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Silly Questions!


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Ok i am going to Bangkok in december on my own and meeting some friends out there after a few days.

I hope my questions dont sound silly but i have heard some horror stories about tourists being thrown in jail for doing things that are not acceptable in thailand...

1. Can i sunbathe topless at my hotel pool without offending the thai residents?

2.I understand it is offensive to show the soles of your feet, do you think it would be wise to cover my feet if sunbathing face down with my feet facing up?

3. As i am female will i get harrassed by the local men if i am on my own?

4. Will it be sunny in december, i understand it will be warm and dry but im hoping it will be sunny and not cloudy.

Thats all i can think of for now but im sure i will think of more!

Would appreciate all comments.

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1... I have seen farang women sunbathing topless in some of the large tourist resorts.. however Thais will stare and be uncomfortable.. My wife dissolved into a fit of embarassment when she saw a farang women topless on the beach. I would say it's not really appropriate.. even more so in Bangkok (and of course the south)

2... No need to cover your feet wheen lying down, i'd say it more applies to social situations when you should be mindful of this. Things like not stepping over someone are more important in this case

3... See point 1... topless sunbathing will attract stares and attention from Thai males, as will inappropriate clothing. Can't add any more, that's a question the girls can answer

4... It will be warm, most probably sunny with a few clouds, all depends really, you know what weathers like

Just my opinion

totster :o

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all good answers toots :D

1) Topless sunbathing, no. not anywhere if you can help it & def not in a hotel in Bangkok, would be the same as topless sunbathing at the dorchester in London :D , not really the scene for it. A bit more acceptable down on the beaches but again, when going off the beach, cover up & be respectful that thailand & most thai people are fairly conservative.

2) Basic no no's - Don't touch people on the head, not even children, it is very disrespectful, don't go to the temples in a bikini or scantily dressesd & don't sit with the soles of your feet pointing at someone (sunbathing is different as you are laying down) if in a car/train/bus, don't put your feet up on the chair in front, very rude! & don't be/say rude things about buddha & the royal family. :D

3) Thai men are the same as any men, some will try it on & some wont. :D If a guy shows you unwanted interest just tell him no thanks & turn away. If he persists, leave or ask the staff of the bar to tell him to go away. If that fails, tell him you have a boyfriend & he will get the idea, pretty much the same as any other country :o . In 7 years I never had a pushy guy, lots of attention in clubs & bars but no one that wouldn't go away when asked. :D

Don't be one of these dafty women who comes here thinking that all thai people will be so lovely & dont they smile a lot & isn't it safe here. It's a big country with good & bad people the same as anywhere. :D

Don't underestimate the thai people, just cause they seem more laid back doesn't mean they are stupid. :D Don't assume that a smiling face is a genuine one (before I get flamed, read the next sentance) but use your judgment & as with any overseas travel, excersise a little caution.

That said, I made some great friends (and a husband) :D in LOS by behaving the same as I would back home (using my common sense & trusting my own judgement) it's a great country with mostly kind, lovely people but be aware that theres are bad here too.

4) the weather.......dunno, your guess is as good as mine, anyone who has been in the kingdom a while knows there are no fixed rules but generally it is sunny most of the time & always hot in BKK :D

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Your questions have been answered Becks, I hope you have a wonderful time as we all have.

My very best wishes on behalf of the members of ThaiVisa.com.  :o

I also have a silly question of my own...

You wouldn't be Joanne Beckham (Dave's sister) by any chance would you?

I dunno why you tied in her name with "him" scamp... my first thought was beer.. :D

totster :D

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Q : sunbathe topless at my hotel pool without offending the thai residents

A : if u stay in classy hotel..no one care you nor get harrassed , December is winter here, but for you, i think the weather is nice ..and yes sunny

Bambi :o

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Q : sunbathe topless at my hotel pool without offending the thai residents

A : if u  stay in  classy hotel..no one care you nor  get harrassed , December is winter here, but for  you, i think the weather is  nice ..and yes sunny

Bambi :o

December is monsoon month, do expect shower every now and then.

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Q : sunbathe topless at my hotel pool without offending the thai residents

A : if u  stay in  classy hotel..no one care you nor  get harrassed , December is winter here, but for  you, i think the weather is  nice ..and yes sunny

Bambi :o

December is monsoon month, do expect shower every now and then.

The climate of most of Thailand is governed by three seasons: rainy (roughly June through October), caused by the southwest monsoon dumping moisture gathered from the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand; cool (November to February); and hot (March through May).

Bambi :D:D:D

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Q : sunbathe topless at my hotel pool without offending the thai residents

A : if u  stay in  classy hotel..no one care you nor  get harrassed , December is winter here, but for  you, i think the weather is  nice ..and yes sunny

Bambi :o

December is monsoon month, do expect shower every now and then.

The climate of most of Thailand is governed by three seasons: rainy (roughly June through October), caused by the southwest monsoon dumping moisture gathered from the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand; cool (November to February); and hot (March through May).

Bambi :D:D:D

I thought it was two seasons

Hot and hot with rain !

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Dec- high season and yes it will be sunny/hot. I don't think there is any weather but that in Thailand. HOT and HOTTER is the norm.

Topless- don't bother - create more problems than its worth. Get your rays from a tanning bed in blighty before u go. :D

On an added note ...PLEASE BAN SPEEDOS!!! :D:o

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December is monsoon month, do expect shower every now and then.

December is in the "cool" season (which is still hot hot hot) and is very dry, this is why there are rainmaking missions.... last year I didn't see rain from november through to March... :o

. HOT and HOTTER is the norm.

Well it is for those of us who come from countries that are still in the ice age.. :D

totster :D

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info on topless, nud_e at beaches, you may also want to google Thai nud_e beaches, lots of info.  Good Luck Ray

Just because people are so mindless as to do it here... doesn't mean it's ok... :o

Shows a total lack of respect IMHO... :D

totster :D

Just checked out the links :D What a bunch of idiots, i have NEVER met a Thai person who is comfortable at seeing topless people on a beach and certainly not sat down eating food in a market.

When my wife or any of our friends have seen this behaviour they have made comments about how embaressed(spelling) they feel.

Guess Thai people are just to polite to say anything to the people concerned.

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December, eh? Cool Season - don't forget your thermal underwear, fur coat, rain mac, umbrella and snow boots :o:D:D

Just kidding - it probably will be 70-80 degrees in BKK (maybe a bit hotter, maybe a bit cooler). Rain is unlikely (but then a mate of mine went to Tunisia and it snowed! They don't even have a word for the stuff :D ). More likely in what would be the Summer in the UK and early Autumn.

Topless sunbathing? Hows your figure? :D . Better keep 'em covered.

Generally. most Thais will be friendly, but not approach to close. They may invite you to share their picnic etc, but the guys will not attach themselves to you (harrass) like they do in Greece/North Africa/Turkey etc. In a nightclub, they may well try their luck, but you'd expect that anywhere I would imagine. If they do get lucky, insist on the necessary rubberwear (no not the Gimp costume!) - bring some with you just incase, perhaps. Same with a trip anywhere abroad I'd guess.

Feet. Try not to cross your legs - if you do, keep it at the ankle, you will not offend then. Sitting cross leged or laying down, no one will take offense. A good list of Do's/Don't earlier in this thread. Be respectful to Buddha images and images of the royals (including money!). Stand for the National Anthem (don't worry, you will notice, 'cos everyone else will too).

Don't check your brain in at the airport. Like any other country there are con men/women. Some pretend to be officials/cops etc (some might actually be!!!). Just use common sense and if a deal is to good to be true, it is. Don't buy jewlery from other than proper gold shops and there are NO government run Gem/Gold dealers - its a famous con that gets lots of people year in, year out.

Have a good time, and keep safe.

PS: Stay away from drugs; stay away from people that don't stay away from drugs. Thais do not take drug crime (possession is a crime) lightly. :D

PPS: Not Silly Questions - I wish more people would ask questions before coming here - we would not have to suffer the tar they paint us with if they did. :D

Edited by wolf5370
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Not silly questions at all. As far as topless sunbathing is concerned you will see it in some places. Some people who have not done the correct thing and researched acceptable behavior will think "if it's okay to do it where I'm from it must be okay here too." Foolish attitude. Good for you for asking. The Thai's are a wonderful people and would consider it rude of themselves to point out someone else's faux pas towards their customs. That said, yes, you will see it but it doesn't mean it's appropriate. I'd say that anywhere in Bangkok would not be the respectful thing to do even if you see others doing it. The choice is yours but I strongly doubt you'd end up in jail. Some of the beaches are differant. If there are a large number of females doing it, especially Thai women, go for it. It is not a good idea to go to the market and have lunch though.

I don't know what your primary motivation for going topless is but if it's that feeling of being "free", go for it where appropriate and widely accepted(I'm a Haulover lover). If it's the all-over tan and you'd rather not take the chance of offending anyone you can always get a tan-thru bathing suit. I did a Google search and came up with http://www.lifestylesdirect.com/ I have nothing to do with the site other than ogling the bikini models. Sorry, I digress. :o I'm not sure if that address is permitted to be posted here so if gets deleted just google "bikini tan thru" and you''ll find something.

As far as guys are concerned, well, guys are guys no matter where you are. I do think you will have LESS of a problem with guys in Thailand then you might have at a lot of places in the world. Like anywhere, use your head. You'll be fine. If you're still concerned about going somewhere alone, befriend a Thai girl as a companion. No, I'm not suggesting anything offensive here. Many can speak decent English and would be happy to be your guide. An offer of lunch, a small thank you gift, or a monetary donation(or all of the above) for showing you around would go a long way with them(keep in mind that even if you are dirt poor you still have MUCH more money then they will ever have). Explain the situation and your concerns and you'll be fine. You may even make a genuine long-time friend. They truly are an amazing people.

The weather? Unless something tropical moves through the area you will have plenty of hazy sun(lots of smog but still high UV rays so be careful). Temperature? Bangkok has 3 seasons. Hot, hotter and wet, and freaking hot! You will be there during the "hot" season which means 85-95 degrees F everyday. Once you get there you will laugh at yourself for even worrying about it while uttering, "Geez, it's HOT!

Any questions, post or PM.

Have a good time.

P.S. ALWAYS keep an eye on your bags to prevent anything from being taken from them or placed into them.

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Ha Ha Ha no im not joanna beckham.

Its a shame you cant sunbathe topless as i hate tan lines but i refuse to use tanning beds, i think they make you look all old and wrinkly where as i dont get natural sunlight very often living in the north of england so if it is there i will sunbathe!

oh another question can women visit the bangkok chick boy bars? think me and my friends would like to go down to have a look as a friend of ours paid for the "services" of a "lady" in thailand only to find out it wasnt a lady and we are not convinced they can look that convincing, just need something to tease him about!

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LOL and by the way thankyou for the advice on taking condoms but im sure i wont be getting jiggy with any thai people over there as im a tall girl and most likely taller than 3 or 4 thai people stacked up!

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Hey becky, I m sure that u must not be taller than me. I m 184cm tall and as my nick suggested, I am a teacher in a university here. :D

Hope, if u dont find any good guyz here, I would be able to be ur host for ur trip. :o

Sounds like good idea, inst it?

hehehehehhee :D

Cheerz :D

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Regarding the topless issue. If you don't mind ending up on a DVD or an Internet website, feel free to go topless. I've witnessed numerous occasions of guys running small digital camcorders on the beach and videoing all the topless women. There's several websites devoted to the topic of covert taping of women on topless beaches and going topless at hotels, but I won't cite them.

The first time I witnessed it was funny watching these Thai youths running the camera in and out on zooms of the nice foreigners posing for free for their movie extravaganzas... They offered me a dvd of their previous "best of samui", but I declined of course... despite the cheap $3 price. So if you want to be the next darling of the net, go right ahead.

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Ok i am going to Bangkok in december on my own and meeting some friends out there after a few days.

I hope my questions dont sound silly but i have heard some horror stories about tourists being thrown in jail for doing things that are not acceptable in thailand...

1. Can i sunbathe topless at my hotel pool without offending the thai residents?

2.I understand it is offensive to show the soles of your feet, do you think it would be wise to cover my feet if sunbathing face down with my feet facing up?

3. As i am female will i get harrassed by the local men if i am on my own?

4. Will it be sunny in december, i understand it will be warm and dry but im hoping it will be sunny and not cloudy.

Thats all i can think of for now but im sure i will think of more!

Would appreciate all comments.

Hi there,

I am very very sure that the Thai males will not complain whatsoever about you sunbathing topless.

Enjoy your stay!


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