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Approached While On Holiday Re; Investing In Holiday Units, Partnership

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Just want to know what the general thought was on this: I befriended a man I met who owns a group of bungalows in Nai Yang Beach and he said his wife's family own the beach front and there is one small piece of land that was granted by the courts to be built on. Evidently the family years ago dontated the land to the National Parks and now want it back. the parcel is ready to build on and he has the plans etc. He appears to be genuine but of course I am not rushing into it. He says he will build, we will go 50/50 on rentals as he wants 6 units at $4,000 dollars AUS to build. He has some money and wants to go halves in it with me. The units he has are really well built and he runs a good business. He doesn't want to set up a 'company' as he says it is too much tax; however, I read that the govt does not usually encourage 'partnerships' with foreigners.

He is willing to be completely transparent, that is he told me what he owes the bank for the units he already has. He said I could have a unit and retire because if we went into business I would be like family. Now, I do know that Thai's do place more emphasis on the business 'relationship' but as I am from Australia I am a bit wary.

He says he has a lawyer friend who can write up the contract etc. I mentioned that in that contract I would want to be able to have my funds back in case the wheels fell off for whatever reason.

what is the general thoughts on this and does this happen often as he said he had already approached a German fellow who seemed interested and did not get back to him.


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Do they hold a chanote tittle to the land? I doubt it by your post. If you what to lose $4,000 AUD, I could use it. LOL.. I must agree with opalhort.

It sounds fishy. Plus, I would never try to own or operate a business in Thailand. Just my opinion, it's your money.

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National Parks land is a hot button issue in Thailand right now due to political figures and poor Thai's who have encroached on parks land. That encroachment is now resulting in many of these folks losing the land they thought they owned (or thought Thai govt didn't care about a little encroachment). Now I know your situation is different in that the land was donated to the National Parks many years ago...and my guess is once the land was donated the land will remain the property of the govt unless they decide to give it away, allow buy back, etc. I'm sure if this was a good deal some Thai investors would have already struck a deal with your new friend. I wouldn't touch this offer with a ten foot pole.

Edited by Pib
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In a word - scam. Stay away. You probably know nowhere enough about business and property in Thailand and foreigners' lack of rights. Don't believe a word his lawyer tells you, by the way.

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I've got a much better idea for an investment, that one is obviously a SCAM.

Please, don't invest with this man, invest with me. I have an inheritece of 65 billion dollars but I can't get my hands on the cash until I pay a inheritence access levy to the govt. Of course you understand, I don't have $4000 to do this. If you let me use your $4000, I will access the 65 Billion and send you half. Please forward your money to me through Western Union. Kind regards, with love from Somchai in Nigeria.

PS: On a serious note, beware of farangs in Thailand, theres seems to be a few dodgy ones around.

Edited by neverdie
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I've got a much better idea for an investment, that one is obviously a SCAM.

Please, don't invest with this man, invest with me. I have an inheritece of 65 billion dollars but I can't get my hands on the cash until I pay a inheritence access levy to the govt. Of course you understand, I don't have $4000 to do this. If you let me use your $4000, I will access the 65 Billion and send you half. Please forward your money to me through Western Union. Kind regards, with love from Somchai in Nigeria.

PS: On a serious note, beware of farangs in Thailand, theres seems to be a few dodgy ones around.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I agree with all posts regarding this,stay well away as its most likely a well thought out and planned scam and the "Lawyer" is in on it of course.

neverdie,I am very interested in your investment though,I am sending 4000 via Western Union today

Edited by TigertheCat
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I agree with all posts regarding this,stay well away as its most likely a well thought out and planned scam and the "Lawyer" is in on it of course.

neverdie,I am very interested in your investment though,I am sending 4000 via Western Union today

You are safe with me brother, I have a AAA+ rating with Dodgy bros rating agency.

One of my favourite sayings which applies to LOS so regularly is, "A fool and his money are easily parted"

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National Parks are red/yellow hot bed at the moment a no go zone.

"He says he has a lawyer friend who can write up the contract etc." :rolleyes:

Please don't be fooled, others have written already, take their advice. TIT

Cheers from another Aussie

PS. I am assuming that you are new to Thailand? as it's your first post. If so take advice ok!!!! but not from a Thai Lawyer Haaaaa.

Edited by sevenhills
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I would ask to see the paper trail of these land transactions from the past the donations etc. If all are there and in order I would seriously consider the deal but get a lease for the bungalow you would live in.Also I would get my own lawyer. 6 units at 4,000 a pop is cheap 24,000 worth the risk. If he doesnot have the paper to back up his statements run away ,run away very quickly, and lose his phone number.

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Just want to know what the general thought was on this: I befriended a man I met who owns a group of bungalows in Nai Yang Beach and he said his wife's family own the beach front and there is one small piece of land that was granted by the courts to be built on. Evidently the family years ago dontated the land to the National Parks and now want it back. the parcel is ready to build on and he has the plans etc. He appears to be genuine but of course I am not rushing into it. He says he will build, we will go 50/50 on rentals as he wants 6 units at $4,000 dollars AUS to build. He has some money and wants to go halves in it with me. The units he has are really well built and he runs a good business. He doesn't want to set up a 'company' as he says it is too much tax; however, I read that the govt does not usually encourage 'partnerships' with foreigners.

He is willing to be completely transparent, that is he told me what he owes the bank for the units he already has. He said I could have a unit and retire because if we went into business I would be like family. Now, I do know that Thai's do place more emphasis on the business 'relationship' but as I am from Australia I am a bit wary.

He says he has a lawyer friend who can write up the contract etc. I mentioned that in that contract I would want to be able to have my funds back in case the wheels fell off for whatever reason.

what is the general thoughts on this and does this happen often as he said he had already approached a German fellow who seemed interested and did not get back to him.

thanks for the good laugh :lol: :lol:

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Another generation of fish have arrived, every touchdown of a aircraft bring in another mullet, several more suckers born every day, only invest what you are willing to gamble in what you know, is a crooked card game. Just a few of the pearls of wisdom I have listened to over the years.

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I would ask to see the paper trail of these land transactions from the past the donations etc. If all are there and in order I would seriously consider the deal but get a lease for the bungalow you would live in.Also I would get my own lawyer. 6 units at 4,000 a pop is cheap 24,000 worth the risk. If he doesnot have the paper to back up his statements run away ,run away very quickly, and lose his phone number.

Did you read the OP?

I befriended a man I met who owns a group of bungalows in Nai Yang Beach and he said his wife's family own the beach front and there is one small piece of land that was granted by the courts to be built on. Evidently the family years ago dontated the land to the National Parks and now want it back. the parcel is ready to build on and he has the plans etc.

Yeah, sure! Squatters that never had any title to the land, gave it to the government and now wants it back? Good luck!


He says he has a lawyer friend who can write up the contract etc. I mentioned that in that contract I would want to be able to have my fundsback in case the wheels fell off for whatever reason. I bet he does have a lawyer friend and he's in on the scam and the contract he writes isn't worth the paper it's written on. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn't true! Red flags all over this one! But by now, I'm sure you understand the point of the people that have lived here for a while...

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When you were in Nai Yang, did you by any chance see the broken buildings that are situated next to the Buddhist temple, and opposite the market on the road to the beach?

Those buildings are all that is left of a small hotel that was being built by a Swedish man who 'befriended' a Thai man in Nai Yang who promised to go 50/50 with the Swedish man, if the latter would finance the hotel buildings. After approximately 70% build, the Swedish man visited Nai Yang again and found access to 'his' hotel blocked, and the Thai man denying the existence of any legal contract between them. The foreigner loss all his investment and the hotel buildings were left to rot.

I'm not saying that this is the same Thai man who has approached you, but having lived in that village for 4 years, I got to know something about what was going on. The Thai man involved in this 'scam' comes across as a very nice person and has a very successful tourist business (or 2) in Nai Yang. But his smile is just a 'Thai Smile', if you understand my meaning.

The National Park would certainly be unwilling to authorize 'legal' building on their land, unless suitable payment was made to them. The recently-built Dewa Hotel sits on National Park land and a large sum of money is rumoured to have passed hands in order to obtain building permission.


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