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"ghost" Employees?

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This question is directed towards steve or greg, but of course anyone that can respond feel free.These "ghost" employees I've seen you mention in other posts, when it comes time to report the 8% of there "contributions" to the gov. whose name are you using?Just something made up?

My situation is this,my GF(thai)and soon to be wife,and I(aussie) are living and working in the middle-east, but planning on moving to Thailand sometime towards the middle to end of next year.We wish to start our own business/es but of course at the start funds will be tight, so having 4 employees would be a luxury.Our 1st option for a business at this stage is something in the accomodation market, starting small and growing not to large.Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated,ta :o

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Hi CJ -

"Ghost" employees must be real people, with Thai ID cards. To register them you must have a signed copy of their identity card.

When getting a work permit fora new company, you need only show identity documents, and an organizational chart showing the poistion of all Thai and non-Thai employees, and their salaries.

Come time for work permit renewal, you must show receipts for the social fund payments for the three most recent months, for four employees.

'Hope that answered your questions.




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Until now it depends on the visa type.

1.With the 1 year visa that you apply at immigration inside Thailand you'll need 4 employees. That can be ghost ones, e.g. in case your company makes money, than you'll pay less tax( salary for ghost empl. only on paper!)

2.With a non immigrant B visa, applied at an embassie or consulate outside Thailand it should be still enough to have 1 Thai-employee only. :D

You could first apply for type 2, then when your business developes go for the 1 year visa.

Chok Dee


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In my opinion it's better for you when the "ghosts" are in Thailand.

You'll have to expect that a goverm.organ is checking on your company, and also on the staff. When they are living not to far from you ,at least you can organise your ghosts to show up, if requested.

e.g my ghost mae ban, have to "work" every second day, she also have the choice to clean the office in the evening, so they can check and I can explain easily.

Another point is the social assurance, the ghosts save you tax, but you also must pay assurance for them, only 8% from their salry.

This makes much more sence if the person is living in Thailand, take someone that doesn't have the assurance already , or cant get it from his work.

Anybody less, using the 30 Baht card is a benefit for the sick health system here!

Experienced doctors are leaving the goverment hospitals, cause they are "sick" that their is not enough money to treat their patients well.

Chok Dee :o

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it is ILLEGAL to have "ghost" employees on your payroll!!! and yes the authorities do come occasionally to check!

if you try to start a new business stay within the law, it may be more difficult but will pay off in the long run.


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These "ghost" employees I've seen you mention in other posts, when it comes time to report the 8% of there "contributions" to the gov. whose name are you using?

I've never mentioned doing this before. I know it does take place but Opalhort is correct, the gov does come around and check from time to time.


Sunbelt Asia

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If your setting up a business in some kind of accomodation offering - should be quite easy to come up with 4 employees. Perhaps along the following lines:

Your GF - property manager

another person - maid

another person - gardener

another person - driver

There you have 4 people. So long as your paying them a salary albeit small and they do exist, then you should be ok. Assumes of course that their are some kind of jobs that these people would need to do but of course driver is for picking up people to see the acomodation. maid to clean the accomodation and gardener for looking after the gardens of the accomodation. whether they are doing the job from day one is I believe something not so critical - after all I could think of 30% of the people in our office who do nothing all day!!!!

Hope this helps.

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To All,

Thanks for the replys, they all help. :o Sunbelt, how far in advance would i need to make an appointment to come and see you next time I'm in BKK, as usually I'm only there for 48hrs and at short notice?And can anyone out there recommend any grahpic designers/web hosters that charge reasonable prices?Ta

And Digger, come to the middle-east mate, 80% of the people over here don't do any work!

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Camel Jockey,

A couple days notice is fine. We have three fulltime registered lawyers who all speak English, who can help you. I, of course will be looking forward to meeting you as well.


On the salaries, each employee has to get a minimum wage of 5,100 Baht per month in Bangkok.

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