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Anyone Ever Met A Real Hermaphrodite?

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hermaphrodite , animal or plant that normally possesses both male and female reproductive systems, producing both eggs and sperm. Many plants, including most flowering plants (angiosperms), are hermaphroditic, or monoecious; in these, male and female reproductive structures are present in the same plant, often in the same flower, and many hermaphrodite flowers are self-pollinated. Many lower animals, especially immobile species, are hermaphroditic; in some, such as earthworms, two animals copulate and fertilize each other. Some parasitic species, e.g., the tapeworm, are self-fertile as well as hermaphroditic, insuring reproduction where the parasite may be the only member of its species in the host. Many hermaphrodites are protandrous or protogynous, i.e., gametes of the two sexes are produced in the same organism, sometimes in the same gonad, but at different times; in such organisms (e.g., the oyster and the sage plant) self-fertilization is impossible.

ps..never met dear .. im xxy chromosome

Bambi :o

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hermaphrodite , animal or plant that normally possesses both male and female reproductive systems, producing both eggs and sperm. Many plants, including most flowering plants (angiosperms), are hermaphroditic, or monoecious; in these, male and female reproductive structures are present in the same plant, often in the same flower, and many hermaphrodite flowers are self-pollinated. Many lower animals, especially immobile species, are hermaphroditic; in some, such as earthworms, two animals copulate and fertilize each other. Some parasitic species, e.g., the tapeworm, are self-fertile as well as hermaphroditic, insuring reproduction where the parasite may be the only member of its species in the host. Many hermaphrodites are protandrous or protogynous, i.e., gametes of the two sexes are produced in the same organism, sometimes in the same gonad, but at different times; in such organisms (e.g., the oyster and the sage plant) self-fertilization is impossible.

ps..never met dear .. im xxy chromosome

Bambi :o

If you get information from somewhere and then post it here you should say where the information comes from, otherwise people will think you are a plagarist...which means someone who steals someone elses writing and tries to make people believe that it is theirs. Where did you get this information?

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actually i did some research for my daughter on the subject of berdache (shaman that are men in womens clothes but hermaphrodite as bambinaA put it (not post op) i.e. bambinaA was a man with woman's soul heart but her chromosomes were male ; hermaphradite has chromosomes of both man and woman (a group of beduins up north have this problem as they are all interrelated, and the gene dominates with them... some were operated on, some not... anyway)


a person that researched the berdache and is also a 'real' hermaphrodite

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If you get information from somewhere and then post it here you should say where the information comes from, otherwise people will think you are a plagarist...which means someone who steals someone elses writing and tries to make people believe that it is theirs. Where did you get this information?

OK , im sorry .. from www.answer.com

* * *

which means someone who steals someone elses writing and tries to make people believe that it is theirs. Where did you get this information?


well im not pretend as guru .. i just search for the defination like dictionary .. thats it..

nextime i will put all preference then

Edited by BambinA
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I have seen a couple of hermaphrodites in India.

They usually travel on the trains and try to embarrass people like me travelling.

They came up to me and lifted their skirts, showing that they had male and female body parts, pretty interesting really.

There is a town in India that has hundreds of these people, can't mind it's name though.

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Where did you get this information?

Why does it matter so much to you...? :o

totster :D

Why does it matter so much to me? How much do you think it matters to me? Do you think it matters to me alot?...or alittle? If you tell me how much you think it matters to me then I will tell you if it does mean that much to me and why. Otherwise I don't really understand your question. I was simply telling Bambina about the ettiquette etc. that I have observed on TV. I have seen other people post things that were copied and pasted from sources and not given the reference and people have been really rude to them....I don't think I was rude to her at all...do you think I was rude to her? Bambina seemed to handle it well and I don't think she felt I was being rude to her...but maybe I'm wrong.

and Jai Dee, I have read several of Bambina's posts and I'm fully aware of the fact the Bambina is Thai..or at least claims to be Thai...of course when you only read what someone has written it is impossible to be sure of any personal attributes...but I'm off track here. What I'm trying to say is that after reading several of Bambina's posts I have not gotten the impression that Bambina is fragile or needs to be handled with delicacy lest I break Bambina in some way...Bambina seems pretty sturdy to me and I can't see why you would think that I need to "take in easy" on Bambina..I think Bambina is fully capable of handling any comment I or anyone else would make.

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Where did you get this information?

Why does it matter so much to you...? :o

totster :D

Why does it matter so much to me? How much do you think it matters to me? Do you think it matters to me alot?...or alittle? If you tell me how much you think it matters to me then I will tell you if it does mean that much to me and why. Otherwise I don't really understand your question. I was simply telling Bambina about the ettiquette etc. that I have observed on TV. I have seen other people post things that were copied and pasted from sources and not given the reference and people have been really rude to them....I don't think I was rude to her at all...do you think I was rude to her? Bambina seemed to handle it well and I don't think she felt I was being rude to her...but maybe I'm wrong.

and Jai Dee, I have read several of Bambina's posts and I'm fully aware of the fact the Bambina is Thai..or at least claims to be Thai...of course when you only read what someone has written it is impossible to be sure of any personal attributes...but I'm off track here. What I'm trying to say is that after reading several of Bambina's posts I have not gotten the impression that Bambina is fragile or needs to be handled with delicacy lest I break Bambina in some way...Bambina seems pretty sturdy to me and I can't see why you would think that I need to "take in easy" on Bambina..I think Bambina is fully capable of handling any comment I or anyone else would make.

ohh you guys ,please dont fight... it was my wrong and i apologised already..and Khun Jai Dee and Khun Totster re nice persons, they know im not so good in Eng , i dont know Farang's manner..coz im a Thai(or at least claims to be Thai..as u said)


ps..yes i can accept all comment good or bad..

ps2.. ok..what i put ,it's just dictionary 's definition, i dont aware that i have to put the source as reference...i promise next time i will put all source if i copy from some place ..

Edited by BambinA
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Where did you get this information?

Why does it matter so much to you...? :D

totster :D

....I don't think I was rude to her at all...do you think I was rude to her?

Chownah... when I first read your post I just thought it was a little too hard...

She was not trying to pass it off as her own words, just trying to give some information... there ws not need to know where she got the information unless you were disputing the content.. IMHO

Why does it matter so much to me? How much do you think it matters to me? Do you think it matters to me alot?...or alittle? If you tell me how much you think it matters to me then I will tell you if it does mean that much to me and why

I'm thinking that if it matters so much that you have to post about it, well then you are a little strange that you need to know the source.... why are you so interested, personal experience maybe...? :o

Totster :D

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the indian (india) hermaphrodites are i think called haijii or something like that... yes like with the beduin group, there are specific towns (same familys probably) that have a lot do to intermarriage etc....they are invited to dance at weddings and perform vulgar plays... source: masaa aher (israeli nat;l geographic mag.)

the native american indians also have this (cant remember which tribes anymore) but they are considered holy people (the berdache i referred too)...

some trivia:

snails are hermaphrodites;

in an all female chicken coop, some females start to develop male sex organs including larger wattles and comb but are sterile (we had three females become males, it only happens in the industrial type chickens, not the 'natural, local chickens)...

in inbred group of goats (hornless mother bred to her own hornless son) , all born polled (w/o horns) have a greater chance of having hermaphrodite kids (we call them tomtoms)

several types of oscars (fish) do this too...

why? did somebody just notice that he/she had extra bits of genitalia ??

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the indian (india) hermaphrodites are i think called haijii or something like that... yes like with the beduin group, there are specific towns (same familys probably) that have a lot do to intermarriage etc....they are invited to dance at weddings and perform vulgar plays... source: masaa aher (israeli nat;l geographic mag.)

the native american indians also have this (cant remember which tribes anymore) but they are considered holy people (the berdache i referred too)...

some trivia:

snails are hermaphrodites;

in an all female chicken coop, some females start to develop male sex organs including larger wattles and comb but are sterile (we had three females become males, it only happens in the industrial type chickens, not the 'natural, local chickens)...

in inbred group of goats (hornless mother bred to her own hornless son) , all born polled (w/o horns) have a greater chance of having hermaphrodite kids (we call them tomtoms)

several types of oscars (fish) do this too...

why? did somebody just notice that he/she had extra bits of genitalia ??

Did you write this yourself Bina ...or copy it... It doesn't bother me but Chownah will probably have to know where you got it from... :D

totster :o

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the indian (india) hermaphrodites are i think called haijii or something like that... yes like with the beduin group, there are specific towns (same familys probably) that have a lot do to intermarriage etc....they are invited to dance at weddings and perform vulgar plays... source: masaa aher (israeli nat;l geographic mag.)

the native american indians also have this (cant remember which tribes anymore) but they are considered holy people (the berdache i referred too)...

some trivia:

snails are hermaphrodites;

in an all female chicken coop, some females start to develop male sex organs including larger wattles and comb but are sterile (we had three females become males, it only happens in the industrial type chickens, not the 'natural, local chickens)...

in inbred group of goats (hornless mother bred to her own hornless son) , all born polled (w/o horns) have a greater chance of having hermaphrodite kids (we call them tomtoms)

several types of oscars (fish) do this too...

why? did somebody just notice that he/she had extra bits of genitalia ??

Did you write this yourself Bina ...or copy it... It doesn't bother me but Chownah will probably have to know where you got it from... :D

totster :o

just search from google waht khun Bina say


yess.. that's my reference... i dont write it by myself..

ps.. K.Bina , your daughter's site is nice ..

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to clarify (yes totser no offense, i dont usually get offended from virtual arguements :D )

bambinA: a site my daughter used, not created :o glad u found it interesting;

the animal info is from seeing my chickens, my vet explaining about the goat kids and the rest from the zoo courses since people are really in to sex /animals (how long how big, is it both male/female etc) and i have to answer knowlegably... the rest is pure anthro. interest ...

its actually a very interesting subject since hermaphroditism tests our feelings about identity, sexual and mental... even more so than transgender/transexual etc etc... because these people are a true combination like: yin/yang mix, earth/sky etc and biologically, they are also 'whole' as both male/female, but most modern society sees them as marred/bizarre; whilst traditional 'primitive' (not derrogatory definition) societies recognize this as something special

personally, and to the shock of my 'puritan' children, i've stopped looking at what people carry between their legs a long time ago... whats in their heads and hearts is a lot more important.... just among the lower mammals does the size of the testes matter (bigger = more fertile, and its fun to check!! :D )

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Did you write this yourself Bina ...or copy it... It doesn't bother me but Chownah will probably have to know where you got it from...  :D

totster  :D


And Chownah, nothing personal mate... but lighten up hey? :D

'nuff said. :D

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To answer the original question, I have.

I have a good friend in the south who is a hermaphrodite. Still classed as a man (I call her a she, though), but called a ladyboy by everyone else, I once saw some tiny lacy knickers she was wearing. Curious, and not one to pull to many punches, I asked her how she fitted her 'tackle' in such a tiny little triangle of lace.

"It's easy, Donna. I only have such a tiny little thing that it fits no problem." She then went on to show me half a thumbs length and swore that's all it was.

I also know a guy in Australia who is a hermaphrodite. Lovely man (still living as a man and no operation as yet that I am aware of) but VERY messed up with regards to who he is. He started to go through the change process years ago but backed out at the last hour.

In the end, he said he did not go through with the op because he said he was not attracted to men, and if he did it, he would in effect be a lesbian. This confused him even more.

He was suicidal, depressed and in general a very mixed up person. I felt so sad for this guy.

AND, I used to work with a girl, Helen. Many of the blokes I worked with liked her, but she would decline everyones invitations for dinner. Years after parting, I saw a womens magazine in Austrlalia with an article titled something like "I was born a Paul, now I'm Helen". Helen was still Paul when I was working with her.

The article went on to say that she was a hermaphrodite and it took years to build up the courage to finally have the operation. This girl was gorgeous. I saw her a few weeks after I read that article. She had since married (to a very masculine and lovely mechanic) and was living a happy and fulfilled life.

To all those who are living like this, I would only encourage them to follow their heart. Life is tough enough at times. If you have the resources to change your life and do what you know is the right thing, then you should do it.

Transsexuals have a lot of respect from me. Mainly because they have taken the plunge and gone ahead with a major life changing transformation. (And, yes, I do have a few transsexual friends in Bangkok - bloody gorgeous I might add).

There is a book out called "The Third Sex" by Richard Totman which is very interesting if you want to find out more.

(Chownah, this information came from my own resource).

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Did you write this yourself Bina ...or copy it... It doesn't bother me but Chownah will probably have to know where you got it from...  :D

totster  :D


And Chownah, nothing personal mate... but lighten up hey? :D

'nuff said. :D

I didn't take it personal mate....so right back at ya...lighten up hey? hahahah

Here is the post that's got everyone upset....its by me....I guess its a bit to harsh..I guess I should have added alot of smiley faces and hearts...then it would be ok, nah?

"If you get information from somewhere and then post it here you should say where the information comes from, otherwise people will think you are a plagarist...which means someone who steals someone elses writing and tries to make people believe that it is theirs. Where did you get this information?"

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To answer the original question, I have. 

I have a good friend in the south who is a hermaphrodite.  Still classed as a man (I call her a she, though), but called a ladyboy by everyone else, I once saw some tiny lacy knickers she was wearing.  Curious, and not one to pull to many punches, I asked her how she fitted her 'tackle' in such a tiny little triangle of lace. 

"It's easy, Donna.  I only have such a tiny little thing that it fits no problem."  She then went on to show me half a thumbs length and swore that's all it was. 

I also know a guy in Australia who is a hermaphrodite.  Lovely man (still living as a man and no operation as yet that I am aware of) but VERY messed up with regards to who he is.  He started to go through the change process years ago but backed out at the last hour. 

In the end, he said he did not go through with the op because he said he was not attracted to men, and if he did it, he would in effect be a lesbian.  This confused him even more. 

He was suicidal, depressed and in general a very mixed up person.  I felt so sad for this guy. 

AND, I used to work with a girl, Helen.  Many of the blokes I worked with liked her, but she would decline everyones invitations for dinner.  Years after parting, I saw a womens magazine in Austrlalia with an article titled something like "I was born a Paul, now I'm Helen".  Helen was still Paul when I was working with her. 

The article went on to say that she was a hermaphrodite and it took years to build up the courage to finally have the operation.  This girl was gorgeous.  I saw her a few weeks after I read that article.  She had since married (to a very masculine and lovely mechanic) and was living a happy and fulfilled life. 

To all those who are living like this, I would only encourage them to follow their heart.  Life is tough enough at times.  If you have the resources to change your life and do what you know is the right thing, then you should do it. 

Transsexuals have a lot of respect from me.  Mainly because they have taken the plunge and gone ahead with a major life changing transformation.  (And, yes, I do have a few transsexual friends in Bangkok - bloody gorgeous I might add). 

There is a book out called "The Third Sex" by Richard Totman which is very interesting if you want to find out more. 

(Chownah, this information came from my own resource).

Well I'm glad to hear that. Because did you know that if you get information from somewhere and then post it here you should say where the information comes from, otherwise people will think you are a plagarist...which means someone who steals someone elses writing and tries to make people believe that it is theirs. Some one might ask you "Where did you get this information?" and then all your friends will make negative comment on whoever asks you the question because it is too harsh...unless of course the question is accompanied by lots of smiley faces and hearts in which case it won't be too harsh...I think....but I don't know for sure because I'm just a harsh kind of guy...don't you agree?

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Harsh isn't the word I would use and if anyone does plagerise another person on this forum, I don't think the majority will give a rats a$$.

Just seems to be you that's raising the stink. If you think the person is posting UNTRUE stuff then this is not plagerism. You might then ask where there info comes from. There are way too many people posting stuff on this and many other forums that don't list their sources.

You are the one that needs to WAKE UP!


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Harsh isn't the word I would use and if anyone does plagerise another person on this forum, I don't think the majority will give a rats a$$.

Just seems to be you that's raising the stink. If you think the person is posting UNTRUE stuff then this is not plagerism. You might then ask where there info comes from. There are way too many people posting stuff on this and many other forums that don't list their sources.

You are the one that needs to WAKE UP!


I'm getting a mixed message here. You say, "There are way too many people posting stuff on this and many other forums that don't list their sources. " So, what I have done is to politely inform a new poster that the best thing to do is to list the sources when they copy and paste stuff here. You think this is a good thing...right? When I politely informed the poster of this, the poster had no problem with my message at all.....but for some reason other people started to complain to me about my comments....that's what I don't understand....why is it that the person I was communicating with has absolutely no problem with what I said but these other guys get all excited about it...for what...and the worst thing is that they've dragged this thread off topic.....I hope you all do remember that this topic is about hermaphrodites....not why I'm so "harsh"....get over it...

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jai yen yen,

you both sound like my kids -- i did not, yes u did, etc etc.....

its only a forum....and the topic is an interesting one, dont ruin it... let it go... so they dont close it down....

i have so much trivia stuffed in my head i dont know where i got most of it anymore, if its something i read heard etc... and a lot is emperical... obviously if this was a scientific paper i would source my resources, but its a forum, with info on the internet public domain....

donna, thats the interesting thing, if u checked out that site that i found, that it used to be that in certain societies, hermaphrodites were considered powerful people since they were connected to both earth and sky (male female)... being forced to decide what u are (white anglo saxon dominant gay male bla bla) means that if u cant fit in to any particular category (the 'other' box on many forms) than your sense of identity gets very screwed up...

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i think not; in humans it is characterized as bambinaA said, by chromosomes alone;

among various animals u can either breed yourself like snails and fish, or u are sterile, as with the goat kids that are with both genitalia, or my chicken coop chickens....

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