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Jimmy Stewart Lives On In Isaan


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July 3rd marked the anniversary of the 1997 death of James Stewart... as such The New York Times referenced his obituary from that date including:

Mr. Stewart shunned publicity, but was invariably good-humored with interviewers. In later years, he was a leading spokesman for conservative political and economic causes and a frequent campaigner for Republican political friends like Richard M. Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.

When interviewed about his techniques, the self-effacing actor replied characteristically, ''I don't act, I react,'' and described himself as an ''inarticulate man who tries,'' without having ''all the answers, but for some reason, somehow, I make it.''

... The summer stock company included Henry Fonda, who was to become a lifelong friend even though Mr. Stewart was a conservative Republican and Fonda a fervently liberal Democrat. The friendship endured, Mr. Stewart said in 1983, because
''50 years ago we agreed not to discuss politics.''

Some of you in Isaan that may lean toward the same political persuasion as Mr. Stewart might take note of a consumate gentleman.

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Already have...

BTW my favorite James Stewart movie is Anatomy of a Murder where Mr. Stewart was a lawyer who defended an Army Lieutenant even though they stipulated that the defendant in fact killed the victim...

Edited by jazzbo
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... and since for these purposes I guess I am of the opposite political persuasion, I will add these lines by Mr. Stewart's liberal friend Henry Fonda at the closing of the movie The Grapes of Wrath (1939):

TOM -- Henry Fonda;

MA -- Jane Darwell (Oscar Best Supporting Actress)

TOM (laughing uneasily)

Well, maybe it's like Casy says, a

fella ain't got a soul of his own,

but on'y a piece of a big soul--the

one big soul that belongs to ever'body--

an' then...

MA Then what, Tom?


Then it don't matter. Then I'll be

all aroun' in the dark. I'll be

ever'where--wherever you look.

Wherever there's a fight so hungry

people can eat, I'll be there.

Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a

guy, I'll be there. I'll be in the

way guys yell when they're mad--an'

I'll be in the way kids laugh when

they're hungry an' they know supper's

ready. An' when our people eat the

stuff they raise, an' live in the

houses they build, why, I'll be there


MA (slowly) I don't understan' it, Tom.

TOM (drily) Me neither.

Edited by jazzbo
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Then it don't matter. Then I'll be                          

all aroun' in the dark. I'll be                          

ever'where--wherever you look.                        

Wherever there's a fight so hungry                          

people can eat, I'll be there.                          

Wherever there's a cop beatin' up a                          

guy, I'll be there. I'll be in the                          

way guys yell when they're mad--an'                          

I'll be in the way kids laugh when                        

they're hungry an' they know supper's                        

ready. An' when our people eat the                        

stuff they raise, an' live in the                          

houses they build, why, I'll be there                          


If I ever met a liberal who really did any of this stuff (without an agenda), I would go back to being one, but, from what I have seen so far,  the chances are pretty remote.  :D

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" ... (Mr. Stewart) described himself as an ''inarticulate man who tries,'' without having ''all the answers, but for some reason, somehow, I make it.''

... unlike as Mr. Stewart is quoted above -- I have never met a modern-day Conservative who didn't already have all the answers (especially the Libertarian 'Gold Bugs' in the TV Finance Forum)

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Reading between the lines, this is likely pointed at me as an act of revenge.

Since JB is somewhat unclear as to his intentions, if he is saying I am Isaan's Jimmy Stewart, then I am honored.

If, however, he is saying he is Isaan's Jimmy Stewart, then it is a laughable assertion.

Either way, it is all patently silly.

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... you certainly flatter yourself .. someone on the Isaan consular outreach topic said that there were some 150 VFW members in UDT and Khorat... you like Mr. Stewart? only in your dreams...

... however my main point in noting the anniversary of Mr. Stewart's passing, was to note that he and Henry Fonda -- who met as young actors at the Playhouse on Cape Cod in 1933 -- were close friends for over 50 years even though they had vastly different political leanings simply because they early on agreed NOT to discuss politics.

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... you certainly flatter yourself .. someone on the Isaan consular outreach topic said that there were some 150 VFW members in UDT and Khorat... you like Mr. Stewart? only in your dreams...

... however my main point in noting the anniversary of Mr. Stewart's passing, was to note that he and Henry Fonda -- who met as young actors at the Playhouse on Cape Cod in 1933 -- were close friends for over 50 years even though they had vastly different political leanings simply because they early on agreed NOT to discuss politics.

My apologies, JB. I assumed from our past experience your post was just another trolling post.

Thank you for explaining why you started the thread in the first place, although the reasoning escapes me.

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....although the reasoning escapes me. (Me too).

I had re-read the obit on Mr. Stewart and remembered his odd-couple friendship with Mr. Fonda... my posting was just a way of saying, in the words of the esteemed Rodney King (1992):

"Can we get along? ... I mean, we're all stuck here for a while ... Let's try to work it out."

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Exhibit 1: This topic is still a load of crap.

Exhibit 2: I am planning to take (the) Mrs. to the UK for a 2 week holiday in 2011... She has not been before... looking for ideas

(GenTop ThaiTravel)

The gent doesn't seem to know much about his own country let alone someone else's...

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This thread is clearly out of place here in the Isaan/Thailand thread, and since Jazzbo is now taking matters to a personal unpleasant level in his last 2 posts I would ask the mods to close it now.

I have no problem with the thread being open - totally pointless as it is.

Mr Jazzbo seems to like the sound of his own voice and with circa 50% of the posts he has made it his personal topic.

There are only 19 posts standing out of 46 - I wonder why ?? :lol:

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I have had plenty of back and forths with any number of others on TV ... but I have never called any body else's posts 'crap'... there are vestiges of American political conservatives in Isaan can be traced back to the military outposts during the Vietnam war era -- and if I want to hear my own voice, there are places I can do so other than here....

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Exhibit 1: This topic is still a load of crap.

Exhibit 2: I am planning to take (the) Mrs. to the UK for a 2 week holiday in 2011... She has not been before... looking for ideas

(GenTop ThaiTravel)

The gent doesn't seem to know much about his own country let alone someone else's...[/size]

How do you know that persons circumstances, he may not have been to the UK for decades and what has that got to do with your interesting thread?

Unimpressed of Surin

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Exhibit 1: This topic is still a load of crap.

Exhibit 2: I am planning to take (the) Mrs. to the UK for a 2 week holiday in 2011... She has not been before... looking for ideas

(GenTop ThaiTravel)

The gent doesn't seem to know much about his own country let alone someone else's...[/size]

How do you know that persons circumstances, he may not have been to the UK for decades and what has that got to do with your interesting thread?

Unimpressed of Surin

As I read Cardholders post, he was looking for ideas that might please his wife. Clearly he was anticipating responses from those who had taken their wives to the UK. His own current knowledge of the UK is irrelevant! Your comment was out of place and I reserve judgement on the thread as a whole!

Edited by prakhonchai nick
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Exhibit 1: This topic is still a load of crap.

Exhibit 2: I am planning to take (the) Mrs. to the UK for a 2 week holiday in 2011... She has not been before... looking for ideas

(GenTop ThaiTravel)

The gent doesn't seem to know much about his own country let alone someone else's...

As I have time on my hands I am content to continue to respond to this troll post. It seems Mr Jazzbo also enjoys stalking by researching my other posts. Thank you for taking such an interest in me.

having spent 50 years in the UK my knowledge of that country is extensive. Had the OP bothered to read my topic properly, he would have gleened the fact that I was looking for ideas from others with Thai spouses whi had visited the UK. The knowledge and experiences of others is invaluable when planning such trips.

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