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Yes The Rainy Season Has At Last Arrived


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at last we have the rain that you all have been predicting for months

i think that this time we really can say with some degree of conviction that the monsoon weather system has arrived

how long before someone posts to the effect

rain-animated-animation-rain-smiley.gif too much, too much already..

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I always like this time of year! It's the coolest it's been in well over 6 months and nice and quiet in my area. But the mosquitos are out and kind of bad. There is also dengue around! Plus I need to whack down the yard more often! I guess there are good and bad I things about anytime of the year.huh.gif

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Didn't you know its the green season when the surf and rips are so bad on the tourist beaches

lots of people who don't know any better drown(not picking on you OK).

yeh..''.the summer season'' trip didn't exactly catch on so the green season it is....and thats definately not because the ocean is green/blue ...lol

as for the dangerous rips and surf being so bad..thats a fact! and as i only live here in the green season i use swimming pools and dont swim in the ocean at all now.

wait until i'm back in aus for the summer and make up for lost time at the great beaches there..

perfectly logical i thought but someone actually chipped me about that along the lines of this gem below

Someone that waits to go to the beach when they are back in their home country (?) what are you doing here, /:blink:

something about common sense and not wanting to have to rely on the local life savers...came to mind

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terrible with the rain, hope the sun looking up soon

you will get sun mate, but dont hold your breath..it may be northern hemisphere summer but remember here in the tropics its monsoon=rain, rain,rain

another obvious reason its called green season is the amount of swimming pools that go green after a couple of days..

maybe because of low season the owners dont spend the baht to maintain the chemical balance

but then after have to shocktreat the water to restore the balance

thats the way i see it...is this correct?

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you will get sun mate, but dont hold your breath..it may be northern hemisphere summer but remember here in the tropics its monsoon=rain, rain,rain

another obvious reason its called green season is the amount of swimming pools that go green after a couple of days..

maybe because of low season the owners dont spend the baht to maintain the chemical balance

but then after have to shocktreat the water to restore the balance

thats the way i see it...is this correct?

I have 3 private pools. With the amount of rain some days here in Phuket, its not that easy to maintain perfect chlorine balance. This week all 3 went green, due to 30cm of rain in 3 days. Thats 1/5 of the perfectly balanced poolwater replaced with untreated rainwater. Algea loves it. Mosquitos too. Shock clorine needed.

Besides the monsoon rain season started a few months ago.

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I have 3 private pools. With the amount of rain some days here in Phuket, its not that easy to maintain perfect chlorine balance. This week all 3 went green, due to 30cm of rain in 3 days. Thats 1/5 of the perfectly balanced poolwater replaced with untreated rainwater. Algea loves it. Mosquitos too. Shock clorine needed.

Besides the monsoon rain season started a few months ago.

:ermm: yes ,yes of course mate...

that explains why the country is in drought..:rolleyes:

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:ermm: yes ,yes of course mate...

that explains why the country is in drought..:rolleyes:

Sorry, I should have said the monsoonseason in PHUKET started a few months ago, but since this is a Phuket thread I just assumed you would understand. Silly me.

My home in Kata is east west oriented. When the wind changes from east-west to west-east the monsoonseason has started. It usually takes a week of thunder and lightning to change direction. Whenever its rainig in monsoonseason my eastfacing bedroomwindows dont get wet by rain anymore. This started in May. This year as any year. The amount of rain since the monsoonseason started in Phuket this year has been less than usual, but more than in the dry season.

I doubt the monsoon conditions in Phuket affects the drought in Isarn. Its another climate in this part of the country, +1500 km away from here.

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:ermm: yes ,yes of course mate...

that explains why the country is in drought..:rolleyes:

Sorry, I should have said the monsoonseason in PHUKET started a few months ago, but since this is a Phuket thread I just assumed you would understand. Silly me.

My home in Kata is east west oriented. When the wind changes from east-west to west-east the monsoonseason has started. It usually takes a week of thunder and lightning to change direction. Whenever its rainig in monsoonseason my eastfacing bedroomwindows dont get wet by rain anymore. This started in May. This year as any year. The amount of rain since the monsoonseason started in Phuket this year has been less than usual, but more than in the dry season.

I doubt the monsoon conditions in Phuket affects the drought in Isarn. Its another climate in this part of the country, +1500 km away from here.

if you really believe that the S W monsoon doesn't effect ;all of SE asia including all of thailand but only effects phuket...you would believe in the tooth fairy and santa::unsure:

in this case its no point even wasting my time to show you how rediculous your statement is...now i've heard it all!!

Edited by ausinpatong
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if you really believe that the S W monsoon doesn't effect ;all of SE asia including all of thailand but only effects phuket...you would believe in the tooth fairy and santa::unsure:

in this case its no point even wasting my time to show you how rediculous your statement is...now i've heard it all!!

Of course the SW monsoon effects all of SE Asia. Doesnt mean climate is the same 1500 km away from Phuket. Having lived in both Andaman (Phuket) and Gulf of Thailand (Surat and Hua Hin) I know how different the climate is near the other ocean only 240 km from Phuket. So still doesnt mean present monsoon conditions in Phuket affects the draught in Isarn.

To put it like this, its never been raining in Andaman and Gulf of Thailand same day on my hundreds of trips between these two oceans. 240 km apart.

and the way you write your posts, like you where born here and have been living here for 5 decades, declaring everyone else is stupid and challenging posters, I m sure you still havent heard it all

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Of course the SW monsoon effects all of SE Asia. Doesnt mean climate is the same 1500 km away from Phuket. Having lived in both Andaman (Phuket) and Gulf of Thailand (Surat and Hua Hin) I know how different the climate is near the other ocean only 240 km from Phuket. So still doesnt mean present monsoon conditions in Phuket affects the draught in Isarn.

To put it like this, its never been raining in Andaman and Gulf of Thailand same day on my hundreds of trips between these two oceans. 240 km apart.

and the way you write your posts, like you where born here and have been living here for 5 decades, declaring everyone else is stupid and challenging posters, I m sure you still havent heard it all

I agree with you Beach Bum! There are micro-climates even within Phuket, not alone Thailand and SE Asia. To say the weather is the same throughout the whole region is ignorant. I've met an arrogant Aussie or two in my time here... I guess you've met one now too!laugh.gif

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I agree with you Beach Bum! There are micro-climates even within Phuket, not alone Thailand and SE Asia. To say the weather is the same throughout the whole region is ignorant. I've met an arrogant Aussie or two in my time here... I guess you've met one now too!laugh.gif

dont throw a leg out of bed boys...i'm sorry if you are put in an awkward situation by having facts presented to you. i realise that this makes it very hard for you to argue with. and you have to resort to name calling as usual..rather chidish i would say ..

..see the advantage of being well read and well informed is that one can present facts...also known as the truth..as i do..why do you have a problem with the truth?

you continue posting nonsenses in reply to me and i sure as hel_l will keep challenging you [as you say] and post the facts back to you..its that easy mate...you want to calm down a little..your also totally correct in saying that i haven't heard it all yes, i will keep learning and having opinions and never stop questioning everything and keep an open mind and accept that right up till my dieing day i still wont have heard it all..

then you wont get all hot and bothered and lose track of the thread and what the gist of it all is

i fully realise all about micro-climate and geographical effects on weather patterns and i never said jimi that the weather is the same throughout the whole region..did i?and you have the gall to call me ignorant and arrogant...your opinion mate..your opinion

my reply was to this fromKBB;

I doubt the monsoon conditions in Phuket affects the drought in Isarn. Its another climate in this part of the country, +1500 km away from here..

i say that the monsoon 100% does effect the drought in Isaan...this time of year it is the only weather sytem that can bring drought breaking rain to all the north..where else can it come from?

North Thailand weather - three seasons

. The hot season is between March and June. The other northern season is from June to November and is dominated by the southwest monsoon, during which time rainfall in the north is at its heaviest.

I rest my case..so to speak..facts speak louder than you...

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dont throw a leg out of bed boys...i'm sorry if you are put in an awkward situation by having facts presented to you. i realise that this makes it very hard for you to argue with. and you have to resort to name calling as usual..rather chidish i would say ..

..see the advantage of being well read and well informed is that one can present facts...also known as the truth..as i do..why do you have a problem with the truth?

you continue posting nonsenses in reply to me and i sure as hel_l will keep challenging you [as you say] and post the facts back to you..its that easy mate...you want to calm down a little..your also totally correct in saying that i haven't heard it all yes, i will keep learning and having opinions and never stop questioning everything and keep an open mind and accept that right up till my dieing day i still wont have heard it all..

then you wont get all hot and bothered and lose track of the thread and what the gist of it all is

i fully realise all about micro-climate and geographical effects on weather patterns and i never said jimi that the weather is the same throughout the whole region..did i?and you have the gall to call me ignorant and arrogant...your opinion mate..your opinion

my reply was to this fromKBB;

I doubt the monsoon conditions in Phuket affects the drought in Isarn. Its another climate in this part of the country, +1500 km away from here..

i say that the monsoon 100% does effect the drought in Isaan...this time of year it is the only weather sytem that can bring drought breaking rain to all the north..where else can it come from?

North Thailand weather - three seasons

. The hot season is between March and June. The other northern season is from June to November and is dominated by the southwest monsoon, during which time rainfall in the north is at its heaviest.

I rest my case..so to speak..facts speak louder than you.

Sorry I responded the way I did. I think I had just got flamed from someone else and it reflected in my reply to you. Best wishes.

Cheers, Jimi

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Sorry I responded the way I did. I think I had just got flamed from someone else and it reflected in my reply to you. Best wishes.

Cheers, Jimi

no problems at all jimi..we can all make bad calls at times , human nature..appreciate someone on this forum who has the decency to make good...

cheers to you..

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dont throw a leg out of bed boys...i'm sorry if you are put in an awkward situation by having facts presented to you. i realise that this makes it very hard for you to argue with. and you have to resort to name calling as usual..rather chidish i would say ..

..see the advantage of being well read and well informed is that one can present facts...also known as the truth..as i do..why do you have a problem with the truth?

you continue posting nonsenses in reply to me and i sure as hel_l will keep challenging you [as you say] and post the facts back to you..its that easy mate...you want to calm down a little..your also totally correct in saying that i haven't heard it all yes, i will keep learning and having opinions and never stop questioning everything and keep an open mind and accept that right up till my dieing day i still wont have heard it all..

then you wont get all hot and bothered and lose track of the thread and what the gist of it all is

i fully realise all about micro-climate and geographical effects on weather patterns and i never said jimi that the weather is the same throughout the whole region..did i?and you have the gall to call me ignorant and arrogant...your opinion mate..your opinion

my reply was to this fromKBB;

I doubt the monsoon conditions in Phuket affects the drought in Isarn. Its another climate in this part of the country, +1500 km away from here..

i say that the monsoon 100% does effect the drought in Isaan...this time of year it is the only weather sytem that can bring drought breaking rain to all the north..where else can it come from?

North Thailand weather - three seasons

. The hot season is between March and June. The other northern season is from June to November and is dominated by the southwest monsoon, during which time rainfall in the north is at its heaviest.

I rest my case..so to speak..facts speak louder than you.

Sorry I responded the way I did. I think I had just got flamed from someone else and it reflected in my reply to you. Best wishes.

Cheers, Jimi

so we agree

different climate in different parts of LOS

the monsoonseason started in Phuket in May with heavy rainfall, and it hopefully started/will start in Isarn now.

according to stats, in May it rains 350mm in Phuket and 200mm in Udon Thani. October its 300 in Phuket and 70 in Udon Thani. Different climates, so (again:rolleyes: ) the monsoon conditions in Phuket does not affect the draught in Isarn.

Ever been away from Patong, like a roadtrip all over LOS to see the different climates? very interesting. Or just fly the other direction to Kuala Lumpur to see the dayly afternoonrain even when its dry season in Phuket. Very dry, no rain here for months.

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My wife's father lives in the isam area, she was talking to him yesterday and they still have a drought there, just light showers

some nights, the drain/canal next to his house has a couple of inches of water in it in the morning when it rains and drys up by lunchtime.

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Thanks for making a thread about the weather entertaining guys! :lol:

As a new expat I have been enjoying the rain, and cool days, here. Coming from Perth where they've had nothing, apart from one freak storm, for several years it's good to watch it pissing down here. (although I could have done without it on monday the day we moved the GF's junk into the new place!)

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