not ruling that out for you. You are free to conjure any bogeymen you wish and it pleases me to no end.

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Maybe they could let us know what the 'intelligence' is so we can all see for ourselves if there is indeed a threat, or is this information from the Suthep book of made up evidence., such as the crap on the PMs house, the grenades definitely fired from the park (evidence has since disproved this) etc etc etc.

If this guy told me it was raining outside I would still check, I wouldn't trust his as far as I could throw him.

There is no need for the decree to still be in place, I am sure if they saw a large rally forming they could enforce the decree again, and it seems it is only aimed at one group, the so called multicoloured rallied without arrests, so maybe he should just say it is only in place for the reds and anyone else can do as they please. That said isnt even the sitting of parliament breaching the decree?

How people see things depends mostly on how they saw things. Read this newsflash "http://www.nationmultimedia.com/home/2010/07/01/politics/The-Hunt-for-&039;truth&039;-continues-30132744.html", interesting.

...Your answer will most likely depend on your view of Thaksin, the September 2006 military coup, your ideas about Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and those supposedly "behind him"....

well not really the law is the law and it doesnt depend on what way youlook at the facts.... a fact is a fact

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The only way to perhaps prevent a reoccurrence of last May’s mayhem is to hold fair and transparent elections and for all sides to agree to abide by the results, but even that doesn’t guarantee anything. If the Puea Thai Party gets enough votes to form the next government, which is very likely, we will probably see the PAD back on the streets causing trouble and maybe closing down the airport once again. Unfortunately it doesn’t look too good that the great political divide among Thai citizens is going to narrow anytime soon.

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Personally i prefer to have a military state but be safe and not having to worry about being blown up at any time.

All those worried, you should go stay in Israel for a few weeks and see how good it feels when every minute of the day there is a chance of being blown up.

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A military state, step-by-step, day-by-day, drip-by-drip

does anybody know why the CRES shut down access to italian newspaper website repubblica.it?

Don't blame the CRES for very problem you have. Using my 'true online' internet connection I can access http://www.repubblica.it/

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Maybe they could let us know what the 'intelligence' is so we can all see for ourselves if there is indeed a threat

The headlines from the thread

is a good place to start:

Police Arrest Makers of Bhum Jai Thai Bomb

Police arrest 'Red Shirts' over Bangkok bomb attempt

4 More Bombers Identified as Red Shirt Sympathisers

2 key suspects in Bhum Jai Thai bomb flee to Cambodia

There is no need for the decree to still be in place

red bombers on the prowl is need enough

I am sure if they saw a large rally forming they could enforce the decree again, and it seems it is only aimed at one group, the so called multicoloured rallied without arrests, so maybe he should just say it is only in place for the reds and anyone else can do as they please.

are others, like the multi-coloreds, bombing (or earlier, bombing and burning) Bangkok?

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A military state, step-by-step, day-by-day, drip-by-drip

Some might say that the government showed amazing (and excessive) restraint and tolerance (or was obliged to do so as a result of lack of police and military willingness to carry out government policy) during the period leading up to the height of the Red Shirt crisis, and is now a bit gun shy about letting known threats to public safety re-emerge...

...If you're one of those who feels widespread civil unrest is imminent, would you really expect the government to be relaxing its guard right now?

Truer words never spoken. The "protesters" got greedy for power, turned down a reasonable peace deal, burned down buildings all over the country and shot themselves in the foot. The PM is justified in keeping them from creating more anarchy and destroying the country - however he has to do it.

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A military state, step-by-step, day-by-day, drip-by-drip

Some might say that the government showed amazing (and excessive) restraint and tolerance (or was obliged to do so as a result of lack of police and military willingness to carry out government policy) during the period leading up to the height of the Red Shirt crisis, and is now a bit gun shy about letting known threats to public safety re-emerge...

...If you're one of those who feels widespread civil unrest is imminent, would you really expect the government to be relaxing its guard right now?

Truer words never spoken. The "protesters" got greedy for power, turned down a reasonable peace deal, burned down buildings all over the country and shot themselves in the foot. The PM is justified in keeping them from creating more anarchy and destroying the country - however he has to do it.

King George and the British royalists were probably saying the same thing about the American colonies in the late 1700's.

Edited by Groongthep
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A military state, step-by-step, day-by-day, drip-by-drip

Some might say that the government showed amazing (and excessive) restraint and tolerance (or was obliged to do so as a result of lack of police and military willingness to carry out government policy) during the period leading up to the height of the Red Shirt crisis, and is now a bit gun shy about letting known threats to public safety re-emerge...

...If you're one of those who feels widespread civil unrest is imminent, would you really expect the government to be relaxing its guard right now?

Truer words never spoken. The "protesters" got greedy for power, turned down a reasonable peace deal, burned down buildings all over the country and shot themselves in the foot. The PM is justified in keeping them from creating more anarchy and destroying the country - however he has to do it.

I agree mostly, but dislike the part "however he has to do it". Would you care to rephrase into something a bit more in line with the law?

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Post removed that had "signs" on it that commented on the Monarchy. I guess someone didn't get the first 44562378892 warnings. <_<

I only counted 44562378850. I guess you see more in the scrum. :P

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We must keep the SOE until Dec 2011 to stop terrorists from shooting at empty tank.

I am sorry i just want to check how life is different with SOE and without it?

How exactly it affect an every day life of people?

Edited by kuffki
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